Friday, October 31, 2008

Seven Breaths of God

Seven Breaths of God

Elvis Iverson
August 10, 2008

In a vision I see a covering cloud over all of America. I see pillars of fire coming out of the covering cloud. I see certain areas with pillars of clouds coming out of the covering cloud. I see the rain of the Spirit; these are the times of rain from the Spirit of God. I see the rain of the Spirit throughout America. I see a river of healing flowing throughout America.

Vision of the Seven Breaths of God:

The First Breath of God: The increase of the new apostolic church with signs and wonders.

The Second Breath of God: A supernatural grace of harvest.

The Third Breath of God: The life of revival filling the church throughout America.

The Fourth Breath of God: The gifts of the Spirit, prophecy, visions, dreams, signs, wonders, and healing flowing throughout the church in America.

The Fifth Breath of God: The fear of the Lord, blessings, wealth, and marketplace revival flowing throughout the church in America.

The Sixth Breath of God: Deliverance, inner healing, and restoration flowing throughout the church in America.

The Seventh Breath of God: Grace, grace and supernatural grace flowing throughout the church in America.

An outpouring of angelic hosts and increase of angelic activity. The arising of the new apostolic city church. An outpouring of breakthroughs. Reformation of the church. Revivals are coming. A new breed of leadership in the church. Social transformation will begin to come. America is the new missionary field, missionaries will be coming to America from other nations, and new missionary movements will arise in America and go to other nations.

The four winds of the Spirit will begin to blow upon the nations across the world; first the east wind of chastening will blow upon nations throughout the world. Second the north wind of cleaning will blow upon nations throughout the world. Third the south wind of renew will blow upon nations throughout the world. Fourth the west wind of blessing will blow upon nations throughout the world.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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spirit of Diotrephes

spirit of Diotrephes

Elvis Iverson

The spirit of Diotrephes stands in the way of the believer’s priesthood, stands in the way of the five-fold ministry, stands in the ways of the apostles and the prophets, stands in the way of plurality of elders, stands in the way of the city church, and stands in the way of unity in the church; we have come to the days of the end of the Diotrephes spirit, and we have come to beginning of the liberty of the Spirit. –(2 Jn. 9-12)

Diotrephes spirit stands in the way of the Holy Spirit and the revivals, this is why reformation is coming; it is the judgment of the Lord first beginning in the house of the Lord. –(1 Pet. 4:17)

Diotrephes spirit: loves to have the pre-eminence amongst the brethren and in the church, would not receive the apostles, or other traveling ministers, and speaks against them with malicious words, forbids all others in the church to receive any of these brethren, and excommunicated from the church any who did receive apostolic or other of the traveling ministries. –(2 Jn. 9-12)

When the Diotrephes spirit first arise in the church, it was an order of man, not of Christ, it was against the ministry of the apostle, and it was the beginning sign of the coming great apostasy church, however, even today the Lord is leading us out of the apostasy church to an apostolic church. –(2 Cor. 6:14-18, 7:1)

Some say we are apostles, maybe they are, or maybe they are not, but one thing for sure is that they are immature apostles in following the ways of the Diotrephes spirit. This is why the reformation has come, not only to establish apostolic government, plus bring the freedom of the Holy Spirit back into the church. –(Rev. 2:2)

Diotrephes spirit fights against the reformation spirit of apostles who are following the Lord into the third reformation of the church. This reformation is to prepare the way, and lay the foundation for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, revivals, and the glory of the Lord. –(Heb. 9:10)

The pastor is not to rule over the church, there is not a one-man rule in true church government, there is no Scripture foundation for the one man rule, instead there is the plurality of elders with a set man, but it is not a one man rule, it is not a tyrant, the tyranny government is the antichrist spirit and pride of man, not of the wisdom of God, the set man leads as a coordinator, with joined cooperation, continuity, and coherence of one another of the plurality of elders. –(1 Tim. 4:14)

Plurality of elders works together as one voice in cooperation, continuity, and coherence, with the senior elder being the set visionary and set coordinator of the Plurality of elders of a congregation. –(Prov. 29:18, Prov. 24:3-6)

The pastor is not to lead the congregation as a whole, the pastor is not to be the set man, or the set coordinator, he is not the leading elder, the pastor is not the main minister, and is not the center minister, instead the pastor is called to care for the members in the church in the home, he is called to pastor in the home, not overseer the church, instead the leading elders are apostles, prophets, and teachers. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

It is the believer who is to do the work of the ministry, not the apostle, not the pastor; instead the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, this is they main purpose in the church, and in the congregation. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

Spiritual leadership does not have the power over the will of the believer; instead they guard the freedom that Christ has giving each believer, and they give wisdom and guidance. Spiritual leadership does not have authority to control the relationship between the believer and Christ; instead we are to support, and to build. –(2 Cor. 1:24)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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A Generous Father

A Generous Father

Clara Iverson

Some of us were raised up by stingy parents. You had developed the habit of “worrying” because when you were in need, your parents would not give you enough. You tried to help yourself but you knew you were just a mere human being, confined by limitations and boundaries. After you became a Christian, you have a hard time to believe your Heavenly Father wants to give you good things. You shy away when you come to the time of asking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You even feel guilty when you think of the word “blessings.”

As compared to our earthy parents, our perfect Father is a generous giver. Let us imagine this scenario. One day, Abba Father knocks at the door and comes in. He said, “I am taking you to Walmart (or a huge department store), you can grab anything you want.” Instantly, you are standing in front of all these merchandise. Father encourages you once again,“You can freely take anything from the beauty/cosmetic/shampoo section. You can get anything from the clothes section, kitchen section, bedding section and you can have any food you want. Just put them in this cart. They are all yours. I will pay for everything.”

If our minds renew and our hearts would be persuaded that we have a generous Father, it would be much easier for us to receive gifts or blessings from God. Some take a long time before they speak in tongues because they struggle if God wants to give them free gifts. Others find it hard to understand grace because they used to rely on their own strengths when they had no one to help them in times of need. When Holy Spirit introduces the concept of grace to them, they do not know how to RECEIVE. They do not know how to “come” and “drink” from the river of life even though it is all “free”. Friends, do you know Father God wants to give you good gifts MORE THAN you do? You said, “how come He still did not answer my prayers?” Actually, God is not the one in fault. Rather, we are the one who HINDERS the answered prayers. Our perception of “FATHER” hinders us to “receive”.

Jesus said, “Until now you have asked nothing in my name.” Either we do not feel worthy to ask. Or we do not ask in faith. Or we doubt if He will answer our prayers. Any of these mindsets are roadblocks to our answered prayers. Jesus said, “if you abide in Him, do what is pleasing to Him, ask ANYTHING in my name, I will do it.” Friends, He wants to give you good gifts and perfect gifts. He wants to satisfy the desires of your heart so that your JOY can be full. Most of us, I believe, will give bread, egg and fish to our children. Then, how much more will our Father who is in heaven gives us even a whole banquet! At His disposal, He is able to release any resources to us. Jesus said, “In my Father’s house, there are many mansions.” Ababa Father owns the whole universe and He is able to give you any provisions, any healing, any deliverance, and any miracles you desire and need.

As we have received Jesus Christ, God has given us the right to be children of God and can enjoy all His blessings. Our Father is perfect. He loves you with the SAME love He loves Jesus, His only begotten Son. He rejoices over you, just like the bridegroom rejoices over the bride. He has inscribed you on the palms of His hand. He has created you, formed you, redeemed you, called you by name and He said, “You are mine.” He has counted the numbers of your hair and He said, “even to your old age, I am He; and even to gray hairs, I will carry you.” As far as the heavens are high above the earth, so GREAT is His mercy and love towards those who fear Him.

Let us change the way we relate to our Heavenly Father. If you know He is perfect and He loves you deeper than you can imagine, how would you act? As a matter of fact, He wants to grant your requests MORE THAN you do. He needs you to remove the roadblock of unbelief. He needs you to perceive Him properly. When you finally touch Father’s heart, His showers of blessings will pour continuously to you. The renewal of your mind will even open the window of heaven and hasten those promises. You will finally understand the privilege of being the child of God and the joy of having a generous Father.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Speaking Reformation with Love

Speaking Reformation with Love

Elvis Iverson

Reformation is coming as a holy consuming fire around the world. We are living in the time of reformation, there are times of reformation, and this is one of those times of reformation. In this time of reformation the whole church will go through reformation, this is the reformation of the church, and this is a great reformation of the church throughout all of church history. –(Heb. 9:10)

It is the Holy Spirit that will bring holy reformation to the whole church, and He is rising up a holy company of reformers in the church around the world, this company is not a big company, and not all apostles and prophets are called to this holy company of reformers, however all are called to partake and flow in is great reformation of the church. The company of revivalists are greater then the company of reformers. –(Jer. 1:10, 6:16)

Reformation will lay the foundations for the coming revivals, many revivals, lasting revivals, massive revivals, resting revival, and the revival life. Reformation will lay the foundations for social transformation, social transformations, massive social transformations, and lasting social transformations, and reformation will lay the foundations of harvest, many harvests, massive harvests, and lasting harvests. –(Eph. 2:20, Psa. 11:3)

Apostles and prophets are foundational ministry to the church around the world, reformation is laying the foundations for revivals, social transformations, and harvests, however all apostles and prophets are laying foundation in this reformation and in the church, although there are those called and anointing in the company of reformers. –(Eph. 2:20)

The Spirit of reformation is truth, love, grace, Spirit, life, faith, meekness and patience. Although reformation is fire and it is bold to bring changes in the church, true reformation is truth with love, truth with grace, and truth with meekness and truth with patience. –(Eph. 4:15, Jn. 1:14, Col. 4:6, 1 Pet. 3:15, Jn. 4:23-24, Jn. 6:63, 2 Thess. 2:13, Heb. 6:12)

There are immature, false, misleading, imposture and counterfeit reformers and reformations. If they don’t have the Spirit of reformation, you must question them. –(Eph. 4:13-15)

True and pure reformation does not name names, does not name groups, and does not name movements. Yes in past reformations things may have been different, for the reasons it came to salvation. This is not a reformation to fight for salvation; instead it is a reformation of church government, wineskin, and organic church. The standards of this reformation are being lay before our ears today. –(2 Tim. 1:13)

1. Do not name, names.
2. Do not name groups.
3. Do not name movements.
4. If your in that group, or movements, you can but in the Spirit of reformation.
5. You can attack doctrine, teaching, methods, nature, spiritual, structure, and wineskin, but in the Spirit of Reformation.
6. The reformers may not agree on every thing, but we respect each other’s insight and truth in reformation.
7. What reformers agree upon, we build upon together.
8. Reformers should be in relationship and fellowship with each other.
9. Reformers are to love and be in relationship and fellowship with the Body of Christ based on common ground and common faith; and promote unity and oneness.
10. Reformers seek to flow more in the Spirit of Reformation.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

Clara Iverson

Almost every Disney story finished with a happy ending. The Prince finally found the girl whose foot could match the glassy shoe. Cinderella was suddenly turned into Princess as they were walking down the red carpet on their wedding day at the big grand palace.

God is now pouring Omega anointing to us to complete everything He had started. If there is a Genesis, surely the Bible will wrap it up with the book of Revelation. The glory of the latter house is surely brighter than the former. In Revelation 22:13, God said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” God created us in Christ Jesus for good works. He worked on us again and again. Now, he is adding the covering on top of this masterpiece. It is like a finishing touch! It is like adding frosting on top of a cake when the cake is done baking, ready to be served.

All we need to do is to walk into the finishing anointing as God is completing the whole picture. (Ephesians 2:10) Together with us, all these giants who were mentioned in Hebrews 11 were finally made perfect. Dreams come true. It is not fantasy. We do not need to go to DisneyWorld to have a light glimpse. All we hoped for and dreamt of finally manifest into reality. Those great giants sowed their good testimony of faith and now we are reaping the substance and the evidence of everything we have interceded and seen in the Spirit. The glassy shoe fits perfectly on our foot and we are instantly taken into the time frame of happy ever after.

This is a work of grace, not by our might, nor by our power. By the grace of God, you were able to overcome every obstacle, insult, hardship, lack, rejection and betrayal in the past. By the grace of God, you are now walking into the time frame of new beginning. In the old dimension, you were being look down whilst in the new dimension, you are being looked up. Those past trainings were necessary stepping stones. As you chose to follow Christ in every step of your way, you have built yourself a solid unshakable house. The strengths God had developed in you in all those years are necessary for days ahead. It takes strengths, might, and wisdom to rule. God is shouting grace grace to you. He had laid the foundation and His hands are finishing it right now. Let us receive this great grace. (Zechariah 4:6)

Are you ready now to receive your double portion of blessings? It is not warring time. It is receiving time. Do you realize you are worthy to RECEIVE your rightful inheritance? Indeed, the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. Are you ready to receive twice in every aspect of your life? Take a look at Job’s double portion of blessings: Restoration of friends, restoration of comfort at all sides, restoration of children, restoration of health and beauty and last but not least, restoration of sheep, camels, oxen, donkey. His latter days are indeed better than the beginning. He lives to the full of his days.

Let us renew our mind. Instead of expecting one more trial, how about we position ourselves to receive at least one blessing per day? Suddenly, this blessing comes. Immediately, that restoration emerges. One thing we must all do, forgetting and keep forgetting every hardship in the past. We must fix our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith. Now is receiving time. The glassy shoe is coming and the moment you put it on, your life will never be the same again. Let us press toward this goal. The golden trophy is set right before you. What is the point of running such a long race and not holding this golden trophy up and high? We must win this race. Through faith, we must inherit our promises. Through patience, we must enter into our happy ever after!

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Shepherding Ministries

Shepherding Ministries

Elvis Iverson

The New Apostolic revelational structure is a structure of freedom and anointing, beginning with the apostles and prophets as the foundation, then upon that foundation comes the apostles, prophets, and teachers, then upon that layer is the plurality of elders, upon that layer is the five-fold equipping ministry, then upon that layer is the pastoral ministry and the home church, and upon that layer is the priestly ministry of all believers, the every day believer, and upon that layer is the workplace church and workplace minister, the kingly ministry of all believers, and at last the Capstone and Chief Cornerstone, Chief Apostle and the Head of the Church. –(1 Pet. 2:4-10)

The New Ecclesiastical Wineskin an environment of freedom and liberty for the building of relationships and fellowshipping, equipping, spirituiral growth and spirituiral maturity, and the gifts of the Spirit and spirituiral gifts, and revivals, harvests, and the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

The Five-Fold Ministry is called to equipped the believers for the work of the ministry; this is their main purpose, they are not called to do the work of the ministry, instead the believers are called to do the work of the ministry, and the Five-Fold Ministry is called to equipped the saints for the work of the Ministry. –(Eph. 4:7-12)

The Five-Fold Ministry is called only to do 2% percent of the work of the ministry, and the believers are called to do 98% percent of the work of the Ministry, and the Five-Fold Ministry is called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. They equip 98% percent of their calling, and the believer gives only 2% percent to support and ministry of the congregation, and 98% percent of the ministry of the believer is to minister outside of the four walls ministering in the workplace. The Church is only 2% Percent of the activity of the beilevers and the Kingdom is 98% percent of their activity. –(Eph. 4:12)

The Five-Fold ministry is the shepherding ministries of the church, it is not a one-man foundation to shepherd the flocks of God, or even a congregation, and instead it is all the five-fold ministers that have the functions of shepherding. –(Acts 20:28)

The three main functions of the Five-Fold Ministry is the shepherding the congregation, equipping the saints, and to do the work of the ministry. –(Acts 20:28,Eph. 4:11-12,Matt. 28:19-20)

Apart from that, the pastoral ministry is in the church in the home, a congregation is a network of home churches, with a equipping center. The pastor’s place is in the home church, all the pastoral work and pastoral care is done within the home church. –(Rom. 16:5)

The presbytery is a plurality of elders; this is the leadership of the church, the plurality of elders is the center leadership of the congregation, with a senior elder leading with them. The leading elders are apostles, prophets, and teachers, for the apostle is first, prophet is second, and the teacher is third in the order of church government and the plurality of elders. The leading senior elder should be the founding apostle, if there is no leading apostle, it could be a prophet, or a teacher, or another apostle. However, the senior elder should be an apostle. Elders are mature ministers of the five-fold ministry. –(Tit. 1:5-9)

The qualifications of elders are: sound character, seasoned minister, and faithful, committed, sound doctrine, able to teach, a love and care for the people, a person of freedom and liberty, recognize by the church and congregation and affirmation from seasoned apostles, a person who can walk in unity and agreement, and have the same heart for ministry. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13)

It is apostles who ordained ministers, and appoints elders, and it is a seasoned apostle or mature apostle who commission other apostles. –(Acts 14:23)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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High Praises of God

High Praises of God

Clara Iverson

We are created to worship God. God is searching for true worshippers, those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. God is not searching for good singing voices. He is seeking true worshippers. Everyone can sing to God. You just need a worshipful heart to sing to God. In the secret place, everyone can open their mouth and sing to God. We can sing our prayers to God. We can even sing in the spirit, sing a new tongue, sing a new song, and sing our prophecies and declarations to God.

We pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be down on earth, as it is in heaven.” In heaven, there is only victory. There is no lack, no sickness and no misery. How can we appropriate heavenly victory to earth? We can imitate what they do in heaven. The four living creatures sing for all eternity, “Holy, holy, Lord God almighty, who was, who is and who is to come.” We can join the twenty-four elders and cry, “You are worthy, O God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.” Psalm 119:164 tells us to praise God seven times a day. Some of us worry of what people think of our voices and do not even praise God one time a day! In our intimate fellowships with God, we can all compose new songs unto God. It does not matter if it is off key or not. God is very pleased when you worship Him in spirit and in truth. Truth means without hypocrisy. We are not putting on a show. There is no audience. We are just offering our vocal chords to God in spirit and in truth.

There is a time to pray and there is also a time to sing. That is why Paul said on one hand, he prays in understanding and in tongues. On the other hand, he sings in understanding and in tongues. New anointing and breakthrough will come when we add music to our prayers, declarations or prophecies. When we sing our prophecies out, a sharp two-edged sword is coming forth from our mouth and we are actually binding our enemies with chains and irons. God is executing vengeance and judgment on our enemies as the high praises of God are arising from our midst! (Psalm 149:6)

Some warfare comes simply because of the mouth of the dragon. The devil either accuses or speaks lies. When the mouth of the dragon is sealed, the warfare will cease. Jesus has ordained strength even in the mouth of babes and nursing infants. As our mouth sing and worship God, our enemies are being silenced, one after another. God does want to end certain warfare. He is waiting on us to sing. When we sing, our enemies will flee. When we sing, angels will encamp around us and chase after our enemies. That is how we can overcome the accuser. We overcame him by singing “the word of our testimony” out. Not only we declare victory, but also we can sing our victory out. We can sing “the blood of Jesus” and sing aloud the defeat of our enemies. (Revelation 12:10)

Sometimes God did not move until we sing. As they BEGAN to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against Jehoshaphat’s enemies. When they continued to sing, their enemies even helped to destroy each other. ( 2 Chronicles 20:21-23) How about the time when the priests blew the trumpets and they all shout with a great shout? The wall of Jericho fell down flat. (Joshua 6) What if you are thrown to prison unjustly? Learn from Paul and Silas, sing praises and make music to God. As we do this, our chains will be broken and bondage will be loosened.

Let us make a joyful shout to the Lord. Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to Him. Praise is a sacrifice because some feel embarrassed to sing. Others already felt depressed because of the adverse circumstance. But, let us just lay aside our feelings and offer this one sacrifice to God. When we sing, God will arise and our enemies will all scatter. (Psalm 68:1) The wicked will perish from the presence of God. When we sing, God’s arrow will shoot at our enemies and they will be suddenly wounded. (Psalm 64:7)

Friends, you will soon discover the power of the high praises of God. The dead does not praise the Lord. We are alive. As we worship Him, you will be strengthened, saved, healed and delivered. He is our strong tower, our refuge and our hope. Let us praise Him yet more and more. This honor has all His saints.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Prophetic Renaissance

Prophetic Renaissance

Elvis Iverson

Prophetic renaissance is coming to your city church, your congregation, your city, and your nation. I can see the anointing flowing from the Third Heaven upon the hearts of the youth, and children, and artistic. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

Prophetic music, prophetic art, prophetic dance, and prophetic poetry, prophetic drama, prophetic architecture, prophetic photography, and prophetic motion pictures, etc. –(Ex. 35:31,36:1)

The prophetic, intercession, and worship is coming together in this coming prophetic renaissance, this is a restoration of prophetic renaissance to the church and the world. –(2 Sam. 23:1)

Yes we will see prophetic prayer devotional worship music coming to the hearts of broken, to write and sings the songs of the Lord, the songs of deliverance, and sing prophetic prophecy. –(Eph. 5:19,Col. 3:16)

Not only is this prophetic music is coming to worship it is coming to secular music, Christians will be lead to enter into the world of secular music with the anointing, with seeds to change the hearts of many around the world. –(1 Cor. 14:24-25)

The Prophetic arts are coming, blessed and skilled believers lead by the Holy Spirit to print and do art work of things they see in dreams, visions and prophecy. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Many more then these things, for arts are coming back to the church, and the arts in the church are coming back to the world. A prophetic renaissance is at hand upon many around the world. The prophetic renaissance will fill the art places around the world with prophetic art that is out of this world. –(Rev. 4:8,11, 5:12)

The prophetic renaissance purpose is to glorify the name of Christ, to praise the Lord, to worship the Lord among the world around them; these prophetic renaissances are doorways for the ministry of the Holy Spirit to minister to the hearts of the unsaved. –(Jn. 12:32)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Benefits of Praying in the Spirit

The Benefits of Praying in the Spirit

Clara Iverson

Apostle Paul said, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all.” Paul told us to imitate him. We cannot neglect the gift God has given us. We cannot take it for granted. Do you recall the joy when Holy Spirit baptized you with the evidence of speaking in tongues? After a long time of lack of practice, some almost forgot they are to pray in the spirit. If Paul spoke in tongues more than we all do, we should imitate him and begin to uncover the power of this ancient gift.

Power will be activated from within as we pray in the spirit. We are very familiar with every piece of the armor of God, but do we remember to pray always with all prayers and supplications in the spirit? (Ephesians 6:18) Some try to war with their own strengths. We can only win with the working of His mighty power that is working from within us. (Ephesians 1:19) The way to activate power from within is by praying in the spirit. That is how we can build ourselves up on our most holy faith. (Jude 1:20) Before we can edify others, we must edify ourselves first. (I Cor 14:4) Everyday as we practice speaking in tongues, God is doing unusual things in our spirit men. As we speak mysteries to God in the secret place, your atmosphere is permeated with the supernatural and the presence of God.

As we submit our tongues to the Holy Spirit, we are surrendering our lives to Him. James 3:8 said no one can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil and is full of deadly poison. So, if you can control your tongue, you are already perfect because you can bridle your whole body. Do you want to be more fruitful in your life? Practice praying in the spirit. As you let the Holy Spirit take full control of your tongue, you are letting God to rule over your body. All our carnal natures will be brought to subjection to the Holy Spirit as we allow Him to pray through us. The new law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is taking dominion and you are set free from the law of sin and death. You will find yourselves hating those fleshly things and you become more fond of those heavenly things.

You become more spiritually minded. Life and peace are replacing death. You find it much easier to put to death the deeds of your carnality. Praying in tongue everyday renews your mind. You are transformed and your mind is gradually filled with God’s good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Those who love to worry or wander with their mind should practice praying in the spirit everyday so that Holy Spirit can change your mind through the bridling of your tongue supernaturally. Apart from that, strongholds will be pulled down as our minds are gradually renewed. Lies and wrong mindsets will be exposed and brought to the light. Our minds and bodies are being captivated to the obedience of Christ.

Jackie Pullinger’s Vineyard Church in Hong Kong used the gift of speaking in tongues to help drug addicts. Many overcame their drug addiction through speaking in tongues. When temptation came, the new converts would speak in tongues to overcome evil desires. The fire of the Holy Spirit burnt the old nature and they began to walk in the newness of Christ. ( For details, see Jackie Pullinger’s book, Chase the Dragon)

In times of dryness or intense warfare, Holy Spirit will give us new prayer languages. When we run out of words, allow Holy Spirit to help us with our weaknesses. Sometimes, we can even ask Holy Spirit to give us warfare utterance. In this way, the devil cannot overhear what we are praying about. They cannot spy on us, nor report back to their masters. We may even avoid certain counter-attacks as our spirits speak mysteries to God in which no demons can understand. Besides, Holy Spirit knows the mind of Christ and as we cooperate with God, Holy Spirit groaning, together with Christ’ intercession for us, will bring utter destruction to our enemies. On the other hand, as Holy Spirit changes utterance from time to time, He may be making intercession for other saints through us. (Ephesians 6:18) You may have saved a missionary in Africa from dangers, as you are willing to yield your vessel to the Holy Spirit to pray through you.

The Senior Apostle in one of the biggest churches in Singapore asked everyone of his church member to practice speaking in tongues at least 15 minutes a day. In 10 years, his church grew from a few to more than 10,000. He had planted churches in South-East Asia. Recently, he appeared on godtv as he was invited to preach in Sweden. Learning from this, we should all be awakened to this precious gift. Let’s discipline ourselves everyday. Lay down 15 minutes to God. Rest our mind and understanding. Simply open our mouth and let Holy Spirit take full control. As you do this, you will revive yourself and become more fruitful in all areas of your lives. People at work will sense the presence of God around you. They can tell you look more energized and cheerful. Especially a the end of the day when you are tired and worn out, open your mouth and let His utterance help you. You will soon discover revivals are following you everywhere you go.

For those of you who desire to receive this prayer language. Pray this prayer aloud. “Holy Spirit, I believe you are part of the trinity. Holy Spirit, I desire to know you more. I desire to have a more intimate relationship with you. Jesus, you said that how much more will our Father who is in heaven gives good gifts to those who ask you. Please give me this prayer language. In Jesus’ name. Holy Spirit, loosen all bondage in my vocal chord that hinder me to flow in the Spirit. Free me from any fears that hinder the supernatural. I quiet my mind and I forsake all logic and reasoning. In Jesus’ name, cleanse me from all religious spirits and legalisms. Let deliverance anointing comes to my mouth, my vocal chord and my tongue. Let the supernatural utterance bubble forth from my belly. I relax my tongue and let you Holy Spirit to take over. I surrender my tongue and my body to your lordship. Let Acts 2 rushing mighty wind and tongues of fire appear now. In Jesus’name.Amen. Thank you Holy Spirit for this new prayer language.”

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Sevenfold Revival Fire

Sevenfold Revival Fire

Elvis Iverson
July 4, 2008

I see a vision of America, and Canada and even Mexico, I see the Seven Burning Lamps of Fire burning throughout these three nations, I see in America these seven Lampstands burning day and night, season from season, time to time without delay.

I see from out of these seven Lampstands of burning Fire comes seven fires that went throughout the church in these three nations, and throughout the church around the world.

I hear a voice as sound of trumpet saying I will do a work in your day, that if I said it, you would not even believe it. Bless are those who believe the reports of the Lord.

Then I see revelational fire come forth, prophetic fire come forth, apostolic fire come forth, revival fire come forth, healing fire came forth, deliverance fire come forth, and then breakthrough fire came forth. These seven fires become one, a seven fold fire, this is the house of revival.

Now I see America, I see big words written across America from West to East coast, the words are revival glory to the nations.

I see America being covered with a cloud, America shall be clothed with a cloud, I see a rainbow cover the sky from west to east in America, and I see a new horizon of the sun of righteousness over America, I see a vision of pillars of fire all over America, I see an outpouring of angels upon America, I see the seven voices of the Lord flow like water throughout America, and these are seven thunders.

I see an angel with the title deed of America, says to the church that shall be birth in America I shall give them the title deed of America. This church is in your heart, and this church is in the Throne Room, and this is the heart of Christ, and the heart of all praying people. The church that shall be birth in America shall give the Title deed of America to King of Kings our Lord Jesus Christ.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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One Man Leadership

One Man Leadership

Elvis Iverson

The spiritual authority in the church around the world needs corporate reformation and personal reformation, much of the spiritual leadership, is not the leadership of the church, instead it is the leadership of man. –(Zech. 4:6)

There is no scripture foundation for the one-man leadership, there is no one rule leadership in the Church, instead there is only one Head of the church, that our Lord Jesus Christ. One-man leadership is of the Diotrephes spirit, and the wisdom of religion and the wisdom of man. –(3 Jn. 9-12)

There is not scripture foundation for the pastor to lead the whole congregation, there is no scripture foundation for the senior pastor, and the senior pastor is not the will of Christ for the church or the congregation, there is no scripture foundation for the modern day pastor as we see today, instead the pastor is to be the home church leader, to pastor the members from the fellowship of the church in the home. –(Rom. 16:5)

There is no scripture foundation for an apostle to be the one-man leadership or the one-man rule over the church. This is not true apostolic, this is not true apostolic government; the apostles are not lords in the church, instead they are foundational ministry. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

The apostle is first among equals, the apostle is first in church government, he is to lead the way, and this does not mean he is lord, this does not mean one-man leadership, this does not mean one man rule, the apostle is not called to be an tyrant, or autocrat, oppressor of the church, the church government is not a tyranny, totalitarianism. The apostle is the set visionary and set coordinator, he is the senior elder and senior leader, and however he works with the cooperation, continuity, and coherence of the plurality of elders. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3)

Yes there is a time for the forerunner, pioneer, and pathfinder work of the apostle, when an apostle must go far ahead of the rest, and may lead as the pioneer without the establishment of the plurality of elders. –(Isa. 62:10)

The plurality of elders work together in cooperation, continuity, and coherence, the senior elder first among equals works with the cooperation, continuity, and coherence of the rest of elders, then he will lead the way in vision and revelation, as the set coordinator of the plurality of elders, and the senior elder of the congregation. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

The senior elder should be an apostle, the senior should be the set man, but this is not a one man leadership, instead he is to lay down the path to follow the set vision, and he is the set visionary of the plurality of elders and the congregation. –(Num. 27:15-23)

The leading elders of the plurality of elders, are first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, these three are the leading elders of the congregation. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3)

It is not one-man leadership; it is apostle, prophet, and teacher team. It is not one-man rule, instead it is apostle, prophet, teacher cooperation, continuity, and coherencies, and with the lead apostle being the coordinator of the cooperation, continuity, and coherencies of the plurality of elders. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Throughout the Holy Scriptures we see the examples of the threefold team of the apostle, prophet, and teacher: We see this in the Trinity the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit; Prophet, King, Priest; Faith, hope, love; prophecy, visions, dreams; and Gifts of the Father, the Five-fold Ministry, and the Gifts of the Spirit. Just as there is the oneness of the Trinity, there is oneness and unity in and between the threefold team. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1-3, Matt. 23:34)

The Threefold team is to form a trinity team in Christ and the Holy Spirit. They are to move in the same unity and same oneness of the Godhead. The congregation is to have the same unity and the same oneness of the Godhead, and the city church is to have the same unity and the same oneness of the Godhead, and the church around the world is to have same unity and the same oneness of the Godhead. –(Jn. 17)

Even the foundation of the church there is no a one man ministry, it is not a one man rule, instead it is apostles and prophet, it is the team work of both the apostle and prophet working together in cooperation, continuity, and coherencies with one another, with the apostle being the leading coordinator of the foundation work of the church however, the apostle leads from with the cooperation, continuity, and coherencies of the two unfolding team. –(Eph. 2:20, 3:5, Rev. 18:20, LK. 11:29, Isa. 1:26)

The believers are to do the work of the ministry, not the five-fold ministry, the believers are to do the work of ministry with cooperation, continuity, and coherencies, in unity and oneness, the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints for the work of ministry; they are the equipping ministry, and they are to equip with cooperation, continuity, and coherencies of one another in unity and oneness in Christ. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

Furthermore, there is no one-man leadership, and there is no one man rule in the church, instead there is cooperation, continuity, and coherencies of spiritual leadership and spiritual authority in the church. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Mystery of Love

The Mystery of Love

Clara Iverson

Father God, removes this deception off our minds and hearts, so we will finally understand love. Pours the spirit of wisdom and revelation to us, enlightens our inner eyes, so we will finally grasp the meaning of Christ’ love. Breaks the stronghold of fear off us now. Let deliverance comes now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Fear is the strongest blockage to love. Fear separates God and men. Fear never existed until the fall of men. Our understanding of love was decreasing as fear started to take root since Genesis one. We no longer think that love will work. Everyone puts on fear guard to protect ourselves from more hurts. We cannot trust anyone because we are afraid that will get hurt again. Instead of putting on the armor of God, we put on fear guard. No one can never see the real us because we are hiding behind this fear shield. Some were not raised in families of love. For generations, no one taught them how to love. So when they became parents, all they knew were sowing fear to their children, teaching them to be afraid of germs, sickness, accidents or bad things. Some parents created an atmosphere of superstitions to the young hearts. Since the time when they were babies, they were formatted to expect bad things to come to their days.

Therefore, love never operates in our lives. We do not believe in love. Instead, we believe in fear. Now, Holy Spirit comes to reprogram us. He is changing the object of our faith. Instead of putting faith in fear, we will put faith in LOVE now. We must believe in love and believe that love will actually work. Who am I to doubt love? Who am I to say love may not work? Even when I was a sinner, Christ died for me. Even before I existed on this planet earth, Christ demonstrated His love for me. Who dare to die? We dare to lend something to others. We dare to help people. But who dare to go that far, even to the point of death? Holy Spirit, removes this deception of fear off us, so we will finally see this bold love, this fearless love, this love which dares to die---something no one will do except Christ.

This love is our greatest protection and shield. Let us put off fear guard and put on the SHIELD OF LOVE. We will not be afraid of hurts because Christ’ love is the thickest armor protecting us. We do not need to defend ourselves when someone challenges us because Christ is our advocate. He is our judge and He will judge all men. We do not need to get angry to act tough because love is not easily angered. A heart of love can turn anger away and that anger is melted away by the POWER OF LOVE. Satan can throw fiery darts at us all he wants. But surely, nothing can separate us from the LOVE OF CHRIST---absolutely nothing. This love protects us from all dangers or hardships. Because of this love, our garments will not be burnt even when we are thrown to the lion’s den. Because of this love, Steven can say Father, forgive them, for what they do, they do not understand.

We do not really understand the meaning of sacrifice. Let me give you a scenario. For example, we ordered a nice meal at the restaurant. The meal comes and we are about to enjoy. Suddenly, someone comes in and tells you he is very hungry. Unwillingly, you sacrifice your nice meal and offer it to him. This is just an example of minor sacrifice. What did Christ actually do for us? He has loved us so much to give Himself up for us all as an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet smelling aroma.(Eph 5:2) Until we understand Christ’ sacrifice for us, we still do not know love. Satan has no love. Satan is extremely upset that Christ will love us to the utmost. Satan is selfish while Christ is selfless. Sacrifice is not only a cost, but also a PAIN. We feel painful inside when we have to sacrifice our valuables. Christ endured this pain of sacrifice because of His unspeakable love for us.

Some act angry or tough all the time and thinking that anger is a power. Others perceive hatred as power. Some act angry or upset in unfair situations to show people they are not weak. However, anger, hatred, offence or raising our voices are neither the demonstrations of power, nor the exercising of authority. All these are destructive emotions. Fear, anger, hatred, easily offended attitudes are WEAKNESSES. We are getting weaker and weaker as we dwell and meditate on fear, anger, and unforgivness. On the contrary, only one element is power. That is LOVE. Among the three things Paul talked about, the greatest of these is LOVE. More love, more power. Love is the strongest force to uphold you. Love never fails. Love can face an angry person and not feeling afraid. Love can talk to a proud person and not being intimidated. REAL COURAGE comes from a heart of love, which is rooted and grounded in Christ’ love. And this love surpasses all knowledge. When our hearts are established in this love which knows no width, no depth, no height, how can we be afraid any more? Our hearts become as bold as a lion. Springing from this heart of endless love, we are able to speak the truth in love, to those who are rebellious and stubborn. The spirit of love is equal to the spirit of power and the spirit of sound mind. The more love you have, the more POWER and THE PRESENCE OF GOD will back you up.

On the other hand, we do not have the spirit of sound mind if we do not have the spirit of love. Do not speak when you are anger or upset. Those are not heavenly wisdom but are earthy, sensual and demonic. When our hearts are full of bitter envy and self-seeking, we better keep quiet. Otherwise, we will bring more confusion to the situations. Only when we are filled with the spirit of love, we will have the spirit of sound mind to speak wisdom that comes from above. This wisdom is pure, peaceful, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. A person who is filled with the spirit of love is a peacemaker who bears the fruits of righteousness.

To conclude, as we meditate on Father’s perfect love everyday, we are eating, swallowing and digesting this love. We live in the blessings of love and we will start to renew our mind and expect good things to come to us. We will no longer fear because God loves us, His nature is love and a loving Father will ONLY give His children good gifts. Fear is exiting the program of our thought patterns and we will soon know nothing except LOVE.

Copyright © 2008 Supplication International Ministries All Rights Reserved

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