What is Visionary Eschatology?
Elvis Iverson
The future and destiny of the church is one of glory, one of unity, one of maturity, one of victory, and one of overcoming. The end times are a time of glory, revival, and manifestation the Kingdom of God, and the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God. –(Prov. 29:18)
Most end time teaching is deductions; always begin to focus first on the absolute of the end times, which is the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Most new apostolic congregations are optimistic about Eschatology. –(Acts 1:9-11)
Now what is Visionary Eschatology? It is Holy Scriptures prophetic prophecy about the end times, first about the church second about Israel, and then third about the world. It is a prophetic Scripture vision of hope for the future and destiny of the church, Israel, and the world. –(Heb. 11:1)
The future and destiny of the church is a vision of hope: the church shall be a church full of glory, a glorious church, the church shall be a mature church, the church shall be a holy church, and the church shall be a united church. –(Eph. 4:13, 5:27)
The future and destiny of Israel is a vision of hope: all of Israel will be saved, there will be a great revival in Israel, and the Church and Israel will become enter into an holy union and oneness in Christ, and the peace in the Middle East will begin with Egypt, Iraq, and Israel, Israel will have peace in the end times, and the Middle East will have peace in the end times. –(Rom. 10:1, Rom. 9, 11, Isa. 19:18-25)
The Kingdom of God has already came at our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection, ascension, and seated at the Right Hand of the Father. The Kingdom of God is coming through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit and the works of the saints, and the fullness of the Kingdom of God will come at the return of Christ. –(Isa. 9:6-7, Dan. 2:34-35,44-45)
The Great Apostasy has already happen, it was fulfilled when the church become a state religion. However, the future of the church will be full of glory, restored, and united in Christ. The Church has being going through a time of restoration which begun with the protestant reformation, and we are have enter into beginning of the end of this restoration. –(2 Thess. 2:1-12)
Although, times of restoration and times of progression is not only coming upon the church, instead the whole world, throughout time, and the church shall be leaders of restoration and progression to the world. –(Acts 3:19-21)
The Great Tribulation was already happen, it was fulfilled in 70 A.D. and yes there are many tribulations, but the great tribulation has already been fulfilled, the end times is a time of the manifestation of the glory of the Lord. –(Matt. 23,24,25)
The Book of Revelation is a book of the Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ; it is a book of Him conquering the world, it is a book about overcoming, it is a book about victory, and it is a book of worship. It is not a book about the Antichrist or the False Prophet or the Great Tribulation, instead it is about our Lord Jesus Christ. –(Rev. 1)
Satan is loosening the war and battles over the earth; His fallen angels and demons are loosening their control and influence over nations and the world. The Kingdom of God will increase and fill the whole earth, and the church will be the city of God built upon the Kingdom of God. –(Isa. 9:6-7,Isa. 60)
We are in the restoration of the church, the church will be a restored church in the end times, and the church will be a more better, more mature, greater church then the church in the book of Acts. –(Acts 3:21, Eph. 4:13)
The Church in the end times in every city will be the city church, the mature city church, the church in every region will be the regional church, and the church in every nation will be the national church, and the church on the global level will be the global church in the end times. –(Eph. 4:13)
The end times will begin with the church comes into the unity of the faith, this will begin the end times, and the end times is the time of the glorious church, mature city church, healing of the nations, the oneness of Israel and the church, and preparation for the return of Christ. –(Eph. 4:13)
The end times is the fullness of the times of restoration and times of progression for nations, cities and the world, it is the beginning of the fullness of the kings of the Kingdom of God, and it is the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God, and it is the fullness of the church, and when Christ returns it will be the fullness of the Kingdom of God. –(Acts 3:21, Rev. 22:2)
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, End Times, Eschatology, Supplication International Ministries, vision, Visionary Eschatology