Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Steps of the Apostles
Elvis Iverson
The signs of an apostle are patience, signs, wonders and mighty deeds. Patience is the first sign of an apostle; it is through patience that signs and wonders will come forth. –(2 Cor. 12:12)
Some plant, there is the planting time, some water, there is the watering time, but it is God who gives the increase. Some apostles plant and other water, and some do both, the ones that plant and the ones that water are to be one in vision, covenant relationship. Apostles must learn to work together, meaning apostles need to work together with other apostles in other ministries for the good of the church. The work of planting and watering waiting for the increase is a work of patience, which is the first sign of an apostle. –(1 Cor. 3:5-10)
Apostles have prayed much, to birth new things of the Spirit and birth new fruits of the church, this takes much patience. If some one say they are apostles but can’t be patience, they may not be apostles, apostles are lifetime patience for the Kingdom of God increase and the church increase and maturity. –(Gal. 4:19)
Foundations are built over time through much patience, apostles and prophets are foundational ministry and much work together in order and unity in vision and revelation in much prayer, and foundation work is works of patience. –(Eph. 2:20, Jam. 5:10)
The steps of apostles are steps of patience. It is through faith and patience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes upon the church, it is through apostolic foundations that prepare the way for lasting outpourings, without them the church will suffer. –(Heb. 6:12)
An apostle takes few steps, but with each step an apostle takes is a big step for the body of Christ. The church moves forth with the ministry of the apostle, without apostles the church will never move forth, the moving forth of the church takes apostolic patience from an apostle of patience. –(Hab. 2:1-4)
An apostles grows in revelation from the Word, and relationship with the Lord, grows in grace, it takes grace to move forth, not just apostleship, it is grace first then apostleship. As apostle grows and matures in His gifting He will learn to depend more on the Lord and His grace, thus grace will increase. –(Rom. 1:5)
An apostle has a heart of a father, an apostle is a father, the church needs fathers, they need apostolic fathers to help guide and led us to takes steps of growth and maturity in the church. Fathers are fathers of patience; it takes patience to be a father. –(1 Cor. 4:15, Gen. 23:22-23)
Each step of patience is four things, first grace, then faith, then strength, and last glory. Grace to grace, faith-to-faith, strength-to-strength, and glory-to-glory. –(2 Cor. 3:18)
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Thursday, July 04, 2013
How to flow in Anointed Sermons
How to flow in Anointed Sermons
Elvis Iverson
Today I will teach you in how to flow in anointed sermons; first know your gifts and calling, even if your not an apostle, prophet or teacher, you can still flow in anointed preaching and anointed teaching, for we all can minister and teaching one another, and share with one another. –(1 Cor. 14:26)
First know your place in the Body of Christ, your calling, your vision, and gifts, know the Word of God, be a person of prayer, prayer gives us the wings to preach with anointing. Every believer has spiritual gifts, and every believer can flow in at least one of the gifts of the Spirit, before you learn how to give a sermon, learn how to flow in the gifts of the Spirit and the Power of God. –(1 Pet. 4:10-11)
When you spend time with the Lord in prayer and Bible Study, Ask for the Spirit of Revelation and the Spirit of Wisdom to be poured out, pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you with the Word, if you preach or teach what the Holy Spirit teach you, you will have anointed sermons. The Holy Spirit will teach you in your personal life, and some of those teachings are for the church. –(Eph. 1:17-18)
We are to study the anointing, and pray for the anointing, we are study the gifts of the Spirit, signs and wonders, and prophesy, then pray for them for your life and ministry, for we are to preach with signs. –(MK. 16:15-20)
Here are some keys to preach anointed sermons:
Share the truth with grace, grace is first before the Truth, it is grace and truth. –(Jn. 1:14)
Share the truth with the Spirit, it is Spirit first before truth, it is Spirit and Truth. –(Jn. 4:24)
Share the Truth with Life; your sermons are to be full of life, it is Spirit, then Life, and then Truth. –(Jn. 6:63)
Share the Truth in faith; your sermons must be filled with faith. –(Heb. 4:2)
Share the Truth in love; your sermons must flow in love. –(Eph. 4:15)
Before you preach or teach or minister ask yourself, is my sermon in grace, Spirit, Life, faith, love, and truth? Then before you speak pray for the Lord to anoint and minister through you.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved