Sunday, May 04, 2014

House of Fathers

House of Fathers Elvis Iverson We need a house of fathers; we need apostles and elders who have the father’s heart for the church. It is time for have a congregation that is a house of fathers, spiritual leaders who have a heart of a father. The heart of apostles should be fathering and mentoring, we need the heart of a father, and we need a heart of an apostle. There are those who say they are apostles, but don’t have the heart of an apostle. We need the heart of a father, and we need the heart of an apostle. We need a congregation who has both the heart of a father and the heart of an apostle. We no longer need the one man ministry, we no longer need the senior pastor, what we need is the ministry of elders in the congregation, a team of elders lead by a set apostle to minister to the whole congregation, the elders are mature apostles, prophets, teachers. We need a congregation that has the three fold team ministering in unity, vision and anointing. We need to establish the order and ministry of First Corinthians 12:28. We need apostles, prophets, teachers, who have a heart of a farther to minister to the congregation. We need to establish a congregation center, a place for the ministry of apostles, prophets, and teachers. A congregation is a network of home churches with a center. It is time to have a congregation that babes in Christ, those who come to Christ can go through discipleship, it is time to rebirth discipleship in the church again, so that those who come to Christ, can grow up to become strong believers in Christ. After discipleship, it is time for equipping; the five ministries of Grace are to equip the believers for the work of the ministry, Elders and ministers it is to time to open wide the do to ministry for the everyday believer in Christ, and to stop standing in the way of progress and growth. —(Eph. 4:12) After equipping a person needs to go through mentoring, mentoring is one on one and hands on training, equipping is the knowledge and training that every believer should have for ministry. It is time for the congregation to be like a Bible College, a training center for all believers in Christ. After mentoring we come to fathering, mentoring is one time process, and fathering is life time mission. We need to have congregations that are centers of discipleship, equipping, mentoring, and fathering. –(1 Jn. 2:12-14, Mal. 4:6) It is time for congregations to have the heart of a father and a heart of an apostle, it is time for our congregations to be houses of fathers, and houses of wisdom. Visit our web sites to learn more! Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved