Prophecy of Revival
Elvis Iverson
The Holy Spirit has spoken to me about revivals for some years; as you have heard and read the prophecies the Lord give me about revival. I want to overview some of these prophecies about revival. I pray as you hear these words may revival hope come to your hearts in Jesus’ name Amen.
During a church service, I was giving a vision of revival coming to America. I did not pray for this vision, I was only in prayer during this time and the Holy Spirit give me a vision of revival for America.
I seen a vision of seven fires begun to burn throughout America, the Holy Spirit show me where these revivals will begin and that each of these revivals will come together into one whole revival fire that will cover all of America and go to the nations around the Earth, I see America was a dry wilderness, and the fires came to six areas in America, they did not all begun at once instead they begun one after another, and the seventh revival fire was all these six revival fires together as one whole revival fire.
After some years of praying for revival, and sharing this prophetic word about revival, the Holy Spirit give me more prophetic vision of revival, He give me the prophecy of the five restorations of the Glory of the Lord. Which are oil, fire, wind, water, and wine, each of these restorations of the Glory of the Lord add to one another, and each of these went throughout the whole world, and each of these five restorations connected to each other. The Oil of Glory was restored in India; this was manifested through mass rising the dead, and signs and wonders. The Fire of Glory was restored in America; this was manifested through mass repentance and cleansing. The Wind of Glory was restored in Australia; this was manifested through nation taking movement. The Water of Glory was restored in France through a great spiritual awakening. The Wine of Glory was restored in South America; this was manifested through massive deliverance.
The Holy Spirit has giving prophecies about revival coming to every nation, I believe every nation will have revival; I believe revival will come to every city, every nation, and every place.
Out of Ephesians 2:19-22 the Holy Spirit give me a prophecy for a city and the city church of that city, a prophecy called the seven works of a city. Which leads to revival. It also is the same insight the Holy Spirit now gives me for the application of revival.
Back some years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to be as I was praying and prophesying down in Central Florida, I believe this revival had now begun to come to pass, although there is much conflict, I do believe the will of the Lord will overcome these conflicts. This is the Capstone Revival, which is the restoration of revival, the revival that shall prepare the way for other revivals to come.
Then this year The Holy spirit give me a prophecy about the twelve deep fountains revivals which; led to the revelation of revival. These revivals are based out of revelation 21:19-20.
Opening the Fountains of Revivals June 14, 2008
I see a vision of the church around the earth, I see twelve foundations of revival, these twelve fountains of revivals around the church around the earth, these foundation fountains of revivals that will again be open up, and restored. They will lay the foundation to the gates revivals, and then the revivals in the city of God, which is the church around the world, and from the Throne will flow rivers of healing and rivers of revival to cities and nation around the world. This starter revival is a restoration of revival, and is a revival that is to prepare the way for others revivals to come and follow, and to open the fountains deeps of revival in the church around the world.
I see a vision of a gold reed, this is revelation, we need a revelation of revival, you need a revelation to enter into revival, and you need the revelation of the city of God, the church around the world. At the gates there is pearl, each gate has one pearl, this means revelation, you need revelation to enter into these gates, or a gate, to enter in the gates of revival, or a gate of revival.
At these gates are apostles, revivals will come through apostles and prophets, and apostles are at the gates of revival, and there are angels at the gates of revival, revival will come through angelic activity. At these twelve fountains of revivals are apostles; apostles are apart of these revivals.
The foundations and fountains of revivals are of precious stones, these fountains will be open up and these revivals to come forth, and lay the foundation for the gates and city of God revivals. The time is coming when all the fountains of the great deep will be open up, and the windows of heaven will be open.
Twelve fountains of revivals:
· Jasper Revival
· Sapphire Revival
· Chalcedony Revival
· Emerald Revival
· Sardonyx Revival
· Sardius Revival
· Chrysolite Revival
· Beryl Revival
· Topaz Revival
· Chrysoprase Revival
· Jacinth Revival
· Amethyst Revival
The Starter Revival has already begin, this will prepare the way for other revivals, revivals will follow, this is a restoration of revival, and will open the foundations of the twelve fountains of revivals, then there is the revival at the wall, and there is revival at the gates, through the gates, and in the gates, then come to revivals of the city of God, and from there the rivers of rivers flow from the Throne of God to the cities and nations of the world.
Yes this is a revelation in addition; this is a prophecy about the twelve fountains of revivals, and the coming revivals. The door to the Throne Room is open, open your heart, so that you may access and enter into the open door, and the leading of the Lord to come up here, and to receive revelation of revival, that you may enter into the coming revivals.
What the Holy Spirit has spoken is beginning to come to pass, and will come to pass, hear this prophecy, and receive its words and these words will come to pass in your life apart from that, yes these words will come to pass in the church then the earth.
Furthermore, the Prophecy of revivals at coming out of Revelation 21, 22, some how the Holy Spirit is speaking to the church in this hour from Revelation 21, 22 about revival, the City of God, and the City Church.
Conclusion, from prophecy of revival we go to the revelation of revival, and from revelation of revival we go to the application of revival.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: coming revivals, Elvis Iverson, Prophecy of Revival, Revelation of Revival, Supplication International Ministries, The New Apostolic Age of Revival, Theology of Revival