Friday, September 26, 2008

Demon Free Zone

Demon Free Zone

Elvis Iverson

It is the will of the Lord to be free from demon control and influence, it is the will of the Lord to be free from fear, to be a believer who has no fear, it is the will of the Lord for a believer to be free from sickness and never to be sick, and it is the will of the Lord to be free from iniquity, and it is the will of the Lord to be free from financial debts, and financial suffering. –(Gal. 5:1)

After you have been through deliverance, bind and cast out demons, and breaking the legal grounds, and repented of sins. Now you must remain free, and live a life of freedom and liberty. All believers are called to freedom in Christ and we are to walk in the liberty that is in Christ. –(Gal. 5:1)

After you are free, you need to remain freedom, and mature in your freedom in Christ, and you are too steadfast against any demons that could try to reenter, or demons like the ones you cast out may try to reenter, and those demons that were cast out may bring seven more demons like them, or likewise demons like them may bring seven more demons to take back a vessel. –(Matt. 12:43-45)

However, you are to stand fast, being ready to do battle, and to submit to God and resist those demons. I ask you before reading on, first go over the other articles that I have already done on deliverance. –(Jam. 4:7)

First of all what should you pray after you cast out a demon, or demons:

· Pray for inner healing.
· Pray for those areas to be filled with grace, fruits of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit.
· Pray for protection.
· Pray for the Holy Spirit to minister and follow up.
· Bind the doors and gates of hell, and the kingdom of darkness and cast them into hell.
· Bind the demon name gatekeeper, and cast him into hell.
· Pray for new doors and gates of heaven and the kingdom of God to be established.
· After you have bind, cast demons out, and cast demons into hell, pray for the Lord to send His angels to make sure those demons go to hell, and to keep such demons, and those demons away from you.

Now you should pray these things or like these things to maintain your freedom.

· Pray for divine protection.
· Pray for the Lord to send His angels to keep those demons and demons like them away from you.
· Pray for more inner healing and more healing love.
· Apply the steps to keep doors shut.
1. Always forgive.
2. Always confess your sins.
3. Always bless.
4. Always walk in love.
5. Believe that God loves you.
6. Always renew your mind.
7. Control your mind.
8. Believe the Truth.
9. Control your tongue.
10. Believe you are free indeed.
11. Live a holy life.
12. Ask for grace and mercy.

· Renew your mind with the Word of God; build a foundation in the Word of God, and love.
· Apply the Blood of Christ.
· Seek help and the prayers of the saints.
· Move forth into more deliverance.
· Worship and praise Jesus Christ.
· Enter into rest, and abide in peace.
· Have faith and truth the Lord.
· Fellowship with other believers who have faith in you and loves you.

We begin with basic deliverance; then go on to more deep cleansing deliverance, and continue deliverance. You may need more deliverance, and some times we need to be cleanse through deliverance and confession. –(1 Jn. 1:7,9)

Do not focus on deliverance, focus on our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Word of God, and the love of God, sometimes we can come into unhealthy balance in deliverance. –(Eph. 3:19)

Know that you are saved by faith through grace, you have the gift of salvation by faith, not by works, or good deeds, and we are to live our Christian life by grace and truth, first grace then truth. Do not allow condemnation to enter in, believe in the power of the Blood of Christ. –(Rom. 8:1, 6:23,5: 8-9,1)

Believe in the power of the Blood of Christ, apply the Blood of Christ, and pray the promises of the Blood of Christ, and draw the blood of Christ around you. Trust in Christ and His Blood. –(Rev. 12:11)

Believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will help you to keep your freedom, and He will give you power to overcome. –(1 Jn. 4:4)

Fellowship and be connected to strong mature Christians that are prayer warriors, that are skillful in deliverance, and that love you, and care for you, and will not give up on you. However, you can never give up ether, for the Lord will never give up on us. –(1 Jn. 1:7)

Furthermore, before you ever go through deliverance there needs to be a foundation laid, if you don’t have a sound foundation, it will be hard to stand, and even after you been through deliverance, you need to lay a sound foundation, that you can stand and be an overcoming Christian. After you been through any deliverance lay the foundation. –(Matt. 7:24-27)

Conclusion, after a demon, or demons are cast out, or you been through deliverance, you need to rebuild the walls, if we don’t rebuild the walls the demons will fine it would be easy to return. This is why we need to build foundation and to rebuild the walls that have been broken down. –(Eccl. 10:8)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Power of Repentance

Power of Repentance

Clara Iverson

Holy Spirit, season these words with grace and love, so that we can all handle them. Remove the veil off the eyes of our hearts, so the truth will become like honey to our ears. In Jesus’ name Amen. Now, the grace of God is wrapping up the following words: sin, repentance, and confession. Holy Spirit, brings healing to our mind, spirit, soul and body as we read this article.

Battles will not end. Warfare will not cease until we repent. Saul can listen to soothing music all he wants. We can also fast and afflict our bodies all we want. If we do not repent of the particular sin that opens this demonic door, the tormenting demons will not leave. Even if the demon temporary leaves, it will return with seven more if our hearts do not truly repent.

Sometimes we sense heaviness on us. We just do not understand why. We feel dryness and our vitality is gone. (Psalm 51) It is like the hand of God is heavy on us day and night. We are like Saul. There are some types of stubbornness and blindness in us that we just do not know how to change. We do not know how to have breakthrough. We are like a horse or mule, have to be harnessed with bits and bridles; otherwise we cannot submit or obey.

We then groan and say what is wrong with me? Actually, God is waiting on us to be honest with ourselves. He desires truth in the inward parts. Holy Spirit is searching our hearts and He wants us to confess with our mouth the specific sin that opens door to this demonic attack. Still, we do not know how? Let us ask the Holy Spirit to remove the deception off our minds and our hearts, so we can finally SEE. Sometimes we say to ourselves, I did not steal; I did not lie; I did not commit adultery. Why do I need to repent? However, an attitude of unbelief, unforgivness, judgmental, pride, unthankfulness or a heart of fear or depression could be the actual reasons that are causing this heaviness. Once the Holy Spirit identifies it, and when we finally repent on the right sin, demons have no more legal right to stay and must go.

What are the benefits of repentance? Surely, the presence of God will come back. You will feel the returning of the Holy Spirit and you can rejoice again. (Psalm 51) The feelings are like being washed, cleansed, purged thoroughly and you feel like you are as white as snow. You feel more light, peaceful and happy. These are the rewards. Yes, it is not easy. No one wants to hear the word repentance. But, let us go ahead and repent and confess. You will enjoy the feeling of being forgiven. (1 John 9) We will taste of His faithfulness. Also, as we repent of pointing of finger and speaking of wickedness, our own breaches are being repaired. (Isaiah 58) Then, our light shall dawn in darkness. Our souls are satisfied and our bones are strengthened. We become like watered gardens. Yokes are broken off us and God’s healing springs forth speedily. The benefits of repentance will motivate us to open our mouth and confess even when we do not feel like it.

After repentance, we must renew our minds with the truth and our hearts must be transformed into Christ’ nature. We must build the walls of deliverance and salvation. When the tendency to sin is completely destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed into His likeness. We will find it very easy to walk in power, love, and sound mind. We feel like we were born to live in holiness. There are no struggles at all. As we are walking in this new lifestyle, we are surrounding ourselves with the shield of Psalm 91 protection. We abide in Him and bear much good fruits. We are not even tempted to sin at all. Demons can smell holiness in us and run in terror from us. The floods of great water cannot come near us.(Psalms 32:6) We are living in the hiding place, surrounded by the WALL of truth, mercy, deliverance, salvation, grace and the presence of God.

Remember all these are done by grace, not by legalism, nor by works. We are not under law, but we are under grace. We are saved by grace, through faith. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The wind blows as it wishes. You do not know where it comes from and where it goes. Unconsciously, you find yourself transformed. Those who are fearful, will no longer fear, but will be filled with perfect love and perfect faith. Those who feel sad easily will no longer do that, because the joy of the Lord becomes your strength. How about those who are judgmental or critical? All of a sudden, your perception changes and you just want to open your mouth to praise God and appreciate the good sides of other people. We all become more loving and forgiving as the wind of the Holy Spirit continues to blow over us.

To conclude, this is the power of grace and the revelation of grace. By the grace of God, we are able to discern between good and evil in His everyday training. We will not turn to the right or to the left. We will obey the spirit of truth wholeheartedly. Thus, we shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Healthy Self Image

Healthy Self Image

Clara Iverson

Let me begin by asking you the following questions? Do you like yourself? Do you think God did not make mistakes? Do you think you are beautiful (for women) and handsome (for men)? This applies to other areas. Do you like your voice? Are you comfortable with your skin color?

There are different kinds of bondage and one of the bondage is called unhealthy self-image. We can plead the blood of Jesus and pray all we want. Still, we do not have real joy. Actually, there is a hidden factor that is causing all this heaviness. That is the way you perceive yourself. The enemy has been sowing lies to us, especially to women, and is telling them they are not beautiful. Once they accept this lie into their mind, they will start to despise themselves and look down on themselves. You wonder why you have all these talents and still cannot get ahead in society. The reason is you allowed this lie to take root and became a stronghold. This stronghold influenced the way you perceive yourself and the way you relate to others. There are constant jealousy rising up from your hearts when you are among beautiful people or when you are watching TV. You do not even dare to tell others the secret of this hidden jealousy in your heart.

This can all be traced back to a negative comment made by your parents or your siblings when you were little. Parents who have low self-image usually instill these kinds of negative values to their children. Parents who do not like their own appearance will not teach their children properly on self-image. That is why you find yourself struggling all the time. You try to be confident. And you just do not know how? Also, you usually set a higher demand on yourself and are being too harsh on yourself.

This is all about perception. To the western world, everyone wants to lose weight. To the Asian world, they think that the bigger the better. Some mothers in the Oriental countries will feed their children weight-gain pills. They even worship fat buddha because they want their children to be chubby. They think that fat women are symbols of beauty and fertility. They perceive being big as a symbol of riches, prosperity and blessings.

When the model industry was introduced to the society, everyone was obsessed with losing weight. Some force themselves to vomit out those foods they just ate in order to keep their slimy figures. Others get dizzy all the time because of lack of carbohydrate. Friends, the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. God did not call us to bondage. Jesus came to set us free. Do not be entangled again with the yoke of this world. Do not be obsessed with lies any more! Of course, if some have eating disorder or gluttony issues, which are originated from anxiety or depression, then they must discipline their appetites and bring their bodies to subjection. (1 Cor 9:27) But I am addressing to those who have average body weights, measured according to the standard clinical chart of height, weight and age proportion. If your weight falls into the average range, then RELAX. Eat a balanced diet everyday. We can all eat carbohydrate, vegetables, meat and fruits in moderation. (Unless you have other health issues, then you must follow doctors’ diet instructions.) Do you know whatever is not faith is sin? We cannot eat in fear. We cannot worry if this mash potato will add more pounds. All the earth belongs to God and all its fullness. (1 Cor 10:25) If you really eat a balanced diet and intake nutritious food, then cast all your cares upon God, for He cares for you! Maintain a balance between self-discipline and liberty.

On the other hand, how can we pull down the stronghold of “I am not beautiful” mentality? First of all, you must believe that God loves you. You must believe that you are fearfully, wonderfully made. You must realize that you are a marvelous work. Everyday when you look at the mirror, you see a beautiful person there. He/She looks like a model. Yes, that is you! When you finally dare to look at the mirror and realize how gorgeous you are, the lie is uprooted and the truth has set you free.

By the blood of Jesus, we are reconciled to God. The dividing wall is broken. God made us accepted in the beloved. God loves us and accepts us. Yet, we reject ourselves. Who am I to insult God’s creation? The reasons why people treat us like grasshoppers, because we reject ourselves in the first place. People can tell if you have self-image problem or not just by the way you carry yourself. In a competitive world, the aggressive will surely target at those who have low self-esteem, those who look down on themselves. Then, you wonder why you are being mistreated everywhere you go. Because you do not believe God loves you. If you believe God loves you, you will act differently. A person who was raised in a family of love will act confidently and cheerfully all the time. You will act like God is for you and you will speak when God tells you to speak.

Friends, you were bought with a price.(1 Cor 6:20) Jesus sheded every drop of blood for you. He purchased you. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.(1 Cor 3:16) Start to like yourself. Begin to accept yourself. Unless you need creative miracles and you want God to create body parts for you; (** Please read my articles titled CREATIVE MIRACLE) otherwise, be contented in the way you look. If you have all the basic body parts and all the necessary organs, then REJOICE. Learn to get along with yourself first and you will know how to get along with others. God wants His children to shine in darkness. God wants us to show the world how GOOD our God is. We can all glorify God when we finally perceive others and ourselves properly. By the grace of God, the truth will constantly set us free and we will enjoy the liberty of being a Christian.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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High Praise and Deep Worship

High Praise and Deep Worship

Elvis Iverson

It is time to enter into High Praise, and to enter into deep Worship. You cannot have deep worship without first entering into High Praise; you must follow the steps leading to worship, first thanksgiving, then is praise, and then it is worship, praise more leads to worship more, high praise leads to deep worship, praise prepares the way for worship. –(Psa. 100, Psa. 149:6, Heb. 13:15, Psa. 42:1,7)

First and foremost, we need to establish the life of praise and worship in our personal prayer life, and then to establish the life of praise and worship in our heart and in our workplace. The worship from our heart in the workplace leads to marketplace revival, we need to establish the life of praise and worship among the believers, and in the home church, before we establish the life of praise and worship in the congregational corporate worship service. You cannot have the meaning of the life of praise and worship on Sundays without first having the life of praise and worship throughout the week. –(Phil. 4:6-7,Col. 3:22-24, Col. 3:16-17)

Every believer is to have praise and worship for the edification of the congregation, we are to speak to one another, the one another in our everyday life and in the home church before the congregation corporate service, we are speaking to one another, first love one another, and the one another’s are apply best in the church in the home, more then the congregation, then we are to speak to one another in our everyday life, in our fellowship with other believers and the fellowship in the home church, we are to speak psalms, hymns, spiritual songs singing meaning praise and worship and making melody in our heart to the Lord, what the Lord wants more is heart worship, you cannot worship without the heart, this is all real through the word of Christ in us, as we fill our hearts and our lives with the Word, and the Word richly in all wisdom, believers are to have all wisdom from God, teaching, we are to teach one another, and admonishing one another, and we are to praise and worship in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and singing, praising, and worshiping with grace in our hearts, we need grace to worship, we need grace in our heart to worship, and we need heart worship to worship. –(1 Cor. 14:26, Eph. 5:19-20, Col. 3:16-17)

After we lay the foundation toward High Praise and toward Deep Worship, let us now come into the pathway of High Praise. How do we have High Praise, and how to we apply High Praise. –(Psa. 149:6)

The Path to High Praise:

1. The Seven Praises of the Lord.
2. Prophetic Praise.
3. Prophecy.
4. Revelation.
5. The sacrifice of praise
6. Intercession
7. Praises the Lord for hours, praise through, just like prayer through.
8. Hope.

As you enter into High Praise, High Praise will prepare the way for deep worship. How do you have deep worship, and how do we apply deep worship? –(Psa. 42:1 –2,7,5,11,3-4,8)

The Path to Deep Worship:

1. High Praise.
2. Praise through.
3. Prayer Through
4. The peace of the Lord.
5. Prophetic Words.
6. Revelation.
7. Heart worship.
8. Love.

Furthermore, as you enter into High Praise you will go from High Praise to deep worship. The More High Praise, the more Deep Worship will come, you cannot have deep worship without High Praise. –(Psa. 42)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Freedom from Heaviness

Freedom from Heaviness

Elvis Iverson

There are whole nations, cities and people group, even people who are rule and under this spirit of heaviness. A belief in bad things will happen to them, a belief that they are cursed, and a belief in fate, it is a wrong and false thinking, that our minds must be free and reward from, even after a person comes to know the Lord they still need to be set free from these kinds of philosophies. –(Isa. 61:1-3)

This kind of fate thinking comes from the worship of false gods, idols, and idolatry. These nations and people groups that worship such, have not the wisdom of God, instead they have the wisdom that comes from idol worship, the false thinking of fate. –(Ex. 20:1-6)

Being a Christian you will have hard times, sufferings, and trials of life, however, you have vision and a purpose, you have hope for your future, and you have a life and a future of the Lord’s goodness and mercy. A life of restoration and progression, a life of serving the Lord with your heart, you will have the peace of God and the joy of the Lord, and we are to live a life of rejoicing and the fruits of the Spirit, entering into rest and moving forth in the peace of God. –(Jer. 29:11-13)

You are free from the doctrine of fate, which bring fear, it is a belief of fear, and those who worship false gods walk in the fear of fate. In Christ believes have faith, and they had a destiny of hope, and life of the Lord’s goodness and mercy. Doctrine of destiny is not the same as the belief of fate, instead destiny in Christ in this life and the next, a life of hope, a future of hope, and hope for today, it is not just a ideal of hope, instead it is real hope for life. –(Heb. 11:1)

Karma is a false belief in fate that comes from eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism; Karma is a curse, and it is a evil spirit, this evil spirit comes to manifests itself upon those who believe such lies, in heaviness, distressing, and confusion. The spirit of Karma is the spirit of heaviness, is the spirit of distressing, and is the spirit of confusion; all people who worship false gods, false religions, worship idols, and idolatry, are curse with this curse and evil spirit, for reason they seek the council of idols, which is the council of demons. –(Isa. 30:1, Isa. 61:3, 1 Sam. 16:14, 15, 1 Cor. 14:33)

How to be free from this evil spirit:

1. If you’re not a Christian give your life to Christ.
2. If you are Born Again Christian and are religious, repent of being religious.
3. If you are a Born Again Christian, and worship the idols of your heart, then repent.
4. Believe the Truth that you have a future of hope.
5. Repent of all false thinking and beliefs.
6. Identificational repentance.
7. Break the Karma curse.
8. Blind, cast out, and cast into hell the spirit of Karma.
9. Likewise do the same with the spirits of heaviness, distressing, and confusion.
10. Blind, cast out, and cast into hell any spirit of divination, familiar, witchcraft.
11. Pray for inner healing, restoration, and rebuilding the walls, and pray for those areas to be filled with grace, fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit.
12. Begun to praise the Lord and worship the Lord.

Furthermore, you have a future of hope, you have hope today,
Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and your life you will have the goodness and mercy of the Lord, and you can trust in the Lord, who loves you and cares for you. –(Eph. 1:3-23)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Lay Down Our Pearls

Lay Down Our Pearls

Clara Iverson

First and foremost, we must be assured that our Heavenly Father is good and loving. He definitely wants to give us good and perfect gifts. He wants to answer our prayers so that our joy can be full. He wants His children to be cheerful. This is the foundational truth.

Nevertheless, before the manifestations of our prayer requests, there are some works that need to be done with our hearts. Our Lord God wants to circumcise our hearts, so that we will love Him with all our hearts, and with our soul. (Deuteronomy 30) In Exodus 20:3, God said you shall have no other gods before ME. Right now, God is cleansing us from the idols of our hearts. Our hearts must desire Jesus first. Our hearts should worship Jesus, not the gifts. The heart of the gospel: We shall love our Lord with ALL our hearts, with ALL our minds, with ALL our strengths and with ALL our souls. Honestly, most of time, we worship the blessings/gifts more than Jesus Himself. However, nothing can replace Jesus on the throne of our hearts.

Yes, He is testing our hearts. For His sake, are you willing to LET GO OF the very treasures of your hearts? Yes, you have prayed for this for a long time. But for His very sake, are you willing to lay it down on the altar just like Abraham laid down Isaac? Christ wants to be the center of your life. He wants total commitment. He wants real disciples---those who desire Him first and seek Him first. Do you know when the test is over, He will give you back hundred-fold return? When He sees that you fear Him wholeheartedly, He will send angels to bring gifts at your door?

What is the sign that the test of our hearts is over? How can we know the work of circumcision is completed in our hearts? It is when we finally come to the point in which we no longer CONCERN about it. It does not matter any more. We count everything as rubbish, so we can gain Christ.

~~ For instance, some hunger for acceptance/recognition/reputation or titles. When the work of circumcision is completed, you will not even care about fame any more. Then, suddenly, you are brought to Pharaoh and you found yourself clothed with royal robes, sitting on the throne.

~~ How about those who are praying for a spouse? When you come to a point that you are able to rejoice even if you are single. Then immediately, you run into your second-half right at the corner---the one who is predestined for you.

~~ How about those who believe for prosperity? When you finally grasp the meaning of contentment and can delight in simple lifestyle. You no longer feel shameful in areas where you lack. Then instantly, you found yourself living in a big house and driving Mercedes Benz.

When we really delight ourselves in the Lord, He will finally gives us the desire of our hearts. THAT MEANS THE VERY GIFT WE WANT NO LONGER HAS A HOLD ON US.

Not only that, you have no guarantee of what will happen tomorrow. Of course, we believe we have a future and a hope and only good things will come to us. But, what if one day you lose something, you WILL NOT FALL APART because your foundation is on Jesus. You worship Jesus alone, not any gifts, nor any possessions, nor any human beings. God has laid the foundation in you and you are solid like a rock. No wind or rain can shake you. Your true SECURITY is in Christ alone. You have unshakable peace and joy no matter what comes to your way.

Therefore, be thankful now! Rejoice even if you are still in the wilderness, waiting to see the land of Canaan. Sing a new song to God even if you do not feel like it. As a matter of fact, God responds to thankfulness. Count each blessing we already have right now. Just because we have a breath of life is enough reason to be filled with gratitude.

On the other hand, we must be aware of the enemy of our souls. Bitterness and self-pity are the most common weapon the enemy loves to use to steal our promises. In John 5:7, Jesus waited until the 38th year to heal this man, who had a spirit of infirmity at the pool of Bethesda.This man was trapped in his bitterness. He thought life was unfair and he thought he could not get healed because God made him crippled, which was why he missed his chance of healing when the angel stirred the water. Brothers and Sisters, God did not do anything wrong. If Jesus did not stop by, that man would always be that way. A curse without cause shall not alight. (Proverbs 26:2) There is a reason for every problem, but God is never the problem. Also, God did not owe us anything. It is not a time to complain or feeling sorry for us. It is time to count everything we already have and be thankful. Everyday, we need His mercy and grace. Instead, we ought to say if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that. After all, we are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away! (James 4:14) We should say Son of David, have mercy on me!!

Brothers and Sisters, when He sees our humble and contrite hearts, shall He not drop a tear of mercy and grant us our requests? Shall He not reward us exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask, think, imagine or dream of? Shall He not restore to you the very pearl that you laid on the altar, just like Isaac was returned back to Abraham?

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Discipleship, Equipping, Mentoring and Fathering

Discipleship, Equipping, Mentoring and Fathering

Elvis Iverson

We must built congregations that have environments for gifts, revivals, spiritual growth, and spiritual maturity. If the Holy Spirit is not manifesting Himself in your services you got to ask why? If you are the only one walking, moving and manifesting in the gifts you got to ask why? If there is no spiritual maturity among you, you got to ask why? If the same saints year after year are not mature, you got to ask why? –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

Their needs to be a foundation lay for spiritual maturity, we need to understand spiritual maturity, and we need to have environment for spiritual maturity. Those who say we are ok, our church is doing fine, are behind and lack the gifts and the power of God, and are in want and need, and are not ready for revival or harvest. –(1 Cor. 1:7)

First and foremost we need to deal with spiritual maturity. The firstly we need good discipleship ministry in our congregations. When a person comes to know Christ they are first babes in Christ, spiritual babes and they need milk. –(1 Cor. 3:1-2, Col. 2:6-7)

Secondly after we go through the process of discipleship 1:01 then we need to be equipped. One of the main purposes of the five-fold ministry is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry; the saints are to do the work of the ministry, not the five-fold ministry. –(Eph. 4:12)

Thirdly as we are going through the process of equipping, we need to entering into mentoring, every believer is to be mentor by others who are gifted in the same gifts as they are, not only gifted in the same gifts, also mature and skillful in those gifts. –(2 Tim. 1:6-7, 1 Tim. 4:14)

Fourthly as you go through both the process of equipping and the process of mentoring, it is time for fathering, fathering goes beyond mentoring, it is for life, a father sees your purpose and helps to guide you there, the it is relationship with a father that matters, a father is like a life coach or a sport coach, but it is more then that. It is some one who sees your gifts, purpose, and your heart, and that are there for you. A father imparts into your life and ministry, his or hers life and ministry, they add to you. –(1 Tim. 1:2, 2 Tim. 1:1-7)

Discipleship is for the Christian life, foundation for spiritual maturity, and to live an overcoming life in Christ. Equipping is for the work of the ministry, and for the edification of the Body of Christ. Mentoring is for spiritual gifts and for maturity in the gifts. Fathering is for relationship and life support in ministry and life. –(Heb. 5:12-14)

Babes and children need milk, babes need discipleship, children and young men need equipping, young men need mentoring and fathering, and young men and fathers need meat, and fathers need apostolic fathers. –(1 Pet. 2:2, Heb. 5:14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Prophesy to Europe and Russia

Prophesy to Europe and Russia

Elvis Iverson
August 16, 2008

I see a vision of an angel pointing his finger at Europe, Russia, and Neighboring Countries. I see a dark cloud over theses nations; this dark cloud is full with fires of the Lord.

I see a vision from the Lord:

I see a workplace revival come upon these lands, leading to social transformations.

I see a new mystic prophetic revival sweeping these nations, and people of God in them.

I see a revival of love, of healing love, and divine healing coming across these nations.

I see awaking revival breaking forth sweeping across these nations.

I see an outpouring of harvest angels upon these nations.

Now this angel pointing His finger now at China, and China open wide up for the Gospel, and revival filled the nation like wild fire.

Now he points at the Middle East and an outpouring of angelic visions and dreams come upon these nations, and mass numbers come to know the Lord and changes come.

Now he points his finger at India, saying revival now, revival fire, revival oil come upon cities, a new generation of church, and outpouring of blessings.

Then this angel begin to hover over the ground saying the Lord will do new things, then I see an outpouring of new things upon the Church throughout the world.

Then the vision of this angel came to an end, but I since fire upon me, through this prophetic prophecy, I hear these words this is only the beginning, things are going to change, God is going to move, and His will be done, and God is faithful.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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An Angel to the 50 Nations

An Angel to the 50 Nations

Elvis Iverson
July 4, 2008

In a prophetic vision I see a map of the earth and I see 50 nations where believers go through persecution most server. I see a vision of an angel come before me, he brings an open book before me, I then see others come behind me, and the angel said break in parts and eat all of them. Then he give us new wine to drink, and each of us drink of this new wine, then he pour running oil upon us.

Then see a vision of a key, the angel said this is the key of freedom; I will open the gates and doors of these nations. Then the key grows wings and fly toward these nations. The angel said this is the move of God, a move of freedom.

Now I see a bowl of wine overflowing before us, the angel said this is coming judgments and shakings upon these evil governments, there time has now come, and now they will be force to change.

Now I see Lampstands of darkness in these 50 nations, they begun to fall one by one, the angel says the Lord will bring an end to the Lampstands of darkness that has persecuted the church.

Now I see a huge campfire before us, and the fires from this campfire came out and touch the church in each of these nations. The angel said this is revival coming to these nations.

Now I see a vision of a horn arising in each of these nations, this Horn had anointing flowing upon it, and this Horn is a Trumpet of the Kingdom. The angel said the Kingdom of God would increase in these nations.

Now I see a huge net in each of these nations, a net that grows and a fish net that cannot be broken instead increases and grows. The angel said this is the church arising in the freedom of the Lord and the liberty of the Spirit.

Now I see America and other nations open wide to revival, and these nations grow and increase in wealth, favor, and blessings, then a missionary revival flows into the 50 nations, and nations around the world, and healing of the nations begin.

Then I ask this angel when will all this begin, he then said it has already begun; it is a work in progress. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. This angel said this over and over has he gone his way unto the will of the Lord.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Clara Iverson

Introduction: Fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Fear of God is your most powerful weapon. If you fear God, you will not please men and fall into the traps of men. If you fear God, you will have the peace of God. The more you fear God, the more you will have the peace of God. Fear of God is a compass guiding you in the way you think, the way you speak and the way you act. The seven spirits of God from within us will teach and instruct us on these seven pillars of wisdom. As we base our lives on these seven pillars of wisdom, we will become wise, inherit glory, and dwell in safety and security, without fear of evil.

The first pillar of wisdom: The Wisdom of the Tongue. For every kind of beast is tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. (James 3:8) If you can control you tongue, you are already perfect and able to bridle your whole body. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Also, the heart of the righteous studies how to answer. (Prov 15:28) A wise person knows how to restrain his tongue. Never give any promise. There is time to speak and there is time to be silent. Matters you do not understand, you will not add your opinion or be prone to quick judgment. Lip of knowledge is a precious jewel. A talebearer is not trustworthy. A whisperer separates the best friend. If you are able to guard your lip, you are able to guard your life. Mouth of the righteous knows what is fitting and the tongue of the wise brings healing.

The second pillar of wisdom: Purity. We must keep our heart and mind with all diligence. For out of it, spring the issues of life. Solomon here is instructing his son. But the wisdom of purity applies to women too! Our hearts are deceitful and we must be honest before God all the days of our lives so we will not hasten to any snares. For those who have low self-esteem, be careful, because this kind of inferiority complex is easy prey to sexuality immorality. Do not think that opposite sex can fill the void in your soul. Ask for the Holy Spirit healing oil to make your heart whole. Once you are made whole in those areas, you will not seek acceptance from the opposite sex and will no longer be vulnerable to false comfort and sexual immorality. As for single women, pray and wait for God to give you a good head. Your head must be able to lead you and satisfy you in all areas of your life. As for those who are married, keep your marriage vow for God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:15)

The third pillar of wisdom: Slow to Anger. In Proverbs 16:32, He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and is able to rule his spirit. Also, a brother offended is harder to win than a strong city. Friends, Holy Spirit abides in us and if we discipline ourselves in prayer and holiness, we should be able to bear the fruit of patience, gentleness and self-control. Anger and wrath are rooted in deception, ignorance and pride. Let God be the judge in all situations. Any fool can start a quarrel and we do not want to be a fool. It is his glory to overcome a transgression. Those who have great wrath will suffer punishment. Anyone tries to rescue him have to rescue him again. Forgive one another. Remember, usually, a gentle tongue will break a bone.

The fourth pillar of wisdom: Humility. We all know pride goes before destruction and before honor is humility. A humble person will bring glory to God in all his success. A humble person will heed rebukes and open to advice. Most importantly, God gives GRACE to the humble. Humility is not equal to low-self-esteem. Low self-esteem is false humility. We must all be secure of who we are in Christ, obey God and be faithful to the talents or gifts God has given us. Being confident and yet humble in heart glorifies God. On the other hand, some do not know how to humble themselves. Pride is a deception and needs to be uprooted. More sufferings may not make us humble. Only the revelation of humility can awaken us to true humility. Moses is considered as the most humble man on earth. He was not humble but God had worked on him and he yielded to the revelation of humility and he became the meekest man on earth. If our ears would hear the first time, chastening is not necessary. Choose to obey the revelation of humility now and we can avoid fiery trials.

The fifth pillar of wisdom: The Blessings of Wealth. The crown of the wise is riches. The tent of the upright will flourish. Also, the righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, but the stomach of the wicked shall be in want. (Proverbs 13:25) Therefore, those who walk uprightly will inherit wealth. The blessings of the Lord make one rich and He adds no sorrow to it. If your ways are pleasing to God, He will grant you the blessings of wealth. After all, the wealth of the sinners is stored up for the righteous. On the other hand, luxury is not for fools. Fools mean those who are greedy, lack of self-control and squander excessively. The wise knows how to manage wealth and use wealth to glorify God.

The sixth pillar of wisdom: Obedience. Deuteronomy Chapter 28 lists in great details the blessings of obedience. An obedient heart will trust in God wholly and leans not on its own understanding. It will acknowledge God in all its ways and God will surely direct its path. An obedient ear is likened to an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold. (Proverbs 25:12) All the days of our lives, we must apply our hearts to instruction, and our ears to words of knowledge. Everyday, God has set before us life and death, good and evil, and blessings and cursing. As we choose obedience, we choose life that both our descendents and we may live. (Deut 30:9) Notice that it is not too difficult. Ways of obedience are near our mouth, and in our hearts, so that we may DO them.

The seventh pillar of wisdom: A Virtuous Woman. A prudent wife is from the Lord whilst a contentious woman is a continual dripping. A virtuous wife fears the Lord and her own works will praise her in the gates. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband. Eve was created for Adam so that Adam had a partner to help him take dominion over the earth. When couples walk in unity, see how successful their ministry and business will be! The wise woman builds her house but the foolish one pulls it down with her hands. The mouth of a virtuous woman is full of wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness. She is strengthened by the grace of God. She is smart in business and in making profits. At the same time, she is skillful in household duties. The heart of her husband can safely trust her. She does him good and not evil, all the days of her life. Even her children and husband call her blessed. Her heart is full of compassion and she extends her hand to the poor.

In conclusion, as we build our lives on these seven pillars of wisdom, their light will guide us from within and we shall shine ever brighter in the era of darkness, falsehood and error. As we learn to apply the seven pillars of wisdom to our lives, we shall be called the sons and daughters of the Father of Lights.

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