Torah Revelation
Elvis Iverson
The Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament. Torah is the foundation of the Bible, Torah is the foundation of all human kind, and Torah is the foundation of Israel, and Torah is the constitution of Israel, Torah was giving to Moses for the people of Israel, The Church have access to the Torah through the Blood of Christ, Torah was giving on Mount Sinai, the Torah was written and the giver of the Torah was our Lord Jesus Christ. Torah was giving on the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Pentecost is to celebration of the Torah being giving to Moses; it was the Day of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit was giving to the church. There is a connect between the Torah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the one who will teach us the Torah, and He is the Spirit of the Torah, the Four Gospels are the fullness of the Torah, and through the Blood of Christ the Torah can be access by all believers in Christ, and at the giving of the Holy Spirit the Torah is restore to the whole earth. We are to apply the Torah with grace and faith, and we are to follow the Torah by the power of the Holy Spirit. –(Ex. 19,20, Acts 1, 2)
All Scripture is giving by inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for connection, for instruction in righteousness; they are talking about the Torah, and the Old Testament, the New Testament was not yet fully written, but here they are taking about the Old Testament. We are to study to show ourselves approve, they are talking about the Old Testament. These things happen as examples, and they were written for our admonition, meaning the Torah, and the Old Testament. For these things were written before written for our learning, meaning the Old Testament. –(2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2:15, 1 Cor. 10:11, Rom. 15:4-5)
The Torah of the LORD is prefect, converting the soul, the testimony of the LORD is pure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandments of the LORD is pure, enlightening to the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them your servant is warned, and by keeping them there is great reward. We apply and follow the Torah by the Holy Spirit, grace and faith. –(Psa. 19:7-11)
The Torah is not made for the Just, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly, for the sinner, for the unholy, and for the profane, that they may repent and know Christ, for in Christ you fulfill the Torah, and by grace you apply the Torah. –(1 Tim. 1:9-10)
When you come to know Christ, the Torah is written upon your heart, and by the Holy Spirit you can apply and follow the Torah. The Holy Spirit will teach you the Torah and lead you in the Torah. –(Jer. 31:31-34, Heb. 8:10-12, Ezek. 36:25-28)
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not come to destroy the Torah by to fulfill it, He was the one who give the Torah to Moses, and the Four Gospels are the fullness of the Torah, and in Christ the Torah has been fulfilled, and when your in Christ, the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah by grace. You are not under the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. We are to walk in the simplicity of the Torah by faith, grace and Spirit. –(Matt. 5:17,Rom. 6:14)
Grace comes before the Torah it is grace first and then Torah, for it is grace before truth, grace and truth, grace and Torah, and the Torah is truth, the Word is Truth. –(Ex. 20:1-2)
The Torah was giving on Mount Sinai, and the feasts of Pentecost, is connect with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, when Torah is restored to the Earth. The Torah came, as revelation of God, The relationship with God is a revelation, and the revelation of names of God are the first revelation giving, and the Torah is the foundation of revelation, and in the Holy Spirit we have the restored Torah by grace, faith and Spirit. The Torah came by revelation; the Torah is a revelation from God. Faith comes by hearing the Word; revelation comes from the Holy Spirit by the hearing the Word, faith comes by hearing the Torah, and by hearing the Torah comes revelation, the Holy Spirit teaching us the Torah. –(Ex. 20:1-17)
The Torah brought us the Sabbath, The Sabbath is a gift from God, and the Sabbath is a day of rest that we may rest on that day. The Sabbath was made for man to rest and to enjoy. First of all there is the spiritual rest that all believers enter into when they come to know the Lord. Then there is the Sabbath, we as believers as free to apply the Sabbath, free from the Sabbath, and free to willing obey the Sabbath, our freewill and obey in faith. They we are to enter into rest in our hearts and minds about all things we face throughout life. –(Ex. 20:8-11)
We are to enter into rest, you are not under the misapplication of the Torah, works for salvation, the righteous works of the Torah, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. You are only saved by grace and faith, and you are to enter into this spiritual rest, that comes when you become born again, born of the Spirit, and when you come to know the Lord. Then we are to rest on the seventh day, the Sabbath was made for us to rest and enjoy, our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, Lord of Rest, and He gives us rest on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a sign between us and the Lord; Believer do not have to apply the Sabbath, by we are free not to apply and free to apply, but there is a blessing if you do apply the Sabbath. I believe all believers should apply the Sabbath. We are free in how we will apply the Sabbath. We apply the Sabbath in rest and enjoyment. –(Heb. 4:10, Mk. 2:27-28, Ezek. 20:12, Col. 2:16, Isa. 58:13-14, Isa. 56:6-7)
We see clearly the Spiritual Sabbath, and then see the Sabbath, and now we see the Feasts of the Lord, and believers are equipped in a center gathering place on Sundays, and they fellowship in the church in the home during the week, believers are free to worship the Lord every day. –(Acts 2:42,46)
What is the application of the Sabbath and the Feasts? We are free from them, and it is not a command for us, but if we want to keep them, we do them with our freewill. We are free in how we apply them. The application of both of them is in the home, the Lord wants to build our home, for home is the beginning of the church, with our family we are to enjoy the Sabbath and the Feasts. The application of the Sabbath is rest and enjoyment with love ones, etc. The application of the Feasts is the Lord’s supper, the first Lord’s supper was on the feast of Passover, there is connect between the Lord’s supper and the feast of Passover, The Lord’s supper and the early church’s Lord supper was coming together fellowshipping, and eat together, and this is the application of the feasts of the Lord. –(Ex. 23:14-17, Acts 20:6-16, 1 Cor. 5:7-8, Col. 2:16)
The Sabbath gives us a weekly blessings and the Seven Feasts of the Lord gives us a yearly blessing. –(Gen. 2:2-3, Ex. 23:14-17)
We are not called to circumcision, or the Jewish national, Jewish lifestyle, but we are called to the Hebraic culture and called be in a union with Israel. –(Mal. 3:6-7)
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, Fasting and Praying for Israel, Jewish, Messianic, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Seven Feasts of the Lord, Supplication International Ministries, Torah