Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Unfolding Vision of Revival
Elvis Iverson
In Revelation 21, 22 is the vision of revival there are foundation stones revivals, revival at the wall, revivals at the gates, revivals of the city of God, and revival rivers flowing to cities and nations.
Revelation 4: 1 is Revelation 21, 22, and Revelation 4:1 is Ezekiel 1, Revelation 21, 22 is Ezekiel 40, and Revelation 21, 22 and Ezekiel 40 is Isaiah 60. This is what the Lord wants for each believer, this is what the Lord wants for the church in every city, this is what the Lord wants for the whole church around the earth.
Our Lord Jesus Christ holds the key of David, and has open the Door of Revival, the Door to Revival, He has prepared the way for revival, revivals, many revivals, lasting revivals, all revivals, and revival life for you, it is yours in Christ. –(Rev. 3:7-8)
The Door to revival is open, the only thing you need to do, is open your heart to the Lord and revival, for the LORD is the LORD of REVIVAL. Then enter into the door of revival. Revival is in the Throne Room, and revival is in your heart, and revival is in the fellowship of the Church. –(Rev. 3:20)
The door of revival is already open, the door to revival has always been open, and you need the revelation of revival to enter into revival, meaning you need faith for revival. Come up Here is the calling to revival, the calling to enter into revival, the door to revival is already open, and Christ has prepared the way for revival. The prophetic vision of revival is in Revelation 21, 22 and the application of revival is in Ephesians 2:19-22.
Some years the Holy Spirit has giving me prophecies about the coming revivals, and revivals. Back some years ago I was in Central Florida praying and prophesying the Lord spoke to me about a revival that will come, and I believe it is beginning in the Lakeland Healing Revival. Now after some years of prophecy about revivals, the Holy Spirit has moved me from prophecy to revelation of revival. The Lakeland Healing Revival is the starter revival, the Lord give me the name capstone revival. –(Amos 3:7-8)
Capstone revival is the beginning of the revivals that are coming, then we will come to the great fountain deeps revivals, and from there we will come to the revival at the wall, and then revivals at the gates, through the gates and into the gates, and then the revivals of the city of God, and from there revival rivers will flow to cities and nations around the world. –(Rev. 21, 22)
What is the Capstone revival? The Capstone revival is based on Zechariah four!
The angel of awaking has come to Lakeland Florida and awaking revival there, he will soon go to other places in America and awaking revival there, this is the awaking revival, and he then will go to the world, and awaking revival there. There is an outpouring of angels of revival upon the church around the world. God uses angels to release and open up revival. –(Zech. 4:1)
The capstone revival will release the Seven Spirits of God, the Seven Lamps of fire burning before the Throne will be establish in the church around the world. –(Zech. 4:2)
The capstone revival will release the Double Portion Anointing upon the Church around the world. –(Zech. 4:3)
You need a revelation from God, to enter into coming revivals; we need the revelation of revival to have revival. Revival is first a revelation, and then it is life, and then a love feast. The Lord is releasing the revelation of revival in this new season of revival. –(Zech. 4:4-5,10)
In Zechariah Four the Lord sent the angel of awakening to me, to speak about a revival, and that he just released, a beginning of a revival in Lakeland. I believe the revival in Lakeland was a true move of God, I believe this was the beginning and this revival will prepare the way for others.
The Lakeland Revival is an unfinished work, and the work will be brought to completion. The Lakeland revival is not over. The Lord called the Lakeland revival the capstone revival.
The mantle of the Capstone Revival will be place upon others; we will see these revival times revived and awaken.
The restoration of lost revivals is beginning, this too is a move of God, God wall restore all the wells of revival, and God will bring new revival rivers to the Church and the earth. The restoration of lost revivals will begin with the restoration of the capstone revival.
I see a vision of the church around the earth, I see twelve foundations of revival, these twelve fountains of revivals around the church around the earth, these foundation fountains of revivals that will again be open up, and restored
The foundations and fountains of revivals are of precious stones, these fountains will be open up and these revivals to come forth, and lay the foundation for the gates and city of God revivals. The time is coming when all the fountains of the great deep will be open up, and the windows of heaven will be open.
Twelve fountains of revivals:
· Jasper Revival
· Sapphire Revival
· Chalcedony Revival
· Emerald Revival
· Sardonyx Revival
· Sardius Revival
· Chrysolite Revival
· Beryl Revival
· Topaz Revival
· Chrysoprase Revival
· Jacinth Revival
· Amethyst Revival
I prayed for year and half about these revivals, then the Lord open my heart and show me what these twelve revivals will be. This list is not an order, and place with the list of above.
•Prophetic Ecstasy Revival
•Apostolic Revival
•City Church Unity Revival
•Marketplace Revival
•Healing Revival
•Signs and Wonder Revival
•Angelic Revival
•Old Time Revival
•Deliverance Revival
•Home Church Revival
•New Wineskins Revival
•Believers and Kings Revival
After these twelve fountains of revivals will come an Extreme prayer revival.
Father we pray for revival at the wall a massive outpouring of prayer upon the whole church, to come to the whole church, and upon the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally, and all believers in Christ in the church around the world.
Then we come to the revivals at the gates of the City of God, these will be twelve revivals at the twelve gates of the city of God. –(Rev. 21, 22)
At last we come to the revivals of the city of God, these are five revivals that are the five restorations of the Glory of the Lord: Oil, Fire, Wine, Water and Wine of the Holy Spirit. I have written on this in a prophetic article called the coming revivals. –(Rev. 21, 22)
After the revivals of the City of God, we come to rivers of revivals that flow from the City of God to all cities, all nations and all people and all places. These will be rivers of healing, rivers of restoration, rivers of refreshing, rivers of repentance, rivers of revival. –(Rev. 22:2, Ezek. 47:1-12, Acts 3:19-21, Rev. 21, 22)
I see a vision of a Great Kingdom increase throughout the world. This is the Kingdom of God. Instead of the New World Order, God will is for a new Kingdom order. The Kingdom of God will come through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit.
I see upon the Kingdom of God is the city of God; the city of God shall arise in many cities and all cities. The Holy Spirit says someday all cities and all nations, now come to cities and nations, then many cities and many nations, then all cities and nations.
From the city of God will flow rivers of revival to cities and nations around the world!
The City of God is the Church!
Rivers will flow to cities, and nations.
Rivers will flow to many cities and many nations.
Rivers will flow to all cities and all nations.
First rivers are rivers of revival.
The Lord will heal the nations through revival.
The Lord will heal the land through revival.
Second rivers are repentance.
Third rivers of refreshing.
Fourth rivers of restoration.
Fifth are rivers of Healing
Sixth are rivers of Blessings
Seventh are rivers of Wealth.
Eighth are rivers of social transformation.
Remember there is not one revival, instead there are many revivals coming, massive revivals, and visitation revivals, lasting revivals, and resting revivals are coming.
First the church shall become full of revivals; the church shall become a glorious church, then these revivals will overflow from the church upon cities and nations around the world. First the Church shall become full of Revival and Glory, and then the Earth shall become full of revival and glory. –(Eph. 5:27, Num. 14:21)
Apart from that, Israel is the land of many revivals, Israel will have many revivals, and they will have great revivals, and the revival of revivals they will have. –(Rom. 10:1)
There will be revival in the end times, there be a end time revival, the end times is glory, victory, peace, unity, harvest, restoration, and revival.
Beyond this there is even revival after the return of Christ, the name of this revival is eternal revival, meaning a revival that will never end and that is eternal.
The Review of the unfolding vision of revival:
1. Capstone Revival
2. Twelve fountains of revivals
3. Extreme prayer revival
4.Revivals at Gates
5.Revivals in the City of God
6.Rivers of Revivals
We only see parts, we only prophecy in part, others prophesy other parts, and still we don’t see all the parts. I believe there are other revivals, moves of God, etc.
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