Friday, January 25, 2008

Heart Relationship and Heart Revival

Heart Relationship and Heart Revival

Elvis Iverson

We must return again to our first love, we may have a lot of head knowledge, but without loving our Lord, the knowledge we have cannot be fully applied. Pray to return to our first love, return to your first love. Become passionate in love with Jesus again. Begin a new day of loving Christ with all your hearts. –(Rev. 2:4)

You may be lukewarm, your heart may be lukewarm, and there are many who have a lukewarm heart. You are neither cold to the Lord, nor hot for the Lord. Again repent and ask the Lord to set you free from a lukewarm heart, and pray again for the fire of the Lord to rest upon your heart, and pray for your life to be in love and on fire for the Lord. –(Rev. 3:14-22)

If your heart is cold, if you have a cold heart, the Lord is speaking to you. Repent and become on fire for the Lord, begin with the first steps of repentance, pray for your heart to be on fire, pray for the fire of the Lord to rest upon your heart and your life. –(Matt. 24:12)

If you have harden your heart, if you have a Harden heart, if you cannot hear the Lord, the voice of the Holy Spirit, or the apostles and prophets, if you have harden your heart unto the Lord. Then pray for the Lord to break up the follow ground, pray for the Lord to give you ears to hear, eyes to see, pray for a open heart toward the Lord, pray for revival, and pray to yourself to be open to the Lord and His church today. –(Heb. 3:8,15, 4:7)

If you have a heart of unbelief, an evil heart of unbelief, have you allow unbelief in certain areas of your life to come into your heart. Read the Word of God, repent and ask for forgiveness, begun to have faith in the Word of God, pray for liberty from unbelief, pray to be set free from unbelief, and pray for a heart of faith. –(Heb. 3:12)

Do you have a broken heart? Has your heart been broken through the trials of life? Pray for the Lord to heal your heart, the Lord will heal the broken heart. Pray for a healed heart, a whole heart, pray for a merry heart, and a hopeful heart. –(Prov. 17:22, 15:13)

Do you have a contrite heart? Then thank the Lord, if you don’t have a contrite heart, then pray for the Lord to create a contrite heart through the working of the Holy Spirit. A contrite heart is an alter ready for revival, personal revival. Pray for a heart revival! –(Isa. 66:2, Psa. 51:17, Psa. 34:18)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Visions of the End Times part four

Visions of the End Times part four

Elvis Iverson
August 18, 2007

In a vision I see revivals coming out from the church has an army of revivals to the nations and cities around the world. I see written upon the earth these words: the glory of the Lord fills the earth” In the church the church is full of church, the church will be filled with glory, however the church will always fill with glory, even through is has come to fullness, there is an filling of glory coming for the glory of the Lord always increase. As the glory fills the church, the glory overflow unto cities and nations around the world, and world fill with glory. Even if the world becomes full of glory, there will always be filling of Glory for the glory always increases.

I see a vision of an angel standing at the seat of a government speaking, guiding and giving wisdom to a head of state. This leader of that nation can see and hear this angel. Now I see a vision of angels or a few angels standing before a company of statement, giving them wisdom, anointing, grace, mercy, and helping to aid them in their government and nation. This will be a wonder in many nations in the end times.

I see a vision of the capital of a nation, I see hovering revival over the seat of government. This hovering is mercy and wisdom raining upon them. What the leaders of nations need much more is wisdom in how to lead and what to do.

I see a vision of an angel among a city council, they can see the angel with their eyes, and this angel gives them wisdom in how to lead and how to deal.

I see a vision of global business and I see an angel speaking to the head of a company, and an angel speaking to the board guiding them with wisdom and ideals.

I see a vision of farms and ranches, and I see angels ministering anointing and guiding the working and owners, and some see these angels.

I see believers praying over a river, and anointing hovering cloud comes upon this river, and this river begins to be healed, and likewise this happens in other areas such has the healing the land.

I see government leaders and statesmen gathering from nations around the world to speak and work things out, I see believers praying In a room under them, I see a hovering anointing comes upon this international statesmen gathering, and wisdom, ideals, mercy, peace, grace is rain upon them, and they are anointed. There will come an yearly anointed time, when leaders from around the world will gathering to be anointed to govern and deal with their own governments.

Now I see a vision of angels, anointings and graces come upon people to lead them in ideals that help make life better for all. I see the tech world lead by many Spirit lead visionary people
coming up with new ideals. Likewise I see this happening in every area of walk and life for the glory of Christ.

What is being seen here will begin more and more, beginning in our time, and increasing throughout time, and coming to greater increase of these things, and in the end times great increase of these things that will be an wellsprings of anointing and grace.

Notwithstanding, I see a vision of the arising kings of the Kingdom that shall begin to arise in our time, and minister the Kingdom throughout time beginning with our time, and in the end times will be beginning of the fullness of the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, and beginning of fullness of the Kingdom of God.

I see the ministry of kings of the Kingdom in every walk and life of mankind around the world in every nation, in every city; you will see kings ministering the Kingdom of God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ will gather all thing in the church, then the church will gather all things in this world, and for the kings of His Kingdom will gather all things in this world, and He will gather all His Kings, and He will return, the fullness of the Kingdom of God, the Fullness of glory, fullness of light, fullness of peace, fullness of life, fullness of the Bride, and the beginning of eternal revival.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Pet Doctrines have Rabies

Pet Doctrines have Rabies

Elvis Iverson

Pet doctrines are subjective opinions, personal preferences, feelings, and cultural norms that we made into absolutes. Pet doctrines are deductions that we made into absolutes. Pet doctrines are interpretations that we made into absolutes. Absolutes are the essentials for salvation, the gospel essentials the common ground, common faith of the church. –(2 Pet. 3:14-18)

Pet doctrines are half-truths, man’s teaching, and man’s insight into the Word of God that becomes mix with human ideals. –(Matt. 15:2-3, Col. 2:8)

Pet doctrines are idols that demon spirits through them can to control and lead us against one another, and against Christ and the Holy Spirit. –(Gal. 5:1,15)

Pet doctrines become tools and reasons for hated and division in the Church. –(1 Cor. 1:10, 3:1-3)

Pet doctrines can become demon points of contacts if we are prideful, if we hate, if we use pet teachings to make sin ok in the eyes of the one another. –(Rom. 6:17)

Pet doctrines hinder us from revival, reformation, unity, and the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 23:13)

Pet doctrines have rabies that hurt others through their un- renewed mindsets and that plant that seeds of bitterness. –(Jam. 5:9)

Pet doctrines mislead us into false judgments against our brothers and sisters in Christ. –(Matt. 7:1-6, Rom. 14:1,4)

Pet doctrines are doorways and gateways to move in the soulish realm in praying soulish prayers and prayer craft, prophesy soulish prophecy and false prophesy against others in Christ. –(Gal. 5:15, 3:1)

We need to understand what are the absolutes the gospel essentials of the Christian faith. And we need to show respect to the truth that other believers carry that we may not agree. We need to seek for sound teaching, soundness means healthy teaching, the word doctrine means teaching. The beginning of sound healthy teaching begins with the common faith, the absolutes the gospel essentials of salvation, and Christian unity. –(Gal. 5:13-14,1 Tim. 3:14-16)

We must not only teach the Word, we must flow with the Holy Spirit, there is agreement between the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, and we need to give freedom to the supernatural of the Holy Spirit. It is the Word of God, The Nature of Christ, and the Holy Spirit; these three are the threefold cord to discernment. However, the Word must come in grace and love with meekness. –(Matt. 22:29)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Visions of the End Times part three

Visions of the End Times part three

Elvis Iverson
August 18, 2007

The church in every city is the mature city church, the church has already enter into fulfillment of the unity of the faith, and the church has already enter into fill fullness of unity in the Lord apart from that, I see visions coming to me about certain wonders that will come.

I hear the Holy Spirit saying the church will walk in signs and wonders, the believers will walk in power and signs, and the apostles will walk in signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, and prophets will walk in signs, and I will pour upon the city signs and wonders above and around them, and among them.

I see a vision of the mature city church in one of the cities; I see an open vision over the city church, in a center gathering place, although the fellowship of the church is in the homes of believers, this is a special meetings place of anointing and grace.
I see a vision of an open heaven over a center meeting place, this open vision goes on for months, and this is just one of open visions. I see that all the believers gather here see the same open vision, and they also see with the eyes of heart, meaning seeing with your physical eyes and ears and the eyes and ears of the heart. This is a vision of an open heaven of the third heaven, and they all see the third heaven, and see the Throne Room, and this is called an open vision revival.

I see a vision of the mature city church in a city, I see a vision of an angel standing in front of the gathering place, and I see more then one angel speaking and ministering, and behind them were prophets seated, and I hear many praying and worshiping the Lord notwithstanding, these angels spoke for hours and even days, and some times for months. And at some gathering places believers would see angels standing day and night. Now these angels were speaking and ministering along with prophets, and all believers could see and hear with their human eyes; this was an angelic visitation revival.

I see a vision of the mature city church in a city; I see a visitation of Christ in a center gathering place. He is speaking and ministering; it is like the four gospels all over again. I see angels standing next to Jesus; I see giving open visions, and other visions to gathering saints. This will go on from day after day at certain times, and other times people will worship and pray, and then there would be teaching going on from leaders of the church, this is a visitation of Christ revival.

I see a vision of the mature city church in a city, I see in the sky over the mature city church and the city signs and wonders in the sky above, this will go on for days, and even months, and even years. The believers will see this and those in the world will see these signs above; this is a sky signs revival.

I see a vision of a great gathering in a huge open meeting, I see great numbers gathering on these grounds, this is holy ground, and outpouring of the Spirit is pour upon these grounds day and night, and see apostles and prophets will minister nightly, and they come from around the world, there was not one main speaker, instead there was a group of prophets and apostles that were lead to setup this kind of gathering meeting, notwithstanding they were only a overseeing council of this holy meeting. This meeting will go on for days, mouths, and even years, and during the day and the late night believers will pray and worship the Lord. These grounds were full of manifestations of the Spirit, and I could see clearly angels walking among them and ministering to those who came. These meetings were place on worldwide broadcast, even during the times of just prayer, worship and manifestations, this was a 24-hour program; this was a holy gathering revival.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Restoration of Kings

Restoration of Kings

Elvis Iverson

The Church is the Priesthood of the Kingdom, the church is the ambassador of the Kingdom, and the Church is the Bride of Christ; this is the purpose and function of the church, however the church is not a religion! –(1 Pet. 2:5,9)

The church begun as the Priesthood of the Kingdom, but after a time broken the bond, and become a religion, a kingdom it itself outside of the Kingdom of God. Although those reborn of the Spirit are apart of the Church and the church is apart of the Kingdom, there was no revelation of the Kingdom of God. –(2 Thess. 2:1-12)

Even today the understanding of the Kingdom of God is in the end times, and this misinformation is not truth. You cannot understand the end times until you have the revelation of the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 13:45-46)

Nevertheless, the restoration of the Priesthood has already begun, the restoration the church, not only this is a restoration; instead it is the restoration and progression. Now in our time we have enter in the beginning of the end of the restoration of the Priesthood, and we are entering into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. –(Acts 3:19-21)

With the restoration of the Kings of the Kingdom is coming the restoration of the revelation of the Kingdom of God. In our time we have enter into a reformation of the church, and the church will be set free from religion, and we will no longer be a religion, instead be restored to the Kingdom of God, becoming the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God again, and restore the bond that is to be in between the Church and the Kingdom. –(Matt. 13:45-46)

The Kingdom of God has already begun, the beginning of the Kingdom of God was when Christ was seated upon His Throne in the Third Heaven thus begun His reign and His Kingdom on the Earth. He reigns over the earth from heaven, and when He returns He will reign from the Earth over Heaven. The Kingdom of God is increasing throughout time beginning when He ascended and was seated upon His Throne. The Kingdom is Increasing through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, through the faith of believers, and the Kingdom of God will come in it’s fullness at the return of Christ, the end times is the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God, and the kings of the Kingdom, and at Christ returns, the fullness of the Kingdom of God will come. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

The End times, it the time of the beginning of fullness of the Kingdom, and the kings of Kingdom of God, and the time of the glorious Church of Christ, and the union of Israel and the Church. –(Heb. 6:12)

The Church is the emissary of the Kingdom of God on earth, the church is the city of God on the earth, and the church is the center and heart of the Kingdom of God on earth. The Kingdom of God is in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and through faith we will manifest the Kingdom of God in our cities and nations around the world. –(LK. 17:21)

In our time we have enter into the beginning of the end of restoration of the Priesthood of the Kingdom, and we have begun the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom of God! –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Ministry of Christ, the ministry of the grace of Christ, the ministry of the five-fold ministry is to equipped the saints for the work of the ministry, they are to equipped the saints for the Priesthood ministry of the Kingdom of God, and if we do this then unity will come, maturity will come, holiness will come, glory will come, and fullness will come. –(Eph. 4:11-16, 5:26-27)

The Ministry of the apostle is to train, equip, and raise up the Kings of the Kingdom of God, we have enter into beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom, the apostles have a holy calling and a holy function from Christ, which is to raise up the kings of the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 4:17,19, 10:7-8, 24:14)

Apostles and prophets both are to prepare the way for the restoration of the Kings, the revelation of the kings, and beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom that will come in the future, in the end times, the end times is the beginning of fullness of the Kings and the Kingdom, and glorious end time church. However, today is the beginning of the restoration of the Kings of the Kingdom of God, and the restoration of the revelation the Kingdom of God. –(Eph. 3:5)

The Apostles are the ones called and ordain by Christ, for Christ in His first coming rise up apostles first to rise up the kings of the Kingdom of God, although this calling and commission is still unfulfilled, in our time will began the apostolic work of the apostles raising up the kings of the Kingdom. –(Matt. 9:37-38,10:1,7-8)

Our Lord Jesus Christ came in the first time to lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God, to seek for His bride, and to prepare for the beginning of the Kingdom, which begun when He rose, ascended, and was seated upon His Throne, thus begun the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Church and the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ is the Rock of the Kingdom, and the city of God is built upon the Rock of Christ, the Rock is the Kingdom of God, the city is the Church, the bride of Christ. On the contrary, now in our time we begin the restoration of the Kings and the restoration of the revelation of the Kingdom of God. –(Matt. 13:45-46)

Yes the Kingdom of God has increase throughout the world, but now after the Church is restored to the Kingdom, the bond between the Church and Kingdom is realign, there will come great increase of the Kingdom throughout the world, and if the Kingdom increase the Church will increase too. If there is great increase for the Kingdom, there is great increase for the church, for the church is apart of the Kingdom. This increase of the Church and of the Kingdom will increase will continue, as a river of increase and the Church and the Kingdom will increase in great ways beginning in our time, and then beyond our time, and even in the end times. –(Isa. 9:6-7, Acts 5:14)

The believers are both priest and kings in Christ; however first the believer must equipped as a priest, then the believer can be raise up to be a king, although we are priest and king in the now. The only thing is that we don’t have the application of the priest or the application of the king; therefore the restoration of the kings is a restoration of the application of kings. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:5-6,5:9-10)

Furthermore, It is the kings of the Kingdom, that shall bring social transformation to many cities, and many nations, and all cities and nations, and the world, it is the kings that shall be the leaders of restoration and progression to the nations to obey and follow Christ in them, and through the hearts of the Kings shall come revival and social transformation and bring the healing of the nations. –(LK. 19:11-27)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Visions of the End Times part two

Visions of the End Times part two

Elvis Iverson
August 18, 2007

In a vision the church is full of glory, full of revivals, and the earth is full of glory and full of revivals, I see the mature city church in every city having revival and enjoying the Lord in the end times.

I see the gate of thanksgiving before us; reconciliation is has already begun all over the world, the bridges of unity are being built, and I see the church come into the unity of the Spirit, Now I see the door of praise before us; the church will come into unity, beginning in our time, then increase to the day of mature unity and fullness of unity, community of faith and unity will arise in our cities, the unity of the faith will begin to come, and the fullness is the mature city church, I see the door of worship before us; I see oneness come to the church, relationship with the Trinity and relationship with one another, the oneness of unity will begin and in the future will come to fullness. The unity of the Godhead will come to pass. Reconciliation is the bridge of unity, the unity of the Spirit, unity is the community of unity, for unity is community, and this is the unity of the faith, oneness is the relationship of unity, which is the unity of the Godhead.

The church in the end times is the mature city church, the church in every city is the mature city church, there is only one church in every city, and that church is the city church.

Notwithstanding, I see a vision of the inner networking between the city churches in each city, between the national churches in each nation.

Inner Networks of the city church and national church:

1. Networking of wealth and finances.
2. Networking of compassion and mercy works.
3. Networking of prayer.
4. Networking of prophetic.
5. Networking of apostles.
6. Networking of prophets.
7. Networking of apostles and prophets.
8. Networking of marketplace and business.
9. Networking of revivals.
10. Networking of harvests.
11. Networking of ministries and missions.
12. Networking of gatherings and meetings.

I see a vision of the city church, the foundation of the city church is apostles and prophets, and the center leadership of the city church is apostles, prophets and teachers, and I see the fellowship of the city church is in the homes of believers.

I see the center leadership of region church is region apostles, prophets and teachers. I see the city church has one networking, and I see the region church has one networking, and the national church has one networking, and I see the global church has one networking. I see the center leadership of the national church is apostles, prophets and teachers, and likewise I see the center leaders of the global church are apostles, prophets, and teachers.

I see a vision of the mature city church, I see prophetic watch, prayer and worship day and night, and I see the rain of the Spirit and rain of revival and glory pouring upon them, I see this in every city around the world.

I see revivals come forth called the end time revivals and mature city church revivals; the end time revivals go to the church and the world, the mature city church revivals go to the church only. I see prophetic, worship and prayer as one of the end time church revivals that will come in the end times. Yes the Lord will begun to build prophetic, worship and prayer in the city church today.

I see an outpouring of angels, I see angels walking among the believers in the mature city church in every city, and many believers see these angels, and this is common. In this day, now beginning in our time the common power of God and common manifestations will begun to come forth today, and in the end times it will be everyday all the time common.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, January 04, 2008

The Simple Gospel

The Simple Gospel

Elvis Iverson

We must guard the simplicity that is in Christ: from the gospel massage to the rest of the massages in the Holy Scriptures, it is simplicity that is throughout the whole Bible, revelation is in simplicity, Word Revelation is in simplicity, all things in the Holy Scriptures is in simplicity. The application of the Word is in simplicity. There is a river of simplicity coming to the Body of Christ around the world; simplicity is a key. –(2 Cor. 11:1-4)

It is human wisdom and religion that will try to corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ. Let is return to the simplicity that is in Christ, the simplicity of Christ, let us return, and no longer allow others to bewitched the truth that is in our hearts, that is written upon our hearts by the Holy Spirit. –(Gal. 3:1-9)

No longer be heavy laden, burden down by the human wisdom of religion, cast it off, cut it of from you, and come to Christ and His simplicity and He will give you rest, take upon His yoke and learn from Him through the Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts by faith, the Lord is gentle and lowly in heart, and you will fine rest for your soul, His yoke is easy, and His burden is light, this is the simplicity of Christ. –(Matt. 11:28-30)

Understand the simplicity of Christ: grace and truth, grace first then truth, understand the simplicity of Christ, the words that He said are Spirit and life, understand the simplicity of Christ worship the Father in Spirit and truth, understand the simplicity of Christ obey the truth by faith, and understand the simplicity of Christ speaking the truth in love. –(Jn. 1:14, 6:63, 4:23-24, Gal. 3:1-9, Eph. 4:15)

From milk teaching to meat teaching it is both simplicity in Christ, milk teaching is simplicity and meat teaching is simplicity. You grow in Christ as a babe with simplicity, and you grow as mature with simplicity. –(Heb. 5:12-14, 1 Pet. 2:1-3, 1 Cor. 1 Cor. 3:1-3, 2 Pet. 3:18)

You grow in Christ through grace and knowledge, not just knowledge alone, you need grace and knowledge to grow, and this is simplicity. –(Col. 2:6-8, 2 Pet. 3:18)

The simplicity of the gospel massage is: Believe in Christ, repent, ask for forgiveness, ask Christ into your life, and then obey and follow Him for the rest of your life, and fellowship with other believers in Christ, this is simplicity. –(Rom. 10:9-10)

Works does not save us, the Law does not save us, going to church does not save us, being good or doing good deeds does not save us, we are not saved through baptism, instead we are only saved by grace through faith, and this is simplicity. –(Eph. 2:8-9)

We obey and follow Christ out of love for Him and His Word; we obey Him and follow Him by faith and grace in Christ. We apply the Word, we live the application of the Word by faith through grace, out of love for Him, and this is simplicity. –(Col. 3:17)

We are to fellowship with other believers, yes be faithful in the fellowship of believers, hear and apply the Word that the servants of the Lord teach and preach. We fellowship and hear the Word by the blood of Christ, by truth, by faith, by grace, and by love, and this is simplicity. –(Eph. 1:6-7, Heb. 10:19-25, Rom. 15:7)

We are to enter into rest, we are to live for Christ in rest, we are to obey Christ in rest, we are to apply the Word in rest, and throughout our life we are to live in His rest. Rest through faith and trust this is simplicity. –(Heb. 3:19, 4:10)

Father we pray for a pure river of the simplicity of Christ to flow throughout the Body of Christ around the world, to flow through all the hearts of the believers, bring freedom, bring grace, bring truth, bring faith, bring the Spirit, and bring love to all believers in Christ. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen. –(2 Cor. 11:2-3)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Visions of the End Times part one

Visions of the End Times part one

Elvis Iverson
August 18, 2007

In a vision there are angels with sealed prophetic scrolls throughout this prophetic ministering of the church around the world each prophetic prophecies there was an angel that open a seal and the prophecies were release along with anointing, blessings, and grace. I now see an angel before me opening another prophetic revelational sealed before me these prophetic words are giving the topic visions of the end times.

I see a vision of the church around the world, the church is full of revivals, the church is filled with many revivals and there is no end to revivals, and the revival life, and from the church flows an army of revivals unto the nations and cities of the world. The church is a glorious church in the end times, and the church become full of glory is the earmark of the beginning of the end time grace period.

I see in many cities around the world I see habitational revival, I see revival day and night, and I see revivals flowing from the habitational revival, for the habitational revival is the Throne of God in the city church.

I see in every city and in every nation revivals, the time of revivals will come, it will begin in our time and it will come to fullness in the beginning of the end times, and when Christ returns there will always be revival, for Christ will bring eternal revival.

I see social transformation come to many cities, and I see many social transformations come to many cities, and I see massive social transformation come to many cities, and I see social transformation come to all cities and all nations.

I see great huge numbers of harvests of souls all over the world. The doors and gates of harvest are wide open and it seems they never shut day or night instead many, many, massive numbers enter through them every day.

I see signs and wonders, the gifts of the Spirit and power of God fill the church, and all believers walk in power and signs in every city and in every nation. I see no sick among the church, I see no demon among them church, and I see holiness and maturity in the hearts of all believers in Christ. The church in the end times is a holy church, and a mature church.

I see wealth flow into the church around the world, I see there is no poverty in the house of the Lord or house of the believer, for wealth and glory has come upon all in Christ.

I see outpourings of the Holy Spirit every month there will be outpouring of the Holy Spirit and I see an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams upon all believers in the church. I see the church filled with such prayer and fasting anointing, I see great numbers in the church around the world in prayer and fasting grace and anointing. I see the church filled with worship and anointing in every city, and I see great companies gather to worship day and night and there is the rain of the Spirit and rain of revival and revelation upon them as they worship and pray.

I see the healing of nations and progression of nations, I see healing of nations come through revival, wealth, and saints minister restoration and progression to each nation. I see there is no third world nation, instead there is only redeemed nations covered in mercy and revival.

I see the church come into unity, and have enter into the beginning of fullness of unity, one earmark of the end times will be the church in unity. The church comes into the unity of the Spirit, the unity of the faith and the unity of the Godhead and end times will be period of the beginning of the fullness of unity.

What will be the earmarks that begin the grace time of the end times that lead to the return of Christ? The Church will become a church of glory and unity, and give birth to mature city church, and Israel will come to salvation and union with the church, great harvests of souls, and revivals upon revivals.

What will be the earmarks of the end times? The church will be full of glory, peace in the Middle East, the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God, and the time of the mature city church, and the healing of the nations.

I see a vision of every city around the world, I only see one church in each city, and this is the city church, the mature city church. I see only one church in every region this is the regional church, and I only see one church in every nation, which is the national church, and I only see one church in the world, the global church.

I see the unity of the faith the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the end time church in every city of every nation around the world, and I see revival in every city church of every city in every nation around the world.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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