Friday, March 27, 2015

Sweeping Revivals and Glory

Sweeping Revivals and Glory Elvis Iverson August 16, 2012 I see a vision of the church in many cities and in many nations, I see pillars of fires and pillars of clouds in these cities and nations, I see clouds hovering over these cities and nations, I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit saying do you believe what you see? Do you believe what you hear? Do you believe what I have said? Do you believe my prophets? Do you believe my apostles? Do you believe the prophecies of the Epic Cast? Faith has its own reward! Unbelief has no reward! I hear the Voice of the Son of God saying no more will they stand in my way, no more will I have to put up with there actions against me and my church, no more will I allow them to stand in the ways of the Spirit of God!!! I hear the Voice of God the Father saying no more the church shall be without revival, they shall always have revival!!! I see a vision of western Washington; I see angels of fire visiting the saints and saying revival will come are you ready? I see a new breed of leadership, a new breed of church, and I see a new breed of believers in unity. I see a meeting that will last for three months, I see a meetings that will last for seven days, I see meetings that will last for a month, and I see meetings lasting more then a year!!! I see a house of prayer arise with seven flames of fire burning day and night, a house not of one group, instead the whole body, a house where my apostles will seat at the gates and speak to one another, and my prophets will seat at the gates and speak to one another, my worshipers and my prayer servants will come and minister to me day and night. I will come down, I will manifested, I will pour out, I will overflow, I will flood the church and my people, and cities and land of this region. I see a vision of Minneapolis, Minnesota, I see a house that shall be build, and my worshipers shall come and my prayer servants shall come and minister to me, my apostles and my prayers seat at the gates speaking to one another, I will come down, and I will manifested, I will pour out, I will set a fire, I will show myself, I will overflow, I will flood my church, my people, this city and land. I see seven cities that my fire will begin to burn and spread and sweep this nation; Seattle Washington, Phoenix Arizona, Minneapolis Minnesota, Kansas City, Kansas, Houston Texas, Orlando Florida, and Baltimore Maryland. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Ananias and Sapphira

Ananias and Sapphira Elvis Iverson In Acts 5:1-11 we see the story of Ananias and Sapphira, and when they lie to the Holy Spirit they died. We are going to see this sign happening all over the world, to lead many to Christ and to protect the Church. Signs against the Holy Spirit are: 1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. –(Matt. 1:31-32) 2. Lying against the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 5:1-11) 3. Trying to buy the gift. –(Acts 8:14-25: 9-13) 4. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 4:30) 5. Do not quench the Spirit. –(1 Thess. 5:19) 6. Giving rest to My Spirit. –(Zech. 6:8) 7. Refusing to hear and refusing the Holy Spirit. –(Zech. 7:12) 8. Rebelled against and grieved the Holy Spirit. –(Isa. 63:10) 9. Seek council from other sources. –(Isa. 30:1) Now let us understand the actions and story of Acts 5: 1-11 to better prepare us for this kind of sign that we will see around the world for the glory of God. Understanding Ananias and Sapphira: 1. Lying to the Holy Spirit is a sin, first Ananias, and then Sapphira. An agreement to lie against the Holy Spirit, leading ones family into lying against the Holy Spirit brings judgment upon the whole household. 2. Ananias and Sapphira were trying to hinder the work of God by their actions, and their thinking in their hearts. 3. Ananias and Sapphira were trying to hinder the work of reconciliation between classes of society. 4. Ananias and Sapphira were using a form of power and control over the church. 5. Ananias and Sapphira were trying to gain control over the apostles 6. The judgment of Ananias and Sapphira was for the protection of the church. 7. Ananias and Sapphira were not Christians, this kind of judgment will only happen to those who don’t know Christ and those who try to stop or hinder the work of God, control the church, and lie to the Holy Spirit. We see God’s judgment coming against a person who wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit, in Acts 8: 9-25) We see God’s judgment coming against a person trying to stop another from coming to know Christ. –(Acts 13:4-12) We see God’s judgment coming upon a few trying to mock and walk in false deliverance, using Jesus name in vain. –(Acts 19:13-20) We see God’s judgment coming upon Herod, when the people begin to say he was a god! –(Acts 12:20-24) So we see God’s judgment not coming upon believers, instead unsaved people who are trying to hurt the Church. Let us fear God, and pray for His mercy! Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 20, 2015

Increase of Freedom and Justice

Increase of Freedom and Justice Elvis Iverson August 15, 2012 I see a vision of the archangel of Judgment come down upon the earth, and angel standing next to him saying freedom, great freedom, deep freedom, breakthrough, great breakthrough, deep breakthrough come to many, come to many, come to many!!! Then I hear the sound of a holy trumpet in the Third Heaven before the Throne Room and the church, from among the Seven Watchers I hear the sound of the trumpet of deliverance. I see the outpouring of the Spirit of might upon the earth. I see rivers of deliverance, rivers of great deliverance, rivers of deep inner healing, rivers of freedom, and rivers of breakthrough flow in many rivers, and in those rivers came forth many more rivers, and rivers upon rivers. I see outpourings of armies of angels coming forth to bring freedom, deliverance, and restoration to many, and great numbers. I see a vision of angels of deliverance, angels of freedom, angels of inner healing, angels of restoration moving across the earth. I see vision of many happy and glad faces, many running to the Cross, and great numbers, upon great numbers being free and restore and build up in grace and blessings. I see a vision of a big angel fly across the earth with a big bag of blessings, I could see this bag overflowing and flooding the lives of many. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

A Guide to Prayer

A Guide to Prayer Elvis Iverson I have been teaching believers how to pray for 20 years, I remember when I was a young believer trying to pray and it was hard, I will hear others praying around me, but there prayers were not based on the Word, and no one never give teaching on prayer, one day I heard a good teaching on prayer that begun my prayer journey, most of all the Holy Spirit has giving me teaching on prayer. Today I will impart teaching and anointing, as I teach you, what the Holy Spirit give me, I now give to you, I believe the Holy Spirit is already teaching you and leading you in prayer. Guidelines to prayer: Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ; ask for grace and mercy, pray in faith, pray according to the Word of God, Pray in your understanding, pray much of your prayer time in the Spirit, pray until the peace of God comes. Begin your prayer time with thanksgiving, then enter into praise, and end your prayer time with worship, believe every time for the Lord to speak to you, learn to follow the presence of God in prayer. When you end your prayer time cover your prayer with the Blood of Christ. –(Heb. 4:16, 10:19) Write a prayer outline to increase your prayer life to an hour. Example of a prayer outline: 1. Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ. 2. Thanksgiving and thank the Lord. 3. Praying in understanding, pray for your personal needs, etc. pray for your love ones, pray for one another, pray for your city, state and nation, PRAY ETC. 4. Praise the Lord. 5. Pray in the Spirit unlit you feel a breakthrough and filling of the peace of God. 6. Wait and believe the Lord to speak to you. 7. Worship the Lord. 8. Cover your prayer with the Blood of Christ. Daily Prayer lists outlines: Write a prayer list of all things you would like to pray for, what you have to pray for, what you should pray for, and what the Lord wants you to pray for. Then divide them into five lists and pray that list on that day. Other prayer lists: You can write other prayer lists and prayer outlines to help you pray for other things, etc. How to pray long: First write out a prayer outline, second write five prayer lists for five days of the week, set the same time to pray every day, after you have prayed through your list, then pray in the Spirit and listen to music and try to pray for an hour, etc. Now if you want to pray long, or set a day apart to pray for five to seven hours, this is what you do. Write out a list of prayer, and divide into 5 min, to 15 min. 30 min. 60 min. and play anointed music in the background. Example: 10:00: begin with prayer. 10:15: pray in the Spirit. 10:30: pray for nations. 11:00: soaking and waiting upon the Lord. 12:00: praying for Israel. 12:15: etc. and so on. Praying in the Spirit at work: Ask the Holy Spirit, requests of the Holy Spirit pray for this and that, and then pray in the Spirit, you can pray in the Spirit while you work. Then Thank Him. Soaking Prayer: Enter into the Throne Room, enter into the Presence of the Lord, play anointed, prayer, and prophetic music and waited upon the Lord, etc. The Prayer of Contemplation: When beginning your journey in the prayer of contemplation, have a note book to keep tack of what the Lord says and what you see, also set a whole day apart even two days, etc. 1. Beginning: Enter into the Throne Room, Enter into rest, Pray in the Spirit. 2. The prayer of recollections: Confess of sins, casting your cares, getting past distractions, other, and releasing burdens, etc. 3. The prayer of meditation: Meditation, chew over a verse of scripture. Meditation to visualization and imagination: · The cross of Christ. · The blood of Christ. · The resurrection of Christ. · The Throne Room. · Anointed feeling. · The presence of the Lord. · Other. Soaking and waiting. Be still, quietness, and waiting. 4. The Prayer of Union: Peace of God ministers, love of God ministers, joy ministers, hopes and faith ministers to you. 5. The Prayer of Ecstasy: Visions, Ecstasy, trances, and raptures. 6. Cover your prayer with the blood of Christ. This guide is just to help you get going on your journey in prayer; I hope you enjoy this teaching, grace, and grace. If you want to learn more about prayer, visit our Web Sites! Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 13, 2015

Increase of Divine Peace and Freedom

Increase of Divine Peace and Freedom Elvis Iverson August 15, 2012 I see a vision of the archangel of peace come down upon the earth, an angel stands next to him, saying this is the time of great increase of the Kingdom, this is the time of the great increase of the Church!!! Then I see outpourings of armies of angels, along with this I see the archangel of peace with a sword warring against the evil that standing against the church in many nations. The church shall have freedoms, breakthroughs, release, and peace in many nations. This battle has been going on since 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. It will come to end before the end of 2012. Then I hear the sound of a holy trumpet in the Third Heaven before the Throne Room and the church, from among the Seven Watchers I hear the sound of the trumpet of increase. I see the outpouring of Spirit of council upon the earth. I see rivers of increase, I see rivers of great increase, I see rivers of extreme increase, I see rivers of breakthrough, I see rivers of freedom, I see rivers of peace, I see rivers of wealth, rivers of great wealth, rivers of massive wealth, rivers of extreme wealth coming to the church in many cities and in many nations and globally. I see a vision of the seven watchers come forth with armies of angels warring upon the seven mountains of society. I see the Joel army moves forth graining ground and moving up toward the top of the seven mountains of society. These battles will even take longer, but the rewards are great. Then I see battles over Israel, and the Middle East; outpouring of armies of angels to the point that many witness the encounter and divine workings of angels. I see battles over America, and again I see armies of angels warring over the nation, and its people. I hear sounds of these words; freedom! Freedom! Peace! Peace! Restoration! Revival! Breakthrough! Blessings! Light of Christ upon the hearts of many! Harvest! Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Restoration of LOST REVIVALS

Restoration of LOST REVIVALS Elvis Iverson In Zechariah Four the Lord sent the angel of awakening to me, to speak about a revival, and that he just released, a beginning of a revival in Lakeland. I believe the revival in Lakeland was a true move of God, I believe this was the beginning and this revival will prepare the way for others. The Lakeland Revival is an unfinished work, and the work will be brought to completion. The Lakeland revival is not over. The Lord called the Lakeland revival the capstone revival. The mantle of the Capstone Revival will be place upon others; we will see these revival times revived and awaken. The restoration of lost revivals is beginning, this too is a move of God, God wall restore all the wells of revival, and God will bring new revival rivers to the Church and the earth. The restoration of lost revivals will begin with the restoration of the capstone revival. Just think, remember and study the past revivals how most of them where short lived, but now we have come to the restoration of all lost revivals. Every revival will come to the there fullness and fulfill there written destiny. We must be knowledgeable about the kinds of revivals, and begin to believe and pray them forth. This is a new day for revival. In the past times of revival, those revivals were still in certain times of restoration in the church history, since the restoration of apostles and prophets the foundations for reformation is being laid, and reformation is being laid foundations FOR MANY REVIVALS, LASTING REVIVALS AND REVIVAL LIFE. You must know God’s will about revival and the church, His will is for the church never to be without revival. –(Acts 2:17-18) We will learn in time how to live, flow, fellowship, maintain revival, this will take time. In Revelation 21, 22 is the vision of revival there are foundation stones revivals, revival at the wall, revivals at the gates, revivals of the city of God, and revival rivers flowing to cities and nations. We will have continues revival, we will have lasting revivals, and we will have resting revivals. We will see the fullness of revival, we will walk, dwell and play in the fullness of revival, when we come to the point of fullness of revival, we will enjoy and live and feast in the Lord in revival. Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 06, 2015

From Glory to Glory and Grace for Grace

From Glory to Glory and Grace for Grace Elvis Iverson August 14, 2012 I see a vision of a great cloud coming to the earth, I here the Voice of the Son of God say it is time for rain, it is time for glory, it is time for revival, it is time of the restoration of glory and revival. Then I see another vision of clouds, many clouds of glory and revival coming across time and space from the Throne Room to the earth. I see the church across the earth, the Bride of Christ; I see these clouds coming upon the Bride of Christ covering her with the glory and revival of the Lord. You could see the body of Christ cover all over with glory and revival. Then I see the earth, I see many cities across the earth, and I see clouds of glory and revival coming to each of these cities. I hear the Voice of the Son of God say it is time for the restoration of glory and revival, and the church never to be without glory and revival never again!!!! I hear the Voice of the Son of God say the church shall never again be without revival, and there shall never be a time between revivals, it will be from revival to revival, before one revival comes to an end the other will begin. I hear the Voice of the Son of God say the church shall go from glory to glory, filling with glory until full of glory, until overflowing with glory, and then from more glory to even more glory, for the church shall go from glory to glory, for it is grace for grace that the glory shall come and always be upon the church. I now see a vision of western Washington, I will do a great work in Washington, and I will create a wall of revival that will not go out, I will build a company of churches and groups that will carry the ark of revival in this land. I will touch Seattle, Vancouver, and Portland. I will bring my torch of revival to Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston, and Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Charlotte, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Rochester, Toronto, Winnipeg, Cleveland, Columbus, Nashville, Knoxville, St. Louis, Kansas City, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, and Boise. I see their cities; I see clouds of glory and revival coming to them, I see floods of rain of the Spirit upon these cities. I see a cloud of glory and fire coming to Washington D.C. I see clouds of glory; fire, wine, and revival go to Europe, United Kingdom, Ireland, Russia and neighboring countries, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Hawaii. Now I see a vision of many cities and many nations, I hear the sound of many voices praying let the revival fall upon us and our cities and nations, I hear the Voice of God the Father say yes and amen. I see revival in many cities and in many nations around the earth. I hear the Voice of the SON of God say this is just the beginning, many more, upon many more, upon many more revivals are coming!!! Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


REPENTANCE AND REVIVAL Elvis Iverson Revival and Repentance, we need a revelation of revival, and we need to really understand true repentance, not the legalism and religious works of men apart from the Gospel of Grace. Revival comes by the hearing of faith, revival is a gift of grace, and repentance is a work of the Spirit and His mercy not the works of man and religion. –(Gal. 3:1-9) When you really study true revival in the Bible you will fine that throughout the Word of God, repentance had little to do with in bringing revival or keeping revival. –(Acts 2:17-18, Eph. 2:19-22) There is revival most times and maybe all the time without repentance now and in the future, you can see repentance without revival, most times when people repent here and there but no revival, not even a drop of revival. –(Matt. 3) Repentance could bring revival, most times it does not bring revival, and there is repentance that brings revival, and most times and always repentance always follows revival. For the mercy and goodness of the Lord leads one to repentance. –(Rom. 2:4, 2 Cor. 7:10) There is repentance that comes to the Church, a change of mind, a change of minds, and a change of heart, a change of hearts, turning of hearts toward the Lord and toward one another. There is repentance to the world, many upon many coming to know the Lord and to repent of being a sinner, and to come to the knowledge of the Truth. Repentance Revival is more likely to come to the world, coming to many cities, many nations, we will see great repentance in many cities and many nations even in our time. Repentance to the unbeliever, is coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ, asking Him into there lives, deciding to fellow Him and serve Him, and Obey Him throughout all of life, repentance of sins, repentance of being a sinner, and receiving the free gift of salvation, the gift of righteousness, and the remission of sins. –(LK. 24:47) Repentance to the believer, is based upon who he or she is already in Christ, and that he or she already has forgiveness past, present, future, and forever, and is based upon there righteousness from Christ, a free gift, the gift of righteousness, righteousness of God in Christ, there repentance is based up the Truth of the Word of God and the Love of Christ, and the Blood of Christ, it is not based upon shame, guilt and condemnation. –(1 Cor. 1:30) Apart from that, identification repentance is apart of the process of praying for revival for a city or a nation. Repenting of the behalf of a city or a nation, etc. It is apart of intercessory prayer. Bear fruits worthy of repentance, meaning fruits that will lead to change and turning of ways, minds and hearts toward Christ, His Word, His order, His ways. We are to pray for these fruits for our cities and nations, etc. –(Matt. 3:8) The door to revival is already open, revival is always in the Throne Room, we enter into Throne Room, we enter into revival, we enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, and enter into and can have revival by the Blood of Christ, Our LORD is the LORD of REVIVAL, HIS Throne is the THRONE OF Revival. WE can enter into the Throne Room and revival, we can enter into revival, and revival can be already in our hearts through faith and the blood of Christ. –(Rev. 4:1) We need to be knowledgeable about the kinds of revivals, and to pray forth all these kinds of revivals, such has visitation revival, resting revival, revival movement, and revival life, etc. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about revival for some time, He has giving me prophetic words about revival, that the Body of Christ needs to hear and believe. Apart of that the Lord has giving me a vision of revival based out of revelation 21, 22, and the revelation of revelation, you can read all these ON our web sites. Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved