Friday, June 26, 2015
The Birth of the Future of the Church
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
In a vision I see many clouds gathering together throughout the earth over the Bride of Christ, I see an massive outpouring of angelic hosts, I see the rains of the Spirit upon the church, and I see waves of the spirit coming one after the other, some waves came together, some waves came more than once, and there were times that there were many waves coming upon the church all over the earth.
This is the time when there will be more than a few happens of the Spirit, there will be many happenings of Spirit some on a global level, some on a national level, some on a zone level, some on a regional level, and some on a city level.
Then there will be many happenings of the Spirit that I could hear the voice of many believers say great is our God, and greatly to be praise His Name.
I see an outpouring of new apostolic wineskins all over the earth, I see an outpouring of new apostolic wines upon the new apostolic wineskins, and an unity came among them, a unity of the prophetic, a unity of the apostolic, a unity of compassion, a unity of prayer.
I see an outpouring of home churches, I see outpourings of home churches, I see a great outpouring of home churches, I see outpourings of home churches, I see a massive outpouring of home churches, and I see massive outpourings of home churches, that no one could number them, that no one could manage them, only you could watch from a distant, with thankfulness.
There came unity of vision, a unity of the apostolic, a unity of the prophetic, a unity of compassion, and a unity of prayer among them. From unity and love of these many home churches came rivers of the Spirit that flow between each other, that flow unto many cities and many nations, and all cities and all nations.
I see the harvest of souls coming, I see many harvests of souls, I see great harvests of souls, I see many harvests of souls, I see massive harvests of souls, I see many massive harvests of souls, and I see harvest upon harvest of souls.
I see arise the new apostolic city church a union of apostles and prophets and apostolic congregations, these new apostolic city church centers were outreaches to the city and to the church.
I see revivals coming from the West and the South, I see revivals coming from the north and the east, and I see revivals come from the north, south, east, and the west.
I hear a voice say the church shall have many revivals, shall be fat with many revivals, and shall be full of many revivals, and shall overflow with many revivals.
I see the City Church arise in every city, I see the regional church arise in every city, I see the state church arise in every state, I see the national church arise in every nation, I see the zone church arise in every zone, and I see the global church arise globally.
Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
The Practice of the Presence of God
The Practice of the Presence of God
Elvis Iverson
Repentance and renewing of our minds will bring times of refreshing, the presence of the Lord, and times of restoration of all things. Times of refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord, learn to flow, learn to apply, learn to practice the presence of the Lord. I believe that times of restoration comes from the presence of the Lord. This all tells us that you can live and dwell in the presence of the Lord and manifestation of the presence of the Lord. –(Acts 3:19-21)
The presence of the Lord will always go with us; the presence of the Lord will give us rest and peace. Enter into rest and begin to dwell in the presence of the Lord. It is the will of the Lord for you to always have the presence of the Lord, and the manifested presence of the Lord. Beyond this to have the manifestation of the glory of the Lord. –(Ex. 33:12-23)
The Bible says the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you, and that He will always be with you, this is an unconditional promise of God for every believer in Christ. You are saved by grace and by the blood of Christ you will always have the Lord with you. You will have the presence of the Lord. Don’ t based your faith on feeling, if you feel him or not He is there, you first must begin with faith, yes you will have the feelings too, amen. This means the presence of the Lord, and the manifestation of the Presence of the Lord will always be with you by the Blood of Christ. –(Heb. 13:5, Matt. 28:20)
When the Lord is present there is healing, signs, and wonders. First of all the Lord is already here, but we must learn to practice and apply His presence by entering into the Presence of the Lord, having faith and praying until the Presence of the Lord begins to manifested and supernatural feelings begin to come. Then we will see healing, signs and wonders. –(LK. 5:17)
Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ in your heart and in faith and you will come into the presence of the Lord, the key is the blood of Christ, in your prayer life learns to practice the presence of the Lord. If you learn to apply the presence of the Lord in your prayer life, you will see the witness of the presence of the Lord in your every day life. Practice the presence of the Lord first begins in your prayer life. –(Heb. 10:19)
When believers come together, they together in faith and unity need to learn to apply and practice, and flow in the presence of the Lord. First the presence of the Lord is already here, second we must learn enter into the presence of the Lord, then flow with the Presence of the Lord, third learn to dwell in the manifested presence of the Lord. –(Matt. 18:20)
First of all the Holy Spirit, and the Presence of God is everywhere, second the presence of the Lord is with each believer, Third when the believers gathering together there is more increase and manifestation of the anointing and presence. Fourth learn to enter into and flow, and dwell in the manifested presence of the Lord. Fifth flow and follow the presence of the Lord, not human wisdom and human plans. Sixth have spiritual leaders who know who to follow and lead others into the presence of the Lord. Seventh learn to give place and order to the Holy Sprit, and build your service around the ministering of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Lord.
Learn to Presence the Presence of God:
1.Learn first to practice the Presence of the Lord in your prayer life.
2. Learn to worship he Lord in the Presence of the Lord.
3.Praying in the Spirit will remove roadblocks in you that hinder you from flowing with the presence of the Lord.
4.Learn to spend and continue practice set times of soaking in the presence of the Lord.
5.Learn and practice the prayer of contemplation.
6.Learn to flow in the presence to the power then to the glory, and manifested presence of God.
7.Give Glory to Jesus and love one another.
Therefore stir up the gift of God, stir up the gifts of God, Stir up the gifts of the Spirit, stir up the anointing, stir up the presence of the Lord, and don’t allow the fear of man to hinder you, instead flow in the Spirit of power, Love and a sound mind. –(2 Tim. 1:6-7)
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Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Reformers of the Reformation
Reformers of the Reformation
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
I see a cloud come upon the earth, and I see a holy gathering of apostles and prophets, I see from the center of this cloud is Jesus standing and releasing scrolls of reformation, in the back ground I hear the sound of the silver trumpets.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of apostles and prophets, and apostolic and the prophetic.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of church government.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of the new apostolic wineskins.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of home churches.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of the church and the Kingdom of God.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of the thesis of the Third Reformation.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the future of the church and the truth of the end times.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of the grace of God.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of the rest of the Lord.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the soaking presence of God.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of revival, the coming revival, and the revival life.
Then an apostle walk into the cloud and Jesus imparted to Him; the revelation of signs and wonders.
With each apostle that walked into the cloud there was a river of apostles that flowed with him, and there was a group of prophets that flow with the river and there was a few prophets that walk with the apostle.
There are revivals come before reformation, there are revivals come with reformation, and there revivals come after reformation, we are coming to a time of many revivals and that we will always be in a state of revival.
From reformation and revival came harvests of souls, there is harvests before reformation and revival, then there is harvests with reformation, with revival, and there is harvests that follow reformation and follow revival.
I hear the Holy Spirit say there is coming a state of harvest that the church will be in a state of harvest for 100 years.
Once when the church is reformed and healed, and restored, then the nations will be blessed and harvested.
From the coming church reformation will came a river of social reformations to cities, nations and governments and the seven mountains of the world.
From the coming church reformation will came a river of social transformations to cities, nations and people groups and the seven mountains of the world.
From the coming church reformation will came a river of marketplace revivals to cities, nations and the seven mountains of the world.
From the coming church reformation will came a river of love revolutions to cities, nations, governments and the seven mountains of the world.
I see a vision of the manifesting of the Kingdom of God, I see army of kings of the Kingdom of God with healing and restoration hands to minister to people groups, cities, nations and governments all over the earth. I see many kings of the Kingdom flow like mighty rivers upward the seven mountains of the world.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the first mountain is the apostolic and the prophetic, this is movements of the church in the earth.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the second mountain is wealth, this is movements of wealth to heal all nations.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the third mountain is governments, education, the armies of the earth, the healing of nations.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the fourth of family, the restoration of many generations and generational blessings.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the fifth is entrainment, and media, sports.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the sixth is health and food of the nations.
But I see the Kingdom of God manifesting in seven mountains; the seventh is the restoration of all things and the healing of all nations.
Now I see the unity of the apostles and prophets of reformation, if we can come together and work together, and hear one another, and love one another, if we can mix truth with love, if we can humble ourselves to one another, and honor one another, this is the main point of access of this reformation.
I see a vision of the apostolic church that shall arise, I see she is going, and she is the future of the church. I see the marketplace church arise and she is the outreach of the apostolic church, I see the revival church the church shall have many revivals, I see the city church arise that shall be the center of the church, and I see the body of Christ we are to love and care for one another and work together, and seek fellowship with one another.
Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
The Path of the Holy Spirit Life
The Path of the Holy Spirit Life
Elvis Iverson
Every believer in Christ is called to the path of the Holy Spirit life; we are all called to the Spirit Filled Life! Understanding the path of the Holy Spirit life will help led you unto a more Spirit Filled Life in grace.
1.Born Again: When you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, you are then born of the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit comes into your life, and then you have access to the fruits of the Spirit and the presence of the Lord. –(Jn. 3:3,6-8, Rom. 8:9,11)
2.The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: After you are born of the Spirit, you then can have Spirit upon you in power, We are to ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, a sign that you have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is that you speak in other tongues. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit gives us access to the power of God, and the Gifts of the Spirit. However, Water Baptism can ether come before the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, or after, only after you have been born again you then are water baptize. –(Heb. 6:1-2, LK. 11:13)
3.Praying in the Spirit: all Spirit filled believers are to pray in the Holy Spirit, pray at least five to 15 min. if you can. AS you grow in the Lord, learn how to pray, become a fruitful prayer believer, and let most of your prayer time be filled with praying in the Spirit. –(Jude 20)
4.The anointing: The Holy Spirit is the key to the anointing, one of the names of the Holy Spirit is Anointing, and Christ is called The Anointed! There is anointing that all believers flow in, and there is anointing that believers flow in according to the gifts giving to them, measure of faith, and grace. But we are to pray for the increase of the anointing. –(1 Jn. 2:20, Isa. 10:27)
5.The Power of God: We are learning to flow in the power of God, to heal the sick etc. When we have the Holy Spirit in our life through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we have access to the power of God. –(LK. 24:49, Acts 1:8)
6.Gifts of the Spirit: there are more gifts of God then the gifts of the Spirit, we are to know the gifts that God has giving to each one of us and learn how to flow in them. I believe each believe can flow in at least one of the gifts of the Spirit. We are to pray for the Gifts of the Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12)
7.Refilling of the Spirit: Everyday, every week we as believers should pray for refilling of the Holy Spirit, we are to always BE FULL OF THE SPIRIT, and I think we should be overflowing with the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 5:18)
8.Fruits of the Holy Spirit: every believer is to grow in the fruits of the Spirit, and to become full of the fruits of the Spirit. –(Gal. 5:22-23)
9.Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit: I believe every believer is to flow in a river of insight from the Word of God with teaching coming from the Holy Spirit. –(Jn. 14:26)
10.The Ministry of the Holy Spirit: every believer is to flow and to receive ministry from the Holy Spirit. –(Jn. 16:7-15)
11. Prophecy, Vision and Dreams: I believe all believers are to flow in prophecy, visions and dreams from the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18)
12.The Presence of the Lord: It is through the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Christ we flow in the Presence of the Lord. –(Acts 3:19-21)
13.The Fire of God: We are pray for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire, we are to pray for the fire of the Holy Spirit, and we are to pray for the fire of God, it is through the Holy Spirit we can flow in the fire of God. –(Matt. 3:11-12)
14.Outpourings of the Holy Spirit: We are to pray for the outpourings of the Holy Spirit upon the Church, upon our cities and nations and upon us too. –(Acts 2:17-18)
15.Led by the Spirit: We are to learn how to be led by the Spirit, and learn to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit. –(Rom. 8:14)
Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Thursday, June 11, 2015
One Church One City of God
One Church One City of God
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
I see the city of God arise in cities around the world; the city of God is the church in the earth, and center of the Kingdom of God on earth. I see waves of revelation, waves of the Spirit, waves of harvest, waves of signs and wonders, and I see the city of God arise in cities, many cities, in many cities, and all cities, and nations, many nations and many nations, all nations.
I see the Kingdom of God increase, increase, Increase, then with each increase of the Kingdom comes an increase of the church.
I see a vision of the Kingdom of God arise throughout the earth and at the center and at the high place of the Kingdom, rest the city of God, which is the church.
At the gates of the City of God, are 12 gates these are watch hours of prayer and worship throughout the earth, at this 12 gates are gathering of believers to hear the apostles and prophets.
I see a place of feasts, these are a place where the home churches gather to fellowship in the Word and Spirit and the Love of God.
I see a place of prophetic manifestation here is where we gather for prophetic river and prophetic ministry.
I see a place that is an open place, this is where the outpouring of signs and wonders happening.
I see a place where children come to play and sing, and learn of the Lord.
I see a place of soaking, revival, and glory in this a place every one is upon the floor and no one can minister.
I see the center, the Throne Room of God, and house of prayer, and worship for all nations.
I see outside of the gates of the city of God are many, many, many tents there are the gathering of believers in every city and every nation.
Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
The Melchizedek Order
The Melchizedek Order
Elvis Iverson
Melchizedek was a priest and king, a type of Christ, for our Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was a king over the city that will be the city name Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the prophetic city for all of time. –(Gen. 14:18-24, Heb. 7:1-10, 7:21)
Who is Melchizedek I believe this not the question we should be asking. Since the Bible remains silence on this and we should too. Melchizedek is a shadow and type of Christ, also a shadow of the Church and the Kingdom of God. Some say Melchizedek is Jesus Christ, and some say Melchizedek is Shem one of the sons of Noah.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek, and the Church is the priesthood of the kingdom and every believer in Christ is king and priest according to the Order of Melchizedek. –(1 Pet. 2:5,9, Rev. 1:6, 5:10)
Sabbath is a day when believers in there own home, fellowship and love their family, Husbands of the home, fathers lead their family and loves ones begin at sun down into Sabbath, to enjoy, love and fellowship with love ones. Likewise the seven feasts of the Lord is in the same matter as the heads of homes lead their love ones into the feasts of the Lord. From this we get the churches in the home, in the early church since the heads of the family already know who to lead their loves into holy things, this was then apply into the home church.
The Application of the Melchizedek order begins with the family. The restoration of the family is much on the heart of God. God is turning the hearts of people back to the family, God is turning the hearts of children toward their fathers, and God is turning the hearts of father back to their children. Leading their homes in faith, and love with one another.
The application of the Melchizedek order begins with the restoration of the priesthood. There is no such thing as clergy and laity in the church, yes there are spiritual leaders, but they help lead, guide, equip, not control the church, and instead empower the church. Every believer is a priest in Christ and they are to minister to one another in the home church. The home church is the application of the priesthood, and the order of Melchizedek.
The Home Church is the application of the Order of Melchizedek!
The application of the Melchizedek order begins with the restoration of the priesthood then the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. We are entering into the beginning day of restoration of the kings of the Kingdom.
The application of the Melchizedek order begins with the revelation of the Kingdom of God; our Lord Jesus Christ is both High Priest and King of kings. He already rules over the earth from heaven, when He returns He will rule over heaven from earth. The Kingdom of God came and begun with Jesus being seated at the right hand of the Father, and fullness will come at the return of Christ to the earth.
The ministry of the Apostle is to lead the way in the order of Melchizedek, the five ministers of grace equip the saints for the saints to be fully functionally priested and to come in the fullness of the priesthood, but the apostles are to rise up the kings of the Kingdom. The apostles will walk in the Melchizedek anointing showing the way for the rest of the priesthood to follow in Christ.
Till the time, till we come to the unity of the faith, this time will come. This will begin a radical change to the ministries of grace and the apostles, prophet, and teacher, but they will still be around yes, but the some of their functions will come to an end. –(Eph. 4:13)
The application of the Melchizedek order begins with the city of God and the city church. The church is the city of God that shall rise in all cities; the church is the city church in all cities, just as Melchizedek was priest and king over Jerusalem, the believers shall be priests and kings in their cities, etc.
The End Time Church will walk in the fullness of the priesthood and the end times is the beginning of the fullness of kings of Kingdom according to the order of Melchizedek.
We are living in the beginning of the end of the restoration the priesthood of the Kingdom, and we are entering into the beginning of the restoration of the Kingdom.
The End times will be the fullness of the restoration of all things, and the earth will become full of the glory of the Lord, the Church shall be a glorious church. Israel will come to the Lord and be filled with revivals and come into oneness with the church, and peace will come to the Middle East through the friendship and alliance of Egypt, Iraq and Israel, before the return of Christ. –(Isa. 19:18-25)
Now and the future, we will see massive reformation, a full restoration of the priesthood, many revivals coming in the church and upon the world.
The Marketplace Church is the outreach of the church, and the marketplace church marks a beginning of restoration and arising of the kings of the Kingdom.
The Word says the Lord will raise up a faithful priest, this is our Lord Jesus Christ, and this is us in Christ. –(1 Sam. 2:35)
Zadok is a another sign of us as priests in Christ. –(2 Sam. 15:24)
Even Phinehas is sign of us as priests in Christ. –(Num 25)
Let the Order of Melchizedek Arise!
Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Friday, June 05, 2015
Supernatural How To Guide
Supernatural How To Guide
Elvis Iverson
Greetings friends, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, partners, members of the church around the world. I ask the Lord teach me how to pray? He then teach me how to pray! I then ask teach me to hear your voice? He then teach me how to hear His voice! I then said teach me how to be led by the Holy Spirit? He then teach me how to be led by the Spirit! Then I ask Him to teach me how to prophesy, He then teach me how to prophesy! Today I will impart this wisdom to you, impart teaching and anointing to you, your life will be change from this day forth, this wisdom will help you to begin, and God will even teach you too, it’s His will to teach you, just ask.
How to hear the voice of God:
Be faithful to the Word of God.
God will never say anything against His Word.
Pray in the Spirit.
Pray faithfully.
Enter into rest.
Have faith to hear.
Waiting upon the Lord.
How to have Word revelation:
Be faithful to the Word of God.
Be faithful to sound teaching and sound doctrine.
Pray faithfully.
Pray in the Spirit faithfully.
Pray for Word Revelation, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the Word of God.
Pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation.
Write down those teachings.
How to be led by the Spirit:
Learn to become sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Learn to practice the presence of the Lord.
Follow the presence of the Lord.
Learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Be a person of prayer.
Soaking in the Presence of the Lord.
Praying in the Spirit.
Ask the Lord to teach you how to be led.
Learn to hear the inward voice.
Learn to hear the voice of your conscience.
Learn to hear the still small voice.
Learn how to apply dreams.
Pray for visions, flow in visions, apply visions.
Spiritual vision is a vision that you see with your heart.
Open vision you see with your eyes.
Learn to flow in Trances, etc.
How to prophesy:
Begin by praying for the gift of prophecy.
Ask the Lord to teach you how to prophesy.
Speak what words come to you.
Submit all words to the Word of God.
Praying in the Spirit will help you to prophecy.
More you pray in the Spirit the more you prophecy.
Pray in the Spirit until you have breakthrough and the peace of God fills your mind, then say Lord speak for your servant hears you.
Write down that prophecy.
Get together with other and learn together.
How to flow in Dreams:
Pray for Father to pour out dreams in your sleep.
Pray in the Spirit faithfully.
Write down your dreams.
Learn how to understand your dreams,
Learn how to apply your dreams.
Fill your mind with good stuff, to have good dreams.
Renew your Mind; keep your mind renewed, to flow in dreams.
How to flow in visions.
Pray in the Spirit Faithfully.
Pray for an hour in the Spirit, pray until the peace God fills you mind, and then wait upon the Lord.
Soaking prayer and waiting prayer will lead to visions.
Worship the Lord will lead to visions.
The Blood of Christ is a key to visions, enter into the Throne room and believe your there, and believe for visions.
Sanctified imaginations, visualization of the cross of Christ,
The blood of Christ, The resurrection of Christ, The Throne Room, Anointed feeling, and the presence of the Lord will lead to visions.
Pray for the Lord to give you visions.
Write down those visions.
How to flow in Trances:
Praying in the Spirit faithfully.
Soaking and waiting upon the Lord.
Sanctified imaginations, visualization of the cross of Christ,
The blood of Christ, The resurrection of Christ, The Throne Room, Anointed feeling, and the presence of the Lord will lead to visions.
The Prayer of contemplation
This is just a beginning guide to your supernatural journey, to help you to begin, as you flow you learn and God will teach you other things, if you like this article visit our web sits, thank you.
Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
New Wine of Grace
New Wine of Grace
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
I see a vision of the Throne Room of God, I see a glass of wine this glass of wine is the gospel of grace. I see in time this new wine of grace will mature, I see this glass of wine filled with ice, and this is the Spirit. I see angels flow throughout the Church shouting grace and Spirit, grace and Spirit, grace and Spirit.
I see from this glass of wine flows a great river of grace and power, I see the doors of the church open in many cities and many come to the church, I see the back door of the church open in many cities, and many return to the Lord.
I see the camps of grace increase around the earth 10 times, 10 times, 10 times, 10 times. I see the wine of grace mature in time, but will not take long, then this wine of grace pours upon the whole church.
From grace came freedom and many overcome and are healed from the past, and many will walk in freedom in all areas of life.
From grace comes power I see signs and wonders, gifts of the Spirit, flow around the church.
From grace comes love I see forgiveness of one another, and love one another.
From grace comes holiness I see freedom from sin, power over sin, and healing of our inner cities. From grace comes harvest I see many souls coming into the church. From grace comes unity there will come a greater unity in the church. From grace comes revival, there will come revivals that will not stop, revivals go from revival to revival, we will see many revivals.
From grace comes favor, we will arise in our communities, in our cities and in our nation and change the world.
Now I see this glass of new wine of grace, I hear God the Father say come and drink and become drunk on the wine of grace; this wine of grace marks a new beginning.
Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Mercy on our times
Mercy on our times
Elvis Iverson
July 24, 2013
In a vision I see a fallen eagle, this fallen eagle is a wonderful eagle, she has walk in unity with the Father, through much suffering, trails, and witchcraft she could not overcome at that time, waves of trails, waves of warfare, waves of witchcraft come against her, finally she became first broken in trust and faith, then broken in mind. The warriors of peace came to war to set her free, they won battles, then came the three worst battles, the first one almost destroy her, but the warriors of peace won the battle, even Michael the archangel was sent to fight the battles of her mind, the first time they won the battle, the second time they won the battle, but she was not fully restored, then came the third battle and that battle she turned against the warriors of peace, and she fall as a broken eagle. Is this her destiny? No!
God is the God of mercy, then I see a vision of the Throne Room, I hear a voice say what is the state of this eagle of mine, then I heard the warriors of peace come before the Throne Room of God, have mercy on her, set her free, restore her.
I hear a voice from the Throne Room say I am doing a work in her; I will lead her out of the darkness of her mind, for it is all a lie. The truth will come to her; the Holy Spirit will teach her truth and freedom.
This eagle will fly again, this eagle will fly high again, she has a ministry of freedom and she is a warrior in these coming days, she will minister freedom to many. I speak peace, peace, freedom, freedom, restoration, restoration, love, love, joy and joy!
Now I see a vision this eagle is free in mind and free in heart, she arise to set and heal many, and teach many on warfare.
I hear a voice say to those who have fallen, there is hope, you are still in my hand, and I love you, and I have a future of hope for you, arise in truth, arise in peace, arise in grace and fly high in me, for this is my will.
Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved