Beyond the Veil and Onward
Elvis Iverson
December 4, 2010
I see the angel who watches, saying the faithful shall move beyond the veil and onward.
I see a prophet prophecy for two decades. Then I hear a voice say all shall come to pass! Then I see great rivers of angels and great outpourings of angels. Now is the Time, this is the moment. Many things will happen in this decade of fulfillment.
I see the gifts of the Spirit move like a river that will not end. I see signs and wonder come in faithful waves. I see the signs of the apostle come in a mighty storm every month. I see great grace and great power among the holy apostles three months every year. I see great favor and great wealth come as rivers every month. I see the bliss gifts of God flow every week.
The angel says this is the decade of fulfillment. Then I see a decade of fullness.
I see Word Revelation go to the church around the world. I see great meetings of Word Revelation, and Prophetic Revelation, and I see great meetings of harvest, I see these meetings all over the earth.
Now the angel says, the decade of fulfillment and the decade of fullness are the double portion anointing. Are the Elijah and Elisha anointing. Then there is decade of bliss; the third portion of anointing is the anointing of Enoch. Then there is the decade of wisdom, this is the fourth portion anointing, and this is the anointing of Melichizedek. Then there is the fifth portion anointing decade of peace. This is the anointing of Abraham. But there is a time beyond this that will not end, and a group that will no die or see death. I see five portions and I see the sixth and seventh portions.
May you all be drunk in the Holy Spirit, may you all be drunk with Wine of the Holy Spirit, and may you be drunk in the peace of God, the joy of God, and love of God.
Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries