Friday, April 27, 2007

The Seven Waves of Harvest

The Seven Waves of Harvest

Elvis Iverson

Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! Can you see the harvest of souls, cities, nations, and people groups; look with the eyes of your heart and see by revelation of the Holy Spirit the coming harvests of souls. –(Jn. 4:27-38)

The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labors are few. Can you see the harvests that the Lord of the Harvest is preparing to be harvest? However, there are few labors and we are to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out labors into His harvest. Who is the Lord of the Harvest? The Lord of the Harvest is the Holy Spirit. The Five Fold ministers are to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Apostles are to rise up other apostles to harvest. There are some Apostles who will be leaders in the harvest, they are the lead harvesters called to go before and prepare the way for other harvesters, and to lead in the wave of harvests. What the Holy Spirit has done, He has giving a new vision and plan for foreign missions, and He also has giving a new vision and plan for home missions. The way things were done in the pass has changed, those things are out of date, and it is time to be up-to-date on missionary work. –(Matt. 9:27-28)

In Revelation chapter 14; sharing to us about how the harvests of souls will be supernatural, that angels, harvests angels will harvest souls, they are aiding the saints, evangelists, and apostles in harvesting the fields of souls.

The harvest is the end of the age; this reveals not only angels will be gathering souls; they will be aiding the believers in the work of harvesting. It also reveals that there will be a great harvest of souls in the end of the age. –(Matt. 13:34-30, 36-43)

Elisha prayed for a boy to come alive, and then the boy sneezed seven times. The Holy Spirit will breath upon the fields, cities and nations seven times, there is coming seven waves of harvest. –(2 Kings 4:34-35)

The Seven Waves of Harvest:

1. Harvest wave that we are in at this time in history. There are more souls coming to know the Lord in this wave of harvest then any other wave of harvest before this wave.
2. Increase harvest wave is the wave that is coming; the harvest of souls will increase all over the world. Areas that seem unreachable souls will begin to be won to the Lord, and even in the west we will begin to see souls coming to know the Lord.
3. Harvest waves that will come through the coming signs and wonders outpouring. There will be waves of harvest of souls that will be won to the Lord during the coming outpouring of signs and wonders.
4. Harvest Waves from the Apostolic Church. You will see as the apostolic church arise all over the world great numbers will begin to come to know the Lord.
5. The next waves will be the beginnings waves of harvest of the nations, we will see cities and nations begin to come to know the Lord. Whole nations, whole cities, most people in a nation will be won to the Lord, massive numbers will be won to the Lord in nations, nations will change by these massive harvest of souls.
6. The Harvest waves of the fullness of the Great Commission that will lead to the competition and fulfillment of the Great Commission.
7. Harvest waves of the Kingdom Church. The Apostolic Church is the church of the Third Reformation, will fill the whole church, unity will grow and then give birth to the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the church of the end times, There will be waves of harvest in the time of the Kingdom Church.

However, with each wave of harvest, there will come spiritual warfare and persecution, with each wave of harvest there will come a wave of persecution with spiritual warfare. This is why we must build for the coming harvests, build for revival, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God, and build to endure trials and spiritual warfare. The Lord must rise up armies of prayer warriors to war for these harvests, and war for the church. –(Eph. 6:10,18,19, Matt. 9:27-28)

There will be harvests waves that will come through the saints in the workplace; there will be harvest of souls that will come through the church in the workplace. We must prepare for these harvests and the other harvests that I have already spoken about in this article. –(1 Cor. 3:5-9)

Furthermore, These seven waves of harvest is what the Holy Spirit has revealed unto me, at the same we should keep in open mind, for there could be more waves of harvest in our future. Let us pray and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the Church, and let us believe what He is saying and pray them forth in faith and patience. –(Heb. 11:1, 6:12)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part 12

Emerging City Church part 12

Elvis Iverson
April 8, 2007

The emerging city church prophecy is a part of what the Holy Spirit shall do in our time; these prophetic visions are an outline of revelation faith for you to pray forth in your city and in your nation. The emerging city must first come in your heart and then to the believers of your city, as you receive the emerging city church in your heart you receive grace, anointing, revival, revelation, vision, and open doors, blessings.

The emerging city church will come forth in these prophetic symbols of faith and acts in anointing and grace.

Palace and embassy will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, for they are the Kingdom and the Church, the Marketplace and the Church.

Hospitals will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, for they are healing, miracles, inner healing, restoration, and deliverance, signs and wonders.

Coliseums will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, will be places of vision, unity, revival, prayer, worship, prophetic, and gathering to hear my apostles and prophets of reformation, revival and social transformation.

Universities will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, when all believers are to be equipped and train in all things in God, and will manifested through an outpouring of revelation upon all believers in the city.

Aqueducts will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, which is for the rivers of the Spirit; the church will never lack water from the Third Heaven.

Granaries will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, they are for the harvest of souls, for the Lord will add to the city church every day in numbers.

Battlefield medicines will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, are for the intercessors, warriors, and for spiritual battles and war over our cities.

Power plants will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, I see four power plants, which are coal plants, nuclear plants, solar plants and hydro plants these meaning are the power of God in four ways. They are Exousia power of God, Ischus power of God, Dunamis power of God, and Kratos power of God that will come through the Holy Spirit.

Harbors will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, they are for global missions, and the many ministries that come forth, and many acts that come forth from the city church to the nations around the world.

SAM Missile Batteries will be restored as a part of the emerging city church; they are for spiritual battles and warfare, and protection of the city church and the city.

Gates and walls will be restored as a part of the emerging city church, for the gates are praise and walls are salvation.

Now I see an angel come from the Third Heaven, and from the Throne Room. He is the Angel of Promise, He has came for the prophetic prophesy about the city church, I am to give him these prophetic visions of the city church, he will guard them, and keep in them the Throne room, he will watch over the fulfillment of these prophetic declare and words. The Holy Spirit I see right next to me, He says gives them to me, and I will give them to the angel of promise. Then the angel of promise give me a promise note to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit give it to me, He said place this into your heart and seal it. I did what the Holy Spirit said, and anointing oil came from an angel, and this angel said this is sealing oil, he said after you place the promise note in your heart, apply this oil, and then the Holy Spirit will place a holy seal upon your heart and the promise note, and I then did so, and Holy Spirit place a holy seal upon my heart and the promise note.

Now the Holy Spirit said those who hear these prophetic words, lay them before the Throne in prayer, receive the promise note through thanksgiving and praise, and this oil will be apply to your heart, and I will seal your heart and the promise note in you.

The Holy Spirit says the vision of the city church has be giving, the revelation of the city church has been release, those who believe and receive the vision and revelation I will come and open their eyes and heart and show them things that they do not know. Yes I will give them Seeing Eye and Hearing Ear, and I will give them revival, and spiritual growth, and increase relationship with me, the Christ and the Father.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Focusing and Understanding the Future

Focusing and Understanding the Future

Elvis Iverson

Today’s article came through years of study through the Holy Scriptures, Word revelation, prophetic revelation, visions and prophecy. In this article I am not making a new doctrine, only sharing what the Holy Spirit has showed me about the future.

Most end time teaching is in the realm of deduction; when you begin to teach on the end time always begin with the absolute of the end times, which is the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have heard many end time teaching, although most of it was not anointed, had no grace and peace. So at that time I didn’t teach anything on the end times, instead I prayed to the Father teach me the end times the way you understand it, then the Holy Spirit begun to teach me and show me about the end times, and over the years He has showing me more, to the glory of Christ.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven, a wise man’s heart can discern both time and judgment, because for every matter there is a time and judgment, It is the Lord who changes the times and seasons, it is He who reveals deep and secret things like times and seasons to those who seek His face. With this knowledge we are to be redeeming the time. Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets! It is the will of the Lord for us to know times and seasons, and to know what time we are living in, and the future, this will come through prayer, and hearing what the Prophets are saying. –(Eccl. 3:1, 8:5-6, Dan. 2:21,22, Eph. 5:16, Amos 3:7-8)

After two days He will revive us, and on the third day He will raise us up, in the beginning of the church it was foreseen that a great apostasy will come, this came to pass during the dark ages, and then there came a time of restoration of the church, we are still in that day, we are coming to end of this restoration of the church, at the end of this restoration will come a massive reformation of the church, the apostolic church will arise, the church of reformation, and then the day will come that the apostolic church gives birth to the Kingdom Church, which is the mature city church, the church in the end times. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day; here we can see the time of the great apostasy, the time of restoration, now we come to the time of the apostolic church, which will bring us to the end time church, the Kingdom Church. The Holy Spirit has giving me insights into 10 years, then He give me insights into 100 years, and now He has giving me insights into 1000 years. We have entered into a new apostolic age this will last many years, many years, and beyond our own time. God moves in times of patience, if you want to understand God’s time understand He is a God of patience. Then from patience, there will come times of suddenly and immediately, and we have entered in another time of suddenly and immediately however most things God does is done through times of patience, He work through patience, and some times in those times He bring the suddenly and the immediately. –(Hosea 6:1-3, 2 Pet. 3:8, Rev. 20:4-6)

The Book of Revelation Is a Book of revelation of Jesus Christ, the fifth gospel, it is a revelation of what Jesus did on the earth from Heaven’s viewpoint, The Book of Revelation is a Book of worship, Is a Book of Victory, and it is a Book how will Jesus take over the world. The Book of Revelation is not about the Anti-Christ and Satan taking over the world, there is no anti Christ, the new millennial, the symbol of millennial is fullness. The Great Tribulation happens in 70 A.D. The Kingdom of God has already came through Jesus Christ when He ascended and seated at The Father’s right Hand, this begin His reign on earth from Heaven, and when He return He will reign over heaven from earth. The Kingdom of God is increasing throughout the earth, leading steps to the return of Christ. The future of the Church is glorious; Israel and the Church will come into holy oneness, all of Israel will be saved. There will be peace between Israel, Egypt and Iraq, and this is the key to peace in the Middle East. Satan and his kingdom of darkness is losing the war, and the Kingdom of God and the Church is increasing, light is increasing and darkness is decreasing, the future of the world is bright through the hands of the kings of the Kingdom and Jesus Christ our Lord. –Isa. 19:18-25, Matt. 23,24, Rev. 1:1-3)

We have been in the time of restoration, now we are coming to the end of the restoration, and at the end of this restoration, will be times of reformation of all things, this is what we have already enter into. –(Acts 3:19-21, Heb. 9:10)

This is what will happen in the next thousand years, as I write them down, I am not saying that all this will happen in the order that I think I see it, however, I do believe all these things will happen.

1. We have come to the day of the third reformation of the Church, the new apostolic reformation, this will be a reformation of all things in the church; this will be a massive reformation.
2. We have come to the beginning of the end of restoration of the priesthood, and we have entered into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom.
3. We will see the restoration of the Glory of the Lord in the church, the church will become full of revivals, and glory, and the church will become the glorious church, from the church the revivals will overflow into the nations and cities, and begin the healing of the nations, the healing of nations will come through revival, the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord this will come through the Church being full and overflowing unto the nations, the restoration of glory will come through revivals.
4. The Apostolic Church is the church of the reformation, and church that shall arise and fill the whole church. It is the apostolic church that shall give birth to the kingdom Church, which is the mature city church, the church of the end times.
5. The City Church today shall go from pastoral unity to apostolic unity. The next level of City Church is coming which shall be city church networks being lead by city church apostles, and city church centers being built as centers for the city church.
6. The arising of the city church in every city of every nation, arising into the next level of city church growth.
7. Signs and wonders, the gifts of the Spirit, and power of God will be everywhere in the church, the church will be filled with power and the Gifts of the Spirit.
8. The arising of apostolic networks all over the world, these will replace all over kinds of companies and groups of churches.
9. Among the Apostles, among the apostolic networks, among the congregations and the city church there will be unity and oneness among the groups that remain throughout the reformation, there will come oneness and unity among them.
10. The Church in the workplace will be established and grow in every city and in every nation.
11. There will come massive harvests of souls, I foresee seven waves of harvest. And we will come to the fullness and fulfillment of the great commission. In a future article I will share about these seven coming harvest waves.
12. The earth will become full of glory, first the church will become full of glory, and then the gory will overflow into the world. There will come many revivals, and life of the church will be one of revival, and the Christian life will be one of revival however, I foresee five major revivals that will be the major fulfillment of the restoration of the glory of the Lord in the earth. These five major revivals will be the fire of the Holy Spirit, the Water of the Holy Spirit, the Wind of the Holy Spirit, and the Oil of the Holy Spirit and the Wine of the Holy Spirit; there will be revivals leading to these five major revivals.

From apostolic unity there will come city church unity. Yes city church begins with pastoral unity, and then goes to apostolic unity and from their goes to Kingdom Church unity. The arise of the city church in every city of every nation, first the next level of the city church which I call it apostolic unity will come, and from that time the City church will mature until we come to the fullness of the city church, the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the church of the end times. The Apostolic Church will grow and increase throughout the Church around he world, the church be filled with the Apostolic church, then shall give birth to the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the Church in the End times. The Apostolic Church is the Joshua Generations, and the Kingdom Church is the Davidic Generations.

The Unity of the Faith will come; the Church will grow, increase, and mature in unity until the Unity of the Faith is birth, this will be through the City Church. The Apostolic Church will grow in unity to a degree that it gives birth to the mature city church and the fullness of unity, the unity of the faith. The Church will fill with glory through the coming revivals and the many revivals, the church be filled with revivals, and the church in the end times is the glorious church, full of glory. –(Eph. 4:13, 5:27)

I believe Daniel 12:3-4 is coming to pass before our eyes, and this is the times we will live in, the wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and they will turn many to righteousness, and they will become like stars, and many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase, and the knowledge of the Lord will increase.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part 11

Emerging City Church part 11

Elvis Iverson
April 8, 2007

I see a vision of prophetic intercessors making intercession for the lost and supplication for the church. They are praying for the fulfillment of Revelation 22:17: “And the Spirit and the bride say, come! And let him who hears say, come! And let him who thirsts come. Whomever desires let him take the water of life freely.” These prophetic intercessors are called the Anna intercessors that will serve God with fasting and prayers night and day.

I see a vision of prophets coming forth they are prophets like the John the Baptist, they minister international, global, and city wide, all there prophecy come to pass, there are signs and wonders that come from there ministry. They write book after book, however they are humbly and meek, walking in the order of church government. These prophets are like John the Baptist called to preach repentance and prepare the way; they are like Samuel the prophet called to bring reformation, and restoration of the house of God, called to bring wisdom to the church. They are like Agabus the prophet who promotes compassion and mercy in the church, and they are like Isaiah the prophet who spoke prophetic words in the future and who has authority in the prophetic, and they all there words will come to pass.

Now I see a vision of kings that will come forth in the earth, there are kings that come through the ministry of the modern ministry of John the Baptist, and there are kings that come through the ministry of the apostles. They kings are business kings, money kings, and marketplace kings.

Now I see apostles coming forth and they minister around the world, and the beginning of the fulfillment of Hebrews 12:25-29 will begin in them, they have been giving The Heavenly Voice that shall shake this world.

Now I see from the ministry of the apostles come forth from their seed a holy army of workplace ministers/kings that will minister in the workplace and minister in the marketplace all over the world.

Now I see the vision of Antioch, the vision of Antioch is both the vision of the City Church, the Marketplace church, and the Apostolic Church. Apostolic Antioch Churches come forth, and Antioch Cities come forth, and Antioch City Churches come forth, and Antioch Business and Workplace Centers come forth.

Now I see the finger of the Lord pointing to the Middle East. The Kingdom of God will come to the Middle East, the nations and cities will be changed, the church of Israel and the church of Jerusalem shall be reborn, a company of Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets will arise all over the world, and in the land of Promise. When you see the Church of Israel Arise and the Church of Jerusalem arise, watch for peace will come to the Middle East.

Peace will come through the Jewish people returning to their Lord, the arise of the Church of Israel and Jerusalem, the alliance between Iraq, Egypt, and Israel, the wealth of the Wicked flowing through Israel, and through the church, and the church in the workplace, a great holy revival that come forth from Israel that will cover the whole world, the restoration and unity between the church and Israel.

The spirit of Islam is dieing and coming to an end, The Lord has called the nations to war against this spirit, and He has called the church to war against the Islam spirit. The wealth of the world that flows through the Islam world will come to an end, and flow through the church in the workplace and the Israel, and from their blessings the world and banks will flow with overflowing wealth that will restore all nations.

It is through the power of prayer that this battle and war against the spirit of Islam will be won, and the Middle East Nations will become the nations of Abraham and of the faith of Abraham, and the Lord will heal their lands and restores them.

Apart from that, see the vision of the city church; hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the church around the world!

I see a vision of the city church in ten years from now! I see a person from the future saying I am from the future when the apostolic unity came alive and the city church moves forth to the next level. There will be many cities where apostolic unity will come, and we will enter into the fullness of apostolic unity, in many cities will the city church is will enter into apostolic unity, revivals will be flowing like rivers and rains, and the glory of the Lord will rest upon these city churches, and social transformation will come to each of they cities and marketplace will be is full of wealth.

I see a vision of the city church years after the one I just seen after ten years from now! I see the vision of the city church big and huge in eyes of many in the church, the city church has grown in many, many cities around the world. Unity is overflowing, and compassion is everywhere. Apostles and prophets minister from city church to city church, and they have been revival for many years, and we have begun to forget the times we lived without revival. There are many books written about the city church, and many study the city church from the world, they say it is social revolution of radical change that seems never to end. There is sweeping changes is change many cities and many nations around the world.

I see a vision of the city church years after the second vision I seen of the city church. I see the Apostolic Church is the great church throughout the world, reformation fire is everywhere in the church, the city church is greater then the apostolic church, and the city church is so huge, that many cities have grown in size to hold the city church within them. Now I see a vision of the marketplace Church full of wealth and great and mighty, all wealth flows through the Marketplace Church, there are certain center market cities that are set apart and from them all wealth flow to all nations and cities, each of these center market cities are full of the city church and they are center market cities are centers for the marketplace church around the world. I see from these cities healing wisdom, and healing wealth heals all nations that come in unity and love with the people of God.

These three visions of the city church will happen in my lifetime. The first will happen soon, and we will see the fruits of it after ten years from now, and the second comes after years of city church growth, and then the third vision is the city church in my latter days, however this is only the beginning the city church for it will grow, and grow unto the mature city church, which is in the end times. The city church will grow beyond our time, to the end of days, and beginning of the new days at the return of Christ.

The emerging city church is the level of city church that is about to come in a few years, for it has already begun in our hearts and acts of faith.

The emerging city church apart of it will be a restoration of gates and walls the gates are praise and walls are salvation. The Lord is restoring spiritual gates and spiritual walls to the city church. No more shall our cities or the city church be a city of confusion, instead a city of the peace of God, the judges shall be restored, the workplace apostles, and the counselors shall be restored which is the church apostles, and our cities and city church shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

How to Flow in Visions and Dreams

How to Flow in Visions and Dreams

Elvis Iverson

There is about to come a series of outpourings, which are anointings for futures moves of God in revival and reformation. These outpourings will come in this order; an outpouring of the Spirit of prayer, an outpouring of the revelation, an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams, and an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God; along with these there will be an outpouring of workplace prosperity, and an outpouring of angelic host upon the church, and the Spirit of Fasting will be poured out upon us. –(Amos 3:7-8)

All believers will flow in prophecy, visions and dreams, they are for all believers, and this is the will of Christ for the church. All will manifest certain manifestations, and then there are some who will walk in those gifting. Spiritual gifts are for all believers, there are more spiritual gifts then the gifts of the Spirit, and every person in the church has at least one of these spiritual gifts. I see a revival of the gifts of the Spirit, we will see the fullness of the gifts of the Spirit, and the church will be full with the gifts of the Spirit. –(Job 33:14-17, Acts 2:17-18, 1 Cor. 14:1)

How do you flow in visions and dreams?

1. You are to believe, and pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured upon your life in prophecy, visions and dreams.
2. You must prepare for dreams and visions.
3. Renew your mind, clean your mind, control your thinking, and fill your mind with the Holy Scriptures and Word Revelation, and read anointed books.
4. Pray in the Spirit faithfully, and pray to interpret, this could manifest in dreams.
5. Have a dream journal, to write down prophecy, visions and dreams, pray to interpret them, and pray about them.
6. Pray that you will know the source of your dreams, that the Lord give you the interpretation, and how to apply them.
7. Read anointed books on prophecy, visions and dreams.
8. You can have visions by faith and this is the key, see with faith and by the Holy Spirit.
9. Visions will come through the blood of Christ, enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, and pray for the eyes of your heart to open.
10. Visions will flow like a river or water, begin to speak what you see; more you speak more will come.
11. More your flow in prophesies, visions and dreams more will come.
12. Give God the glory, thank Him and worship Him.

You have dreams from the Lord, most are symbolic and as a believer the Lord will give you the interpretation, more you flow in interpretation, them easier it will become, pray that you flow in interpretation of dreams and visions. –(Dan. 1:17,19-23,5:11-12, 6:3-5,1:8, 2:49, Gen. 37, 40,41)

Visions and dreams will come upon all believers through the Holy Spirit upon you. Visions and dreams are the language of the Holy Spirit. There are visions and dreams that flow along with the revelational gifts of the Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18,1 Cor.7-8, 10)

Pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation to be poured upon your life, believe for Word Revelation and prophetic revelation; above all be humble and teachable. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Most visions and prophecy will come through the eyes of your heart. The hearing ear and the Seeing Eye are both from the Lord, He gives them to us, some will hear more, and others will see more. Pray for the Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye. The hearing ear begin now by hearing the Holy Spirit through prophets and apostles, a hearing ear is an overcoming ear. Pray for the gift of the Hearing Ear and the gift of the Seeing Eye. –(Prov. 20:12)

There are visions that come through the eyes of your heart, then there are open visions that you see with your human eyes, and then there are trances, when you are conscience, but you don’t know what is happening around you, it is like you are in the vision, and the vision is around you. Then there is out of body experiences, which you are in the Lord. This is when the Holy Spirit takes your spirit out of your human body to places around the world, and even to heaven. Then there is Holy Spirit Transportation, which I call it, supernatural jump travel, when you’re whole being to travel to other places and nations for the purpose of ministry. –(Acts 2:17-18)

The prophetic anointing does not stop when you go to sleep at night, this is why you have dreams, and the prophetic anointing does not stop when you stop prophesying. The river of the prophetic is always flow, we just need to learn how to flow with it, and we need a grace to flow with in. some have a greater grace, they flow more with the prophetic river, pray for grace to flow with the prophetic river. –(Hab. 2:1)

All dreams and visions are to line up with the Word of God, which is the Bible, they glorify Christ, and they promote health to the body of Christ, and promote humility in your life. True prophetic will bring humility, and love and increase passion and relationship with Christ. –(1 Thess. 5:16-22)

Seek to know the Lord, seek to love the Lord, and seek to serve the Lord, and then prophecy, visions, dreams and the supernatural of Holy Spirit will come in your life. We are to seek those things that are above, and we are to set our minds on things above, this means visions and dreams, etc. in Christ and the Holy Spirit. –(Col. 3:1-2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part ten

Emerging City Church part ten

Elvis Iverson
April 1, 2007

The Holy Spirit hovers over the city church in all cities, the Hoy Spirit hovers over all cities, and the Holy Spirit hovers over all hearts in Christ. He is hovering over your heart as this prophecy comes forth.

I see a vision; I see a revelation of the coming city church; the next level of city church comes, which is apostolic unity, then national unity comes, and then global unity comes in the church, the national level and the global level supports and gives aid to the city level, and the city level grows and increase, the city level is the center of all spiritual happens the church, the world and the Kingdom of God.

I see a vision of the Throne Room, I see many hearts laid before the Father and the Christ, and see before the Throne of God, the seven Lamps of Fire and between the Throne and the Lamps were the many hearts, these were new hearts, and then a fire came upon each them all. Now I see angels come with a supernatural net of grace and gather these hearts and then release them to the church around the world.

Now I see that from the Holy Spirit over the whole church, over the whole city church, whole the whole world, begin to prophesy and give forth the breath to the church, and there came seven breaths of the Spirit into the city church, cities, nations, the world, and the church around the world.

Now I see a vision of Christians from many congregations begin to move in covenant relationship mindsets however, this was not within their own congregations instead, and this was outside of their own congregations, this was not congregational mindset instead, this was relationship mindset.

Christians begun to fellowship at coffee houses all over the world, even in major cities, and from their relationship came a flow of revelation between them, and from their flow of revelation came revival to them, and their cities.

The Christians in the Coffee houses begun to pray for one another, begun to come together on the level of person to person and they prayed, and prophecy, and visions came forth, and from these prophecies and visions came forth signs, miracles, and healings.

Their mindsets were renewed, and their mindsets of church begin to change, and the congregations that had freedom to have relationship and fellowship begun to grow and increase. These congregations were fruitful and had much prosperity. The congregations that don’t move forth in relationship mindset begun to shut their doors, and new doors begun to open, churches of love and relationship begun to grow and fill the cities around the world.

I hear a voice from the Third Heaven say; the doors I shut no one can open again, and the doors that I open no man can close. In the future these congregations will grow in unity and then become the one true mature city church.

This is a prophecy of the practical application and everyday life of the city church. Can you believe this? Believe this prophecy and enter into the promise land of the city church, enter into the rest of the city church!

Spiritual SAM Missile Batteries are coming forth with the emerging city church, they are apart of the city church, and the Lord is restoring the SAM Missile Battery to the city church in your cities.

I see vision of Christians fellowshipping in coffee houses all over the world. They began to humble them selves and begun to wash one another’s feet. The feet became beautiful, and gospel of peace came from their lips to the lost around them. Glad tidings came to many cities, their feet was shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Many cities will have social transformation that will come from the hearts of those who revelation of the city church.

Social transformation will come through the alliance of the Apostolic Church, the City Church, and the Marketplace Church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Praying Prayers for the Body of Christ

Praying Prayers for the Body of Christ

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is moving upon our hearts around the world speaking and imparting the vision of the Church, the vision of the future of the Church, the vision of the end time church, the vision of the city church, the vision of city church unity, and the vision of unity in the Church. –(Prov. 29:18)

A time has come to see and foresee these things and begin to pray them forth, yes these things will takes years to pray and birth, however we are being called to be faithful in praying prayers for the body of Christ. You must realize the congregations in your city, you must realize the congregations all over your nation, you must realize the congregations all over the church, you must realize the city church in your city, you must realize the church of your nation, you must realize the city church in every city of every nation, and you must realize the national churches in all nations, and you realize the church around the world, and begun to pray for them all. –(1 Tim. 2:1)

The Holy Spirit is rising up a company of intercessors around the world to pray for the bride of Christ, this is called bridal intercession. To pray apostolic prayers and prophetic prayers for the church in every nation, in every city and in every place and the global church, to pray for the church in the now, the arising church, the church in the future and the church in the end times. All believers are called to make supplication for all saints. The Spirit of Supplication is being poured out upon the church; this is the first outpouring in the beginning of the coming revivals. –(Eph. 6:18)

The Holy Spirit aids us in making intercession for the lost, cities, and nations and people groups. Jesus Christ makes intercession and the Holy Spirit makes intercession. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Supplication, Intercession is praying for the world, and supplication is praying for the saints, supplication is a greater kind of prayer then intercession. This is the day of the outpouring of supplication and intercession upon the church, the beginning earmark of the coming revivals. –(Zech. 12:10)

How to pray for the Body of Christ?

1. Pray for the Lord is rise up apostles and prophets in the church around the world in every city and in every nation.
2. Pray for the apostolic church to arise in every city, in every nation, and on a global level.
3. Pray for the marketplace church to arise in the every city and in every nation.
4. Pray for the city church to arise in every city of every nation, pray for the next level of city church, pray for city church unity, pray for growth and maturity of the city church in all levels of the city church, pray for the fullness of the city church, and prayer for city church leaders.
5. Pray for unity for the church around the world, in every city, every nation, and on a global level, pray for the seeds of unity, revivals of unity, city church unity, the vision of unity, and the fullness of unity.
6. Pray for massive harvests of souls in every city, in every nation around the world.
7. Pray for massive revivals, revivals, lasting revivals habitational revival, and the resting glory for the city church, and national church around the world, and the global church, and every city and every nation. Pray for the church to full of revivals and glory, and pray for the revival life to come to all believers in the church around the world.
8. Pray for social transformation for every city and for every nation.
9. Pray for the national church in every nation.
10. Pray for the Global Church around the world.
11. Pray for massive reformation to come to every city church and national church and the global church.
12. Pray for an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God upon the church in every city and in every nation.
13. Pray for an outpouring of revelation, prophecy, visions and dreams upon all city churches and all national churches.
14. Pray for the wealth of the wicked to flow continuing into the city church and national church.
15. Pray for the Lord to rise up the marketplace apostles in every city and in every nation.

When you pray for the church around the world you must see a global church, pray for the global church, you must see a national church in every nation, pray for the national church, and you must see the city church in every city, pray for the city church. There is only one city church to each city, and pray for the believers in all cities, all nations and in places. –(Heb. 11:1)

We need to hear what the prophets are saying about the church, and begun to put them in our prayers for the church, and likewise we need to hear what the visions the apostles have for the church, and begin to pray them forth in the church. –(Eph. 2:20,3:5)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part nine

Emerging City Church part nine

Elvis Iverson
April 1, 2007

The Holy Spirit says come and I will show you things to come. I speak into your life, I speak in the lives of all believers, I speak into the life of the Church, and I speak into the life of all cities and nations. Now hear me, know me, understand me, it is time to move unto mature faith in the supernatural and the prophetic. I have giving you faith and revelation, now I will give you works, and deeds.

I see a vision of the hand of the Holy Spirit and from His hand He released a pillar of fire, a consuming pillar of fire that consuming the whole church into itself and then give birth to something new.

Now see here the coming generations of the apostolic, the coming generations of blessings, this is the day of the restoration of generational blessings in the church. These are righteous generations that are coming forth; to establish blessings for the generations to come, not only these apostolic generations are coming, there is coming a restoration of the family life to the Christian families that five generations of righteous generations will come and bring blessings to many generations, the Holy Spirit is speaking to your family and love ones.

There is coming five righteous generations of church, these are five apostolic generations of church, and these are five generations of apostles. Abraham generation of the apostolic church, the Isaac generation of the apostolic church, the Jacob generation of the apostolic church, the Joseph generation of the apostolic church, the Ephraim generation of the apostolic church.

Now I see a vision of 300 apostles that are about to emerge around the world, there skin is covered with the blood of the sufferings of all believers, and the blood of the apostles and prophets throughout history. They are fearless; they fear no demon, no devil, and no religious spirit, they fear no man, and the demons, religious spirits, Jezebel and the queen of heaven are afraid of them and they will not look upon their faces, they are afraid of the faces of these 300 apostles. Each of them has been giving an army of angels. Their eyes are filled with the holy fire from the Most Holy Place. There hands and feet are anointed and blessed, they voices are giving gave and authority that shake the world, there ears are connected to the unity of the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is the beginning time of the Unity of the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

Now I see a vision of a long journey of faith and vision. I see horses fall to the ground on this journey, I see donkeys fall to the ground on this journey, and I see ox fall to the ground on this journey.

This is a journey of patience, and this is a journey of hope. Those with hope continue for months, years, and throughout time, from one person to the other person, passing along this revelation of hope. Yes they are all prisoners of hope on the journey of the revelation of the city church.

Now I see the camels move forth in patience, faith, and hope on this journey of the revelation of the city church. They do not fail, they do not fall, they continue, they endured, they are persistence, and perseverance, they are worthy to receive the rewards, they are the ones that made it through this long journey of patience and perseverance, they will fulfill the need of endurance, they will do the will of God, and they will receive the promise of the city church, and they will give this promise to the whole church, they have pass through the patience of the journey that all in the church may eat of the fruits of their labors.

There are coming spiritual harbors in the cities of the city church, these harbors are apart of the emerging city church. The Lord will restore the spiritual harbor to the city church and the cities of the city church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Sword of Unity

The Sword of Unity

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is saying this is the year of the sword of unity. This is a good fight of faith; we need to use the spiritual weapons to battle and war for unity. We need to take up the spiritual weapon of love and war for unity. Praying prayers of unity for the church around the world and praying prayers for the Body of Christ. –(Jn. 17)

The ideals of biblical unity are revolutionary ideals to our ears and old mindsets, and religious thinking. These revolutionary ideals of biblical unity are a sword of unity in them self. The Holy Spirit is planting seeds of unity in the hearts of believers all over the world, and the vision of unity and the vision of the city church is being release to spiritual leaders all over the church in all nations and cities. –(Prov. 28:18)

Biblical unity is not compromise; biblical unity is love, grace, Spirit and the truth. Biblical unity is not without holiness lifestyles, biblical unity is first unity with God then unity with one another, and unity is relationship with one another. –(Eph. 4:15)

Biblical unity is a step that each believer must step upon, and each company of believers must step upon, and each city church must step upon. However, unity is not the end only one of the steps of a new beginning of blessings and revival. –(Matt. 5:23-24)

Biblical unity begins with common ground, and common vision and relationship networking with one another. Our differences will no longer divide us instead it is our differences that will bring us together and this will be a work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. In unity there is diversity, without diversity there is no unity. Where there is vision there is revelation, and without vision there is division and confusion. –(1 Cor. 1:9,10, 14:33)

We must come to the realization there is only one global church, one national church in each nation, one city church in each city, with many congregations, and many groups in Christ. We as a church will grow unto maturity, and unity, and this is the will of Christ. –(Psa. 133, Eph. 4:13)

Some will say with wrong views about unity, and lies about unity will say unity is evil, that is saying love is evil and hate is good. If we misjudge the Church in anyway we will be judged, and this has happen for many years and we have been judged for our misjudging and hated toward one another; more unity more healing and health, more unity more blessings, more unity more revival, and more unity more church growth. –(1 Cor. 11:27-32)

We are coming to a strong sense of unity there will arise in our hearts by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, city church unity will come, which is apart of the next level of city church growth will come. From that point unity will grow from generation to generation until we come to the fullness of unity and from there the time of beginning of the end of a time, which the beginning of a new day, and the beginning of leading process steps to the return of Christ. –(Acts 3:19,21)

Can one teach unity and reformation at the same time? We are giving the right hand of fellowship to all believers, and we are to obey God in the reformation, both are on the heart of the Father, and both are the will of Christ. Reformation will bring unity, and we might need a reformation of unity to come in order to have unity. Therefore as we seek reformation from Christ, we need to seek unity from one another at the same time. –(Gal. 5:1,13)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part eight

Emerging City Church part eight

Elvis Iverson
March 25, 2007

I see a vision of seven angels, these are the city church angels, they look like messengers for they are the messengers of the city church; they look like prophets, for they are the prophets of the city church.

From these seven angels came forth seven eyes of God, these are the fullness of the prophetic that shall come upon the city church in our day.

From these seven angels came forth seven pillars of fires, these are seven pillars of the city church, these are seven pillars of wisdom, and this is the fullness of the apostolic that shall come upon the city church.

Now I see a vision of a scroll with eagle wings with a seal of gold place upon the scroll, there are other scrolls with other kinds of wings, and with other types of seals but all have the seal of the King of Kings, the Head of the Church; there were scrolls sealed with blood, silver, etc, there were scrolls with other kinds of bird wings too that was flying to other places around the world.

Now these scroll with the wings of an eagle came to me, and one of the seven angle came to me, and took hold of the flying scroll and opened up before my eyes, and begin to read, as this angel begun to read there came visions from these written words in this holy scroll, the light of the open scroll and the light of written words in the scroll was so bright that I could only look for a moment, but the more I dare to look upon the more I could look upon this holy scroll and the more I look upon I changed and there were impartation in my life. This holy scroll was the vision and revelation of the city church.

I now look upon the seven pillars of wisdom; I now see them look like apostles and apostles step forth from them, these are the apostles that will establish the foundation of the city church, and then I again see the vision of the seven angels then came forth from them prophets, these are the prophets that will lay the foundation of the city church.

From the hearts of these apostles came the Seven Spirits of God, the city church will become full of the Seven Spirits of God, and there arise Seven Lampstands of fire, and the Seven Spirits of God rested upon the Seven Lampstands of God, the Seven Spirits of God will rest in the city church.

Now the Holy Spirit says, the church then will become ready for the fullness of the Spirit, the Church will be full of the Spirit without measure, and the church will grow to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

The city church will come into the unity of Ephesians 3:14-21, and the church will become filled with all the fullness of God. Now I see a vision of the seven golden Lampstands; this is the vision and revelation of the city church.

I see a vision of spiritual power plants arising in the city church in every city, spiritual power plants will arise in the cities around the world, and they are apart of the emerging city church. I see four power plants, which are coal plants, nuclear plants, solar plants and hydro plants these meaning are the power of God in four ways. They are Exousia power of God, Ischus power of God, Dunamis power of God, and Kratos power of God that will come through the Holy Spirit.

Now I see a vision of a bowl of oil, this oil is the corporate anointing of the city church. I then went up to this oil and one of the seven angels said this oil will be poured upon the city church, and this time will come soon.

The Holy Spirit says; do you believe in what you see? Believe and be blessed, those who hear and believe shall be blessed. There is a blessing that comes upon those who believe in this prophecy of the emerging city church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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