Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gatekeepers and Watchmen of the Gates

Gatekeepers and Watchmen of the Gates

Elvis Iverson

Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, they are to lay the foundation of the apostles and prophets, they are to lay the foundation of reformation, and reformation will lay the foundations for lasting revivals. –(Eph. 2:20)

Apostles are sent, and prophets are send, apostles come with divine works, and prophets come with divine messengers, apostles are call to be gatekeepers and to open the gates, and prophets are to be watchmen over the gates and to guide the people of the Lord through those gates. Apostles are leaders of leaders, and prophets are called to lead the church through divine guidance. Apostles are first, and prophets are second in the order of church government. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Apostles and prophets are foundational ministry, revelational ministry, and impartational ministry to the church. Apostles and prophets are reformational, revival, social transformation, and harvest ministry, and restoration ministry to the church. Apostles and prophets are supernatural ministry to the body of Christ. –(Eph. 2:20,3:5)

Apostles and prophets are gate ministry to the church, the apostles are gatekeepers at the gates, and prophets are watchmen at the gates, both are called to stand together at the gates. –(Rev. 21:9-21, Matt. 16:18-19, Jn. 4:1-26,Ezek. 3:17-21)

Apostles and prophets have gate ministry, they are gate ministry of the church, they have 12-gate ministry of the church. Each of these 12 gates is apostle and prophet gate ministry, only apostles and prophets can seat at these gates, as gatekeepers and watchmen. –(Isa. 1:26)

The 12-gate ministry of apostles and prophets –(Neh. 3):

First Gate: The Sheep Gate, this gate of the body of Christ, the eternal purpose of God, pastoral ministry, unity, corporate anointing, Community, city church, church government, five-fold ministry, and threefold eldership.

Second Gate: The Fish Gate, the gate of harvest, increase of the church, the church in the marketplace, Favor of the Lord, and evangelism, social transformation, discipleship, revival.

Third Gate: The Old Gate, fathering, mentoring, equipping the saints, and training, elders, fathers, mature ministry, reformation.

Fourth Gate: Valley Gate, fruitfulness of the believers, harvest in all areas of life, prosperity, the favor of the Lord, maturity, victory, overcoming, breakthrough, prophetic fulfillment, prayer fulfillment, seed time and harvest, the life of the believer, and ministry of the teacher, the teaching ministry, thanksgiving.

Fifth Gate: Refuse-Dung Gate, deliverance, cleaning, repentances, spiritual warfare, prophetic ministry, inner healing, restoration, forgiveness, reconciliation, revival, Prayer Gate.

Sixth Gate: Fountain Gate, Spirit-Filled Life, revival life, revelation, Word Revelation, Prophetic Revelation, restoration, peace, rest, refreshing, worship, unity, forgiveness, reconciliation, life, revival, prophetic ministry, Prayer Gate.

Seventh Gate: Water Gate, healing, miracles, signs, wonders, gifts of the Spirit, revival, restoration, supernatural, prophetic ministry, teaching ministry, the glory of the Lord, the presence of the Lord, Prayer Gate.

Eight Gate: Horse Gate, spiritual warfare, apostolic ministry, the increase of the Kingdom of God, The increase of the Church, Workplace Ministry, Praise.

Ninth Gate: East Gate, the Gate of the Lord, the glory of the Lord, the gate of revival, the gate of revivals, The gate of the Kingdom of God, the Increase of the Kingdom of God, the ministry of the Kings of the Kingdom, the Ministry of the Kingdom, Apostolic ministry, prophetic ministry, the ministry of wealth, the gate of wealth, the gate of the presence of the Lord, and the gate of praise.

Tenth Gate: Miphkad Gate, prophetic ministry, prophecy, visions, dreams, prophetic anointing, judgment, mercy, salvation, Revelation of times and seasons, Leading of the Lord, vision, visionary, purpose, goals, changes, promotion, apostolic ministry, revelation.

11th Gate: the gate of Ephraim, impartational gate, blessing gate, anointing gate, double portion, double portion anointing, double portion blessings, the favor of the Lord, grace.

12th Gate: Gate of Prison, or Gate of Guard, or Gate of Protection, Angelic ministry, the Favor of the Lord, and the Mercy of the Lord.

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ is the door, and has the key of David, and has giving the Church the keys of the Kingdom, and through praise the gates are open for the King of Glory to come in, who is the King of Glory, our Lord Jesus Christ. –(Jn. 10:7, Rev. 3:7-8, Matt. 16:18-19, Psa. 24)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Rejected Apostles and Prophets

Rejected Apostles and Prophets

Elvis Iverson

Apostles and prophets are real, they are for today, and Christ is still sending apostles and prophets, we need to understand and have the knowledge of apostles and prophets and how to relate to them. –(Eph. 4:11-15)

In certain areas apostles and prophets the doors to the church are opening wide, and other areas the doors are ether shut or a little open. One thing you must remember about apostles and prophets is that rejecting is just one of the tests they must pass through in their holy calling. –(Matt. 23:34-35)

If your church does not believe in apostles and prophets today your church has no foundation, apostles and prophets are foundational ministry to the church around the world. –(Eph. 2:20)

God will not move in the way you want Him to move if you do not honor and receive His apostles and prophets, before the Lord does great things He first send His apostles and prophets. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Yes they are seasonal apostles or seasonal prophets, they are recognize apostles and recognize prophets, however there are those who are emerging apostles or emerging prophets, yes we are test to see if they are apostles and if they are prophets, if they are then what? –(Rev. 2:2)

The rejection of apostles and prophets is the rejection of the Head of the church. Yes we have those who have made mistakes, and this goes for all of us. –(Matt. 5-16)

Apart from that, apostles and prophets will go through the trial of rejection, must forgive, bless, and never become bitter, we cannot reacted, instead have proper action, forgive, pray, bless them, learn from it, and seek the Lord for wisdom, and the leading of the Lord, and wait upon the Lord, and after the green light move on. –(Gen. 26)

Sometimes we come to hard grounds, rocky grounds, and dry grounds, we must keep looking for good grounds, and if we are faithful, and follow the leading of the Lord, you will fine good ground. –(Mk. 4:3-9)

On the other hand, there are apostles and prophets, who will be led to continue to minister and pray over those hard, rocky, and dry grounds, both of the ministry of the apostle and the ministry of the prophet are ministry of patience. –(2 Cor. 12:12, Jam. 5:10-11)

When you are faithful to the leading of the Lord, and keep your heart right before God, the divine patience of God will come upon you, and divine changes will come, the Lord will ether remove or change bad grounds to good grounds. I believe the key is coming in this season to change grounds to good grounds, and many ministries that have kept the vision will become fruitful. –(Rev. 3:7-8)

It is the Father’s will for us to be fruitful, and to be more fruitful, and bear much fruit in apostolic and prophetic ministries. We must pray and seek the Lord, draw near to the Lord, and pray in the Spirit, then the day will come, and sign of this day coming is the pouring out of the Spirit of Revelation upon your life, ministry, and prayer life. –(Eph. 1:15-18)

Forgive those who were not open to you, learn from it, but if they come to your later with hands open, open your hands toward them, God is in the business of reconciliation. Remember apostles and prophets are called to become wise, become full of wisdom, a ministry of wisdom. Wisdom takes time to build in our lives, and we have come to a generation that seeks the wisdom of apostles and prophets. –(Job 42)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, November 13, 2009

The Eternal Purpose of God

The Eternal Purpose of God

Elvis Iverson

In the Beginning, before the beginning, there was always God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The wisdom and council unfolding, revelation of the eternal purpose of God, which is the Church! –(Eph. 3:11)

God create the Earth for the eternal purpose, God create Man for the eternal purpose, Adam is the first man, he was full of the Love of God, and God love him much, and he wanted to love something in the same way that God loves him, so God made woman, this is a prophetic prophecy, for God loves the world that He give the world His only begotten Son, and God the Father love Christ so much, that the Son, wanted to love someone as much as the Father loves Him, so at the Cross and the Resurrection, God the Father give Him the Bride of Christ, the Church, the eternal purpose of God. –(Eph. 5:22-33)

The Church is the Bride of Christ, the Holy Spirit was giving as a gift to prepare and mature the body of Christ, for the eternal purpose. –(Gen. 24)

The restoration of all things is a prophecy for the Church, the Israel, and the whole Earth. The Church is to lead the way for restoration of all things; the church is going through a fullness of restoration, and fullness of progression, the Church will be great and more mature then in the beginning, and this is apart of the eternal purpose. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Church will come into the Unity of the Faith, this is the will of Christ, the day will come when the church will come into fullness of unity in Christ and with one another, this unity is beginning to manifest with the arising city church, and as the city church grows through time and grace, the day will come that the mature city church will arise. The fullness of the unity of the faith is manifest in the mature city church. –(Eph. 4:13)

The Church is called the City of God build on top of the Kingdom of God, the Church will arise as the city of God in every nation and in every city, and the Kingdom of God will increase throughout the world. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

The day will come when the church will become mature and holy, yes the church is holy, but the day will come when the church is without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. –(Eph. 5:27)

The day will come when the church is full of revivals, and the church will be full of the glory of the Lord, and revivals then will overflow from the church to cities and nations around the world. –(Eph. 5:27)

This is only apart of the eternal purpose, the church is the eternal purpose, one of the names of the church is the eternal purpose, the Bride of Christ will reign today, in the future, in the end times, and when Christ returns and in eternally, and will reign with Him, and be in the fellowship of the Godhead forever, and this is the eternal purpose of God. –(Eph. 3:11)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Ethics and Money

Ethics and Money

Elvis Iverson

It is time to wise up, and set forth financial guidelines for financially support that promotes character, integrity and ethics in handing money and taking up offerings for the work of the ministry. –(1 Tim. 6:9-12, 3:3)

Servants of the Lord should not get rich off the offering, there should be a set amount giving to the servants of the Lord, then the rest going to the work of the ministry. If a church increases in members or a ministry increases in favor with people, and the flow of financing increase, the servant’s honor should not increase, instead the support for the work of the ministry should increase. The servants of the Lord should be paid reasonable honors. –(1 Tim. 5:17-18, 1 Cor. 9:11,13,14)

If the servants of the Lord have alternative financially support or support from written books, etc and come into wealth that is another thing and they are free to do so. –(Deut. 8:18)

A church ministry or a church should setup a board of financial accountably, with season believers and ministers, who don’t control the budget, instead set the budget and honor support of the servants of the Lord, and then inform the members of the financial budget. This board is a symbol of trust and openings, however this board does not control the spiritual leadership or the servants of the Lord. –(Heb. 13:7,17)

When taking up the offerings, we must have the freedom of giving; this is why we must establish the grace giving system to increase the freedom of giving and the freedom of financial blessings. This is why from time to time, once a year to teach on the power of grace giving, and then to every new believer to teach them on the power of grace giving in the membership class. –(2 Cor. 8, 9)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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