Divine Soaking Times
Elvis Iverson
October 15, 2011
Anointing of God come, soak in the anointing of God, enjoy the anointing of God, and overflow in the anointing of God.
Presence of God come, soaks in the presence of God, enjoy the presence of God, and overflow in the presence of God.
Fire of God come, soak in the fire of God, enjoy the fire of God, and overflow in the fire of God.
Wind of God come, soak in the wind of God, enjoy the wind of God, and overflow in the wind of God.
Power of God come, soak in the power of God, enjoy the power of God, and overflow in the power of God.
Glory of God come, soak in the glory of God, enjoy the glory of God, and overflow in the glory of God.
Light of God come, soak in the light of God, enjoy the light of God, and overflow in the light of God.
Water of God come, soak in the water of God, enjoy the water of God, and overflow in the water of God.
Wine of God come, soak in the wine of God, enjoy the wine of God, and overflow in the wine of God.
I see all over the church the beginning of the divine soaking times have come. I see the outpouring of the soaking times upon the church.
I see gatherings of believers all over the earth soaking in the presence of God; I see many services of soaking in the presence of God.
I see believers soaking all other times, at home, at work, at fun times, soaking in the presence of God will come a way of life.
I see believers living everyday going to work, living life and at the same time soaking in the presence of God.
I see the coming of the soaking revivals in the church around the world.
It is in these soaking times are time of holy drunkenness, times of divine healing, times of deliverance, times of inner healing, time of breakthroughs, times of seeing visions, times of deep prophetic, times of signs and wonders, times of the gifts of the Spirit, times of the bliss gifts of God, times of blessings, and times of impartations.
Father we pray for every one who reads these words release and impart soaking presence of God to them, and change their lives for the glory of Christ, we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, soaking, soaking prayer, Supplication International Ministries