Thursday, June 20, 2013
In the Service of the King
Elvis Iverson
What to do if your call into the ministry?
What is your gifts and calling, if you say you are called into ministry, and don’t know you are called; you need to know what is your place in the Body of Christ. Begin even as a young age in your calling, take little steps in obeying your call and begin to minister. After your know your gifts and calling, what is your purpose and vision and plans, write them all down, pray over them, and prepare for them. –(Hab. 2:2-3)
Study the Bible, the Word of God, don’t wait for someone to teach you, begin to study the Word of God, know the Word of God. Buy and study books on the Bible to help you study the Bible more, don’t wait for Bible College, you can get same books that they use in Bible College, and begin your studies now, not later. Read and study anointed books, and read and study books according to your gifts, and calling, etc. Become a person of prayer, and learn to have devotion life. –(2 Tim. 2:15)
First before you learn how to give a sermon, first learn to flow in the gifts of the Spirit that Lord has giving you, if you don’t have any gifts of the Spirit, then pray for them. Then learn to give sermons, speeches, write down sermon notes in a notebook, as the Holy Spirit leads you. Then learn to speak before people with boldness, confidence, compassion, and meekness. –(2 Tim. 4:1-2)
Seek out a mentor or spiritual father that has the same or like calling and gifts and ask them to mentor you, if they have the heart to father others into ministry, they will help you. Then be faithful in service to another person’s ministry like you’re called into yet for a season or two, etc. Learn good leadership skills, and learn to be a good leader. Fellowship with others like you is in company of those like you. You must become a person of character. You must pass the test of time. –(2 Tim. 2:2)
Remember, don’t wait for your ministry, begin your ministry, be beginning to minister where you are. But wait for the release into ministry, meaning when go on your own. Ask the Lord to train, mentor and, lead you. –(Acts 13:1-3)
The Path of ordination:
A. You begin to minister among the church in the home with other believers, in time they see your calling and gifts, they set you apart after some time of faithfulness, they then call for an apostle to come and to release you into appointment. After a time of maturity, you then are appointing as an elder, for the church recognizes you, and the apostle gives affirmation.
B. You begin to minister among the home church, after a time they recognize, and you are set apart, then they tell their apostle, and he or she begins to mentor and father the young minister, and the young minister ministers for some time, and then receives affirmation, and ordain into ministry, and after a time of maturity, will then be appointed as an elder.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Thursday, June 06, 2013
The Path of Ordination
The Path of Ordination
Elvis Iverson
The ordination of ministers today is not biblical and has no Scripture foundation. We must learn the biblical path to ordination as found in the Holy Scriptures. Ordination cannot be without relationship, cannot be without recognizing, and affirmation, it cannot be without fathering or mentoring. –(1 Cor. 4:15)
The first thing wrong with unbiblical ordination of today, it supports a special class of priest, there is no such thing, for all believers in Christ are priest, and there is only one priesthood, yes there could be a division of labor, for we all don’t have the same gifts or functions, but we are all laborers, and we all have a ministry. Yes each one of been has been giving a gift, and then there is some who be set gifts, and they are of the same priesthood, and we are all have a ministry. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, 4:10-11, 1 Cor. 14:26)
Nevertheless, the beginning path to ordination, is when you come to discover your calling and gift as ether an apostle, prophet or teacher, and begin to minister in the anointing that Christ has giving you, and minister in the church in the home, and among the one another ministry, you are faithful to minister, and you mature in your walk as a believer, and in your gift. –(Eph. 4:11, 1 Cor. 12:28)
You are first proved; you are first tested, through the test of patience and the test of time. Then if you pass the qualifications of a minister you then are recognize by the church in the home and the congregation, and recognize by other believers outside of your congregation, and recognize by those outside of the community of Christ, the church. You then are recognizing as a minister and a leader among the community of the congregation. –(Acts 16:1-5)
In addition, the apostles come and see the recognizing of the church in the home and recognizing of the congregation, then give you affirmation, and ordain you into your calling, and if you pass the qualifications of an elder, and you have mature in gifting and in your walk with the Lord, then you will be appointed as an elder. –(Acts 14:23, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, 8-13, 2 Tim. 4:1-5)
Apart from that, when a person comes to know Christ, they will go through the process of discipleship, then through a process of equipping, and then if called to be an apostle, prophet, or teacher, they will be mentored and fathered by mature apostles, prophets and teachers, and an apostolic father. –(Acts 9:26-31, 11:19-26)
However, if a minister who has been in ministry by faith or through other fellowships, come into covenant relationship, faithful, and proved and tested, and pass the qualifications of a minister, and an elder, has been recognize and giving affirmation, then can be ordain into ministry. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13, Tit. 1:5-9)
Furthermore, one of the functions of office apostles is to father other apostles, prophets, teachers, and some will be lead to setup a fathering and mentoring center. The Lord is rising up the fathering anointing upon the ministry of the apostle. –(Matt. 4:19)
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved