Friday, April 24, 2009

Building the City of Revivals

Building the City of Revivals

Elvis Iverson

The will of Christ is for the church never to be without revival, the church will be full of glory, a glorioles church, a church full of revivals, a church overflowing in revivals upon nations and cities around the world; with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes prophecy, visions and dreams upon all believers. –(Acts 17-18)

Times of refreshing, times of restoration and times of revival comes from the presence of the Lord, practice the presence of the Lord, learn to soak in the presence of the Lord and prepare to receive the revelation of revival and the experience of revival. Repent, meaning a change of mind, we change our minds so the Lord can change our heart, repentance is more then just repentance from sin, it is a change and renewing of the mind, to reform our minds into truth, grace, love and Spirit. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Lord will heal the nations through revival, the Word says rivers of healing flowing to the nations, this is revival, restoration, healing, refreshing to the nations and cities around the world, first the church will become full of revivals, then the rivers of revival will overflow upon the cities and nations around the world. However, we must build a dwelling place for the Lord of revivals, we must build the city of revivals, the city church is the city of revivals. –(Rev. 22:2)

The Lord is rising up new wineskins that will be environments for liberty of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, revival, the ministry of the believer, and these wineskins can hold revival, and apply revival to the nations, and these wineskins can connected with one another and promote unity in the Body of Christ.

The Lord is rising up through apostles and prophet’s new apostolic congregations in many cities around the world; there will be networks of new apostolic congregations in many nations around the world, these new apostolic congregations are building believers to flow in the gifts of the Spirit and the revival life.

The revelation of the City Church is be release and unfolded in this hour, the city church will arise in every city around the world, there is only one city church in each city, God is only bringing revival to the city church, not a church, instead the Body of Christ, then overflow revivals upon the cities and nations around the world.

The next growth of city church is the new apostolic city church; this is one of the wineskins of revival the Lord is building in this hour with grace, grace. We need wineskins of revival to contain and flow in revival. The new apostolic city church is arising in many cities around the world.

The church around the world will arise as the city of God, the church is the city of revivals; the church is the city of God, the city of revivals; that shall arise in many cities and all cities around the world. The Lord wants a resting place, the Lord wants a house of revivals, the Lord wants to give us resting revival, and many revivals, this is the day of many revivals, but to contain and to apply revival, you need a city, the city of God, which is the church.

The city of God is built upon the top of the Kingdom of God; the increase of the Kingdom of God comes through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the hearts of the believers, the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, and social transformation. We need a revelation of the Kingdom of God, the pearl of great price; peal is a symbol of revelation. –(Matt. 13:45-46)

We have begun to enter into restoration of revival, with the capstone revival, the revival of grace, grace, the Lord wants the church to be full of revivals, the word that the Lord says to me is many revivals, many revivals are coming, the church can have revivals for the one and only reason is the blood of Christ.

The name of the church is Jehovah Shammah the Lord is there, the church is destined to have revival, for the name of the church is revival, the name of the church is the Lord of Revivals, our Lord is the Lord of revivals, the presence of the Lord has been redeem through Christ, we can now have revival, the city is name the Lord of Revivals, this is the city of God, the church that is arising in many cities and all cities. –(Ezek. 48:35)

Isaiah 60 is the city of revivals, the city church, the city of God, the church; this is the will of Christ for the church to be the city of revivals.

Ezekiel one is the prophetic vision of Ezekiel 40, which is the church, the city of God, and the city of revivals that the Lord is building in every city around the world. Ezekiel 43:1-17 is the fullness of the glory of God, coming to fill the church in every city and every nation.

Revelation 4 is the prophetic prophecy of Revelation 21, 22, which is the bride of Christ, the Church, the city of God that shall arise in every city and in every nation around the world.

Revelation 4 and 21, 22 is the restoration of the feast of Tabernacles, which is the church, which is the feast of revivals.

Isaiah 60, Ezekiel 1, 40, Revelation 4,21, 22 and Ephesians 2:19-22 is the same city church, same city of God, same church, that the Lord is building in every city and in every nations around the world.

Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application of revival, God needs a dwelling place for revival to come, God needs a dwelling place to contain revival and to flow in revival, that is the city church in every city and that is the city of God in every city and every nation, apply Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application for lasting revivals, many revivals, and resting revivals. We go from revelation, to application, to experience, and then to overflowing in revivals.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for the City Church Regional Church National Church and the Global Church

Pray for the City Church Regional Church National Church and the Global Church

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the city church in all cities, we pray for the regional church in all regions, we pray for the national church in all nations, and we pray for the global church globally.

Father we pray for unity!

Father we pray for restoration!

Father we pray for revival!

Father we pray for harvest!

Father we pray for increase!

Father we pray for breakthroughs!

Father we pray for signs and wonders!

Father we pray for the outpourings of the Holy Spirit!

Father we pray for restoration to the city church in all cities in all nations around the world.

Father we pray raise up the city church in all cities in all nations around the world.

Father we pray for revivals for the city church in all cities in all nations around the world.

Father we pray for restoration for the regional church in all regions of all nations around the world.

Father we pray raise up the regional church in all regions of all nations around the world.

Father we pray for revivals for the regional church in all regions of all nations around the world.

Father we pray for restoration for the national church in all nations around the world.

Father we pray raise up the national church in all nations around the world.

Father we pray for revivals for the national church in all nations around the world.

Father we pray for restoration for the global church globally.

Father we pray raise up the global church globally.

Father we pray for revivals for the global church globally.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness for the city church in all cities in all nations around the world.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness for the regional church in all regions of all nations around the world.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness for the national church in all nations around the world.

Father we pray for reconciliation, unity, and oneness for the global church globally

Father we pray for rivers of unity, waves of unity, revivals of unity, restorations of unity, healing love, and healing unity, for the city church in all cities, for the regional church in all regions, for the national church in all nations, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of Angelic Hosts, rivers of Angelic Hosts, great rivers and outpourings of Angelic Hosts, revivals of Angelic Hosts, Angelic Revivals, floods of Angelic Hosts, waves of Angelic Hosts, extreme outpourings of Angelic Hosts upon the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of Angelic Hosts, rivers of Angelic Hosts, great rivers and outpourings of Angelic Hosts, revivals of Angelic Hosts, Angelic Revivals, floods of Angelic Hosts, waves of Angelic Hosts, extreme outpourings of Angelic Hosts upon all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, April 17, 2009

The City of God is the City of Revival in every City and in every Nation

The City of God is the City of Revival in every City and in every Nation

Elvis Iverson

Ezekiel one is the prophetic vision of the church, the city of God, the church shall arise as the city of God in every city and in every nation, the Lord will fill the church full of revivals, and it is from the church revivals will flow upon all cities and all nations and revival will flow throughout the world, and revival will come to your city through the revival church that the Lord is building.

Ezekiel forty is the revelation of the church, the city of God that the Lord will built in every city and in every nation, the Lord is looking for a city to dwell in, and that city is the city of God, and the Lord is looking for a dwelling place for revivals, that is the church in your city and your nation.

Ezekiel forty through forty-two is the dimensions of revival, revivals that are coming through the church. I will say this again it is not just one revival; instead there are many revivals, the church will never again be without revival.

Ezekiel forty-three is the fullness of revival and glory. These revivals that are coming will restore the glory of the Lord first in the church and then in the earth, each revival will add to the restoration of the glory of the Lord, we will go from glory to glory, revival to revival, revival after revival will come, each revival will prepare the way for other revivals to come, until the whole church is full of revivals, the glory of the Lord, then will begin to overflow upon cities and nations around the world.

Ezekiel forty-seven is the river of revivals flowing from the church, the city church, the city of God, and the Throne Room to cities and nations around the world.

At the end of Ezekiel forty-eight is the name of the church, the city of God, which is Jehovah Shammah the Lord is there, or you can say the Lord of Revivals, the Church is named revival, for revival is the life of the church and apart of her destiny in the end times is to be full of glory and revival. Through the blood of Christ, and Christ redeem revival and glory for the church; He has already restored the glory of the Lord.

Ezekiel one, and Revelation four are the same prophetic vision of the Church, and Ezekiel forty and Revelation 21, 22, and Isaiah 60 is the same church, the church of glory. The application of these prophetic visions is Ephesians 2:19-22. This is the application of Revival!

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for The Eternal Purpose

Pray for The Eternal Purpose

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the eternal purpose throughout the whole earth, in every place, in every city, in every region, in every nation, in every people group, and globally.

Father we pray for the increase of the Church in our generation, and we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God in our generation, we pray for great increase, extreme increase, massive increase of the Church and the Kingdom of God.

Father we pray for the eternal purpose, which is the Bride of Christ, the church around the world, the Body of Christ, the family of God, in every place, every city, every region, every nation, every people group, and globally.

Father we pray for anointing, blessings, revelation, breakthroughs, restoration, healing, revival, harvest, increase, signs and wonders, prophesy, visions, dreams, freedom, liberty, unity, prosperity, outpourings of angelic hosts, and reformation to the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for unity, revivals of unity, restorations of unity, rivers of unity, waves of unity, fullness of unity, whole unity, mature unity, city church unity, compete unity, the unity of the Faith, the Unity of the Spirit, and the Unity of the Godhead, and love feasts for the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for maturity, we pray mature the church to become a more mature church, we pray for great growth, we pray for great growth spiritual, and outward, and to grow great and strong in all things in Christ for the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for holiness, the Spirit of Holiness, integrity, pure of heart and mind, purity, renewed mind, waves of holiness, true holiness, restoration of holiness, without spot, without wrinkle, without blemish, holiness for the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the filling of the church with glory, revivals, fill the church full of glory, fill the church full of revivals, let the church overflow with glory and revivals upon all the cities and nations around the world. Father raise up the church to become a glorious church, the glorious church for the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father fill the church full of the knowledge of Christ, the Knowledge of the Word, the Knowledge of the Glory, the knowledge of the Kingdom, and fill the church full with glory and revival, we pray this for the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the fullness of the Father, we pray for the fullness of Christ, we pray for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and the fullness of God for the church in all places, all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the earth, globally, the nations, the people groups, the regions, the cities, and all places to be filled with the glory of the Lord, to be filled with many revivals, to be filled with the knowledge of Christ, the Knowledge of the Word, the Knowledge of the Glory, the knowledge of the Kingdom.

Father we pray for freedom, liberty, revival, unity restoration, healing, equal rights, restoration of unalienable rights, restoration of blessings, restoration of prosperity, restoration of freedom of religion and speech, for the church in 52 nations around the world, where the suffering is suffering and going through persecution, and the church in all nations and globally. Father we pray unity between the suffering church and the freedom church, in the church around the world.

Father we pray for freedom, liberty, revival, unity restoration, healing, equal rights, restoration of unalienable rights, restoration of blessings, restoration of prosperity, restoration of freedom of religion and speech for the persecuted church in : North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Maldives, Somalia, Bhutan, China, Afghanistan, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Comoros, Uzbekistan, Eritrea, Myanmar (Burma), Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Brunei, Nigeria (North), Cuba, Russian Federation (Muslim), Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, Mexico (South), Tunisia, Qatar, India, Nepal, Colombia (Conflict Areas), Indonesia, Algeria, Turkey, Mauritania, Kuwait, Belarus, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kenya (North East), Ethiopia, and Bahrain.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for many harvest of souls, many great harvest of souls, many massive harvest of souls, and many extreme harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for edification, great edification, extreme edification, an outpouring of edification, waves of edification, rivers of edification, and the Spirit of edification to come to the city church in all cities, come to the regional church in all regions, come to the national church in all nations and to come to the globally church globally, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for an outpouring of times of refreshing and times of restoration of all things from the Presence of the Lord upon the church around the world and the whole earth, every city and every nation, every people group, and every place.

Father we prayer for rivers to flow from the Church and the City of God, rivers of repentance, rivers of refreshing, rivers of restoration, rivers of healing, rivers of revival, rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, and rivers of blessings to flow to all cities, all regions, al nations, all people groups, all places and globally around the world.

Father we pray for massive repentance, great repentance, extreme repentance, continue repentance, and lasting repentance to come to all cities, all regions, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for revivals, many revivals, massive revivals, great revivals, continue revivals, lasting revivals to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for rivers of unity, waves of unity, revivals of unity, restorations of unity, healing love, and healing unity, for the city church in all cities, for the regional church in all regions, for the national church in all nations, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of Angelic Hosts, rivers of Angelic Hosts, great rivers and outpourings of Angelic Hosts, revivals of Angelic Hosts, Angelic Revivals, floods of Angelic Hosts, waves of Angelic Hosts, extreme outpourings of Angelic Hosts upon the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of Angelic Hosts, rivers of Angelic Hosts, great rivers and outpourings of Angelic Hosts, revivals of Angelic Hosts, Angelic Revivals, floods of Angelic Hosts, waves of Angelic Hosts, extreme outpourings of Angelic Hosts upon all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father raise up the city church in every city of every nation around the world, Father raise up the regional church in every region in every nation around the world, Father raise up the national church in every nation around the world, Father raise up the global church globally around the world. Father raise up the new apostolic church city church in every city around the world, Father raise up the New Apostolic Church in every city, every region, every nation and globally, Father raise up the New Apostolic Congregation in every city of every nation around the world, Father raise up new apostolic networks in every city, every nation and globally around the world.

Father we pray for rivers of joy, rivers of being drunk in the Spirit, rivers of being filled with the Spirit, and rivers of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flow from the heats of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for reformation, great reformation, and massive reformation to come to the church around the world. We pray for the church to be filled with revivals, we pray for many revivals, great revivals, lasting revivals, continue revivals, and resting revivals to come to the church in every city, every nation, and globally. We pray for revival, revivals, and many revivals to come to all cities, all nations and globally. Father we pray for social transformation, waves of social transformation, many social transformations, great social transformation, massive social transformation, continue social transformation to come to all cities, all nations and globally. Father we pray for harvest of souls, many harvest of souls, continue harvest of souls, great harvest of souls, extreme harvest of souls, massive harvest of souls to come to all cities and all nations and globally.

Father we pray for 1000 fold return, thousand generations fold return to come to all believers in Christ and the church around the world.

Father we pray for liberty, freedom, and deliverance for each believer in Christ and all believers in Christ, and the church around the world. We pray prayers of binding and loosing, Father send the fire of God to burn all works of darkness, burn all demons, burn all enemies of God and the Church, and let the fire of God minister to your Church and all believer in Christ in the church around the world.

We loose and release in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, healing, restoration, the fruits of the Spirit, deliverance, inner healing, freedom, liberty, revival, the fire of God, Divine protection for each believer in Christ and all believers in Christ, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for angelic deliverance, we pray for outpourings of angelic deliverance, we pray for rivers of angelic deliverance, we pray for ministry of angelic deliverance for each believer in Christ and all believers in Christ, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for the breaking anointing to flow upon each believer in Christ and all believers in Christ, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for spiritual breakthrough, spiritual breakthroughs, many breakthroughs, great breakthroughs, rivers of breakthroughs to come upon each believer in Christ and all believers in Christ, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for outpourings of Angelic Hosts, rivers of Angelic Hosts, great rivers and outpourings of Angelic Hosts, revivals of Angelic Hosts, Angelic Revivals, floods of Angelic Hosts, waves of Angelic Hosts, extreme outpourings of Angelic Hosts upon the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for outpourings of Angelic Hosts, rivers of Angelic Hosts, great rivers and outpourings of Angelic Hosts, revivals of Angelic Hosts, Angelic Revivals, floods of Angelic Hosts, waves of Angelic Hosts, extreme outpourings of Angelic Hosts upon all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the release of many hosts of angels, an outpouring of angels of fire, angels of wind, angels of harvest upon the church around the world and upon the earth around the world.

Father we pray for reformation to come to the whole church around the world. Father we pray for rivers of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for waves of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray full reformation to come to the church around the world. We pray for the fullness of reformation to come to the church around the world.

Father we pray for great reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for massive reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for continue reformation to come to the Church around the world. Father we pray for waves of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for rivers of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for extreme reformation to come to the church around the world.

Father we pray bring revival to the church around the world, Father we pray bring revival to the church in every city. Father we pray bring revival to the church in every region. Father we pray bring revival to the church in every nation. Father we pray bring revival to the church globally.

Father we pray give us many revivals in the church around the world. Father we ask give many revivals to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally.

We pray for to Revival fire and Revival Glory come to the all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups and all nations, and globally. Father we pray for corporate revivals to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for personal revival to come to all believers in Christ. Father we pray revival life to come to the church around the world and to all believers in Christ. Father we pray for outpourings of revival angels upon the church around the world. Father we pray for outpourings of angelic hosts upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for breakthrough to come, spiritual breakthrough, many spiritual breakthroughs, many breakthroughs, many breakthroughs in prayer, for many breakthroughs in prophetic words, financial breakthroughs, rivers of breakthroughs, many great breakthroughs, for many extreme breakthroughs, many massive breakthroughs, outpourings of breakthroughs, floods of breakthroughs, anointing of breakthroughs, and the breaker anointing upon the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally, and all believers in Christ in the church around the world.

Father we pray for breakthrough to come, spiritual breakthrough, many spiritual breakthroughs, many breakthroughs, many breakthroughs in prayer, for many breakthroughs in prophetic words, financial breakthroughs, rivers of breakthroughs, many great breakthroughs, for many extreme breakthroughs, many massive breakthroughs, outpourings of breakthroughs, floods of breakthroughs, anointing of breakthroughs, and the breaker anointing upon all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the revelation of revival will be release in the hearts of all believers in Christ. We pray for the revelation of revival to come upon the church around the world. Father we pray and ask you gives us the revelation of revival.

Father we pray for many revivals, massive revivals, great revivals, rivers of revivals, floods of revivals, waves of revivals, continue revivals, lasting revivals, revival visitations, habitational revivals, dark cloud revivals, revival glory and revival fire, upon the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for many revivals, massive revivals, great revivals, rivers of revivals, floods of revivals, waves of revivals, continue revivals, lasting revivals, revival visitations, revival glory and revival fire, upon all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for outpourings of the Holy Spirit to increased of the Kingdom of God. We pray for the Kingdom of God to flow like a river from the hearts of all believers in Christ. We pray for kings and priests of the Kingdom to increase and rise up in all cities, all regions, all nations, all places and throughout the earth, and globally. We pray for many, massive, great, lasting, continues Social Transformation to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all nations, and all people groups and globally around the world. We pray for the healing of the nations to come to all nations.

Father we ask you to give us the pearl of great price, which is the revelation of the Kingdom of God, Release the revelation of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of all believers in Christ, and upon the Church around the world.

Father raise the joy levels of all believers, make the church always drunk in the Holy Spirit, release the intoxication of the Holy Spirit in all the hearts of believers and upon the church around the world. Father Release Rivers of sozo salvation in the hearts of all believers and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for open doors, many open doors, rivers of open doors, open gates, many open gates, and rivers of open gates for apostles, prophets, kings, evangelists, pastors, believers, marketplace ministers, and for the preaching of the Gospel, the Preaching of the Kingdom of God, the Teaching of the Word of God, The Knowledge of Truth, The Love of Truth, signs, wonders, revivals, harvests, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, movements of God, the increase of the Church and the Increase of the Kingdom of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for open doors, many open doors, rivers of open doors, open gates, many open gates, and rivers of open gates for apostles, prophets, kings, evangelists, pastors, believers, marketplace ministers, and for the preaching of the Gospel, the Preaching of the Kingdom of God, the Teaching of the Word of God, The Knowledge of Truth, The Love of Truth, signs, wonders, revivals, harvests, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, movements of God, the increase of the Church and the Increase of the Kingdom of God to come to the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

We believe social transformation is God’s will for all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for great social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for massive social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for extreme social transformations to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations, and globally.

We pray for the fullness of unity for the Church in the End Times. We pray for the church to be full of glory in the End Times, the church shall be a glorious church in the End Times. We pray for the fullness of the City Church in the End Times. We pray for victorious living for all believers in the End Times. We pray for victorious spiritual warfare for the church in the End Times. Pray for victory for the church in the End Times, for the church in the End Times is victorious. We pray for the unity of the Faith in the Church. We pray for the unity of the Godhead in the Church. We pray for the unity of the Spirit in the Church. We pray for end time apostles for the End Time Church. We pray for the Church to be full of revivals and glory in the End Times. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We pray for the fullness of the Kingdom of God in the End Times. We pray for kings of the Kingdom to begin to come into their fullness in the End Times. We pray for revivals to fill the earth and the earth to be full of the glory of the Lord, and the healing of the nations in the End Times. We pray for many nations, many cities and many places to be massive social transformation. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We pray for all of Israel will know the Lord. We pray for oneness between the church and Israel. We pray for revival for the Middle East in the End Times. We pray for revivals to fill the earth and the earth to be full of the glory of the Lord, and the healing of the nations in the End Times. Pray for end time harvest, end time harvests, massive harvests of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We pray for vision and revelation for the End Times.

We pray for salvation to come to all of Israel and all of the Jewish people. We pray for the peace for Jerusalem, Israel and all Jewish people. We pray for Jerusalem to be established in righteousness far from oppression, far from fear, and far from terror, and pray that the Lord make her praise in the earth. We pray for the restoration of the Torah, the Feasts and the Sabbath and pray for Israel and the Church to come into a holy union and oneness in the Lord. We Pray for the rain of the Holy, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and pray for the Lord to pour out the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of Supplication upon all of Israel and all Jewish people. We Pray for all of the Jewish people to have access and to be led by the Lord to return to the Promise land, Israel, and be restore spiritually and have revivals and great revival. We Pray for the Lord’s protection, and to rise up the sheep Nations to protect Israel, the Jewish people and the Church. We pray for the New Apostolic Messianic Church to rise in Jerusalem, Israel, and among all Jewish People, and pray for the Lord to rise up Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets. We pray for Egypt, Iraq and Israel to come into peace and a holy alliance with the Lord and with one another, and that through them peace will come to the Middle East. We pray for times of restoration, times of progression, and pray for times of healing for Israel, and all Jewish people.

Father we pray for rivers of joy, rivers of being drunk in the Spirit, rivers of being filled with the Spirit, and rivers of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit to flow from the heats of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for 1000 fold return, thousand generations fold return to come to all believers in Christ and the church around the world.

Father we pray rain showers of blessings, outpourings of blessings, rivers of blessings, extreme blessings, great blessings continue flow of blessings, for all believers in Christ in the church around the world.

Father we pray for wealth, prosperity, blessings for the church around the world, and the city church in every city, the regional church in every region, the national church in every nation, and the global church globally.

Father we pray for wealth, prosperity, and blessings for all believers in Christ in the church around the world.

We pray for an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world. We pray for outpouring of reformation, revival, social Transformation, and harvest upon the Church around the world. We pray for outpouring of mercy and grace upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the goodness and mercy of the Lord upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of prayer and the Spirit of fasting upon the Church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of healing and restoration upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring revelation and visions, and prophecy, and dreams upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of signs and wonders upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of breakthroughs upon the church around the world. We pray for an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment and an outpouring of prayer fulfillment upon the church around the world.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of grace to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of supplication to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of wisdom to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revelation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of prophecy to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of glory to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of burning to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of might to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of faith to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of love to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Fire by Night, Cloud by Day Revival

Fire by Night, Cloud by Day Revival

Elvis Iverson

We are in the new apostolic age of revival, not just one revival instead many revivals, and resting revival, and the dark cloud revival, and much more, revival is God’s will.

It is time for each believer, not just servants of the Lord such has apostles and prophet, instead all believers to have burning bush experiences and encounters on a personal level and the church to have on a corporate level. The Lord is rising up a company of revivalists in this hour, however the day will come that revival will go beyond revivalists, revival may begin with revivalists, God’s will is for revival to go beyond the beginning stages and come into maturity. There is also Dark Cloud revival that comes in certain areas, in Dark Cloud Revival on man can minister; we will have both revival beyond the revivalists and Dark Cloud Revival. –(Ex. 3:1-6)

We will have the pillar of fire revivals, and the pillar of cloud revivals, and we will have many movements of revival, this is the beginning day of many revivals, the Lord moves in revival, when revival comes the Lord moves forth, the Lord does not move forth without revival, and the church moves forth when there is revival, and without revival the church cannot move forth. The Lord is looking for a resting place; we will have both the visitation revivals and resting revivals. –(EX. 13:21-22, Num. 9:11)

Revival is coming as a thick cloud upon the church. Revivalists will lead us toward revival; the church will stand at the foot of revival glory. The Lord comes down in revival; the Lord visits His people through revival. When revival comes we must honor the Lord of Revival and the revival. The Lord wants every person to have revival, personal revival and the Lord wants corporate revival, and the Lord wants to move in your life without revivalists. –(Ex. 19:15-21, 20:18-21)

The Lord has sent His angel before you to prepare the way for revival and to remove the enemies of revival, and in revival the Lord will remove the enemies of darkness out of the church and out of your city. –(EX. 23:20,23)

Revival is coming in strong ways, we need to prepare our hearts for what the Lord is going to do, what is beginning to happen will increase, when revival comes we must enter into revival and learn to live in revival, this will take time, and God allow us and gives us grace to learn how to live and flow in revival. –(Ex. 24:15-18)

In revival there is rest, enter into rest when revival comes, one step in living in revival is entering into rest when revival comes, if we will learn how to practice the presence of the Lord we will learn how to live and flow in revival, for the presence of the Lord will lead us to revival and the glory of the Lord. It is time for us to establish the tabernacle of meetings in our cities where the Lord can come down in revival. The pillar of cloud will stand at the door of the tabernacle of meetings, it is when revival comes that Lord speaks through revival to the church, we are to watch revival, for when revival comes, the Lord uses revival to speak to us, the Lord speaks through revival, watch revival, when revival comes, the Lord is speaking to us through revival. –(EX. 33:7-23)

When revival comes, the Lord comes; the Lord visits His people through revival. –(Ex. 34:5-6)

When you study Exodus and Numbers, look at the words glory, cloud, fire, and change them to the word revival, then you will begin to understand the movements of revival. –(EX. 34:29-35, EX. 40:34-38, Num. 11:25, Num. 14:10-11, Num. 16:42)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Massive Reformation

Pray for Massive Reformation

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for repentance, revivals, restoration, and refreshing to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally. Father we pray for the Presence of the Lord to come to all cities, all regions, all places, all people groups, all nations and globally.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of social transformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of Harvest to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father we pray for reformation, great reformation, and massive reformation to come to the church around the world. We pray for the church to be filled with revivals, we pray for many revivals, great revivals, lasting revivals, continue revivals, and resting revivals to come to the church in every city, every nation, and globally. We pray for revival, revivals, and many revivals to come to all cities, all nations and globally. Father we pray for social transformation, waves of social transformation, many social transformations, great social transformation, massive social transformation, continue social transformation to come to all cities, all nations and globally. Father we pray for harvest of souls, many harvest of souls, continue harvest of souls, great harvest of souls, extreme harvest of souls, massive harvest of souls to come to all cities and all nations and globally.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we pray for reformation to come to the whole church around the world. Father we pray for rivers of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for waves of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray full reformation to come to the church around the world. We pray for the fullness of reformation to come to the church around the world.

Father we pray for great reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for massive reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for continue reformation to come to the Church around the world. Father we pray for waves of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for rivers of reformation to come to the church around the world. Father we pray for extreme reformation to come to the church around the world.

Father we pray for outpourings, waves, and rivers, of the Spirit of Reformation to come to the church around the world.

Father we pray for massive reformation to come to the city church in all cities in every nation around the world.

Father we pray for massive reformation to come to the regional church in all regions in every nation around the world.

Father we pray for massive reformation to come to the national church in every nation around the world.

Father we pray for massive reformation to come to the globally church globally in the church around he world.

Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!
Father send massive reformation!

Father we pray to you, pour out the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Supplication, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Prophecy, the Spirit of Revival and the Spirit of Reformation upon the church around the world. Father we pray to you, pour out an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams. Pour out outpouring of signs, wonders, healings, and miracles upon the church around the world. Father we pray to you, Pour out an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world, in every nation and in every city.

Father we pray for apostles and prophets to be raised up in every nation and in every city around the world. We pray for city apostles and city prophets to be rise up in every city around the world. We pray for other kinds of apostles and prophets to be rise up around the world in the body of Christ.

Father we pray for suffering church, we pray for strength, encouragement, and comfort to the suffering church in the 50 nations around the world. We pray for victories and overcoming anointing to be release upon those believers in those nations. Farther we pray change those governments, change those people, bring massive revivals, and massive harvests of souls to those nations, and bring revivals and reformation to the church of those nations, and raise up the apostolic church.

Father we ask you to release angels of war to war for the church, to war for the apostles, to war for the prophets, to war for the city church. Father we pray, rise up mighty company of Christian wealthy people, and businesspersons, and marketplace ministers around the world. Father we pray for wealth, finances, resources to flood the churches and ministries that have been made ready by the Holy Spirit and by grace.

Father we pray pour; out around the word the Spirit of Reformation, Let the fire of God come to burn up every thing that is not of the Word, not of the Order, not of the Will, and not of the Nature of Christ. We pray for everything that is of His Word, Order, Will, and Nature to be put through the fires of reformation to become more pure and to bear more fruit. Father let the fires of reformation burn through the church around the world. Raise the body of Christ up to obey her destiny, establish the apostolic church and the Kingdom Church, birth the growth levels and the mature city church in every city church. Father we pray for great reformation, Father we pray for a massive reformation to come upon the church in every city and in every nation, and the church around the world.

Father we speak and shout grace, grace to the church around the world, and to every city church and to every national church and to every member in Christ. We speak and shout grace, grace to the moves of God, we speak and shout grace, grace to the revivals, and outpourings, we speak and shout grace, grace to the apostolic church, and we speak and shout grace, grace to the reformation times, movements, and this coming reformation.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, April 03, 2009

The Feast of Revivals

The Feast of Revivals

Elvis Iverson

The Feast of Tabernacles is the Feast of Revivals, the Feast of Revivals is the Church, the city church, the city of God, the house of revivals the Lord is building in many cities and all cities, revival is the will of God for all believers.

We need to understand the seven feasts of the Lord; I believe in them, they are eternal and they are for today, the feasts of Tabernacles is a vision of revivals, revivals will be our Tabernacles, the Lord is among us, and He wants a dwelling place. It is the time of the fire of the Lord, it is time to minister to the Lord, and the Lord to minister to us, it is time of rest, it is a time of rejoicing, and it is a time to dwell in revival. –(Lev. 23:33-44)

There are seven feasts of the Lord, out of these seven there are three main feasts that Israel has to partake in and enjoy unto the Lord. The feast of Passover-Unleavened Bread, the feast of Pentecost, and the feast of Tabernacles; Jesus at the Cross in the Feast of Passover, The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Feast of Pentecost, and the Church in the Feast of Tabernacles. –(Ex. 23:14-19)

The Bible talks about healing rivers, the healing of the nations, as the church is raise up in all cities and in all nations as the city of God full of revivals, then rivers of revivals will flow to cities and nations around the world. –(Rev. 22:2)

We must understand the leading of the Lord and times and seasons of the Lord, we must see the coming times and seasons of revivals, revivals flow with the seven feasts of the Lord, we must hear what the Holy Spirit is saying through the apostles and prophets to the church. –(Eccl. 8:5-6)

Revelation 21, 22 is the city of revivals that Lord is building, which is the city of God, the church in cities and nations around the world, this is the Feast of Tabernacles, which is the feast of Revivals. This is the day of many revivals, lasting revivals, and the church will never be without revival, never again. Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application of Revelation 21, 22. Which is the application of Revival.

We are waiting for the city, which has foundations, whose builder, and maker is God, for He has prepared a city for them, the city of God, and the church around the world in every city and in every nation. The Lord is bringing revival to the city church, not to a church, instead to the body of Christ, then from their overflow upon cities and nations. –(Heb. 11:10, 16, 12:22-23)

The Lord speaks when revival comes, the Lord speaks through revival, the Lord moves forth through revival, we need to watch revival. The Lord brings the pillars of fire and the pillars of clouds to the church around the world, however He wants a resting place, a dwelling place, a city of revivals that is the church in every city. –(Ex. 13:21,22)

The Lord wants us to move beyond the revivalists, revival may begin with revivalists, but He wants us to move beyond, to a habitation for revival. –(Ex. 20:18-21)

The Lord wants to show His glory to every believer, the Lord wants every believer to have revival, and to experience revival, and to flow in revival. –(Ex. 33:12-23)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, has the key of David, He has open the door to revival, and no one can shut, you must open your heart to the Lord and revival, and come up here to the Throne Room Encounter, where the rivers of revivals are beginning to flow. –(Rev. 3:7,8,18-20,4:1)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Pray for Great Harvest in the Church around the World

Pray for Great Harvest in the Church around the World

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of social transformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of Harvest to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!

Father we pray for harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for great harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for massive harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for extreme harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many harvest of souls, many great harvest of souls, many massive harvest of souls, and many extreme harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many waves of harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for the spirit of Harvest to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for continue harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Lord of the Harvest we pray raise up apostles and prophets, raise up many labors and send them, and make a way for them enter into the harvest felids of the earth around the world.

Lord of the Harvest raise up the saints to do the work of ministry, to do the ministry of reconciliation, to do the work of an evangelists, to obey the great commission in all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally with signs and wonders following for the glory of Christ.

Lord of the Harvest we pray for the rain of the Spirit, we pray for clouds of the Spirit, we ask for rain in the time of rain, to rain upon the harvest felids of earth around the world.

Father we pray for edification, great edification, extreme edification, an outpouring of edification, waves of edification, rivers of edification, and the Spirit of edification to come to the city church in all cities, come to the regional church in all regions, come to the national church in all nations and to come to the globally church globally, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for the width of the church, we pray for the length of the church, we pray for the depth of the church, and we pray for the height of the church. The Width of the church is the Marketplace church, the length of the church, is the apostolic church, the Depth of the church is the Koinonia church, and the Height of the church is the City church. Father we pray for unity, vision, common ground, networking, and relationship, in the width, length, depth, and height of the church.

Father we pray for the Persecuted Church in these 52 nations: North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Maldives, Somalia, Bhutan, China, Afghanistan, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Comoros, Uzbekistan, Eritrea, Myanmar (Burma), Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Brunei, Nigeria (North), Cuba, Russian Federation (Muslim), Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, Mexico (South), Tunisia, Qatar, India, Nepal, Colombia (Conflict Areas), Indonesia, Algeria, Turkey, Mauritania, Kuwait, Belarus, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kenya (North East), Ethiopia, and Bahrain.

Father we pray for body of Christ in these nations; we pray raise up the body of Christ in these nations, we pray for massive numbers to be won to the Lord in these nations and on a daily bases, we pray for the national church to be raised up in these nations, we pray for the city church to be raised up in every city in these nations, we pray an outpouring of truth and revelation upon the church of these nations, we pray for divine protection over every believer in Christ in these nations and protection over the whole church in these nations and protect the five-fold ministry in these nations, we pray end the sufferings of these Christians in these nations, we pray for wealth, finances, and resources for the work of the Lord in these nations to come like rivers and waves with no end, we pray for an outpouring of dream jobs, dreams careers, and dream opportunities to be poured out upon every believer in these nations, we pray raise up apostles and prophets in these nations, network the church of these nations with other churches in other nations, such as free nations, we pray for an holy union to be established between the freedom church in other nations with the persecuted church in these nations, we pray for many open doors and open gates in these nations to preach and teach the Gospel and the Word, we pray for many open doors for Christians missionaries, and ministers to come to these nations, we pray for the Lord to raise up a mighty Christian Marketplace Army in each of these nations, we pray for the Christians to have freedom to witness, worship and freedom to live out their faith every day, and we pray for true freedom and other freedoms to be established in these nations, we pray for social transformation to come upon the governments of these nations that they will be transformed into the Image of Christ, we pray for social transformation to come to every city in these nations, we pray for the authorities in these governments to have a new heart and a new mind according to the nature of Christ, we pray for justice and righteousness to be established in these governments of these nations, and we pray for Massive revivals to come to these nations, and we pray for these nations to be won to the Lord.

Father we pray for comfort, much provision, joy, revival, restoration and healing to come to each believer in Christ in these nations.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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