Monday, February 27, 2012

Divine Soaking Times

Divine Soaking Times

Elvis Iverson
October 15, 2011

Anointing of God come, soak in the anointing of God, enjoy the anointing of God, and overflow in the anointing of God.

Presence of God come, soaks in the presence of God, enjoy the presence of God, and overflow in the presence of God.

Fire of God come, soak in the fire of God, enjoy the fire of God, and overflow in the fire of God.

Wind of God come, soak in the wind of God, enjoy the wind of God, and overflow in the wind of God.

Power of God come, soak in the power of God, enjoy the power of God, and overflow in the power of God.

Glory of God come, soak in the glory of God, enjoy the glory of God, and overflow in the glory of God.

Light of God come, soak in the light of God, enjoy the light of God, and overflow in the light of God.

Water of God come, soak in the water of God, enjoy the water of God, and overflow in the water of God.

Wine of God come, soak in the wine of God, enjoy the wine of God, and overflow in the wine of God.

I see all over the church the beginning of the divine soaking times have come. I see the outpouring of the soaking times upon the church.

I see gatherings of believers all over the earth soaking in the presence of God; I see many services of soaking in the presence of God.

I see believers soaking all other times, at home, at work, at fun times, soaking in the presence of God will come a way of life.

I see believers living everyday going to work, living life and at the same time soaking in the presence of God.

I see the coming of the soaking revivals in the church around the world.

It is in these soaking times are time of holy drunkenness, times of divine healing, times of deliverance, times of inner healing, time of breakthroughs, times of seeing visions, times of deep prophetic, times of signs and wonders, times of the gifts of the Spirit, times of the bliss gifts of God, times of blessings, and times of impartations.

Father we pray for every one who reads these words release and impart soaking presence of God to them, and change their lives for the glory of Christ, we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Call to the Prophetic Deep

Call to the Prophetic Deep

Elvis Iverson
October 15, 2011

I see a vision of a beach house, I hear the Voice of the Son of God say come to the rest of my presence, it is time for great peace, and it is time for the great presence of God. I see believers from all over the earth say let us go let us come to the rest of the presence of the Lord.

I see a vision of hundreds coming, I see thousands coming, then I see millions coming to the rest of the presence of the Lord.

I see many believers resting on the beach called ever-increasing grace. I see angels coming and going giving drinks of wine. I see the anointing of holy drunkenness all over the place. I see in the beach house the apostles teaching; I hear the believers they say we only need the teachings of the apostles and the drink of wine of holy drunkenness.

Then I see an island off the beach of rest of the presence of the Lord. I say what is this island, I hear that this is the island of prophetic revelation. I hear the Voice of the Son of God say swim to the island of prophetic revelation, many of us swim out there, it look like the island is far away, but when we swim to there it only took a few minutes.

On this island were apostolic revivals and prophetic revivals all the time. On the island it rain the new apostolic wines all the time, there were many showers every day. I see many waves of the Spirit coming to this island every day; I see the waves of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit with each wave we increase in the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit, and we increase in the bliss gifts of God, and we increase in signs and wonders.

Then I see a side of the island called deep prophetic. Now I see the others beaches on this island they are, the beach of prophetic revival, the beach of apostolic revival, the breach of the gifts of the Spirit, the breach of the bliss gifts of God, the beach of signs and wonders, the beach of signs of the apostles, the breach of great signs of apostles, the breach of great signs and wonders, and the breach of deep prophetic.

I hear the Voice of the Son of God say I have giving you grace to enter into the waters of the deep prophetic. I see a few then I see more, then I see even more swim to deep waters of the deep prophetic, then begin to swim down into the deep of the deep prophetic. Then I see that it was easy to swim down into deep of the deep prophetic. There was an anointing giving to live in the deep waters of the deep prophetic.

This place is name; the beach house, the beach of ever increasing grace, the island of prophetic revelation, and waters of the deep prophetic is called the Rest of the Presence of the Lord.

Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Biblical Proportions

Biblical Proportions

Elvis Iverson
October 8, 2011

I see a vision of Africa; I see vision of North Africa. I see massive numbers coming to the Lord in great waves. Then I see this happening all over Africa. I see apostolic revival, marketplace revival, wealth building rivers of God; I see rivers of signs and wonders.

I see South America, Central America, and Mexico. I see first massive numbers coming to the Lord in northern South America then I see this all over South America, all over Central America and all over Mexico. I see waves of revivals, waves of breakthroughs, waves of angelic hosts all over these lands.

I see India, I see in north parts of India massive numbers coming to Know the Lord, I then see this all over India. I see waves of apostolic reformation upon the church, and I see waves of apostolic revival, I see waves of signs and wonders, I see waves of angelic hosts, I see waves of breakthroughs, I see waves of great breakthroughs, I see waves of dead people coming alive again, I see waves of healing, and I see waves of anointing and freedom.

I see vision of China, I see east parts of China massive numbers coming to the Lord, and then see this all over China, and then I see this in many nations next to China. Then I see waves of apostolic reformation, apostolic revival, and apostolic restoration coming upon these lands.

I see the Middle East, I see massive numbers coming to know the Lord in western parts then I see massive numbers coming to know the Lord all over the Middle East, I see waves of breakthrough, waves of freedom, waves of liberty, waves of peace, waves of great breakthroughs, waves of revival, waves of restoration, coming to these lands.

I see vision of rest of world covered with glory, some parts covered with great glory. Some parts covered with massive glory. Some parts covered with extreme glory. Some parts covered with overflowing glory, and some parts covered with heavy glory, and some parts covered with gentle glory, and some light glory.

I hear the Voice of the Son of God saying this is your future, this is the future of the earth, this will happen, I have been planning for this for some time, and I am Lord in those times and now times and all times.

Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, February 06, 2012

A Tribulation Time

A Tribulation Time

Elvis Iverson
October 1, 2011

This is a time of blessing, this is a time of favor, this is a time for rest, this is a time of breakthrough, and this is a time of anointing for the church.

But to the world, and the cities and nations, and people who have stood in the way of My good news and My Kingdom news, and the Ministry of My Spirit this is a time of tribulation.

A time of tribulation will come upon evildoers, the wicked peoples, the wicked nations, and the wicked cities for a time.

A time of tribulation will come upon America, upon nations all over the world, upon many cities around the world.

Anything the hinders my apostles and my prophets, anything the gives harm to my people, anything that gives bad reports of my people.

Anything that hinders the ministry of My Spirit, anything that hinders the work of ministry, anything that hinders the freedom of my people, anything that try to take away from my people.

A time of tribulation,
A time of tribulation,
A time of tribulation,
A time of tribulation,
A time of tribulation,

Has come!

This time of tribulation will open the doors to the gospel in many nations, in many cities, in many people group, this time of tribulation is to open the great doors of harvest.

This time of tribulation will make open, make smooth for the times of great increase of the Kingdom of God, and the peace of the Kingdom of God, and the increase of the church.

This time of tribulation will open the doors for more restoration, for more restoration of all things, and for more healing of the nations.

To My people I say come to Me, enjoy my fellowship, enjoy my love, enjoy my peace, enjoy my presence, and rest in me, relax in me, this is not your tribulation, this is the preparing the way for you and My Spirit.

A time of tribulation has come to prepare the way for social reformation, social transformation, and restoration and healing of the nations, and increase of my Word, My Spirit, My Church and My Kingdom, and My Peace.

Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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