Friday, August 31, 2007

Vision of Utopian

Vision of Utopian

Elvis Iverson

Man’s vision of utopian will always fail, in a way it is a godly desire however it is misapply, and it has not been giving to men to create a utopian on the earth. King David was a man after God’s own heart, and he did the will of God in his generation, David wanted to build the Lord a house, God had in mind that David’s son was going to build his house. Likewise the Lord has giving the church, the Keys of the Kingdom to create a utopian on earth. –(Matt.16: 18-19)

Can we have a utopian on earth before the return of Christ? The Church has been giving the authority to built and create an utopian on the Earth, for the Kingdom of God has already came, and is coming through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and through the heart of the Church, and through the hands of the kings of the Kingdom. The beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God will began in the end times and the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God is at the return of Christ. –(Matt.28: 18-20)

The revelation of the end times is understood as this; the church will be a glorious church, the church will be a mature church, the church will be a church of unity, the church in every city will be the mature city church, and the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God. Besides this Israel will already have salvation, Israel a nation of peace, prayer and worship, full with wealth and glory of the Lord, and peace will fill the Middle East through Iraq, Egypt, and Israel. –(Eph. 4:13,5:27, Isa. 19:18-25)

The Lord has promise times of refreshing, times of restoration and times of progression; the times of restoration and progression is not only promise to the church, instead all things. –(Acts 3:19-21)

When Jesus our Lord arose from the dead, ascended to the Third Heaven, and was seated on His Throne, thus begun the Kingdom of God on the earth. The increase of His government and peace has no end; therefore His government and His peace is filling throughout the earth, although the church was for a time mislead and disobey and unconnected themselves from the Kingdom of God, and now in this generation the Church will reconnect themselves thus the Kingdom of God will begin to increase more and more beginning in this generation. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through our grace obedience and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit we are called by wisdom and revelation to possess the kingdoms of this world and disciple them. The nations are His inheritance, and the ends of the earth His possession, and it is His good will to give us the Kingdom as our inheritance. –(Rev. 11:15, Matt. 28:18-20)

There will be nations that will be saved and they will bring their glory to Christ, the healing of nations, restoration of nations, and the progression of nations will comes as rivers from the Throne of God in the Third Heaven. –(Rev. 21:24,22:1-2)

Most nations or all nations will come to know the Lord, and healing, restoration, and progression will come to them. Most nations will have social transformation, many social transformations and some will have massive social transformation, and most of the world will have social transformation. Social transformation will lead to a utopian on the earth. Most of the earth will have a utopian before the return of Christ. This utopian will come through increase of the Kingdom of God and the manifestations of the Kingdom of God through revivals and social transformations, and the works of the arising kings of the Kingdom of God. –(Isa. 60)

It is not a Christian utopian that is coming, instead it is an utopian that will come through the Kingdom of God, an utopian Kingdom of God, that is already in the hearts of believers all over the world. –(LK. 17:21, Isa. 9:6-7)

John the Baptists prepare the way for Christ first coming, and he was a forerunner, now the Church is to prepare the way for the second coming of Christ this is through the manifestations of the Kingdom of God through our hearts, from our hearts the Kingdom of God will outpour and increase and fill the whole earth, thus preparing the way for the King of kings and the Lord of lords, we the church are the forerunner of the Lord of nations, and Head of the Church. –(Matt. 28:18-20)

The Lord Jesus Christ will gather the whole church unto Himself in unity and oneness, and then He will gather all things in this world unto Himself in healing and restoration. –(Eph. 1:10, Col. 1:18, Eph. 3:11)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The City of The Apostles part four

The City of The Apostles part four

Elvis Iverson
July 4, 2007

In a vision I see a company of angels along with angels singing songs of worship in the background, they begun to speak in visions. They say apostle Paul came into visions and revelations of the Lord, today the whole church shall come into visions and revelations from the Lord, the whole church is being called to come up to the Throne Room. The outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams is a beginning of life of the supernatural in signs and wonders.

I see a vision of a city of the apostles, then I see a vision of a city of the apostles, and then I see a vision of a city of the apostles, I could see cities of the apostles around the world, there was a divine union and connection between all these cities of the apostles that were all the city of the apostles.

I see a coming cloud, and see other clouds coming, I see apostles ministering under these clouds that are coming; there is more then one that is coming.

I see the signs of an apostle giving to the apostles, they begin to manifest the apostolic signs, and this seems like a life of the apostles, the life of the apostles is the manifestations of apostolic signs of the Holy Spirit. It seems within a short time from now, there will be a change in the spirit, and the floodgates of apostolic signs will open wide in apostles lives around the world. Some will minister more, some minister in a greater more, however, all will minister. It will become a life of apostolic signs.

Now I see apostolic revival coming to the cities of the apostles. The Holy Spirit says I have set these cities aside to be centers of apostolic revival, a life of apostolic revival in the life of the church.

I see great grace come to the apostles in the cities the apostles. It is like a flood of apostolic revival coming in floods of apostolic revival, and floods of great grace come forth from the floods of apostolic revival. Then great power come upon all the apostles in the cities of the apostles, floods of great power came forth from floods of apostolic revival, then came floods of great increase of souls, and great increases in all things from the floods of apostolic revival. Then from the floods of apostolic revival came floods of great fear of the Lord upon the whole cites of the apostles. The Holy Spirit says the cities of the apostles will always have apostolic revival; these cities are the cities of apostolic revival.

Then I see an outpouring of apostolic revival upon the church around the world, and upon the nations and cities!

I see an apostle arise saying I am an apostle of apostolic revival that went to minister in cities around the world, then likewise another apostle arise saying I am an apostle of apostolic revival, then another, and another, and then another. The Holy Spirit says this is a worldwide revival, worldwide movement, and this is a worldwide phenomenon, and this is a worldwide missionary movement.

I see a vision of an apostle of apostolic revival setup a stage in the middle of a street in a downtown city, and rented four blocks of streets for people to together. I see apostolic revival come, then the street down town filled with people from around the city, and from around the nation, and even from around the world. I see mass healings, I see mass miracles, I see mass deliverances, and I see mass salvations, I see mass manifestations of the Holy Spirit upon the people. These meetings were not just meetings, they were meetings with God, and these meetings lasted for three months during the whole summer.

I see a vision of an apostle of apostolic revival sent to a major city, rented a huge gathering place, the meetings lasted for nine months, the huge gathering place was filled of people every night, people came from all over the city, the nation and the world for the ministry of apostles revival.

Now I see a vision of an apostle of apostolic revival sent to minister to another city. It was a leadership conference turn into an apostolic revival conference, the anointing covered the whole city, even through only a certain number could fit into this conference center, however apostolic revival was falling all over the city.

In a vision I see an apostle of apostolic revival ministering in an outdoor meeting, the gathering were so huge, these meetings went on for months. Masses amount of people came faithfully every day and night. I see a great many raised from the dead, for the people brought there dead, and what ever dead they can fine.

The Holy Spirit says the apostles of apostolic revival can not minister together in most cities since only the cities of the apostles could handle such anointing and power, yes there were other apostles assisting the apostles that were ministering, and the apostles minister in teams, however when it came to apostolic revival cities could only bear one or two apostles of apostolic revival, and even a nation could only bear a certain amount. The cities of the apostles could bear all the apostles of apostolic revival. Whenever these apostles would minister in any city, the city and the land would be forever changed by God even the nation.

Then we came to the nations of Africa, were teams of apostles of apostolic revival minister, the whole cities and even the nations will filled with apostolic revival. Africa will be filled with apostolic revival, and the Lord will rise up a company of apostles who will minister from nation to nation, from city to city in Africa. The Lord has promise Africa revival, and the revival that is coming to Africa is apostolic revival.

Furthermore, in the cities of the apostles; apostolic revival was minister day and night for years, and this was the life of these cities, and from these floods of apostolic revival flow through cities around them, the nation around them, and nations around the world, flow living rivers of apostolic revival, and rivers of apostolic revival minister to the church around the world.

Conclusion is that many revivals are coming, and apostolic revival is coming, reformation is the foundation of many revivals, resting revivals, and the revival life, and the cities of the apostles will be cities of apostolic revival for the church and the world.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Seven Waves of Wealth

Seven Waves of Wealth

Elvis Iverson

What has been prophecy is going to begin to come soon, and begin to come in our generation. The Transfer of Wealth is at head, can you see the signs of this fulfillment beginning to happen around the world. These signs are the new apostolic reformation, the new apostolic age, the arising of the new apostolic church, the modern day apostles and prophets, the arising of marketplace apostles and the marketplace church around the world. –(Isa. 60:5, Prov. 13:22)

This transferring of wealth is not a one time acted, it is a river of wealth, maybe rivers of wealth and it is a life of wealth, this transfer of wealth is continue wealth, continuing wealth, this wealth is coming to the new apostolic church and the apostolic city church. –(Ezek. 34:26)

The Lord is establishing the marketplace church; He is building a holy bridge between the church and the marketplace. The Church is being reformed and the marketplace church is being established. This holy bridge is a bridge of wealth, for the transfer of wealth, for the rivers of wealth, wealth will flow into the church, and blessings, and mercy will flow into the world. –(Isa. 60)

This holy bridge is built with connecting continuity beginning with the apostolic city church, the new apostolic church, church apostles, then marketplace apostles, workplace believers, Christian businesspersons, wealthy believers, and then the modern day Cyrus’s which, are wicked businesspersons, wicked wealthy people, and wicked government leaders. –(Isa. 45:1-4, Rev. 1:6,5:10, Acts 4:37)

The Seven waves of Wealth: Each wave of wealth are waves of wealth, continue wealth, rivers of wealth, and rivers of life.

1. The first waves of wealth will begin to come upon believers called to be tycoons; this is the day of the Christian tycoon, businesspersons, workplace apostles and the new apostolic church.
2. The second waves of wealth will flow upon the workplace army, the workplace believers in all nations around the world.
3. The third waves of wealth will flow upon all believers in all cities and in all nations around the world.
4. The fourth waves of wealth will flow upon the nation of Israel.
5. The fifth waves of wealth will flow upon the global compassion networking of all compassion ministries around the world.
6. The sixth waves of wealth will flow upon and for the building of the City Church, and the building of the Kingdom of God.
7. The seventh waves of wealth will flow upon the saints, and through their hands flow into the nations to bring the healing of nations; the healing of nations will come through wealth, revivals, and social transformations.

The Ministry of wealth is arising beginning in our generation; the ministry of wealth will minister wealth to the new apostolic church, and the new apostolic city church, and then the ministry of wealth will begin to minister to the church around the world, and then begin to minister to the nations and cities that receive the ministry of wealth. All believers, marketplace apostles, believers with wealth are called to the ministry of wealth. –(Eph. 2:11-12)

There is a connection between glory and wealth; the glory of the Lord will come by the manifestation of the presence of the Lord, and revivals, and come by wealth. –(Isa. 60, Hag. 2:6-9)

The Key Scriptures for the marketplace church is Ephesians 6:5-6, Colossians 3:22-25,4:1, Acts 6:3, 1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:6, 5:10, Deut. 8:18)

Most of all the marketplace church movements are based on these three Holy Scriptures; I will bring them together to show you this revelation. –(Deut. 8:18, Acts 1:8, LK. 10:19)

It is the LORD who gives you power to get wealth, that the Lord through you will establish His covenant, His apostolic church, the city church, the marketplace church, plant churches and networks around the world, and establish and build the Kingdom of God.

Remember wealth in its self is a power, however your power to get wealth comes from the grace of the Lord, and the power of God, so you have both the power to get wealth, and the power and influence of wealth.

The Holy Spirit shall come upon you and give you power to get wealth, that you will witness for me and establish churches, networks, build the city church, build the Kingdom of God, and change the world.

The Holy Spirit shall come upon and you shall receive power and authority to get wealth to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and the Lord will give you favor and divine protection so nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Wealth is coming for influence and social transformations to our cities, to our nations and the world, and to build the apostolic church, the city church, and the Kingdom of God, and to heal the nations through revival and wealth. –(Isa. 60)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 24, 2007

The Vision of Reformation

The Vision of Reformation

Elvis Iverson

We can foresee by the prophetic and by the Holy Scriptures with revelation seeing the vision of reformation, what kind of reformation that is coming, yes this reformation has already begun, it first begun as a lamb, soon it will become a lion and then it will become a horse, this reformation is a work of becoming pure gold, pearls, and precious stones. Reformation is a work of the holy fire of God from the Holy Spirit. –(Mal. 3:2-3, Matt. 3:8-12,1 Cor. 3:5-17,Heb. 12:25-29, Rev. 21:9-21, Rev. 3:14-22)

We have already entered into the Third reformation, this is called the new apostolic reformation, this is called the reformation of the church, the reformation of all of Christianity, and this is the great reformation. The face of the church will change in one generation. What we think is church will not be church, the church now and the church that is coming is a whole new picture of glory and unity. –(Heb. 9:10)

The reasons why we need reformation; we need reformation for unity to come more and mature unity to come, new wineskins that can connected and have unity and hold the new wines of the Spirit, and hold the power and glory of God, to lay foundation for the end time church, to lay the foundation for revivals and lasting revivals, to become more like the church that Jesus wants. –(Matt. 7:15-29)

Many Christians groups will come to an end, all denominations will come to an end, the apostolic church which, is the church of the third reformation will arise as a pillar of fire that will consume as a consuming fire the whole of Christianity and fill the church. The Church shall become the apostolic church, for the church is the apostolic church. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

The congregations and companies that pass through the fires of reformation will have unity and oneness among them. Reconciliation will come, then unity will come, and then we will enter into oneness. –(Eph. 2:19-22, 3:14-21, 4:13-16, 5:26-27)

Every one who names the name of Christ, every congregation that names the name of Christ, every group that names the name of Christ, and the whole church, and the whole of Christianity will be place and pass through the fires of reformation, many will be burn up, and there will be those who pass through and become more pure. These ones that pass through all the way shall fill the whole earth. –(Matt. 3:12,1 Cor. 3:11-15)

Reformation vision of laying the foundations of the apostles and prophets, arising up the new apostolic church, arising up the new apostolic city church, establishing the marketplace church, the church full of the gifts of the Spirit and all spiritual gifts. The believers will do the work of the ministry. An outpouring of signs, wonders, power of God, prophesy, visions and dreams, laying the foundation for revivals and lasting revivals. –(Phil. 4:9)

The bishops and administers will no longer lead the Church; instead Apostles and Prophets shall lead the Church. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 2:20, 3:5)

The Apostolic Church will fill the whole church around the world, and unity will come, and this unity will increase, and glory will increase, and harvests will increase, until the point of giving birth to the Kingdom Church, which is the mature City Church; the end times church of glory and holiness. –(Eph. 4:13,5:27)

There are five reformations of the church that the Lord as revealed to me; the first was the reformation of the New Testament Church, the second reformation was the Protestant Reformation, the Third Reformation is the New Apostolic Reformation, the fourth reformation is the Kingdom Church Reformation, and the fifth reformation of the Church is the Eternal Reformation. –(Amos 3:7-8, Prov. 29:18)

In the Third Reformation the Lord will set the church free from religion, free from the Christian religion, freedom from Christianity, the church will be free and become the Bride of Christ, and the city of God around the world, and reconnect, and realign to the Kingdom of God. –(Eccl. 7:8, Heb. 6:12)

The Church has been going through restoration; we are coming to the end of the restoration of the priesthood, the mark of this is the third reformation the great reformation of the church, the reformation of all things in the church. Just as the church when through restoration of all things in the church, now the church will enter into the reformation of all things in the church. This is the beginning of end of the restoration of the priesthood, and the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. –(Acts 3:19,21, Heb. 9:10)

Reformation has already begun, now it is time for you to have personal reformation. Take hold of the thesis of reformation, come to true repentance and renew your mind by the Holy Scriptures, prayer and the Holy Spirit. –(Matt. 3:1-12,4:16-17)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The City of The Apostles part three

The City of The Apostles part three

Elvis Iverson
July 4, 2007

In a vision I see a pure river, clear as crystal coming toward us, from this river came up prophecy, visions and dreams. Then come the clear river came forth a company of angels, it was like that pure river and this company of angels were the same thing, and it is the same thing, it is a vision of them coming to His servants at their watch post all over the world. Then I could hear angels singing songs of worship in the background.

Then this company of angels said now see one of the cites of the apostles arise in the church and in the earth. I see a vision of prophetic words raining down upon this city, I see a faithful watchman, a prophet standing at the gate of this city, he says I have been praying, and prophecy over this city for years, there has been prophets that come and gone, they each done their part in what is about to come.

I see a rain of prayer that came for some years, and a type of unity that came, and the congregations begun to grow, and activity of the Holy Spirit begun to increase throughout the city. This was phenomenon of church growth.

There is a young apostle up north. He was called to the ministry of the apostle in his teens, Jesus visited him, give him a vision for his life and vision for his ministry, and a vision for this city of the apostles. He prayed and made intercession for this city for years, he even fasted many times over the years. Then the time came when he was led to move here and to begin an apostolic work. He was called to prepare the way for the other apostles, he was a forerunner to the coming apostles, and he was a pioneer in the way of the apostolic.

He was faithful, he was tested, and he suffer much, over the years the Lord in His grace raise this apostle up, he establish an apostolic congregation that grow and grow, he establish an apostolic ecclesiastical network in America and one that is international around the world that brought networks in other nations together, these were the networks he was led to establish, this was an apostle called to the nations.

The Lord has giving him a vision of the apostolic city church, a vision of a city church horizontal network, and a vision of a city church center. Besides the Lord show him seven apostles that would come and form an apostolic coalition.

The Lord begun to fulfill this vision of an apostolic holy union on a city level; these seven apostles begun to come from other places, being called by the Lord to come to this city of the apostles; in the beginning the Lord begun to form a true mutual relationship among these seven apostles. They would come together many times to pray, and seek the face of the Lord. They would hear from the arising prophets of the Lord, who He was leading the prophets to this city to be joined to the Lord in this city and the apostles.

Each of these seven apostles planted an apostolic congregation that grow and grow; these congregations become mega congregations in the Spirit. Each of these seven apostles established an apostolic ecclesiastical network.

A faithful watchman was giving a prophetic word about this city of the apostles, that you could find the makeup of the city of the apostles in Ephesians 2:19-22, 3:14-21; this prophecy, vision and revelation of application begun to come to pass before our very own eyes in this city.

Now I see the seven apostles arise the first was like Jacob, he open and prayed forth an holy ladder was set on the earth, and its top reached to heaven, and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it, this is a gate of heaven.

The second apostle was like Moses; he brought the presence of the Lord and the glory of the Lord. The third apostle was like Samuel who minister to the Lord, and lead in reformation, and established leaders in business. The fourth apostle was like Solomon he had wisdom from God in building the house of the Lord, the fifth apostle was like Ezra who brought worship, and sixth apostle was like Nehemiah who brought the vision of the building of the wall, and the seventh apostle was like Noah who brought the blueprints of the ark.

This city of the apostles begun to bring a whole company of apostles from around the nation and even around the world; this city has begun to become the city of the apostles! Marketplace apostles begun to arise the believers in the workplace begin to flow in a new grace of the Kingdom in their lives.

The Seven apostles become a council; that formed a city church horizontal network, and appointed an apostle who is a territorial apostle over as the city church apostle to the network. Then they establish and built a city church center, and they grow into becoming 24/7 intercession and 27/7 worship and prophetic watch, they arise a city church company of prophets, the ministries that minister city-wide to the city begun to minister from this city church center, this city church center become the ministry of the church to the city, and apostles and prophets minister to the city from this center place.

Revival had already begun, and then another revival came, and now another revival, and from this revivals come one after another. This I see a cloud coming to rest upon this city church center, this was the resting glory of the Lord, and this was habitational revival.

Missionary movements come forth from this city of the apostles. And the city continues to grow and increase in size and wealth. This is only one of cities of the apostles, the Lord has called forth certain cities around the world to be cities of the apostle and together to become the city of the apostles.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Harvest of Sin and Harvest of Righteousness

Harvest of Sin and Harvest of Righteousness

Elvis Iverson
August 19, 2007

We have come to fullness of times in our generation and our time; there are fullness of times in our times and in other generations and even beyond our time and generation.

We have come to a season of changes and shaking, a season of destiny, and a season of prophetic fulfillment, and a season of fullness, and a season of fresh water from the rock.

Notwithstanding, we have come to a season of harvest! In this season we will see a harvest of sin, a fullness of wickedness and a fullness of iniquity; the iniquity that has begin in the 1960’s generation will be brought to fullness in this season.

I see a vision of an ax that come and a sword that will come, an ax and a sword of the Spirit that will come and uproot these things that the Father has not planted. The Spirit of repentance will begin to pour upon this generation in this season; the Spirit of deliverance will begin to pour out upon this generation beginning in this season, and wine and oil will pour across America and other nations around the world.

Holiness will arise in the hearts of children and youth in America and nations around the world, a holy cry for change and social transformation will come forth, the Father’s love will pour out in the hearts of multitudes and healing love will come forth from their hearts, and grace of holiness will be birth in their hearts, and the Spirit of Holiness and Spirit of Grace will be pour out upon the masses, and a new kind of holiness will come forth; grace holiness.

Purely will be restore to our generation beginning in this season. A pure generation will be born and birth by the Holy Spirit; called out to serve Him with all their heart.

In this season will come a harvest of righteousness, this is from the seeds sown along time ago beginning in the 1900 and even going back to the first revivals and foundations of America. It will bring forth a generation of hope and a generation of righteousness that will bring restoration to many generations and bring generational blessings and rise up generations of righteousness beginning with our generation.

Wings of healing, restoration, revival, progression will fly across America and other nations around the world. The believers in many nations will shine forth righteousness and will shine like the brightness of the firmament, and massive numbers will turn to the Lord.

Right order will come, righteous order will come, due order will come, divine order will come, and new apostolic order will come to the church around the world beginning in our generation.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Steps to Supernatural Promotion

Steps to Supernatural Promotion

Elvis Iverson

The Will of the Lord is for each believer to have success, prosperity, and the more abundantly life. God bless you that through you others may be blessed, and God bless others that through them you may be blessed, it is called pass on the blessing. The Bible talks about showers of blessings “WOW” the Lord wants us blessed and living in blessing, and to showing the world that God is the God of blessing. –(Jn. 10:10, Ezek. 34:26)

Each person is on a journey through a process of steps leading us to the fulfillment of purpose in Christ. Each one of us need to surrender to the Lord’s process, you must set your trust in Him, and live out your life as if you trust Him with your our whole life, which you do, Amen. –(Prov. 3:5-6)

Renewing of your Mind with the Holy Scriptures, prayer, Word Revelation, prophetic revelation, vision, insight, Holy Spirit leading, we could know the will of the Lord for our life, meaning His purposes, plans and vision for our life. It is the will of the Lord for each believer to know the will of God for him or her. –(Eph. 1:17-18, Col. 1:9-11)

The word of the Lord that has been giving to you will test you. Joseph was a man of purpose, vision and destiny however he had to be tested by the word of the Lord giving to him. Each believer will be tested and you have to pass these tests, above all call out for His grace. If we have His grace it will help us to overcome a test, this is why with each test you need to seek Him for His grace. –(Psa. 105:17-19, Heb. 4:16)

We will go through tests to reach the place of release in our destiny, each test must be pass, or you will have to retake those tests over, and over again if you don’t pass them. You must pass all these tests in order to enter into your destiny. However, the Lord has made a way that is sample for you to pass these tests. How do we pass these tests? 1. Humility, humble yourselves. 2. Pray through each process. 3. Learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. 4. Pray for wisdom and revelation to pass your tests. 5. Ask for grace in time of need, ask for mercy in time of need. 6. Have faith, set your mind on the vision that God has giving you. 7. Enter into rest and have peace. –(1 Pet. 1:7, Jam. 1:3)

Besides, the Lord is the God of promotion; promotion comes from the Lord alone. We are seeking promotion from the Lord. It is He who will raise us up, and promote us in our destiny. If we believe we will see supernatural promotion in our life. –(Psa. 75:6-7)

The ten steps to supernatural promotion:

1. The step of vision: every believer needs to have a vision for there life. Vision will keep us on task in the journey and life of destiny. Vision will keep us in faith and hope.
2. The step of revelation: We are to pray for revelation, and wisdom. Revelation can give us keys, open doors, and show us the way. We need both Word revelation, and prophetic revelation in our life in our calling of destiny in Christ.
3. The step of learning to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit: each believer is to know and understand the voice of the Holy Spirit, more you learn, more the better. Learning His voice today will help you to hear Him in the time of destiny that is coming soon for you.
4. The step of devotional and prayer life: each believer is growing in devotional and prayer with the Lord. Devotion life builds your human spirit; prayer life moves you forth in faith to your destiny.
5. The Step of suffering and patience: as you learn to have a better outlook toward suffering, as you learn through times of suffering, suffering will move you forth through time, if you learn from these times of suffering. Patience is the foundation to character, as you become a person of patience you will begin to move forth in the supernatural. Patience is a key to the supernatural.
6. The Step of learning to rest and have peace: In order to enter into the day of promotion, and into the door of destiny you must learn to rest and enter into rest. Learning to have peace in every day, every place, and through all things. Peace is not controlling your world; peace is trusting in God when things don’t go your way. You need to mature to a level of peace that is needed for your destiny.
7. The step of enjoying the presence of God: enjoying the presence of God is what really matters in this world. The more you love the presence of the Lord, and the more you have passion for the presence of the Lord, the more you will be ready for destiny, that you might always have a heart after the Lord in all things, and that you might have the heart of God.
8. The Step of anointing: The anointing that the Lord has giving you will raise you up into your destiny. Learn to flow in the anointing that the Lord has giving you. As you learn to flow freely in the anointing giving to you, you will be ready for your destiny.
9. The step of character: as you become a person of character, you need to have the kind of character to carry your destiny.
10. The Step of humility and meekness: As the Lord teaches you humility you will grow to a level of humility that is needed for your destiny. As you grow in meekness you will become more teachable and willing to work with others and learn the need for the others that is needed for the future ministry of destiny.

Above all it His grace and mercy; we are to pray for His grace and mercy to overcome and to enter into destiny. Learn the need for His grace and mercy is the most importation process in the journey to destiny. –(Heb. 4:16)

The journey to your destiny will not take long if you apply these steps, the life is not to be the journey to destiny, instead the journey of destiny. The Lord has a future of hope for you; there is hope for your life. Trust the Lord with the future of your life. –(Jer. 29:11, Prov. 3:5-6)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Fight the Unseen

Fight the Unseen

Elvis Iverson

We are fighting spiritual battles that we cannot see, although we are going through trials and temptations, the Lord will lead us out, His will is for us to overcome and have victory. Even through we may not know what is coming against us, and there are some who don’t even know what spiritual forces that are coming against them. –(2 Cor. 2:11, 1 Cor. 10:13)

Demons use spiritual ignorant and deception to hide their workings and their presence. If you could see and discern them, and their weapons, and their plans against then you can fight better, When the Lord gives you revelation you then can access spiritual authority, not only does He show you, He show you their plans, workings, and weapons, and He will show you how to fight and stop them. –(Jam. 1:5)

They may be unseen from our eyes, but if we have grown in the eyes of our heart by the Holy Spirit we will be overcoming and become skillful in battle. They may be unseen, God sees them, they cannot hide from Him, and His angels see them too, and they are sent to battle with you, and aid you. –(Psa. 34:7)

We are to become skillful in the levels that we are called to spiritual warfare, and surely we are to be skillful at the battles that come against us; the Lord wants us to know what is coming against us. Pray for the LORD to train your hands for war, and your fingers for battle. –(Psa. 144:1)

We are to know the basics of spiritual warfare, and we are to know the weapons of our warfare, and there are the ones He gives to all, then there are ones He gives to us as special weapons. Pray for the Lord to give you spiritual weapons to fight those things that are coming against you. –(2 Cor. 10:3-4)

Most of the battle will be won when we receive revelation about the demon plans, weapons, their grounds, and even their name, and how to deal with them. It seem they begin to lose the battle at that point, when you apply the revelation that is giving you begin to have victory in spiritual battles. This is why you are to pray for revelation, discernment, and wisdom in spiritual warfare. As you pray bind spiritual ignorant and deception, and darkness, and pray for the release of revelation and the light of Christ to shine more in your life and against these spiritual battles that we are facing. Always thank the Lord for revelation that He gives you–(Eph. 1:17-18)

When in prayer we need to come against the wisdom of darkness, and their plans, and weapons. Pray for the counsel of the wicked to be turn into foolishness, condemn the weapons of demons, and their plans, and every tongue that has raise against you. –(2 Sam. 15:31, Isa. 54:17)

Take out all legal grounds, and open doors, that you have giving to those demons. Pray for the Lord to show you your heart and if you done any thing wrong, and confess and ask for forgiveness and repent. Then pray to take out the legal grounds, and pray for the Lord to close the doors and rebuilt the walls of protection. –(Eccl. 10:8)

Pray to the Father to send angels to the sources of these spiritual attacks, pray for those being use against you, forgive them, and bless them, pray for the Spirit of repentance to come upon them, pray for Lord to send His angels to take out the demons behind them, and to stop the demons and people that come against you. Pray for walls to come between you and them, that nothing they do will never touch you, and all things they do against you will fall to the ground and die, pray to the Lord of Hosts to send His angels to keep the battles away from you, and give you rest, and so that don’t feel these battles, and pray for the Lord to send angels to minister to you, and war for you. Pray for the Lord to protect you, and believe that He will protect you, and pray for walls of fire to be place around you, pray for hedges of protection to be place around you, and pray for a wall of angels to be place around you, and protect you, and draw the Blood of Jesus around you, and cover yourself in the Blood of Christ. –(Rom. 8:31-39)

Break all curses, witchcraft, prayer craft, soulish prayers, and bind them and pray for those against you, Lord turn all curses against you around for you, and that what is against you, and that what is meant evil against you to be turn for you. Pray for the Lord to blind those who are against you with favor for you, and to turn them around for you. Above all forgive, forgive, forgive them all. –(Rom. 8:28, Gen. 50:20, Gal. 5:15,Matt. 5:44)

Fill your times of spiritual battle with praise, and worship, and rejoice in the Lord, then pray restoration prayers, and cleansing prayers over yourself, and then enter into rest, always before you go to battle enter into rest, and at the end of battle time, enter into to rest, and always enter into rest. –(Psa. 149:6, Heb. 3:19)

Remember the battles belong to the Lord, you must know the Lord is with you, cover yourself in the blood of Christ, hide yourself in the blood of Christ, pray to be hidden in Christ by the blood of Christ, pray for the Lord to hide your steps and plans from demons and darkness. Allow the Lord and His angels to fight for you, and enter into rest, and come back into the peace of God, never leave the peace of God, remain in the peace of God. –(Rom. 16:20, Col. 3:3)

Pray for times of refreshing and restoration from the presence of the Lord. During any battle believe that the presence of the Lord is with you, and enter into His presence and learn to move forth in His presence. Pray for the Lord to end all these trials and give you rest from battles, and believe that He hears your prayers, and give Him thanksgiving. Pray for the Lord to lead you out and give you victory. –(Acts 3:19-21)

However, never be double minded about God’s will for you, His future for you, your purpose in Him, and your God giving vision, fulfillment of your prayers, and that you will have victory over all things for you already have victory in Christ. Christ had already gone before you, and prepares the way for victory. –(Jam. 1:8)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The City of The Apostles part two

The City of The Apostles part two

Elvis Iverson
July 1, 2007

In a vision I see the company of angels who have no name. I hear angels in the background singing songs of worship. I then feel a mist of the Spirit come upon us, the Holy Spirit then said to us saying this is the will of the Lord for every believer to feel and be touched by a mist of the Spirit everyday.

Then the angels said, we do not talk by each one, we only talk together. We are the angels of pure vision and pure revelation. As we are speaking to you, we are speaking to others who are waiting before the Lord to hear what the Lord is saying about the church. Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the church!

We speak to you in visions not in words only, our visions are not our own but the one who sent us give us these visions, the Throne Room is the place of prophecy, visions, revelations, and dreams.

Now here what we have to say about these divine cities, about these cities of the apostles, about the city of the apostles.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to plant a congregation that became a mega congregation in the Spirit. And lamp burn day and night among them. These are congregational apostles, and they are many, but they are only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to plant apostolic ecclesiastical networks, they were called ecclesiastical apostles, they were many, but they were only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arises in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to minister to a city and lead the city church, they were called territorial apostles called to plan territorial church networks, and establish city church centers. They were many, but they were only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to establish horizontal networks, these apostles were called horizontal apostles, and they were many, but only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to the workplace, or marketplace. They were called marketplace or workplace apostles; they were many, but only some, and few.

In vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. These apostles had other ministries and other plans then the ones before, they cover all other apostles that we have not yet said. They were many, but only some, and few.

Now I see a vision of divine cities around the world. I see apostles arise. Some cities had are a few, but these cities had many apostles and this was a supernatural wonder.

In these cities I see huge apostolic congregations arise, many coming to know the Lord, I see in these cities the activity of the Holy Spirit arise throughout the city. And I see if there were not enough people to go around, the Lord will bring more people from other cities and around the world. And it seems that these apostolic congregations had no since of ownership on the sheep, instead there was freedom, love and grace.

I see the establishment of apostolic ecclesiastical networks in these cities, these networks when throughout the nation around them, and even some around the world. I see a company of apostolic ecclesiastical networks within these cities. I see those called into ministry come from around the nation and even around the world.

I see in these cities the water, oil and wine poured out upon these cities. I see in these cities the oil, fire, wind, water, and wine of the Spirit poured out. It seems that God was giving all things to these cities and His people. From these cities came rivers that went to the nation around them and even around the world.

I see within these cities marketplace apostle minister, I see the beilevers in the workplace begin to arise in faith and the supernatural in the Holy Spirit. I see many believers enter into workplace revival. I see rivers of wealth flow into these cities, into these ministries of marketplace apostles, into the apostolic ecclesiastical networks, and into these apostolic congregations, and many become wealthy in these cities, but even beyond numbers believers become financial independent, this lead to a new era. The ministry of wealth, and the ministry of philanthropy arise among the believers that out number those in the world. This will lead to 90% of believers in the ministry of philanthropy, and only 10% only be of the world, soon the believers will own most of wealth around the world.

Within these cities many prophetic words came to pass and many prophetic words begun to come to pass around the world, and these cities were the place of prophetic fulfillment and prophetic release.

Now I see within these cities; city church networks arise and there was city church centers established, and I see 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch. The Apostolic City Church arises into great anointing and great grace. These centers were a place for resting glory to come and live, and these places were the centers for revivals. These cities were filled with signs and wonders, and these cities were full of the acts of the Holy Spirit.

From these Apostolic City Church in these cities begin to flow the rivers of revival, and rivers of social transformation to cities around them, to the nation around them, and to cities and nations around the world.

These cities became fruitful, full of fruitfulness; these cities become cities called city of righteousness and faithful city. These cities were full of judges and counselors, apostles and prophets, and from these cities came many missionary movements to nations and cities around the world.

These cities increase in sizes from time to time again. These cities continue to grow and grow; some of these cities become three cities or four cities in one apostolic city church. Many numbers of people came from around the world called to live in these cities.

I hear the Holy Spirit says these are the cities of the apostles; this is the plan of the Lord in the earth and in the church. These cities of the apostles are the city of the apostles.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Welcome back to the School of Suffering once again

Welcome back to the School of Suffering once again

Elvis Iverson

Suffering is a pathway to anointing and revival. We want God, but we don’t want suffering, if you want God you will have suffering. Those who really want to serve the Lord will go through suffering. –(2 Tim. 3:12)

We ask ourselves why me Lord, why do I have to go through suffering, and what did I do wrong, and when will I enjoy life, instead of warring with suffering. I don’t want suffering; I want to be free and to live for you. –(1 Pet. 5:10-11)

You suffer for reason of your relationship with the Lord, for reason of your purpose in Christ, for reason of your God giving vision for your life; If want to change things you must suffer, but suffering through grace. –(2 Tim. 2:1,3)

You do not suffer for reason you did something wrong; you can enjoy life and suffer but suffer with grace, you can enjoy life and suffer, only suffer with grace, and you can live for God more when you suffer, only suffer with grace. –(1 Pet. 5:5-11,12)

Suffering is not for life, but there may be suffers that you might face, instead it will not be the same kinds of suffering that the Lord use to raise you up and to promote you to blessings; there are kinds of suffering, some are not of God, and some are, the ones that are from God lead to life and blessing. Restoration and progression is the Lord’s will, and suffering is one of the ways that led to them. –(Matt. 5:10,Matt. 11:12)

We need to renew our mindsets, and have God’s mindset about suffering, and then believe that Lord is in control, and then ask for grace, then pray, and then walk in peace and be filled with oil of joy. –(Phil. 4:4-7, Heb. 4:16, Isa. 61:3)

Yes suffering is not always and believers will have many days and many years without suffering, and any other suffering that we may face may not be such a degree of suffering. Remember the Lord has plan for you, a future and hope for you, and you will enjoy life in Christ, and live without hard times. Notwithstanding, sometimes and many times we have to go through hard times to get to those times and life that we want. The Lord will led and guide you through those times and through all times, for He wants you to have a life of enjoyment, first we must begin with joy in our hearts and peace in minds and hearts and allow the Lord to work in our lives and led us throughout our life. –(Prov. 3:5-6)

Good reasons for the School of Suffering:

1. Increase and grow in relationship with the Lord. –(Phil. 3:10)
2. Open the doors of your heart to receive visions and revelation from the Lord. –(2 Cor. 12:1-10)
3. Building of Christ character. –(1 Pet. 1:6-7, Jam. 1:2-4)
4. Leading to the steps in the pathway of your destiny, purpose and vision. –(Psa. 105:19)
5. The reason to move more in the Kingdom. –(Matt. 5:10-12)
6. Learn to flow more in the love of God. –(Matt. 5:44)
7. Leading and growing to become a person of wisdom. –(Eccl. 1:18)
8. To come into true strength in the Lord, and become stronger in Christ. –(Isa. 40:29-31)
9. A part of groans and labors with birth pangs for the things and purposes, and plans of the Lord. –(Rom. 8:25)
10. Suffering for Kingdom purposes. –(Matt. 11:12)
11. Suffering apart of spiritual warfare that leads to spiritual victory and breakthrough. –(Eph. 6:12)
12. Suffering on the behalf of the Church. –(Col. 1:24)
13. To move more or to have a greater anointing. –(Jam. 5:10-11)
14. To be example to others. –(Jam. 5:10-11)
15. Suffering aids us in maturity in Christ, etc. –(2 Tim. 2:3)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Coffee House Movement

Coffee House Movement

Elvis Iverson

I have been giving prophetic words about the Lord using coffee houses as places for the body of Christ to come together within a city. To bring believers together to fellowship from many groups and congregations, a common ground, and a common place to fellowship and pray together. I’ve seen within my own city that this city will grow, increase two or three times in its size, and that there will be coffee houses all over the city, Christians from many groups and many congregations will come together in love. A few weeks ago the Lord give me a prophetic vision of a supernatural manifestation in a coffee house, that lead to a doorway to the Third Heaven and the Throne Room. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

Coffee Houses can be use for home churches to meet, instead of meeting in homes they will meet in coffee houses, etc. too. –(Acts 2:46)

There will be a coming together of non-profit corporation with Business Corporation under the leadership of a marketplace or workplace apostle. This will only be one of the examples of this, and there will be other examples too. –(Rev. 1:5-6, 5:9-10)

Example: a workplace apostle will be lead to establish a coffee house corporation franchise company and at the same time establish a non-profit corporation and join them together under than one Lord. –(Heb. 3:1, 4:16)

The Marketplace Apostle will be the overseer of the non-profit corporation fellowship that meets in the coffee house franchise; the marketplace apostle will be the CEO of the coffee house corporation franchise company too. –(Acts 16:11-15, 40)

Each Coffee House will have their own owner/pastor, that during the weekdays and some weekends will be business hours, and then some hours will be set aside for church fellowship. Likewise there will prayer meetings in the early morning like around 5 am, on Sundays and Wednesdays there will be set times for fellowship. –(1 Cor. 14:26)

The business hours will pull in finances for the business, for the owner, for the workers, and for the fellowship too. The church fellowship hours will pull in grace giving for the fellowship and ministry, missions, and leadership only. –(1 Cor. 16:1-2, Deut. 8:18)

The overview of the coffee house will be safe environment for Christians and non-Christians to come. A place for worship, music, witness, meetings, and business. The witness is not forceful or upfront; instead it is by the leading of the Holy Spirit, influence and lifestyle. –(Matt. 5:13-16, Col. 4:2-6, Jn. 6:65,44)

There will be house music and worship bands, and then there be traveling bands from the corporation office. There are open nights for other visiting bands, etc. There will be ministry teams both of the house and those send from traveling from the corporation office. At certain slow business hours there be stands setup outside to give away food and clothing to the needy. –(Eph. 4:12, 2 Tim. 4:5)

The corporation office will train owners of local coffee houses of their franchise company/fellowship network to both be successful in the coffee house business, and to pastor a fellowship house. They will send out teams equipped in business and ministry to setup and establish successful coffee house businesses and fruitful house fellowships. –(Acts 13:1-3)

The Lord will bring together the profit with the non-profit, and the sacred with the secular, and spiritual with the worldly, to bring revival and social transformation to our cities. –(Acts 17:6)

We will see the coffee movement in major cities and big cities with great numbers of people. Where you will see many coffee houses/fellowship houses establish with an overseers, region manger, etc. you will see the coffee houses network establish many coffee houses in many cities under one marketplace apostle and business corporation/ non-profit corporation. Also you will see this business corporation/ non-profit corporation only in networked in a city, and others in network of many in many cities, etc. –(Matt. 13:47-52

This is only one example of how workplace apostles will minister and how profitable corporations will join together with non-profit corporations, etc. This article is an example and also a prophecy. –(Prov. 29:18)

I personally have hold bible studies, church services, prayer meetings, prophetic services, and other meetings in coffee houses and even in my home. –(Acts 2:46)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

The City of The Apostles part one

The City of The Apostles part one

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see angels come before us, stand before us, and speaking unto us, these angels say we have come with visions from our Lord In the Third Heaven. I see these angel wings were likeness as a rainbow, and there bodies were bodies of light. As these angels fly you see an rainbow around each angel, and when they stood before us, they cover them self with their wings in the likeness of a rainbow, and when they speak they open their wings and we could see the light of their bodies. When they fly you see rainbows around each of them, and a flash of light between each rainbow.

Upon there chest was the Image of Christ, which is a image of gold that was a water of gold flowed from them when they spoke their words under the authority of the Lord of Hosts, who is Jesus Christ our Lord. When they speak in the background you heard the voices of many angels singing songs of worship.

In their right hands were a staff and in other hands were a rod. I ask what is your name, and these angels said we have no name. There is only one name above all other names in Heaven, and there is only one name that above all names in the Earth, that is the name of Jesus.

These angels don’t come alone, they come in a company of angels, and this company of angels doesn’t come along, there are other angels that come with them.

These angels begun to speak in visions:

The Revelation of the Church, the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, the Revelation of the City Church, and the Revelation of the future of the Church the Lord has laid upon your heart to believe and move forth in the anointing of these Revelations.

It is time to gather the apostles around the heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ, for there is only one heart and one mind. It is time to gather the prophets around the heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ that the apostles and prophets then can gather the saints around the heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ.

From these gatherings of Heart of the Father and of the Mind of Christ came a pillar of clouds and fires, and from this signs and wonders poured upon these divine gatherings.

Now I see a vision of divine cities are around the world. These are the cities of the Apostles. A city of the Apostles is a city of the open door, a city where a group of apostles live and their home is, and where the saints walk in the teachings and fellowship of the apostles.

I see a vision of angels called the angels of the city of the apostles, there are many cities of the apostles, but there is only one city of the apostles in these divine cities around the world. These angels went to these cities and to the city of the apostles, and they begun to blow a holy trumpet, there was only one trumpet that these angels blow, and hear the calling of the apostles to these cities and to this city. This was the trumpet of the church.

The Lord will build a stronghold in these divine cities around the world. It will be a stronghold of unity, revelation, prophecy, signs, anointings, wealth, grace, and the apostles.

These divine cities will be centers for the apostles, the church, and the Kingdom of God. And the Holy Spirit, and movements of God.

The City of the Apostles is the city of God, is the church, and is the city church in every city.

Now I see angels fly to many cities around the world, and they all blow the same trumpet, this was the trumpet of the Kingdom. There are other kinds of trumpets, but there are only two trumpets that He will guide His people, one of the trumpets are for of the Church, and the other is the trumpet of the Kingdom.

Now I see a vision of a cloud that is coming it is the cloud of the signs of apostle, this is the anointing that will always be with the apostles, this anointing and grace is coming, this anointing and grace is a river of the Spirit in their lives, and it is coming. And from this cloud came many clouds, however this cloud resting upon these divine cities.

Now I see a vision of this hovering fire that is coming, this hovering fire is coming upon the saints in these divine cities. From this hovering fire came many hovering fires. However, this hovering fire rested upon these divine cities.

Now I see a vision of a pillar of cloud come to these divine cities, and this cloud rested upon these cities, this cloud is the cloud of restring glory that is coming. And from this cloud came many clouds. Now I see a vision of a pillar of fire coming to these divine cities around the world. This pillar of fire rested upon these divine cities, this is the outreach of movements of the Spirit, and from this pillar of fire came many pillars of fire.

Now I see an angel called the angel of the signs of apostles, he is coming to these divine cities to laid upon the apostles who are coming the signs of an apostle, he will release the signs of the apostles in these divine cities and in the church around the world.

Now I see a vision of a faithful watchman, a faithful prophet standing at the gate of these divine cities, he has prophecy, and prayed for years waiting for the time of the coming of the apostles to these divine cities.

Now the Holy Spirit says do you want your city to be a city of the apostles, begun to pray for apostles, pray for prophets, pray for apostles, begun to hear the prophets, begin to listen to the apostles, begin to pray for your city.

However, not all cities will be cities of the apostles, but your city can have an apostle or two. Your city can have the apostolic city church, your city can have the Kingdom of God, and your city can have a marketplace company, and your city can have revival, and you can have revival too.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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How to become a City of the Apostles

How to become a City of the Apostles

Elvis Iverson

What is going to happen to our cities in the near future? First we are transitioning to the next level of city church, we are going to transition from pastoral unity to apostolic unity, and the church in the marketplace or workplace will be established, and a bridge between the church and the workplace will be built this will serve for a divine continuing transfer of wealth. –(Isa. 60)

In addition, the Holy Spirit wants your city to become a city of the apostles not just for the apostles. A city of the apostles is filled with signs and wonders and revivals. –(Acts 15:4)

We must pray to the Father asking Him to make, teach and mold us to become sensitive to the Holy Spirit, the moves of God, the time and seasons, the timely of the Lord, and Apostles and Prophets. –(1 Thess. 5:19)

We must understand there are different kinds of apostles and we need to make room for them. Pray for the Lord to rise up apostles in your city, and for Him to send apostles to your city. Pray against the enemies of the apostles and those things that could hinder their ministry. Pray for the Lord to establish a big welcome mat and for the church of the city to give them the right hand of fellowship. Apostles must be welcomed and received. We must create environment for the ministry of the apostles. –-(Matt. 10:11-15)

First and foremost your city and the church of your city needs territorial apostles or you can say city church apostles. Apostles who have vision for your city and the church of your city that are called to give leadership and vision to the church of the city. –(Prov. 29:18)

The next is horizontal apostles, which is the same as the territorial apostles; horizontal apostles are one of the broad apostolic spheres of ministry, and the territorial apostle is one of the activities of the horizontal apostle. Some horizontal apostles are called to be city church apostle and others are called to another horizontal apostolic ministry. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

The next we need marketplace apostles or you can say workplace apostles; these are apostles who are called to minister in the marketplace. City Apostle and marketplace apostles are most likely to lead in Social transformation of our cities. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

There are other kinds of apostles that we should acknowledge in our cities; ecclesiastical apostles, congregational apostles, hyphenated apostles, and others. –(1 Thess. 5:12-13)

Prophets are to be received in our cities before we can witness of the ministry of the apostles. Prophets will prepare the way for apostles, and apostles will build environment for the prophetic ministry of the church. Apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational, reformational, revival, and social transformation ministry to the church. –(Eph. 2:20,3:5)

Apostles are gatekeepers in our cities, and prophets are watchmen of our cities, we need them both; apostolic and prophetic ministry is to be established at the gate of the city. –(Isa. 1:26)

We must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us, and we must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us through His prophets about our cities, before we can even think about apostles coming to our cities. –(Amos 3:7-8)

We must understand, know, and acknowledge the apostles who are already among us, and young apostles, and those who will be apostles. However, this is hard to be done without the aid of prophetic ministry in the church. –(Gal. 2:9, 1 Sam. 16:1-13)

We will have to teach on the ministry and workings of the Apostle to give faith, and understanding in order to prepare us to receive apostles. –(Rom. 15:15)

Furthermore, we must be willing to change our mindsets, church governments, views, and ways in order to be more applicable to the ministry of the Apostle and the Holy Spirit’s ministry through the apostles to us. –(Rom. 12:2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Walk and Run with the Vision

Walk and Run with the Vision

Elvis Iverson

The Lord is speaking to those who have vision, those whom have been giving a vision for their lives; this vision came through revelation from the Holy Spirit. There are those with vision for their life, and those with vision for the Church, and those called to be visionary leaders, with visionary ideals that will change our church and world. –(Prov. 29:18)

The Holy Spirit has giving you a vision for your life, ministry and business. This vision is not just for you, it is for all those whom you will touch through your obedience to the God of your vision, who is Jesus Christ, our Lord. You must write down the vision, and write it in a way that others can apply and follow, write down the steps and goals, with the mission purpose, and purpose for your life. When releasing you vision only give that which they can receive, and to there level of faith, as there faith is built more, and then give them more of the vision. There are those that you give the vision a little at time, as you lead them in vision, then there are those who don’t have faith, meaning revelational faith, watch out for them, they will be used to hurt you and those that are faithful to the God giving vision in your life. Pray for them, love them, but don’t fellowship them, and don’t receive them into your fellowship. —(2 Thess. 3:1-5)

Write done the vision, and begin to apply faith for it, you walk with the vision, then run with the vision and then you ride the vision. It takes much faith, much patience and much prayer to walk and carry your vision, but your not alone you have Jesus, and He will carry your burden of faith. It not only takes faith, you need grace to walk and carry the vision. –(Hab. 2:1-4)

But the just shall live by his faith, the just shall live by faith, for we walk by faith, not by sight, and now the just shall live by faith; it is by faith we shall walk with the vision, it is by faith we will run with the vision, and it is by faith we will ride upon the vision. –(Heb. 10:38, 2 Cor. 5:7, Rom. 1:17, Hab. 2:4)

You must not be moved by those things that are not of faith and you must not love your self, and you are to run the race of vision with joy, you can have joy throughout you path to the fullness of your vision. –(Acts 20:24)

You run with the vision in such a way that you may come to the fullness of your vision and see your vision fulfilled before your eyes. The discipline of your body is importation if you want to enjoy living in the fullness of your vision. –(1 Cor. 9:24-27)

You cannot be disobedient to your heavenly vision, you are to obey and to apply your vision even today, even if your not living in the fullness or the fulfillment of your vision. –(Acts 26:19)

It is by the Holy Spirit you will see the fullness and the fulfillment of your vision, so shout grace, grace to your vision everyday, and see the Holy Spirit move in your life and vision. –(Zech. 4:6-10)

You receive your vision by faith, you endured with hope and it is love you will come to the fullness of your vision. We are to fight the good fight of faith, the pathway to your vision is a life of faith, and is a good fight of faith, The Lord wants you to have a life of faith, and a good life. We have to war and battle in prayer for your vision of faith. –(1 Tim. 6:11-12)

The day will come to the day of fullness and fulfillment of your vision, this is only the beginning, if you are faithful with this vision He will give you more vision in this life and the next. –(2 Tim. 4:6-8)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Shaking has begun and the North Winds

The Shaking has begun and the North Winds

Elvis Iverson
August 4, 2007

Prophetic words that the Lord is speaking from I-35 in Minneapolis Minnesota USA, and Russia putting claims on the North Pole and seeking for oil; these are prophetic signs that the Lord is speaking to us through these events.

First and foremost the Lord is building the Highway of Holiness as it is spoken of in Isaiah 35.

The man made buildings of the church are weak and will fail, they will fall; the Lord will build His house, the Lord will arise up His church. New Wineskins will arise. The Apostolic Church will arise; the apostolic city church will arise.

In addition, shaking that is coming, there is a shaking that has already begun; it first came as a lamb, now it will come as a lion, and then a horse, this is the reformation of the Church. The work of reformation is a work of becoming pure gold, pearls and precious stones.

The bridges of unity are weak and will fail, the Lord will build stronger bridges of unity, and the Lord will build a bridge of apostolic unity, and arise up the apostolic city church.

The Lord will build highways and bridges of salvation in according to Isaiah 49:8-12.

It is time to go to highways and byways around the world meaning the marketplace and the workplace. –(Matthew 22:9

The I-35 bridge fallen over the Mississippi river meaning the man ways and bridges to revival will fail and will not work, the Lord will built a more better bridges to revivals, and replace the others that will fall and be removed. The Lord showed me a revival that will come and touch every state where the Mississippi river touches.

The shaking has begun in the church and in the world, and even in America, and through this the Church will arise and Kingdom of God will move forth and increase.

Russia putting claims on the North Pole and seeking for oil. This is a prophetic sign that the North winds of Holy Spirit will begin to blow upon the nations, first and foremost Russia, Europe, and America, and then the rest of the world, The North winds of the Holy Spirit are the cleansing winds of the Spirit.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, August 03, 2007

How To Have Peace

How To Have Peace

Elvis Iverson

The Lord want for each believer is to have great peace. Those whom He teaches shall have great peace. It is time to say goodbye to the life without peace, and say hello to the life with peace, not only with peace, instead with great peace.

As you walk with the Lord through suffering, tests, trials, hard times, good times, times of joy, times of rest, times of peace, as you grow in the Lord the peace of God will multiplied in your life. The Lord have giving you grace to walk in peace, and you are to grow in the peace of God in the Lord. –(1 Pet. 1:2, 2 Pet. 1:2)

Peace is a fruit of the Spirit, as a born again believer you have the Holy Spirit in your life, and He has release His peace into your life, we just need to learn to flow with Him in His peace, and allow His peace to grow in our lives. Sometimes we stand in the way of the work of the Holy Spirit, no longer go against the gain of the Holy Spirit, He loves you, and He is your heavenly Father prefect gift giving to each believer in Christ. The Holy Spirit will aid and lead you to a life full with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. –(Gal. 5:16-26)

One thing is for sure, and there are other things that for sure in Christ, we need to know each of them, believe and never question them. Christian are to be worry free, the world has worry, but believers are never to worry, for we have the Lord, He is caring for us, He is watching out for us, when we pray we pray with the knowledge that He has already provide our needs and wants, yes we are to ask, but prayer is more for communion with Him. –(Matt. 6:25-34)

We are never to be anxious, instead believe in God, instead trust in God, know your God, and act and live like your God is in control of everything for He is. We are to pray letting our request knowing unto God, we are not to carry worry, fear, etc. we are to pray in faith. Then the peace of God will pour upon us surpasses all understanding, and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Your heart and mind is protection by the peace of God. –(Phil. 4:6-8)

Prayer is a life of the peace of God; we are to set times aside you may not do this every day, but try to do this at least once a week, it will change your life. Begin you’re prayer through time by first letting your request known unto God with thanksgiving. Then begin to pray for other believers in Christ, with thanksgiving, and then pray for the lost with thanksgiving. After you have prayed all in your understand, ask the Holy Spirit to aid you in your prayers, then begin praying in the Holy Spirit, during this period give praises the Lord, pray until you feel the peace of God release in your mind and in your heart. This could take more then an hour, so remain purposeful in prayer. It helps to pay anointed prayer and prophetic worship music in the background. After you sense the release of the peace of God, then believe for Lord to speak, He may speak in visions. Pray speak Lord for your servant hears you, and then wait in patience, after He speaks in words or visions, then begin to worship Him. –(Phil. 4:6-7)

Once you have prayed no longer carry any care or worry with you. Humble yourself, believe in God, keep a purposeful mind and be of good courage resist to worry or to fear, instead steadfast in your faith in the Lord, be patience have hope, and ask for grace. –(1 Pet. 5:6-10)

Lord’s will is for the peace of God to rule in your heart, we are to allow the Lord to be Lord over all areas and to trust and believe Him through all things we may face, and then peace of God will rule in your heart. –(Col. 3:15)

That is right we are no longer to be trouble in heart, instead believe in God, trust in the Lord, enter into rest, allow the peace of God to fill you and minister to you. The Holy Spirit will minister the peace of God to us, when we enter into rest. –(Jn. 14:1)

We are to come to the Lord, give him our burdens, cares, and then believe and receive the rest, take His yoke, and learn from Him, for He is gentle and lowly in heart, and you will have rest for your soul, for His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. –(Matt. 11:28-30)

Enter into the peace of God, and the peace of God will open the doors of spiritual victory, and through the peace of God Satan will be crush under your feet. The peace of God is a great spiritual weapon in spiritual warfare. –(Rom. 16:20)

Before you can enter into the peace of God, you need to enter into the rest of the Lord. We are to live our life in the rest of the Lord; this allows the peace of God to fill us. –(Heb. 3:19, 4:10)

How to Have the Peace of God:

1. Enter into rest.
2. Be a person of prayer.
3. Do not worry.
4. Do not judge.
5. Forgive others.
6. Do not misunderstand or miss -discern the Church.
7. Believe and trust the Lord.

The peace of God is a promise of God for every believer; the peace of God has already been giving to each believer in Christ. It is the Lord that has giving you peace, and no man can take that peace away from you, only you can allow it to be taking from you, if that has happen to you, it is time to take back your peace in grace, by praying. –(Jn. 14:27, 16:33)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Church Around The World part five

The Church Around The World part five

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see the Roundtable Meeting of Seated Apostles and Seated Prophets. I hear and see them cry, the water that comes from their eyes begun to flow throughout the world. I see this waters bring life to those who believe however; to those who are religion it brings death to them.

I see a vision of an angel of fire with a sword in his right hand and a sword in his other hand. This angel says I will bring fire to the houses of religion, I will bring confusion, divisions, battles, I will remove their peace, and they will no longer have peace. I will remove their joy they will no longer have joy. I will remove their blessings; they will no longer be blessed. I will cut them down, I will root them out, I will humbly them, and I will open their hearts to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I will bring an end to their ways, I will build roadblocks in their ways, and I will hinder them.

Then this angel said I go to the houses of the Spirit, and I will bless them, I will give them blessings, I will give them joy, I will give them unity, I will give them life, I will open wide their doors and gates, I will open wide their ways and paths. I will raise them up all over the world, and I will give them fire.

Now I see a vision of the Great Mountain, which is the Kingdom of God. The seated apostles and the seated prophets in a vision went and walked upon this Great Mountain. However, we could not see the church, the church was hidden, and the Holy Spirit says the church is in invisible to many church leaders around the world, the vision of the church must first be in your heart, and the revelation of the church must first be in your heart, before you can see the city of God.

Now I see a key giving to me, this key is called prophecy. The Holy Spirit says prophecy is the key to these three doors that I shall open wide throughout the church around the world, and nations of the world for my people.

I took hold of this key of prophecy, and draw these three huge doors in the ground of this Great Mountain, and then life came upon these three drawings and these three doors stood upright upon this Great Mountain.

I these three doors open wide over all the church around the world. From these three doors came three rivers that flow throughout the church and the world.

The first Door that open wide was the door of apostles, prophets, the apostolic church, the apostolic reformation, revival, signs and wonders, the city church. This door shall be open wide to the apostles and prophets around the world.

The Second Door open wide was the door of Christian Freedom and liberty. Freedom and liberty for all Christians will come to all nations and cities around the world. Freedom to witness, freedom to worship, freedom to gather, freedom to prosper, freedom to live in peace and protection, and freedom to have rights.

The Third Door open wide was the door of blessings. The door of blessings shall open wide upon the church, upon the beilevers, upon the ministers, and the believers in the workplace all over the world.

Now I see a vision in my heart, and it is the vision of the city of God, the church around the world. This vision grows and increases, this city was huge and always grows, and always grows up and around in every side from the north, to the south, from east to the west. The gates were so huge, and so glorious that you could stand at these gates all day long, but when you enter into this city, the glory is so great and the light was so great that love flow pure in your heart. This is the vision of the church around the world.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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