Friday, February 29, 2008

The Need for a Pastor

The Need for a Pastor

Elvis Iverson

The need for pastor changes as you mature in Christ, we need proper teaching of spiritual maturity so that there is foundation, and that there is continue spiritual growth in Christ and in the body of Christ. –(Heb. 5:12-14, 6:1-2)

We grow as believers in Christ from babes, to children, then to young people, and then become fathers. We are called to be fathers, and then there are fathers of the faith, which are the apostles. We need apostolic fathers in the church once again. To lay the foundation for spiritual maturity, and to raise up fathers, and lead the fathers. –(1 Jn. 2:12-14)

There is maturity as a believers, and then there maturity in the gifts, both are needed, maturity in the gifts is for function and for the edification of the church, and maturity as a believer is for character and your witness. –(2 Pet. 3:18, Rom. 12:4)

Apart from that, the ministry of the pastor is for the home church, the church in the home, not for the center equipping house, Pastors are to feed, care and love the sheep. Their ministry is more for babes and the children, then after that we need the pastoral ministry for love and care that the Lord have giving them. –(Rom. 16:5,10)

The church in the home, is the church meeting, the center equipping house is for the ministry meeting, it is the ministry of the apostle, prophet and teacher. Today most pastors of local churches are not pastors, instead they are teachers, however there is no such thing as a one man ministry, we need the plural elders, with a set man who leads by vision and is cooperation, coherence, continuity with the elders, but has the last word. The apostles, prophets, teachers are the leading elders, and however, pastors are to ministry and their ministry is in the home church. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Apart from that, when you’re a spiritual babe, or a spiritual children in the church you need more the ministry of pastors and teachers, but as you grow into young men or toward fathers you need the ministry of apostles and prophets, yes all need the ministry of pastors, all need the ministry of teachers, all need the ministry of prophets, and all need the ministry of apostles. –(Eph. 3:5)

However, the need for a pastor changes as you mature in Christ, in order to maintain growth and to continue to mature you need the ministry of the apostles, and the ministry of the prophets. And spiritual fathers need the ministry of the apostles to lead them, and they need both the ministry of the apostles and prophets to maintain growth and to continue to mature, for we will always grow and always mature in Christ. –(Eph. 3:5)

The need for the five-fold ministry will change in the future when we come to the unity of the faith, knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. In the Tabernacle of Moses, when you enter the holy place, where there is the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense, the golden Lampstand, there are five pillars of acacia wood, meaning the five-fold ministry. Most of the history of the church has be in the outer court where the Bronze Laver is, and the Altar of Burnt offering, soon the day will come when we will enter pass the five pillars of acacia wood into the holy place, and then some day we will come when we will enter into the Most Holy Place. When we pass through the five pillars of acacia wood the need for the five-fold ministry will change. I don’t know what kind of change it will be, but the way we relate and their service toward us will change. –(Eph. 4:11-16)

Furthermore, maturity as a believer and maturity in the gifts, maturity on a personal level and maturity on a corporate level, maturity is the will of Christ, maturity is the will of the Father, and maturity is the will of the Holy Spirit, and maturity should be your will and your congregation’s will. –(Eph. 4:13-15)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual Freedom

Elvis Iverson

Freedom and liberty is the will of Christ for every believer, we have freedom for the reasons, we are born of the Spirit, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God, for the reason of the blood of Christ, for the reason of the Word of God, and for the reason of the Holy Spirit in our lives. –(Gal. 5:1)

Unfortunately, some Christians are in bondage, and oppressed by debts, iniquity, demons, and religion. Today is the day of your salvation, deliverance, and liberty and freedom has come. –(LK. 4:18)

First and foremost, you must know who you are in Christ, and that you are in Christ, and that God loves you, and you are in the Father’s hand. Believe the work of the Cross and the Resurrection, you are already redeem in Christ, we have redemption through the Blood of Christ. –(Col. 1:12-14)

Secondly you can be free from iniquity, you don’t have to be controlled by a life of sin, and the Holy Spirit can set you free. Iniquity is a sin that you commit and that over time becomes a life style. First of all believe that Christ loves you, and you already are free, believe in the power of His grace, and believe that you are save by faith, not by good deeds, then confess, ask for forgiveness, and repent of such sins, then seek help, from those who can aid you in your freedom and deliverance. –(1 Jn. 1:7,9)

Thirdly you can be free from the control of demons, you can be free from the influence of demons, pray and seek for deliverance and inner healing, Ask the Lord to lead you to whole deliverance and freedom, begin by repenting of sins, identificational repentance, breaking the legal grounds, repent of lies that you might have believed, pray for the Lord to show you each demon, and then bind, cast them out, and then cast them into hell, then close the doors and gates, bind them and cast them into hell, replace then with doors and gates of Heaven and the Kingdom of God, then pray for inner healing, pray for those areas to be filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and grace. –(Matt. 7:3-5)

Fourthly you can be free from financial debts. Pray to the Lord to lead you out of financial debts, repent to the Lord for being in debt, seek help and financial advice, write out a game plan, and then begun with baby steps, and be faithful to those steps. –(Lev. 25:12, 30)

Fifthly you can be free from the control and influence of religion, and religious spirits. The Church is to be the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God, and our Lord Jesus Christ is our Mediator, not man, not men, not a religion, not a pastor, and not a local church. Your faith and relationship with Christ is between you and Christ; pastors, ministers and other believers are to support and aid but not control that relationship. Pray for freedom, pray for the Lord to lead you to freedom don’t listen or receive ministers that try to control your faith in Christ, instead find churches, and pastors who support and aid your relationship in Christ. –(Gal. 3:1-9)

Furthermore, I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to many out there around the world; He is speaking freedom and liberty to you. I ask you to begun to call upon the Lord and seek Him to lead you to deliverance, freedom, and liberty. –(Joel 2:32)

Conclusion, The will of Christ is freedom, and liberty, and in this freedom, and liberty we have restoration and progression, and in this freedom, and liberty we are to love one another and walk in this freedom, and liberty in loving one another in Christ. –(Gal. 5:13-14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Ephesians Vision part four

The Ephesians Vision part four

Elvis Iverson
September 2, 2007

In a vision I see the city of God, the Bride of Christ, the Eternal Purpose of God, The Church; I see the fires of reformation come, and the city of God is filled with the fires of reformation, I then see a vision of clouds of revival come, and they are many, and I see the city of God filled with the clouds of revival. From the gates of the city of God comes from the city to the world; revivals, many revivals, great revivals, massive revivals, endless revivals, and outpourings of the Spirit, and then I see social transformations come forth from city of God to the world, I see many social transformations coming, I see massive social transformations coming, I see lasting social transformations coming, and I see endless social transformation coming.

I see a vision of pillars of revivals coming to the church and nations around the world, each was name after the names of the Lord, each had one of His names, and then I see banners of the Lord over the church, each had written upon them a name of the Lord, and from these banners came anointings, graces, and mercies and His lovingkindness poured from them upon the believers and the church.

I see a vision of five movements of God that have went over throughout time. The first movement is the movement of Israel; Israel is a movement of God, The second movement of God is the movement of the Church, the church is a movement of God in the earth. The Third movement of God is the movement of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a movement of God in the church and the world. The fourth movement of God, this movement of restoration, the restoration of all things is a movement of God in the church and the earth. The Firth movement of God is the movement of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is a movement of God, and the Kingdom of God has no end all and there is no end to her increase and the increase of her peace.

I see a vision of a great movement of God in the earth, I see this great movement is cloth in anointing, I see clouds of glory and revival all around and above, and upon, and resting upon this great movement of God. I see the outpourings of the Holy Spirit rain upon this great movement of God, and the rain never ends, and I see many, upon many floods and great floods of the Spirit coming in and from this great movement of God.

I see great many angelic hosts outpourings upon this great movement, within, upon, around, over this great movement of God. I see all spiritual gifts, and all the gifts of the Spirit, and healings, miracles, signs, wonders and raising the dead, I see these things as massive always happens all over this great movement of God. I see prophecy, visions, and dreams pour out always upon this great movement of God. I see this great movement of God filled and full of revelation, and revelation overflow unto the cities and nations around the world.

I see revivals, many revivals, great revivals, massive revivals, lasting revivals always upon and within, and around this great movement of God.

I see wealth, finances, and resources flowing as rivers and outpourings upon this great movement of God, and there is no end to these rivers of wealth.

I see a rod giving to this great movement of God to rule over all cities, regions, nations, and globally. This great movement of God has the keys of freedom, liberty, restoration, progression, blessings, peace and mercy for cities and nations around the world.

I see this great movement of God is an exceedingly great army, an army of restoration to bring restoration to cities and nations around the world. I see this great movement of God as a mighty great healing river to bring healing to cities and nations around and the world.

This great movement of God has no end; will always increase, and never decrease; this great movement of God is always victories. This great movement of God is the eternal purpose of God, the bride of Christ, which is the Church.

I see the center leaders of this great movement of God are apostles and prophets, and I see the chief leader of this great movement of God is Jesus Christ our Lord and Head of the Church.

I see this great movement of God filled with glory, full with glory, fullness of Glory, and overflowing with glory, I see this great movement of God glorious, full of glory.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Call to the Supernatural

Call to the Supernatural

Elvis Iverson

We are called to the supernatural, we are created in the Image and Likeness of God, We are called to be like Christ, the Holy Spirit rests upon us and dwells us, every believer is called to the supernatural. The life of a believer is a life of the supernatural, called to the supernatural in Christ through the Holy Spirit. –(Gen. 1:26-27, 1 Cor. 1:30)

We are to know the Holy Scriptures and we are to know the Spirit of God and the power of God, and we are to know the nature of Christ; we need these threefold balance to be Christ’s servants in this world. –(Matt. 22:29, Phil. 2:1-11)

You may know the Holy Scriptures; unfortunately if you don’t know the power of God you don’t really know the Holy Scriptures, and if you say you know the power of God and you don’t know the Holy Scriptures you don’t really know the power of God, and if you know both the Holy Scriptures and the power of God, and know not the nature of Christ, then you don’t really know the Holy Scriptures or the power of God. –(1 Thess. 5:21)

We are called into relationship with Christ, and this relationship is to be ongoing with fellowship with Christ, and this relationship with Christ and fellowship with Christ is to lead to relationship and fellowship with one another, and if we apply the Holy Scriptures with relationship with God and one another, this is relationship with fellowship with God and one another, this will lead to the life of the supernatural in Christ through the Holy Spirit. –(Jn. 14:21,23)

There is the power of God, etc. in the power of God comes the common power of God, this is power for every believer to access and apply to their world around them. An example of the common power of God is signs, gifts of the Spirit, power of God, prophecy, visions and dreams. –(MK. 16:17-18, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:17-18)

We are called to be supernatural we are not called to be religious, we are not called to religion, we are not called to play the religious games and religious role playing, instead we are called to be supernatural, we are not called to answer the religious, we are not subjected to their ways and false authority of control and fear, instead we are called to answer those who have an ear, those who can see, those who hunger and thirst to partake of the Tree of Life and the River of Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(Rom. 14:17)

We are not called to the religious orders that are not the revelational orders of the Holy Spirit. We are called to the liberty and the freedom of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and those who are mature elders are to guard our liberty in Christ and the environment of revelation and freedom for the spiritual gifts and the gifts of the Spirit. We as believers are to protect our hearts and minds from those things that try to control grace, Spirit, faith, and function, instead we are follow and to flow with revelational orders of the Holy Spirit. –(2 Cor. 3:17, Gal. 3:1-9, 5:1,13-14)

Revelational orders are orders of grace, truth, Spirit and love in ministering to one another with humility toward one another for mutual edification, and flowing in set spiritual functions in the measures of faith, grace, anointing with thanksgiving, praise and worship with the grace oversight of mature elders, prophets, and apostles watching, caring, and empowering through Spirit and Truth. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33,13:1-6,12:7, 14:12)

Every believer is called to the supernatural in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit; we are called to the supernatural, ministering the supernatural to one another and the world around us, and above all living for Christ every day of our life. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9,4:10-11,1 Cor. 14:26, Acts 13:2, 1 Sam. 3:1-10)

You are called to a life of the supernatural, you are called to a life of revival, you are called to a life of anointing, you are called to a life of signs and the power of God, and you are called to a life of relationship with Christ and one another. –(1 Cor. 1:7,9,10)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Finding Spiritual fulfillment

Finding Spiritual fulfillment

Elvis Iverson

Many hunger, and many thirst in the church around the world, some don’t even know it, some have forgotten that they were hungry and thirsty. The Holy Spirit is calling and leading us into a time of great spiritual hunger and thirst. There will come great spiritual hunger and thirst first upon the church and then upon the world; this is all work of the Holy Spirit. –(Matt. 5:6)

First and foremost you must know that your salvation, and eternal life is by faith and grace. When you truly give your life to Christ you are saved and have eternal life, this is all by faith and repentance in Christ. –(Eph. 2:8-9)

Second, all believers need proper basic discipleship and then they can grow properly in Christ and their purpose in life. –(Heb. 6:1-2, Col. 2:6-7)

Third, all believers are to be equipped for the work of the ministry, spiritual leadership’s main function is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry. –(Eph. 4:12)

Fourth, the believers are to be trained, and mentored in their calling and gifts, and their purpose in the church and the Kingdom of God. The congregation has be an environment for the supernatural, for revival, and for spiritual gifts. –(Rom. 12:4)

Fifth, We need the supernatural of the Holy Spirit, first prophecy, visions and dreams, and then the power of God, signs and the gifts of the Spirit. –(MK. 16:17-18, Acts 2:17-18)

Sixth, apostles, prophets, and teachers need be the leading and center elders of a congregation. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Seventh, The foundation of a congregation needs to be apostles and prophets. –(Eph. 2:20)

Eighth, A congregation needs apostolic and prophetic teaching and ministry. –(Eph. 3:5)

Ninth, A congregational fellowship needs to be in homes, it is time for fellowship and building relationships to be in homes, with a center place for equipping, training, mentoring, fathering, and apostles, prophets and teachers ministry; the home fellowship is the place for relationship growth and pastoral ministry. –(Rom. 16:5,10,11, 1 Jn. 1:7)

Tenth, congregations and believers in Christ need the community of faith, and continuity of the city church. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

In addition, believers should know how to pray; become faithful in personal prayer, and have a revival of prayer; it is hard to have complete spiritual fulfillment without a personal life of prayer. –(Phil. 4:6-7)

Besides, every believer needs an every day life with the Holy Spirit, we need to seek the Holy Spirit, and fellowship in the Holy Spirit, and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us everyday. –(Eph. 5:17-18)

Moreover, We need to pray for revival, every believer needs personal revival, we need the fire of the Lord and revival, and we need the revival life and the congregation needs the fire of the Lord and revival, and the city church needs revival and the church need revivals, and lasting revivals. –(Lev. 6:12-13)

Furthermore, We need to be centered and focus on our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to center on Him, and glorify Him. –(Jn. 12:32)

Conclusion, We must not only build on Truth, revelation and faith we must build on relationship, first relationship with the Lord, we are to love the Lord, and then with relationship with one another, for we are to love one another. –(Matt. 22:37-39)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Ephesians Vision part three

The Ephesians Vision part three

Elvis Iverson
August 31, 2007

In a vision clouds are coming, clouds are filling, and fullness of clouds are coming, the clouds are upon us, they are coming to our cities, to the alters of our cities the city church. I see cloud after cloud come and rest, I hear the Holy Spirit says the clouds are coming to rest, they are resting revivals that are coming, then I see visions of pillars of fire coming, I see a pillar of fire coming, then another one and after that another one, I see another one, then I see many pillars of fire coming; the Holy Spirit says these are moving revivals that are coming.

I see a vision of a time that is coming, a time called the year of the Lord. I see three visions of harvest, the first harvest is the harvest of barley, and the second harvest is the harvest of wheat, and the third harvest is the harvest of fruits. Throughout this year of the Lord the seven feats of the Lord manifested as seven revivals. The seven feats were seven revivals that came during and around the three harvests of the year of the Lord. The first harvest is the harvest of barley; this is the harvest of the church, the second harvest is the harvest of wheat; this is the harvest of the world, the third harvest is the harvest of fruits; this is the harvest of Israel.

In addition, I see a vision of three bodies that are one in the Father; these three were place in holy divine fire beginning in our time. The first person is the Kingdom of God, the Second person is the Church, and the third person is Israel, however now the fourth will come who is our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ will come first in the Kingdom, He will come first in the Church, and He will come first in Israel, and He will come second in the world, and then He will come third in His return.

Moreover, I hear the sound of the two silver trumpets blow throughout the church around the world. They blow for unity, they blow for change, they blow for blessings, and can you hear them blow, hear and receive their sounds and you shall receive their releases.

I hear the voice of the Spirit, and I hear the Voice of the Bride say, come, and let him who hears say, come.

You must learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in the corporate voice of the Holy Spirit. The voices of the Holy Spirit are coming into a corporate voice in the church and in the earth, this restoration, this progression, and this reformation is coming.

The time will begin, that day will come, when the birth of the corporate voice of the Holy Spirit will speak unto the whole church unto all cities and nations around the world.

The voices of the Bride must come together into a corporate voice of the Bride. The Church has a voice in heaven, that voice must become a corporate voice in the church and in the earth.

The time is beginning, the time has come, for the birthing of the corporate voice of the Bride to be born, to grow, and become mature. There is coming a restoration, a progression, and a reformation to birth the corporate voice of the Bride of Christ.

Then the corporate voice of the Bride must come into alignment to the corporate voice of the Holy Spirit, the corporate voice of the Bride must learn, grow and mature into this holy alliance with the corporate voice of the Holy Spirit.

The corporate voice of the Bride and the corporate voice the Holy Spirit will grow and form the corporate union voice of the Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ.

Then we will all hear the Corporate Union Voice say and speak and revivals will come to the church around the world.

Corporate Union Voice will speak and says, and then harvests of souls will come to many cities and many nations around the world.

Corporate Union Voice will speak and say, and then social transformations will come to many cities and many nations around the world.

There is coming a unity in the voice of the Holy Spirit, and there is coming a unity in the voice of the Bride. There is coming a unity between the Voice of the Holy Spirit and the Voice of the Bride of Christ, and there is coming a unity between the corporate voice of the Holy Spirit and the corporate voice of the Bride of Christ.

Furthermore, I see a vision of angels coming to pour bowls of international anointings upon the Bride of Christ, the Eternal Purpose of the Lord.

The anointing of healing is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of unity is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of freedom and liberty in Christ is poured out international around the world.

The anointing of capstone is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of breakthroughs and fulfillments of prayers is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of increase is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of favor is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of blessings is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of open doors and open gates is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of vision and purpose is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of order and position is poured out international upon the church.

The anointing of open communication is poured out international upon the church.

These are the international anointings (preparation anointings) that are being poured out upon the church beginning with these early days for the reasons to prepare and position the church for what is coming.

Conclusion, our prayers for the church, for the Kingdom, for Israel, for nations, for cities, for people groups, and for our generation are being heard, and will come to pass according to His will, goodness, and glory.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Looking for a Church

Looking for a Church

Elvis Iverson

Many of you from around the world, are looking for a church, yes many of you are faithful members of a church and above all the church. You are not alone, for the Lord Himself is seeking and waiting for a church. –(Zech. 4:6-10)

Just as Abraham was seeking and waiting for a city, which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Today churches have no foundations; the Lord wants churches to have foundations, congregations whose foundations are the apostles and prophets. The Lord wants congregations who are building by apostolic grace from Christ and are led by the Holy Spirit. –(Heb. 11:10,16)

First of all, the Holy Spirit will rise up the city church in many cities around the world; there is only one city church in each city, in every nation, that church is called the city church, the new apostolic city church shall arise under the leadership of apostles, there will be new apostolic city church networks, and there will be new apostolic city church centers, where there will be prayer, worship and prophetic watch, and ministry of church of the city will be centered and begin from this new center. This will be a new beginning, and a new level of city church, and some day we will have the mature city church, the end time church, which shall be full of glory, a glorious church. –(Rev. 21:2,9-10)

Second, the Holy Spirit will rise up the new apostolic congregation in many cities around the world, a congregation lead by apostles, a congregation with apostles, prophets, and teachers as the elders, a congregation where the foundation is the apostles and prophets, a congregation where the believers do the work of the ministry, a congregation where the spiritual leadership equips the believers for the work of the ministry, a congregation that fellowships and built relationships in their homes, and a congregation that flows in the gifts of the Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Third, the Holy Spirit will rise up the new apostolic networks all over the world, networks of freedom and relationship that connects to one another building up the church around the world. –(Matt. 13:47)

Fourth, the Holy Spirit will raise the new apostolic church around the world in every city of every nation, and in every nation, and will fill the whole church around the world. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

Fifth, the Holy Spirit will raise up the marketplace church, which is the church in the marketplace; The marketplace church is the outreach of the city church, the new apostolic city church, the marketplace church is the outreach of the new apostolic congregation, and the marketplace church is the outreach of the new apostolic church around the world. The new apostolic marketplace church will arise as a force of change in the world around us. –(Rev. 5:10)

Furthermore, reformation, massive reformation is coming to the church around the world, the church in every city of every nation, and of every national church in every nation, revival, revivals and massive revivals is coming to the church in every city of every nation, is coming to every national church in every nation, revivals, massive revivals, and many revivals are coming to every city of every nation, and is coming to every nation around the world. Social transformation, many social transformations, massive social transformation, and waves of social transformation is coming to many cities and all cities in every nation, and is coming to many nations and all nations around the world. Harvest, many harvests, and massive harvests of the masses in many nations, and many cities around the world are coming and this is just the beginning of the Lord’s goodness and mercy. –(1 K. 18:41-46)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Ephesians Vision part two

The Ephesians Vision part two

Elvis Iverson
August 25, 2007

In a vision I see pillars of clouds and pillars of fire, I see a great number of angels standing around me, I sense the winds of the Holy Spirit, the winds of heaven, the winds of the Kingdom, and the winds of change blowing in our time. I since extreme movements of the Holy Spirit upon us, and the clouds before me our unfolding over the church around the world. Then I see a prophet walk from out of the background of the clouds of revival, glory, and grace. The prophet says to us, do you believe what the Lord has said, does the Lord need to speak again to you, do you not hear what He has said, have you not receive all His words giving to you. The Lord will confirm these words two more times from two other prophets, and then these words will stand throughout time, all these words will come to pass, and these words will be in the hearts of many around the world, for the Holy Spirit has confirm these words, for the council of the Lord stands. This vision of this prophet is a prophet from the future in a vision giving by the Holy Spirit to us now.

Now the Holy Spirit says I love to speak to those who have hearing ears and even seeing eyes, I have said these things to you, for you have faith, the faith that I am looking for in this time and the time beyond you.

Apart from that, I see the working of the Lord throughout the church around the world, to establish the foundations of apostles and prophets and to establish apostles and prophets, for they are the foundation. The Lord will build His house, the Lord will raise up His house, first and foremost He will build up the foundations of apostles and prophets, He will raise up apostles and prophets all over the world, for they are the foundations of His house.

In addition, the church shall arise around the world in every city and in every nation as the city of God, for the house of the Lord is the city of God around the world, the church is the city of God built upon the rock of Christ, which is the Kingdom of God.

Moreover, the Lord says to His prophets prophesy to the north, south, east and the west, prophesy to the nations around the world, prophesy to the cities around the world, and prophesy to the church around the world, this is a time to prophesy, then the time of the winds of life will come to the church around the world.

Besides, the winds of life will blow upon the prophetic words released and planted in cities, nations and the church around the world. The winds of life will blow upon His people in all nations and in all cities. The time of watering the prophecies will be fulfilled, and then the time of increase will come, which is the time of fullness and fulfillment, prophetic fulfillment.

Notwithstanding, the church will no longer be hinder from restoration and progression, for as the times of restoration has come upon the church, the times of restoration will come upon the world, has the times of progression comes upon the church, the times of progression will come upon the world, for the church shall lead the world in restoration and progression.

However, hear the voice of joy, voice of gladness, voice of the Bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, and voice of those who are saying, “Praise the LORD of Hosts, for the LORD is good, for His mercy endures forever”.

Nevertheless, the Lord stands with His rod, with the shepherd’s rod, He is standing at the door, calling by His two silver trumpets, His sheep to come through the door and pass under His rod.

On the contrary, He will build His house; He will rise up His house in every city and in every nation around the world, through the outpourings and movements of the Holy Spirit.

By contrast, the outpourings and the movements of the Holy Spirit will never end, although certain moments of the Holy Spirit will come to an end, and new movements of the Holy Spirit will begin, we will never be without an outpouring or movement of the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, even when Christ returns again He will bring with Him, eternal revival. Eternal revival will begin, and never end, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will never end too.

Notwithstanding, the Church will always increase, there is no end to the increase of the Church, and Kingdom of God will always increase and there is no end to the increase of the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, the Lord will raise up the Church around the world, He will raise up the church in every city around the world, He will raise up the church in every nation, no longer the growth of His Church shall be hold back in cities and nations around the world, He will raise up His Bride in authority and power in all cities and all nations around the world. The church shall no longer be under the foot of any government, or any religion, for the church is the city of the center of the Kingdom of God in the earth, the gates of hell, the gates of darkness will come down, the walls of division will come down, the kingdom of darkness in decrease, instead the gates of the Kingdom of God, the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the gates of the church shall arise, and the gates of praise shall arise and walls of salvation shall be built around the world. And the Kingdom of Light will increase and fill the earth. The kingdom of darkness will no longer stand against the church, His servants the apostles and the prophets, His city church, and His believers in all nations and in all cities.

Conclusion, The church will be rising up in every city, in every nation around the world, the church shall arise as the city of God in all cities, and the Bride of Christ shall arise in all nations and cities, and on the global level, the global church shall arise, the national church in every nation shall arise, the city church in every city shall arise, and the Lord shall build His Church, and shall build His house on the global level, city level, and national level, in the whole world, in every nation, and in every city.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 01, 2008

Average Christian

Average Christian

Elvis Iverson

An average Christian is one who know Christ, goes to church service on Sunday morning, and maybe a weekday church service, and they give to their church often, and maybe pray a few minutes a day, and will try to be a witness for Christ. –(Jude 12)

What we think is an average Christian will change, what we think is church will change, what we think is church life will change, and what we think is the Christian life will change! For the face of the whole church will change in one generation! –(Heb. 9:10)

The Christian life will be the revival life, all believers will have revival, and this will be common and average. All believers will have the common power of God, and this will be common and average. All believers will move in spiritual gifts and have gifts of the Spirit, and this will be common, and average. All believers will be ministers of the work of the ministry, and this will be common and average. –(MK. 16:15-18)

The average Christian will be rising up as a priest in the church, they will be persons of prayer, and of the power of God, and the average Christian will be raise up as a king in the Kingdom ministering in the world around them, they move forth, they walk forth, they will take hold of the world around them, and change the world. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9)

The average Christian will prophecy, have vision and see dreams, they will flow in the common prophetic river that is giving to all believers in Christ. –(Acts 2:17-18)

The average Christian will flow in the power of God and flow in supernatural signs, they will flow in the common power of God, the believers will become supernatural again in the Holy Spirit. –(MK. 16:17-18)

The average Christian will know the Bible for them, they will know the Word, and they will know how to apply the Word to the world around them. –(Deut. 6:1-9)

The average Christian will know how to pray, will be a person of prayer, they may not pray for hours, instead they will know how to pray, they will be faithful in prayer, they will love to pray, they will seek the Lord faithfully, and they will pray at least an hour. –(1 Tim. 2:1)

The average Christian today will not be the average Christian tomorrow; the average Christian today will look like a weak believer, or a backslider. The spiritual leadership today will not be the spiritual leadership of tomorrow. The tomorrow-average Christian will be as the spiritual leadership today, and the spiritual leadership of tomorrow will be advance. The eminent spiritual leadership of today in our nation, and in our cities, tomorrow the advance spiritual leader will be eminent, and the spiritual leadership that stands out from among them as their role models and mentors will be super supernatural spiritual leaders. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

Everything you know of Church is changing; do not built on those things that will no longer be apart of the basic patterns of church, instead see by revelation and the prophetic and begin to build by grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 3:10)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Ephesians Vision part one

The Ephesians Vision part one

Elvis Iverson
August 19, 2007

In a vision a cloud of glory comes down among His people, and then another cloud of glory comes down upon His people, and another cloud of glory comes down and rest upon His people, and then another cloud of glory comes down among, around, upon, between, and above, then I see pillars of clouds come all over and they keep on coming, and then I see pillars of fire come over and they keep on coming, there is so much pillars of glory, five, anointing, blessings, grace, revelation, and revival coming.

Then see a vision of angelic hosts coming down among us, around us, between us and above us, and they keep on coming many angelic hosts coming down, among, between, around and above.

Notwithstanding, I see a vision of the eternal purpose of the Lord, the bride of Christ, I see glory, anointing, light, favor, blessings, revival, wealth, grace, mercy, goodness, healing, restoration, progression, vision, and revelation coming like rain and water upon the Bride of Christ. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a new generation arising in the earth, how the church will be change in one generation, this is a chosen generation, and we have come to an age of the chosen generations, this is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a holy and righteous family arise in the earth in our generation, and from this generation arise many righteous generations. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of an army arising in the earth that is coming forth with the leadership of apostles and prophets that will bring the restoration of many generations, and change the face of the earth forever. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of the Body of Christ arising in the earth in great glory, great power, great grace, and great increase with great wealth beginning in our generation, this is a generational blessing and work. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a holy priesthood coming to its fullness and from its fullness comes the kings of Christ beginning in our generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a holy nation, the arising of church as a nation of glory and honor; that will rule as kings of the Kingdom. A generation of kings will arise beginning in our generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a golden lampstand that will shine with glory, favor, light, wisdom, revelation, and truth that will shine throughout this world beginning in this generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of one loaf, the bread of glory that will begin to be form beginning in our generation that will be cloth with the glory of the Lord throughout all generations. That will bring the fellowship of the Trinity in revival and glory beginning in this generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a field that becomes very fruitful, very successful beginning in this generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a vineyard that will be planted and will arise and fill the earth full of new wines and wines of the Spirit, and wines of revelation beginning in our generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of sheepfold that will become very fruitful and grow beyond numbers, and become great in the earth. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of a temple that will be built and that will arise in the earth; that will be the place of all revivals and the glory of the Lord, beginning in our generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

I see a vision of the church built and arise as the city of God all over the world in every city beginning in our generation. This is the Ephesians Vision!

The Ephesians Vision is the vision of the eternal purpose of the Lord coming and arising in the earth beginning in our generation.

The Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation will be poured out upon this generation of church.

The Lord will build His church, His house throughout the world in every city and in every nation. The Lord will establish the foundations of the apostles and prophets as the foundation of the house of the Lord that He will arise up in every city and in every nation. He will bring unity and networking among His people in all cities around the world, and He will build them together to build a habitation for revivals, and habitational revival, and resting glory of the Lord. –(Ephesians 2:19-22)

The Lord in His wisdom and His vision will rise up and bring revivals and reformation to the Koinonia Church, which is the church around the world, and is the depth of the church. The Lord will raise the apostolic church in every city and in every nation around the world, which is the length of the church. The Lord will establish the Marketplace Church in all nations and in all cities, which is the width of the Church. The Lord will build and arise up the city church in every city around the world, which is the height of the church. –(Ephesians 3:14-21)

The Lord will bring revival, restoration, progression and blessings to the width of the church, to the length of the church, to the depth of the church, and to the height of the church, and the Lord will bring reconciliation, the bridge of unity, which is the unity of the Spirit, The Lord will bring unity, community of unity, which is the unity of the faith, and the Lord will bring oneness, which is the relationship of unity, the unity of the Godhead.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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