Thursday, December 30, 2010

Beyond the Veil and Onward

Beyond the Veil and Onward

Elvis Iverson
December 4, 2010

I see the angel who watches, saying the faithful shall move beyond the veil and onward.

I see a prophet prophecy for two decades. Then I hear a voice say all shall come to pass! Then I see great rivers of angels and great outpourings of angels. Now is the Time, this is the moment. Many things will happen in this decade of fulfillment.

I see the gifts of the Spirit move like a river that will not end. I see signs and wonder come in faithful waves. I see the signs of the apostle come in a mighty storm every month. I see great grace and great power among the holy apostles three months every year. I see great favor and great wealth come as rivers every month. I see the bliss gifts of God flow every week.

The angel says this is the decade of fulfillment. Then I see a decade of fullness.

I see Word Revelation go to the church around the world. I see great meetings of Word Revelation, and Prophetic Revelation, and I see great meetings of harvest, I see these meetings all over the earth.

Now the angel says, the decade of fulfillment and the decade of fullness are the double portion anointing. Are the Elijah and Elisha anointing. Then there is decade of bliss; the third portion of anointing is the anointing of Enoch. Then there is the decade of wisdom, this is the fourth portion anointing, and this is the anointing of Melichizedek. Then there is the fifth portion anointing decade of peace. This is the anointing of Abraham. But there is a time beyond this that will not end, and a group that will no die or see death. I see five portions and I see the sixth and seventh portions.

May you all be drunk in the Holy Spirit, may you all be drunk with Wine of the Holy Spirit, and may you be drunk in the peace of God, the joy of God, and love of God.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Times of Resolution and Action

Times of Resolution and Action

Elvis Iverson

There are times of resolution and action, and there are times of waiting and patience, but in times of resolution and action we move in faith and patience. –(Heb. 6:12)

It is not a time to react, we can react all the time, but what we need is proper action led by much prayer and anointing. If we seek first our Lord and His Kingdom, we will have proper action and doors of favor and opportunity. –(Matt. 6:33)

If we have to react, lets react in love, and in the peace of God, not in fear or angry, instead in the fruits of the Spirit. Yes we must be bold, and speak the truth, at the same time speak the truth in love. –(Eph. 4:15)

Apart from that, you have prayed and prayed, you have sown much seeds in prayer, there is time for prayer and then there is a time for resolution, and we are coming to that time of resolution. –(Gal. 6:7-9)

If you have been faithful in prayer, to pray with thanksgiving, now you will be ready for the times of resolution, that are coming upon us from the Holy Spirit. –(LK. 18:1-8)

Likewise, you have prophecy, prophecy, prayed over those prophetic words for long times, but now the times of resolution, and the times of apostolic affirmation, prophets bring prophesy destiny and apostles bring apostolic affirmation, which are times of resolution. –(Rev. 10:6)

You have been found faithful in prayer, faithful in prophecy, faithful in fasting, now the times of resolution are coming, some plant, some water, but God gives the increase. We plant seeds of faith in prayer, we plant seeds of faith in prophecy, and we water them with much prayer, but now God will give the increase, for the times of resolution are coming. –(1 Cor. 3:6-8)

Times of resolution must be led by the Holy Spirit, done in faith, in the peace of God, and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There is anointing of apostolic resolution coming upon the church in these coming seasons, and they have already begun. –(Rev. 3:7-8,20,4:1)

We are to pray for times of resolution to come, times of action, times of faith action, times of apostolic affirmation, and times of apostolic resolution, and times of prophetic fulfillment, and times of prayer fulfillment. We are to pray for open doors, open doors of opportunity, open doors of favor, open doors of prophetic fulfillment, and prayer fulfillment, and when you see those doors open, move in faith and the peace of God. –(Col. 4:3, 1 Cor. 16:9, Jam. 1:22-25, 2:14-26)

The times of opportunity, resolution, favor, apostolic affirmation, apostolic resolution, prophetic fulfillment, prayer fulfillment, and faith action will come upon us, overtake us, and seek us out, these are the blessings of the Lord. –(Ezek. 34:26)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Radical Faith of the Faithful

Radical Faith of the Faithful

Elvis Iverson
December 4, 2010

I see a city full of light, full of glory, full of blessing, full of fruitfulness. An angel says this is a city of great light, and this is a city of the faithful. I see a pillar of cloud, and I see a pillar of fire. The angel says they have found their resting place.

I see faithful gathering open wide their hearts and ears to the Holy Spirit. I see an increase gathering resting before the Lord not in want or in need. I see a great gathering drunk in the Holy Spirit, new wine, holy love, and great grace, revival, and Word Revelation. I see a mighty gathering in unity, in visions, in dreams, and signs and wonders. I see an innumerable company in communion knit fellowship.

I see the Holy Spirit hover over the hearts of faithful, and hovering over the faithful raining upon them day and night. I see common prophetic flow through them always, I see the Raw Prophetic arise always from among them, I see Communion Prophetic flow throughout, I see deep prophetic open in their hearts, I see ecstatic prophetic birth forth like wild fire, and I see the ecstasy prophetic flow like a mighty river, and I see prophetic union begin to grow inside. The angel says this is the beginning of last day movements of God.

Then I see healing rooms, and deliverance rooms, miracle room, and prophecy room open among this holy company. I see the signs of the apostle flow like water and fire. I see the gifts of Spirit among the common believers; I see great grace and great power among the apostles. I see the bliss gifts of God flow like oil and water among this holy company. I see 13 rivers of wealth flow every month into the ministry of the faithful. I see many will be millionaires, and the support and aid the work of Lord. I see Seven Spirits of God fill the whole holy gathering. I see outpouring of angels like rain every morning. I hear teaching of apostles every week and day. I see seeds come from around the world, and I see seeds go to the nations and cities around the world. I see a holy threefold cord go around the world, through the hearts of the apostles and ears of prophets, and surround the gatherings of fire and water. I see favor come upon all like the sun light, every day for the freedom of the gospel.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Envision the Bliss of God

Envision the Bliss of God

Elvis Iverson
December 11, 2010

In a vision I see an envision world of the supernatural that is always in the heat of Christ in the order of the Written Word of God, and the natural of Christ, and according to the Will of God, and witness of the Holy Spirit.

First I see in this world of Supernatural a land called Radical Bliss, and in this land they had to follow the divine order of bliss.

I see apostles and prophets, and believers flow and dwell in the presence of the Bliss of God; I see the bliss gifts of God. I see many angels around and within this land of bliss, I see rivers of bliss that flow out of this land.

Now I see a land called prophetic union. I see apostles, and prophets and believers flow and dwell in this land. I see angels around and in this holy land. I see the common prophetic every where, I see the raw prophetic in the meetings of the prophets and apostles, I see the communion prophetic growing and increase in the hearts of believers in many places, I see the deep prophetic begin flow in certain places and many gather there, I see the ecstatic prophetic break forth in three years at a time, and then again, and again, and then in some places always. I see ecstatic arise within and upon gathering of people in many places for seasons at times, and some always. Then I see prophetic union arise and increase in number and in following, and faithful company.

Now I see a land of healing, I see healing of the sick, casting out of demons, and raising the dead, and I see this in many places, and all over the earth, I see this every day. I see apostles, I see prophets and I see believers in the land of healing, and I see many angels.

Now I see a land of the gifts of the Spirit, I see gifts of Spirit flow as nine rivers throughout the church among many people. I see great leaders arise moving strong in all nine, and I see others strong in one, or some, I see believers all over flowing the gifts of Spirit like running water. I see many angels among them all.

Now I see a land called signs and wonders, and I see a land called the signs of the apostles, and I see a land called signs, and I see a land called prophecy, visions and dreams. I see a land called miracles.

I see a place where all these lands will come together in Word, in Fruit, in Order, in Fellowship. This is a place of teaching and impartation. I see an angel and he says God is Most Awesome.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, December 10, 2010

House by a Lake

House by a Lake

Elvis Iverson
December 4, 2010

I see a vision of a forest, a lake, and a house by the lake. I hear a voice say come now and enter into my heart, the house is my heart, and I am calling my people back to my house, the church in your home.

The door is always open, this is an open door to the supernatural, signs and wonders, revival, Gifts of the Spirit, signs of an apostle, Seven Spirits of God, Great Grace, and Great Power, Great Favor, and Great Wealth, Healing, deliverance, rising the dead, ecstasy prophecy, ecstatic prophecy, and Bliss gifts of God.

No witch, no warlock, no false prophet, no false apostle, no false brethren can enter in this door. This is the open door to all nations, to all cities, to all people groups; this is the open door to the Third Heaven Throne Room. The foundation of this house is apostles and prophets.

I enter into the open door, into a first room I see a great hall of fellowship, believers from all over the world in fellowshipping and ministering to one another. They all facing each other and praying for one another. The next room I see a group of businesspersons create a new market for all believers. I see rivers of wealth and blessings flowing throughout the church from city to city, nation to nation.

The next room I see networks of home churches with a center in many cities around the world, I see a group of holy apostles, who move in Word Revelation, and signs and wonders. They are one in the Spirit. I see a visionary apostle seated among them a river of revelation, wisdom, anointing, signs, wonders, freedom, and blessings, love flow from him. All these holy apostles were in unity, and down to earth. You don’t know they were apostles until wisdom came forth, they don’t say there were apostles, but you know for they were one in vision. The next room, was a holy council of prophets around the world, they all had wings like eagle. Prophecy, revival, came forth together, and there love for Christ and His Body was the main topic. Now the next room was a room where the holy apostles and holy prophets came together, every time these two came together the earth moved. The next room was a room of holy teachers around an Oak Table. They were in unity and love the truth. The Apostles, prophets, teachers were one in the Spirit. There are more room this house. But we must now look at the outside of the House.

I now see a lake; the lake was a full of revival, restoration, healing, and refreshing. I heard a voice say this is the anointing of the house of my heart. I see a wooded boat, and a angel in the boat says come and you will see. I got into the boat and the angel took me to the center of the lake. The angel says this is called the deep lake, for it is deep more then most lakes. I see prophecy, visions, dreams, and hosts of angels, and signs and wonders upon the lake of the anointing of the house of the heart.

Now we came to the fire by the side of the Lake, where there were believers gather around the holy fire. The angel said this is where most things will happen around the fellowship of the fire.

I now see a vision of forest around the land of house and the lake, the angel said this is the glory of God, and this is God’s holy protection. Around the holy ground of the lake and the house. The forest is Glory and wealth around the holy ground of the lake and the house.

Beyond that I see farms, vineyards, reaches, harvest fields around the forest of glory and wealth. The angel said this is the harvest of souls. Then I see cities around the harvest souls, the angel says these are cities all over the world that the Lord has open to His people. Now I see highways of silver from the cities come to the fields and from there I see roads of gold, and then I see one path that goes through the forest to the holy ground of the lake and the house. This was the path of precious stones.

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, December 03, 2010

How Deception works

How Deception works

Elvis Iverson

We should not fear deception; those who are so fearful of deception have wrong teaching and their minds need to be renewed. –(Prov. 29:25)

How not to be deceived:

1. The Bible is the Word of God, is the finial Authority.
2. Understanding and knowing the Love of Christ.
3. Filled with the Holy Spirit
4. Faithful in prayer and the Word
5. In faithful fellowship with other believers.
6. Test all things, and holdfast to the Word.
7. In alignment with apostles and prophets.
8. The faithful teaching of the Word of God.
9. Understanding the common ground, unity, the city church and the Body of Christ.
10. Humble, learning and open to the supernatural in Christ.
11. Open to the Body of Christ.
12. Love God and love one another.
13. Love for Truth

How deception works:

You first deceive yourself, and then you listen to only those who feed your itching ears, then the Lord seals your deception. –(2 Thess. 2:1-12)

Deception works like this, it is already in you, but you never get set free from it this is why young believers need to renew their minds, go through discipleship, and deliverance, all believers need to go through deliverance. After you are Born Again, baptism in water and Holy Spirit, then you should go through beginning deliverance. –(Rom. 6:17)

People who become deceive already have deception in their lives, they have not been set free from these lies, and more lies give way to more lies. –(2 Tim. 4:3-4)

Don’t worry about evil spirits taking to you, when demon spirits come to speak as from God, they come to those who are already in deception, see it is like this, there are already evil spirits in their lives that they have not yet been set free from, it is those same evil spirits that led to other evil spirits that led to deception. –(Isa. 30:1)

There are generational curses with evil spirits and lies that believers have not been set free from that leads to more deception, see the deception was already there. –(Lam. 5:7)

Yes we are test every spirit, and test every voice, and test every teaching, and test every prophecy, but don’t do it in fear.

Now how does lying evil spirit that manifest in a location, that in turn people seek it out, that location already has a curse, and been set apart for evil. Those who seek such deception already have evil spirits and deception in them, evil spirits leads to more evil spirits, deception leads to more deception, and lies lead to more lies.

Do not fear deception! Love Truth! Love God and Love One another!

This is how apostasy flows, a person is already deceive, that already have deception in their lives, which leads to more deception, and lies, and deception leads to pride and lawlessness, and the working of satan and lying signs and wonders, remember deception is unrighteousness, it is those who don’t love the truth, that seek those who agree with there deception, deception leads to more deception, deception seeks out deception, and then deception opens the door to delusion and then strong delusion.

This is why we need strong deliverance ministry!

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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