The Throne of Hearts
Elvis Iverson
September 9, 2007 In a vision I see a mighty river coming and from this mighty river came many rivers that when throughout the church around the world, and from those rivers came revivals, social transformation and societal transformation. The river that I see that is coming is a river of revelations and visions, for many will come into revelations and visions from the Lord.
In addition, I see a vision of a door standing before me, and this door is standing before many around the world, then I see the key of knowledge, which is the key of revelation release in the church around the world. The key of knowledge opens this door before us. I enter into this door, now I am in the Third Heaven Throne Room.
Moreover, in a vision I see the Third Heaven Throne Room, I enter into this vision, I see the Father on His Throne, the name of His Throne is the Throne of Mercy. I hear by the Spirit the voice of the Father saying, be blessed My children, know My love, know My will, know My council, know Me through Christ, blessing service is coming, it comes twelve times a year, with twelve healings of nations every year. The twelve fruits are blessings for My children, and the leaves are for the healing of the nations.
Besides, I see Christ at the right hand of God the Father; the name written on His throne is the Throne of grace. I hear through the Spirit, Jesus says I am door to revelation, I am the door to visions, I am the door to the supernatural, and I am the door to breakthroughs, I am the door to fulfillment of prayers, and I am the door to fulfillment of prophecy.
I hear now through the Holy Spirit, I hear the Father say Through the Holy Spirit: speak mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, and shout mercy! I hear our Lord Jesus Christ say through the Holy Spirit: speak grace, grace, speak grace, grace, and shout grace!
Apart from that, I see Seven Burning Lamps of Fire before the Throne of the Father and of the Son our Lord. I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speak from the Seven Lamps of Burning Fire.
The first burning Lamp of Fire: Massive reformation, the new apostolic church arise, the new apostolic city church arise, and reformation to the whole church, and the arising of apostles and prophets.
The second burning Lamp of Fire: Massive revivals, lasting revivals, resting revivals, visitation revivals, habitational revivals, and the restoration of the glory of the Lord.
The Third burning Lamp of Fire: social transformation, massive social transformation, many social transformations, and societal transformation.
The Fourth burning Lamp of Fire: outpourings of Word Revelation, prophetic revelation, revelations, prophecy, visions, dreams, signs, gifts of the Spirit, signs and wonders, raising the dead, healing, and deliverance.
The Fifth burning Lamp of Fire: the wealth of the wicked, the release of wealth, and the transfer of wealth, outpouring of workplace prosperity, and the arising workplace army around the world.
The Sixth burning Lamp of Fire: the arising of city church unity, new apostolic city church, the city church, regional church, the national church, global church, and unity.
The Seventh Lamp of Fire: Outpouring of angelic hosts all over the world.
Apart from that, in a vision I see seven eyes of the Lord throughout the world and the church, I see from these seven eyes of the Lord, rivers of life, healing, change comes from them upon the church and the world. I hear the Holy Spirit speak from the seven eyes in vision:
The first Eye of the Lord: divine changes are coming, God is in control, the earth is the Lord, divine shaking are coming to being freedom and liberty.
The second Eye of the Lord: restoration and progression coming to the church, and the Church shall lead the world in restoration and progression.
The third Eye of the Lord: The Lord is dealing with the nations that bring suffering to the saints; the fellowship of their suffering will turn into the fellowship of freedom and liberty.
The fourth Eye of the Lord: The Lord will bring freedom and liberty to Israel, a river of open teaching and preaching will flow, the hearts of Israel will turn, the wisdom of God will bring a beginning of relationship between the Christian and the Jew.
The fifth Eye of the Lord: the nations that don’t obey, those nations that follow after the will of demons, will see the shaking of the Lord, and those nations will be humble, and those nations will seek the prophets and apostles.
The sixth Eye of the Lord: the Christian faith will be reborn and the truth of Christ will be promoted among the nations, the evil doings that stop the freedom of the Truth, will be overcome.
The seventh Eye of the Lord: the young generations will seek the Lord, an holy awaking in their hearts around the world, the Lord will turn their hearts and He will have their hearts, and He will change their generations and bring forth the restoration of all generations and generational blessings.
Apart from that, in a vision I hear the seven voices of the Lord, yes I hear them, I am seeing them over all nations around the world, and over the church around the world. I hear the Holy Spirit speak from the seven voices of the Lord.
The First Voice of the Lord: The Lord is over all nations, He is the Lord of Nations, He will open the doors and gates for the gospel, revival, for the church, for My apostles and prophets, I will bring freedom and liberty to all nations. I will bring revivals, massive revivals, rushing revivals, social transformations and societal transformation, I will rise up My apostles and My prophets and I will thunder through them throughout the world.
The Second Voice of the Lord: I will come in the many signs and wonders, I will pour out signs and wonders, My church will not lack the gifts of the Spirit, I will heal the masses, I will being miracles to the masses, I will raise the dead in great numbers all over the world.
The Third Voice of the Lord: I will rise up My prophets, I will bring outpourings of prophecy, visions and dreams, and I will give my deep wisdom as rivers of the Spirit. My apostles shall feed and oversee great numbers, and they will stand at the gates of rivers of revelation pouring out upon the church around the world.
The Fourth Voice of the Lord: I will pour out outpourings of breakthrough and liberty upon My church around the world. I will pour out an outpouring of fulfillment of prayer and prophecy.
The fifth Voice of the Lord: I will bring massive reformation, I will pour our many revivals, I will pour out many angelic hosts, and I will give lasting revival.
The Sixth Voice of the Lord: I will bring in the masses of souls, I will bring in the harvests of souls all over the world, I will fill My churches will great numbers of souls, I will increase My church in massive numbers in this generation, and I will build rivers of souls coming the Church, and I will build highways of souls coming to the Church in all generations beginning in this generation. My church will become fruitful and fruitfulness in all things. My church will no longer dwell in the dry lands or the wilderness lands, instead in fruitful lands.
The Seventh Voice of the Lord. I will give birth to the city church, the new apostolic city church, the new apostolic church, the supernatural church, I will give birth to new things. I will make you give birth to your destiny and purpose in Me.
Nevertheless, in a vision I see the Seven Burning Lamps of Fire, the Seven Eyes of the Lord, and the Seven Voices of the Lord giving to the Church.
In a vision I see the Seven burning Lamp of fire before the Father and the Son; the Seven burning Lamps of Fire is the Holy Spirit, now I see a vision of the Throne of Hearts, in every believer around the world. I see vision of this Throne in our hearts, this is the Throne of the Holy Spirit, and written upon this Throne is the Throne of love.
Furthermore, there will come an outpouring of love in the hearts of many believers around the world, and may all believers have this outpouring of love, and I see an outpouring of healing love coming upon many believers or all believers beginning in their hearts from the Throne of Hearts.
I hear the Holy Spirit saying: I speak love, I speak love, speak love, love, and I shout love!
Notwithstanding, in a vision I see two silver trumpeters blow here and there, at certain times, and all apostles and all prophets, and all leaders of the Church can hear the sound of theses trumpeters, and all believers in Christ can hear the sound of these trumpeters.
Unfortunately, we are going here and going there, we are busy with this and busy with that, we think we are following the voice of the Lord; instead it is voices of religion, not the voice of the Lord!
On the contrary, we cannot tell the certain sounds and certain directions of the sounds of the silver trumpets; is it a time for warfare, it is a time for unity, and it is time for harvest, it is a time for revival, who could tell anyways!
Conclusion, there is coming restoration of the silver trumpets in the church, there is coming restoration and maturity of hearing the sound and direction of the silver trumpets.
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights ReservedLabels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministry, vision