Thursday, December 25, 2008

Torah Revelation

Torah Revelation

Elvis Iverson

The Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament. Torah is the foundation of the Bible, Torah is the foundation of all human kind, and Torah is the foundation of Israel, and Torah is the constitution of Israel, Torah was giving to Moses for the people of Israel, The Church have access to the Torah through the Blood of Christ, Torah was giving on Mount Sinai, the Torah was written and the giver of the Torah was our Lord Jesus Christ. Torah was giving on the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Pentecost is to celebration of the Torah being giving to Moses; it was the Day of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit was giving to the church. There is a connect between the Torah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the one who will teach us the Torah, and He is the Spirit of the Torah, the Four Gospels are the fullness of the Torah, and through the Blood of Christ the Torah can be access by all believers in Christ, and at the giving of the Holy Spirit the Torah is restore to the whole earth. We are to apply the Torah with grace and faith, and we are to follow the Torah by the power of the Holy Spirit. –(Ex. 19,20, Acts 1, 2)

All Scripture is giving by inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for connection, for instruction in righteousness; they are talking about the Torah, and the Old Testament, the New Testament was not yet fully written, but here they are taking about the Old Testament. We are to study to show ourselves approve, they are talking about the Old Testament. These things happen as examples, and they were written for our admonition, meaning the Torah, and the Old Testament. For these things were written before written for our learning, meaning the Old Testament. –(2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2:15, 1 Cor. 10:11, Rom. 15:4-5)

The Torah of the LORD is prefect, converting the soul, the testimony of the LORD is pure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandments of the LORD is pure, enlightening to the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them your servant is warned, and by keeping them there is great reward. We apply and follow the Torah by the Holy Spirit, grace and faith. –(Psa. 19:7-11)

The Torah is not made for the Just, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly, for the sinner, for the unholy, and for the profane, that they may repent and know Christ, for in Christ you fulfill the Torah, and by grace you apply the Torah. –(1 Tim. 1:9-10)

When you come to know Christ, the Torah is written upon your heart, and by the Holy Spirit you can apply and follow the Torah. The Holy Spirit will teach you the Torah and lead you in the Torah. –(Jer. 31:31-34, Heb. 8:10-12, Ezek. 36:25-28)

Our Lord Jesus Christ did not come to destroy the Torah by to fulfill it, He was the one who give the Torah to Moses, and the Four Gospels are the fullness of the Torah, and in Christ the Torah has been fulfilled, and when your in Christ, the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah by grace. You are not under the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. We are to walk in the simplicity of the Torah by faith, grace and Spirit. –(Matt. 5:17,Rom. 6:14)

Grace comes before the Torah it is grace first and then Torah, for it is grace before truth, grace and truth, grace and Torah, and the Torah is truth, the Word is Truth. –(Ex. 20:1-2)

The Torah was giving on Mount Sinai, and the feasts of Pentecost, is connect with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, when Torah is restored to the Earth. The Torah came, as revelation of God, The relationship with God is a revelation, and the revelation of names of God are the first revelation giving, and the Torah is the foundation of revelation, and in the Holy Spirit we have the restored Torah by grace, faith and Spirit. The Torah came by revelation; the Torah is a revelation from God. Faith comes by hearing the Word; revelation comes from the Holy Spirit by the hearing the Word, faith comes by hearing the Torah, and by hearing the Torah comes revelation, the Holy Spirit teaching us the Torah. –(Ex. 20:1-17)

The Torah brought us the Sabbath, The Sabbath is a gift from God, and the Sabbath is a day of rest that we may rest on that day. The Sabbath was made for man to rest and to enjoy. First of all there is the spiritual rest that all believers enter into when they come to know the Lord. Then there is the Sabbath, we as believers as free to apply the Sabbath, free from the Sabbath, and free to willing obey the Sabbath, our freewill and obey in faith. They we are to enter into rest in our hearts and minds about all things we face throughout life. –(Ex. 20:8-11)

We are to enter into rest, you are not under the misapplication of the Torah, works for salvation, the righteous works of the Torah, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. You are only saved by grace and faith, and you are to enter into this spiritual rest, that comes when you become born again, born of the Spirit, and when you come to know the Lord. Then we are to rest on the seventh day, the Sabbath was made for us to rest and enjoy, our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, Lord of Rest, and He gives us rest on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a sign between us and the Lord; Believer do not have to apply the Sabbath, by we are free not to apply and free to apply, but there is a blessing if you do apply the Sabbath. I believe all believers should apply the Sabbath. We are free in how we will apply the Sabbath. We apply the Sabbath in rest and enjoyment. –(Heb. 4:10, Mk. 2:27-28, Ezek. 20:12, Col. 2:16, Isa. 58:13-14, Isa. 56:6-7)

We see clearly the Spiritual Sabbath, and then see the Sabbath, and now we see the Feasts of the Lord, and believers are equipped in a center gathering place on Sundays, and they fellowship in the church in the home during the week, believers are free to worship the Lord every day. –(Acts 2:42,46)

What is the application of the Sabbath and the Feasts? We are free from them, and it is not a command for us, but if we want to keep them, we do them with our freewill. We are free in how we apply them. The application of both of them is in the home, the Lord wants to build our home, for home is the beginning of the church, with our family we are to enjoy the Sabbath and the Feasts. The application of the Sabbath is rest and enjoyment with love ones, etc. The application of the Feasts is the Lord’s supper, the first Lord’s supper was on the feast of Passover, there is connect between the Lord’s supper and the feast of Passover, The Lord’s supper and the early church’s Lord supper was coming together fellowshipping, and eat together, and this is the application of the feasts of the Lord. –(Ex. 23:14-17, Acts 20:6-16, 1 Cor. 5:7-8, Col. 2:16)

The Sabbath gives us a weekly blessings and the Seven Feasts of the Lord gives us a yearly blessing. –(Gen. 2:2-3, Ex. 23:14-17)

We are not called to circumcision, or the Jewish national, Jewish lifestyle, but we are called to the Hebraic culture and called be in a union with Israel. –(Mal. 3:6-7)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Greater is He

Greater is He

Clara Iverson

Those who were raised by families of idol worshipping usually had more trials in their path. Those who surrendered to idol worshipping and attempted to please men seemingly had an easier path, but in the end it will surely lead to destruction. When a choice is laid before us, that is how God can differentiate the sons of the righteous from the seeds of the wicked one.

Usually after your first step of obedience to the only living God, your adversary will heat up the burning fiery furnace 7 times more. This is the toughest moment. This is the moment doubt will attack you. You thought you serve the Most High God, how can He forsake you? Friends, do not LOST HEART yet. Be assured, God the only living God is ABLE to put down those who walk in pride. (Daniel 4:37) God will punish those who worship idols and visit their iniquities to generations. If you dare to step out in faith and lay your life entirely before God the creator, He is able to save you from every fiery furnace.

Who is Nebuchadnezzar? Who is the one who persecutes you? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? Behold, the fourth men is coming down to rescue you. The form of the fourth is not a mere human being. The one who rescues you is the Son of God Himself.

Then, even the idol worshipper will say, “There is no other God who can deliver like that.” After the fire, none of these men’s bodies were burnt. Their hair was not singed. Their garments were not affected. Not even the smell of smoke was present. Jesus indeed promises in Mark 16:18, we are able to take up serpents. Even when we drink anything deadly will by no means hurt us.

Either we bow down to Nebuchadnezzar, or we exalt our great God, the one who rules and reigns throughout the earth. Yes, the whole world may lie under the sway of the wicked one. But, greater is Jesus who is in us. Either we INFLUENCE the world or you allow the world to manipulate you.

In all these years, God indeed proved Himself faithful to you. He continued to open Red Sea for you. God even threw your accusers to the den of lions and the lions overpowered them and broke them in pieces. Even Nebuchadnezzar was driven from the sons of men, his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys. Till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, then the kingly throne was restored back to him.

So, faithful servants of God, look to the reward. Those who endure to the end shall be saved. When the Son of Man comes and sits on the throne of His glory, with His holy angels around Him, He will separate the righteous ones from those that are doomed. Jesus will comfort these faithful ones, “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 25:34) That is our eternal reward. Friends, do not be shortsighted. For the things which are seen are temporary, but what had been prepared for us is everlasting.

The wise will make the right choice. Choose this day whom you will serve!

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Restoration of the Torah

The Restoration of the Torah

Elvis Iverson

The Torah means the teaching of God; the Torah are the first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah is foundational to life with God; the Lord will bring a restoration of the Torah to the Church, there is misleading teaching in the church today against the application of the Torah to the believer. –(Psa. 19:7-11)

We are not under the misapplication of the Torah, works for salvation, the righteous works of the Torah, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2, 6:14)

The Apostle Paul teaches grace and faith, but He was always a keeper of the Law, which is the Torah by faith. He was never against the Torah, however he was against the misapplication of the Torah, works for salvation, the righteous works of the Torah, or the condemnation of the Torah, even the Torah does not tech these, for they were all misleading teachings not from God, instead from man. We are only saved by grace and faith, and we apply the Torah by grace, faith, and Spirit. –(Ezek. 36:25-28, 11:19-20)

Faith establishes the Torah, the Torah is a gift from God, and the Torah is holy, the commandment is holy and just, and good; the Torah is spiritual. –(Rom. 3:31, 3:2, 7:12, 14)

The law of sin and death is not the Torah; it is the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, the condemnation of the Torah, which we are free from, and by grace we can apply the Torah. Torah is the law of Spirit and life in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(Rom. 7:8, 7:14, 8:3,7:23,8:1-2)

The Torah is the Law of Spirit and Life in Christ Jesus our Lord, the application of the Torah in faith, grace, and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

We are free from works of the Torah, but we are not against the Torah, instead by grace we can apply the Torah. The Torah is not against the promises of God, not against faith, instead they flow together, faith first then the Torah. –(Gal. 3)

We are not under the law but under grace, we are not against the Torah not at all, instead it is the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, the condemnation of the Torah, which we are free from, and by grace we can apply the Torah. –(Rom. 6:14-15)

Is Christ the end of the Law? No! This means that now we are in Christ, for Christ is the Torah, but we are free from the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, the condemnation of the Torah, which we are free from, and by grace we can apply the Torah. –(Rom. 10:4)

The Story of Sarah and Hagar is no against the Torah, instead it is the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, the condemnation of the Torah, which we are free from, and by grace we can apply the Torah. –(Gal. 4:21-31)

The Torah is not obsolete, instead it is the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, the condemnation of the Torah, which we are free from, and by grace we can apply the Torah. –(Heb. 8:6-13)

Is the Torah the letter that kills? No! The Torah is the Spirit that gives life, the letter that kills is the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, the condemnation of the Torah, which we are free from, and by grace we can apply the Torah. –(2 Cor. 3:2-18, Isa. 57:15)

You can see clearly that Lord is not against the Torah, and that the Torah is for the Church today, and we can apply the Torah by faith, grace and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

In our time the Torah is going to be restored to the church, we have enter into the restoration of the Torah, in the restoration of the Torah, the Lord will restore the Sabbath, we have enter into the restoration of the Sabbath, and in the restoration of the Torah, we have the restoration of the Seven Feasts of the Lord. The Lord will restore the seven feasts of the Lord; we will see the restoration of the seven feasts in the church. –(Gen. 2:2-3, Ex. 14-17)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Decision of the Heart

Decision of the Heart

Clara Iverson

Jesus did promise us abundant lives. But not everyone is living to the fullness of his or her lives. There are actually prerequisites for such good lives. There are conditions on our parts to fulfill before Jesus’ promised life could manifest in all facets of our lives.

Jesus calls us to Him, to return back to His rest. His yoke is gentle, light and easy. If we would take up the light cross He designed specifically for us to bear, we should be delightful, free from worries and victorious everyday. On the contrary, we want to create our own problem. Double-minded Christians are the most miserable people on earth. On one hand, they are not people in the world. They know unbelief is sinful and cannot please God. On the other hand, they are not whole-hearted Christians. They always jump from full of faith, to doubt, then to double-mindedness and end up filled with the stronghold of unbelief.

Jesus is weeping for people like that. He came to set you free. He suffered stripes and pains, so that you can enjoy peace of mind, peace of heart, good health and other blessings. If you would deny yourself, stop striving, and lay down all burdens at the cross, you should be able to smile everyday.

Do you know what that “yes” entails when you said, “I want to follow Jesus”? It means we really forget everything in the past. Never look back. It takes determination to be real Christians. Not only we forget the world, but also every trial and suffering in the past. Some revisit those bad memory or trauma and open door to torment demons to return! Jesus illustrates such determination by telling us to “let the dead bury their own dead, you come and follow me!” Is Jesus mean? No! Is Jesus contradicting His nature of kindness? No! He is just demonstrating to us the significance of letting go of the past. Relationships, burdens, trials and even good memory we must lay completely behind.

The Angel of the Lord gave severe warning to Lot in Genesis 18:17, “Escape for your life. Do not look behind you… lest you be destroyed.” In that moment, the city was smoking like a furnace. Out of heaven, the Lord is raining brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Such a moment is too late for anything! Your double-mindedness will surface at this crucial moment. We were not born to be obedient. We are trained to be obedient to the Lord. The Lord already knew Lot’s wife did not have what it takes to move forward. If you would obey hundred percent in the past, you will automatically obey and keep running for your life now. Anyone who has tendency to look back is trying to save yourself. Jesus warns more than one time, those who try to save yourself will lose your life. You all know Lot’s wife turned into pillar of salt. She did not belong to Sodom and Gomorrah, still was destroyed.

Therefore, my Beloved, LAY THE PAST BEHIND. Your hands were already in the plow, then, continue to work on the assignment Jesus has given you. Change the way we perceived the past. Even our childhood can be stepping stone for our future. We all have a bright future if we would LET GO of the past. Soak our mind in the goodness of God. God can turn every evil in the past into good for us if we would meditate on the abundant life God has intended for us. I beseech you, LET IT ALL GO.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Fasting and Praying for Israel

Fasting and Praying for Israel

Elvis Iverson

God so Love the World that He gave and sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die and redeem us through His Blood and His resurrection. –(Jn. 3:16, Rev. 5:9)

God loves Israel, His focus a lot of His time on Israel, He will never leave Israel, and He will raise her up once again. God Loves the Church He wills to glorify His Church in the Earth, the church is His beloved Bride, and He will raise her up. God loves the world, He wants to heal and restore all the earth, and He wants to heal and redeem many people groups and nations to Him. –(Psa. 102:16, Eph. 5:25)

The Kingdom of God, Israel, the Church, and the World is His passion, He loves them all with the same love, but each are special in His Eyes, and we are to do likewise. An intercessor is to be passionate with what God loves, and pray forth the manifestations of His love, and fullness and fulfillment of His love. –(1 Jn. 4:7-11)

Israel is the apply of God’s eye, We are to be a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people, if we are God will bless us indeed, and we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, this is one of the prayer request that the Lord wants us to be faithful to pray. Those who love Jerusalem, God will prosper them. –(Psa. 122:6)

Jerusalem is a very heavy stone to any person or nation that will to control her; only the Jewish people and the Lord are to reign in Jerusalem. We as believers are to have a holy passionate burning to pray for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. –(Zech. 12:1-9)

The Lord is calling certain believers to be Watchmen intercessors, which will fast and pray for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. We are to pray until the Lord establishes and makes Jerusalem praise in the earth. We are to pray and fast for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. –(Isa. 62:6-7)

There are those who are called with a special calling to pray and fast for Israel, however every believer in the Church is called to pray for Israel. –(Isa. 62:6-7)

When you fast for Israel, you fast for the promises of the Lord toward Israel and the Jewish people, during your fast you pray for Israel much. –(Isa. 58)

How to pray for Israel:

1. Pray for salvation to come to all of Israel and all of the Jewish people. –(Rom. 10:1)
2. Pray for the peace for Jerusalem, Israel and all Jewish people. –(Psa. 122:6)
3. Pray for Jerusalem to be established in righteousness far from oppression, far from fear, and far from terror, and pray that the Lord make her praise in the earth. –(Isa. 62:6-7)
4. Pray for the restoration of the Torah, the Feasts and the Sabbath and pray for Israel and the Church to come into a holy union and oneness in the Lord. –(Rom. 9,11)
5. Pray for the rain of the Holy, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and pray for the Lord to pour out the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of Supplication upon all of Israel and all Jewish people. –(Zech. 10:1, 12:10)
6. Pray for all of the Jewish people to have access and to be led by the Lord to return to the Promise land, Israel, and be restore spiritually and have revivals and great revival. –(Jer. 16:14-16)
7. Pray for the Lord’s protection, and to rise up the sheep Nations to protect Israel, the Jewish people and the Church. –(Matt. 25:32)
8. Pray for the New Apostolic Messianic Church to rise in Jerusalem, Israel, and among all Jewish People, and pray for the Lord to rise up Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets. –(Eph. 2:20)
9. Pray for Egypt, Iraq and Israel to come into peace and a holy alliance with the Lord and with one another, and that through them peace will come to the Middle East. –(Isa. 19:18-25)
10. Pray for times of restoration, times of progression, and pray for times of healing for Israel, and all Jewish people. –(Ezek. 47:1-12, Acts 3:19-21,Rev. 22:2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Bridegroom Fast

The Bridegroom Fast

Elvis Iverson

Many from around the world are being called and commission to pray and fast for the church. They are being anointed and giving grace to pray and fast for the church around the world, they have hearing ears to hear the Holy Spirit, to hear the apostles, and to hear the prophets, they see the Prophetic Holy Scriptures about the Church, God’s eternal purpose. –(LK. 5:33-35)

They have revelation of the Church, and the unity of the church, and the city church, and they have the revelation of the future and destiny of the church. –(Eph. 3:11)

The Bridegroom fast is a holy fast unto the Lord and on the behalf of the church, they fast for the church today, tomorrow, future and the end times, and her destiny. –(Neh. 1,2

This is a holy commission of fasting which, is a generational fasting from generation to generation, you are not fasting for a group, instead you are fasting for the whole church, and those called to this kind of fasting can see the whole church. –(1 Cor. 11:27-32)

There is the fasting anointing, and there are those called to the fasting life, an anointing and grace to fast much throughout their life, in this calling, there are divisions in fasting and praying, some are called to fast for one purpose, there are some called to fast for Israel, and there are some called to fast for the church, and there are some called to fast for a nation, or a city. However, all believers are called to pray to for the church, and all believers are called to pray for Israel too. –(Eph. 6:18)

What do you fast and pray for, when fasting for the church? You are to fast as led by the Lord, and it will help if you have a group who will fast together for the church, and the leading of the Lord in the fast. –(Matt. 18:18-20)

Here are some ideals for fasting and praying for the church:

1. Fast and pray for unity, the unity of the Faith, the Unity of the Godhead, and the unity of the Spirit. Fast and pray for a united church.
2. Fast and pray for the city church, regional church, national church, and the global church.
3. Fast and pray for the Lord to rise up the city church in every city in every nation.
4. Fast and pray for the Lord to rise up the New Apostolic City Church in every city around the world.
5. Fast and pray for the Lord to raise up apostles, prophets in the church around the world.
6. Pray and fast for the mature city church.
7. Pray and fast for the mature church.
8. Pray and fast for the Lord to sanctify and cleanse the church.
9. Pray and fast for the church to be a glorious church, a church full of glory, pray for the church to be filled with revivals, pray for the church to overflow with revivals.
10. Pray and fast for a holy church.
11. Pray and fast for an overcoming, victories and conquering church.
12. Pray and fast for reformation and times of reformation for the church.
13. Pray and fast for times of refreshing, times of restoration, and times of progression for the church.
14. Pray and fast for the church to rise up as the city of God throughout the world.
15. Pray and fast for union of the Church and the Kingdom of God.
16. Pray and fast for the union of the church and Israel.
17. Pray and fast for harvest, and pray for harvests of souls for the Lord, pray for the Lord to increase and add to the church.
18. Pray and fast for labors for the church.
19. Pray and fast for the saints to be rise up to do the work of the ministry, and the kings of the Kingdom to be rise up.
20. Pray and fast for the church to be filled with gifts, spiritual gifts, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God.
21. Pray and fast for the outpourings of signs, wonders, prophesy, visions and dream upon the church.
22. Pray and fast for the Church to have hearing ear to hear the Holy Spirit, the apostles, and prophets.
23. Pray and fast for freedom, and liberty, and open doors and open gates for the church.
Pray for grace, and grace, and apostolic grace and apostolic anointing to pour upon the church from the Chief Apostle our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for the Lord to build, raise, increase and mature the church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Surprise Your Enemy

Surprise Your Enemy

Clara Iverson

The evil one is very foolish. He knows he is doomed. God has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day for him. (Jude 1:6) Right now, he only has one weak weapon called lies. Through centuries, he just keeps using this weapon to steal, kill and destroy. Nothing much, nothing new. Let us uncover his devices and schemes and overthrow all his plots.

Let us imagine satan as a director of a reality show. He hired actors and actresses and he had all the resources to put on this reality show. (John 8:44) Since you were a baby, satan put scenarios in your situations. He created traumas, loneliness, failures, fears, and betrayal in your childhood. He filled the mouth of your parents and your peers with words of criticism. Words such as “You are a failure” or “You are not beautiful” were just quotes from the script. Satan this director wrote the script and made those actors says them. His intention was to hurt you, to put roadblocks in your life, and to make you believe you were a failure.

Some are afraid of water. Why? Because satan this director put a scenario there in which windstorm got so violent and blew away your loved one. (Who was also an actor.) You were grieved for so many days and vowed to yourself that you will never walk close to the ocean or anything related to water. See, satan was successful in building a stronghold of fear in your life. Whenever you are close to your destiny, he just needs to put “water” or the object of your fear around you, then you will never inherit your blessings from God. That is how satan manipulates you in your whole entire life.

Friends, the truth will definitely set you free. But you must humble yourself, hear with your ears and understand with your heart. The very thing that holds you back is the very thing that can set you free. If you would face “water” or the object of your fear, and challenge this fear, you will be set free forever. As you embark on this journey of faith, satan, of course, will not give up easily. When you walk close to the seashore, he as a director of this reality show will darken clouds by turning on the lighting and sound effects. He can even hit the windstorm button to remind you of your “trauma” in your childhood. However, the deep cry for freedom inside of you is stronger than any weak lies of fear. You must attain your victory. So you keep sailing and sailing. Guess what? Satan can ONLY do this much. God Almighty has set a boundary line for him. Satan cannot kill you. Eventually, he has to give up and turn on the sunlight button. Then, all the windstorms subside. There are water everywhere in your boat, even some fish, but your life is SAFE. You are safe in the palm of God’s hands. Hallelujah! Hahahah! What can satan do to me? That is all you got?! Satan, you only got a button of wind and a button of storm!

Finally, your boat reaches the end of this illusion. You hit something hard. It is the wall of the TV studio. You are completely awakened. All those trauma, sadness, and fears in your past were simply an act. It is a scam. Your whole entire life is being watched on TV. God knows you can make it out of this trap. God has faith in you. He knows that you will one day realize nothing can hinder you to freedom. You then push the EXIT door and you are out of this TV studio. This is just like at the end of the cartoon scooby-doo, when the masks of the villains are removed, they are not monsters at all. They are not vampires at all. It is just a fake show. Fear is completely unreal. They are but mere lies.

Friends, you are smarter than the devil. No longer repeat the same pattern of fleeing from your fears. Surprise the enemy. Do something the director will never suspect you to do. Sail to your fears and challenge your fears. You cannot die. The devil can ONLY do that much. Facing your fears is not life threatening. You are the apple of God’s eyes and God says “NO” to satan. Satan cannot harm you. In the end, God will restore double portion of blessings to you and you will not suffer like that any more. Look at Job, God turns his situations around 360 degree. Trust in your Abba Father wholeheartedly. Be determined to strive for your freedom. Obey faith and venture in faith. Your determination will upset satan and he has to give up and fool someone else.
(Implications are from the movie “The Truman Show”)

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, December 05, 2008

How To Pray For Unity

How To Pray For Unity

Elvis Iverson

The will of the Lord is for the church to come into times of Reconciliation, to bring restorations of unity, and to birth us into oneness. Reconciliation is the bridges to unity, unity is the community of faith, and oneness is the relationship with the Lord and one another in the Spirit. –(Eph. 4:4-6)

The Unity of the Spirit is the order of all spiritual gifts in function, purpose and place. The Unity of the Spirit is how we relate to one another with spiritual gifts, and their divine order in the church. The Unity of the Spirit is how we relate to one another in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and revival. –(Eph. 4:3)

The Unity of the Faith is the community of faith, is the community of the city church, is the city church, and every growth level of the city church, and is the mature city church. –(Eph. 4:13)

The Unity of the Godhead is the same unity that is between each of three persons of the Godhead; the church is called and destined to have the same unity of the Trinity between each of us. –(Jn. 17:20-23)

The day will come when we have mature unity, mature oneness and the mature city church, however we build today, and lay foundation for the growing and maturing unity to be birth in our hearts that will lead in the long goal to the mature unity. –(1 Cor. 1:10,9,2)

The Unity of the Spirit is the ministry of Holy Spirit between each one of us, ministering to one another in the fear of Lord without break in the continuity continuum of the ministry and manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives, among us and between us, and outward from us, and in outreach to the world around us. The Unity of the Faith is the city church today, tomorrow, and in the future and the end times, and is fellowship of the community of faith, and the Unity of the Godhead is the relationship with the Trinity and with one another in oneness in Christ. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6,Eph. 2:19-22, Eph. 3:14-21, 1 Cor. 1:9, 6:17)

We can have reconciliation today, we can have unity today, we can have oneness today, and we are to pray for reconciliation, unity and oneness in the church in our city, and all cities and the church around the world, we are to pray for unity for today, tomorrow, in the future and the end times. –(Psa. 133, Jn. 17)

Praying for unity, and How to pray for unity:

· Pray for reconciliation, unity and oneness for the church.
· Pray for unity today, tomorrow, in the future and the end times.
· Pray the prophetic Holy Scriptures prophecies about unity over the church.
· Pray for the city church to rise in every city of every nation, pray for the regional church to raise in every region of ever nation, pray for the national church to rise in every nation around the world, and pray for the global church to rise in the church around the world.
· Pray for levels and growth of the city church.
· Pray for city church unity.
· Pray for the revelation of the city church, the church and the Body of Christ.
· Pray for the seeds of unity to be planted and watered.
· Pray for the vision and revelation of unity.
· Pray for rivers, rains, revivals, restorations and reformation of unity to come.
· Pray for the anointing of unity.
· Pray for the Unity of the Spirit to come.
· Pray for the unity of the Faith to come.
· Pray for the unity of the Godhead to come.
· Pray for healing love to come, and healing unity to come.
· Pray for the release of unity and love.
· Pray for a restoration of Christian love.
· Pray for common ground and common faith to be established.
· Pray for the community and fellowship of all believers.
· Pray prayers for the Body of Christ.
· Pray prayers for all believers.
· Pray prayers for the marketplace church.
· Pray Kingdom prayers for the Kingdom of God.
· Pray for prophetic prayers and revelational prayers to be giving to pray for unity, etc.
· Pray for open doors for unity.

Be Faithful in praying prayers for unity for the church. –(Eph. 6:18)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Face to Face Encounter

Face to Face Encounter

Clara Iverson

We were predestined to meet our Maker. Before the foundation of the earth, He had appointed this moment of face to face encounter. The day is coming this vessel is ready to be presented to the Potter. Then, our longing will be satisfied.

Because of this veil that lies in our heart and mind, we tend to flee from His presence. Now the veil is removed through Christ. There is no creature hidden from His sight. All are naked and open to the eyes of Him. This emptiness inside must be satisfied by our Maker. Running away or resorting to substitutes can never quench the thirst of our soul. We must return back to our Maker.

When we have a face to face encounter with our Creator, His glory will be seen upon us. We will be radiant with His glory and our hearts will swell with joy. We behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. It is not a scary moment. It is a liberating moment.It is also a moment of transfiguration. When His glory passes by, we will taste all of His goodness. He manifests His name, “The Lord, the Lord God merciful and faithful, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth.”

Even the Gentiles will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising. Do not be surprised when people gaze at your shining face. You are no longer the same. You had been transformed into His image. In this twinkling of an eye, there is impartation of His glory. Lift up your eyes all around and see. They all gather together and come to see your light. Do not feel embarrassed when they lay gifts at your feet! The day of your mourning shall be ended. Your sun shall no longer go down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself for the Lord will be your everlasting light.

Father has predestined you, called you, justified you by Jesus’ blood, and now He is glorifying you. He wants to fill you with favor and honor everywhere you go.

Let us be persistent like Moses. Give Him no rest until His glory is revealed. “Show me Your glory. I will not let You go until you show me Your glory.”

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Vision of the Anointing

Vision of the Anointing

Elvis Iverson
May 3, 2008

I see a vision of the anointing, the anointing is a name of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the anointing, and from Him the anointing flows, He is the anointing upon Christ that flows upon the whole church.

I see this river of anointing that is flowing from the Throne of the Father flowing throughout the church. This river is the river of life, is the river of healing, and is the river of anointing. As this river flows, I see rivers of living water, rivers of healing, rivers of anointing, rivers of revival and glory, and rivers of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Anointing, and the anointing flows from Him, and the Holy Spirit is the key to the anointing. The Presence of the Lord brings the Fruits of the Spirit; know the Presence of the Lord, practice the Presence of the Lord, and live in the Presence of the Lord, and the Power of the Lord will come and with the Power of the Lord comes the gifts of the Spirit, Know the Power of God, practice the power of God, and live in the power of God, and the glory of the Lord will come.

I see a vision the corporate anointing flowing; this anointing is rich and strong with richness and glory. I see the corporate anointing arising from congregation to congregation, from city church to city church, covering the whole church!

I see anointing of signs and wonders coming, I see anointing of grace, grace coming, I see anointing of breakthrough coming, I see anointing of wealth coming, I see anointing of apostolic coming, and I see anointing of vision and dreams coming.

I then see anointing of relationship, fellowship, and community coming congregation to congregation, from city church to city church. I then see anointing of unity pouring upon congregation to congregation, from city church to city church. I then see the kingly anointing being release upon the believers in the workplace.

As I see the anointing, and rivers of anointing, they are golden color, for they are gold, they are of light color, for they are of light, they are of glory color for they are glory, and they are like the colors of rainbows. I then see angels go to and from anointing the church and everything in the church, and from these places that have been anointed the anointing begins to flow.

I see vision of anointing; I see visions of anointings coming upon the church, with no end!

I see the vision of the global church, and anointing pours upon the global church. I see the vision of the national church in each nation, and the anointing being poured upon the national church in each nation. I see the vision of the regional church in every region, and I see anointing pouring upon the regional church in every region, I see the vision of the city church in every city, and I see the anointing pouring upon the city church in every city!

I see the company of apostles around the world, and I see the anointing being poured out upon them, I see the company of prophets and the anointing is being poured upon them. I see the company of apostles and prophets and the anointing being poured out upon them. I see the company of apostles, prophets, teachers, and the anointing being poured out upon them. I see the company of believers in the workplace and the anointing being poured out upon them.

I see apostles there and here, I see an apostle standing there and here, and I see the anointing being poured out upon them, and I see prophets there and here, I see a prophet there and here and the anointing being poured out upon them.

I see the believers from city to city, from nation to nation, and around the world, I see the anointing, I see anointings, and I see many anointing coming as rivers of the Spirit in the lives of believers all over the earth.

I see the anointing place upon the persons, and from that anointed areas the anointing flows throughout their lives.

I see a vision of the double portion anointing, it is increase anointing, and it is two anointings of the same anointing increase two fold upon those who ask for the Double portion anointing. This is the beginning day of double portion anointing.

Now I see a vision of the anointing without measure, this anointing cannot come on one person, it cannot come on one congregation, it cannot come on one network, instead this anointing will come upon the city church, the regional church, the national church in each nation, and come upon the global church!

This vision of anointing is revelation of the anointing, we are anointed, and from the anointed areas the anointing flows, and from the anointing is the keys to open the doors and gates for revivals, and the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, the revival of anointing and restoration of anointing is coming upon the church, this is a worldwide blessing from the Father on His Throne in the Throne Room, and His Throne in the Third Heaven, and from your heart the anointing will flow.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Wellspring Church

Wellspring Church

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

In a vision I see a cloud and I see a pillar come together and birth together a holy anointing favored revelational congregation. This holy congregation grows and mature and became great in the earth, then from its pure heart seeds of faith came forth and spread throughout the world.

The pillar of could is the church in the home, and the pillar of fire is the APT Center. When they come together by the Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Could they become one, and through the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud they give birth to the new apostolic congregation.

In the new apostolic congregation the pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire ministered in the 1 Cor. 14: 26 home and the 1 Cor. 12:28 Center. The Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire come together to minister or one after one another. The Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud will come and minister and fill to overflow the new apostolic congregation.

Mature believers came forth, equipped in the work of ministry, moving in the gifts of the Spirit and spiritual gifts. The new apostolic congregation becomes a fathering and mentoring center for young apostles, prophets, and teachers. Every believer that was birth into the Kingdom through the new apostolic congregation the pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud will enter into there lives, and every young apostle, prophet and teacher that was fathered and mentored through the new apostolic congregation the pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud will enter into their lives, family, and ministry.

The new apostolic congregation is the ministry of the Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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