Wednesday, November 29, 2006

XII Prophetic Words of the Future

XII Prophetic Words of the Future

Elvis Iverson
November 29, 2006

The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future. He is speaking about the next 100 years. We see or hear a part of what God is saying. We need to be prayerful about what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the church through the Apostles and prophets. We need to be humble and meek to hear the Holy Spirit speaks through His Apostles and Prophets. Do you have a hearing ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying? Do you have a hearing ear to hear what the Apostles and Prophets are saying?

The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future to give us hope for tomorrow and faith today. The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future to give us a vision for the future. The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future to give us prophetic goals to apply in prayer and walk out in faith.

The Holy Spirit is giving prophetic insights and words for the future and for the next 100 years. He is speaking about the Church, America, India, China, the nations of Africa, and the nations of Europe, and the World.

XII Prophetic words about the future of the Church:

I. The whole Church will go through a Massive Reformation. All denominations will come to an end. The Face of Christianity will change on the face of the Earth. The Apostolic Church will be established in every city and every nation. Apostles and Prophets will be the main leaders of the Church. New Apostolic Churches will be raised up in many cities around the world. There will be great wave of Apostolic Church Planting, and cities will be filled with cell churches, etc.
II. The Church will filled with lasting revivals. The life of the church will be one of revival, and the church will never be without revival, and there always be revivals. The Church will be filled with the Gifts of the Spirit, Signs and Wonders. A healing revival will fill the church. There will be 24/7 days prayer in every major city. Massive deliverance and holiness waves will flood into the church. Certain Cities will have ongoing revival centers. In certain regions revival will never end. The Church filled with revelation, prophecy, visions and dreams. Revelation will flow more, and faster through servants and saints.
III. There will be a strong since of unity in the Body of Christ.
IV. Massive Harvests of Souls in many nations.
V. The Saints will do 98% percent of the work of the ministry. Major parts of the Ministry will be in the Workplace. A mighty workplace army will rise up in nations and cities around the world. The restoration of kings of the Kingdom has already begun, and an army of kings will be raised up under the apostolic leadership. There will arise of greater compassion and philanthropy ministries, and they will be many, and they will cover the earth with compassion. There will be a mighty company of Josephs, and philanthropists rise up.
VI. The Church will be full of heroes from generation to generation.
VII. Christian Television will grow, grow, there will be many Christian Television, Media, and many kinds of Christian media, etc. A move of New Christian art will and some of the greatest art works will be birth. There will be much more an impact of faith and church on the Internet.
VIII. The Church will began to build and focus around the city church, and national church, from regions to territory, and build around geography.
IX. The Church around the world will be more connected.
X. Children and Youth will have the same focus as adults. Children and Youth will have revivals, and move in the power of God. There will be new youth and children ministries that will arise and touch and change the hearts of many. There will be teenagers walking in anointing, power and ministering with a deep impact. There will be a flood of Children books, etc and youth books, etc. that will change the minds of many children and youth.
XI. There will be supernatural signs that we can see with natural eyes in the shy and around us, and there will be many of them. There will be supernatural natural signs over anointed meeting and gatherings to be a sign to the world that God is among them.
XII. There will be other supernatural anointings and manifestations upon the believers and in their lives, such as Holy Spirit transportation, raising the dead, and healing the land, etc.

XII Prophetic words about the future of America:

I. America will be filled with revivals. Social Transformation will come upon many cites in America. The Cities in America will burn with the Fires of the Holy Spirit. Massive Repentance will come as waves upon America. An outpouring of prayer and fasting will come upon the Church of America. Signs and Wonders will be the life of the Church in America. Massive Reformation will come to the church of America, and the face of Church of America will be radically changed. Extreme revival will come to the youth of America. The Church of America will come into a strong sense of unity. There will be massive Harvests of souls in America, and much of America will become radical Born Again Christians. The healing of Generations will come upon America.
II. Rivers of blessings and wealth will pour upon America, and America will become a more philanthropy nation and begin to minister to nations around the world. America is a Charity national. America will become a wealthier nation. There will be no poor class in America. Economic breakthroughs will come that will change the economy in America and nations around the world, and even the world economy will change.
III. America is a refuge nation for the persecuted church, America is a friend of the persecuted church, and America will reach out her hand to aid the suffering Christians in other nations. America is one of the weapons of the Kingdom of God.
IV. America will always be a favored and blessed nation, an example for nations to follow.
V. The Holy Spirit will transform the two major political parties, and there be oneness and unity that will arise from the politician reborn heart.
VI. America will know her purposed and her destiny. She will be rebirth to her purpose and destiny in Christ.
VII. America’s values will change to goodness, charity, justice, mercy, and selflessness.
VIII. The crime rate will radically go down, the system of justice will be reformed; law will become full of mercy.
IX. A new renaissance of art and culture will come across America.
X. New scientific era will come upon America.
XI. Environment breakthroughs will come forth in America.
XII. Newfound freedoms will be released upon America.

XII Prophetic words about the future of India:

I. A great outpouring of signs and wonders.
II. A great outpouring of raising the dead.
III. Massive Harvests of souls all over India.
IV. New Apostolic Antioch Churches will be birth throughout India.
V. A revival of Kingdom culture will come upon Believers in India and the people of India.
VI. A mighty company of Christian Businesspersons will arise.
VII. Divine changes will come to the government of India.
VIII. Christians will find newfound freedoms in India.
IX. New Economy for believers will be born.
X. Healing of the nation will come to India.
XI. Lasting revivals will come to India.
XII. India will arise through the mercy and goodness of the Lord.

XII Prophetic words about the future of China:

I. Newfound freedoms will come to the believers in China. China will open up wide for the Gospel, China will be a nation where believers have freedom, China will stand for human rights and freedom to worship Christ.
II. A great revival will come to China.
III. The Underground Church will arise in the power of God and grace.
IV. The Apostolic church will grow like wildfire in China.
V. Massive changes will come to China.
VI. Massive and great numbers of souls will come to know the Lord in China.
VII. China will look toward the Most High for Wisdom and Leadership.
VIII. Mighty Christian Marketplace Army will arise in China.
IX. China will be rebirth, made new and become a new nation.
X. Many cities will be won to the Lord in China.
XI. An outpouring of the Spirit of prayer will come mighty upon China.
XII. The church of China will have a greater unity, and will be an example for other believers in other nations to follow in coming into real unity.

XII Prophetic words about the future of the Nations of Africa:

I. Apostolic Revival will fill every believer, church, city and nation in Africa.
II. Social Transformation will come to many nations and cities in Africa.
III. Great Apostles will arise in Africa, instead of building their own ministries and churches they will build the church and ministry of Africa and the national churches and city churches of Africa, these great apostles will be horizontal apostles, beside there will be other apostolic spheres and ministries. Africa will be filled with the signs of the Apostles.
IV. The Hidden wealth in Africa will be unlocked and be ministered to the nations of Africa, and nations around the world.
V. Wealthy nations will arise in Africa.
VI. A mighty marketplace army will arise in every nation and city in Africa.
VII. The Lord will come as healing waves healing the lands, cities, nations and peoples of Africa.
VIII. Many governments will change and come into Christ’s Image.
IX. New apostolic patterns, the churches of Africa will have their own way of doing church, and believers and church leaders will look to them to learn their God giving ways of doing church.
X. Many Nations will become true Christian nations and come into unity with one another.
XI. Africa will become filled with spiritual wealth and riches from Heaven.
XII. The Lord will rise up churches and ministries in Africa to minister to nations around the world and the church around the world.

XII Prophetic words about the future of the Nations of Europe:

I. A great spiritual awaking will come to Europe.
II. Spiritual awaking will come to every nation in Europe.
III. Reformation of all things will come to the church in every nation in Europe.
IV. Great numbers will be won to Christ, greater numbers then all of history.
V. Christ will bring unity among all believers in Him.
VI. Revelation revival will come to Europe.
VII. Revival will come to every nation in Europe.
VIII. There will be a great outpouring that will flood all peoples in Europe.
IX. Healing love will flood the hearts of believers and they will be reconnection between believers across all of Europe.
X. The Hearts and values of Europe will change.
XI. God will birth a spirit of great spiritual hunger.
XII. A wealth of Knowledge will be birth in the hearts of the church and minister to the church around the world.

XII Prophetic words about the future of the World:

I. Many Major Religions will come to an end.
II. There will be revivals in every major city; The Earth will be full of revivals. Social Transformation will come to most major cities around the world in every nation.
III. Major influence in the marketplace will come from the Believers in the workplace. Most wealthy People will be Born Again Believers; there will be more wealthy believers then any other kind of people. The spirit of poverty will be broken off the church. There will be continuing rivers of the transfer of wealth from the wicked into the church.
IV. The Wealthy nations will minister to the developing nations, and most the developing nations will no longer be in poverty.
V. The Whole Education world will change.
VI. Most People will even live a longer life. The Health of Most People will be much more Healthy.
VII. We will have more then just a few new fuels to run our world.
VIII. A great wave of technology will flow and we will move so fast and the world will change so fast. That this time will look like the middle ages compare to what the technology will be in the future.
IX. Traveling around the world will become so easy, safe, and very affordable.
X. Much utility will become affordable. Vocations areas, etc. will become more affordable and be more near where you live, enjoyment of life will be one of the main values, and it will more affordable, and the living standard will be more better. And more people will save and invest.
XI. The values and goals of the world will change; the world will focus on real problems. Women and Children will have a better and fair life in developing nations and other nations around the world.
XII. A company of Covenant Nations will arise under the Lordship of Jesus Christ our Lord; they will stand with the Church and Israel.

Copyright © 2006 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Past Words of the Lord

The Past Words of the Lord

Elvis Iverson
November 26, 2006

2001 The Secret Place of the Most HighPsa. 91 2001 is the year of the Secret Place of the Most High. Isa. 14:12-15 It is the year of the beginning of the fall of Satan and the kingdom of darkness. Psa. 110 This is the year of the beginning when the church will find there true place of dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. Phil. 3:13-14 Our's eye's will be upon and refocus on the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. We will press toward reaching forward to that which are ahead. Heb. 4:14 We will consider and see our great High Priest, and be partakes of the heavenly calling. Heb. 3:1Jesus Christ Head of the Church will release an apostolic anointing, for He is the Apostle and High Priest of the church. Heb. 2:16 The mind of Christ will be resting again upon the church. 1. Upon the Leaders of the church. 2. Upon the Apostles of the church. 3. Upon the ministers of Christ.4. Upon every believer in Christ. We will abide in the fullness of the shadow of the Most High. Psa. 91 is the Psalm for 2001. Divine Protection for 2001.Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Most High.

2002 the year of Release

Another Prophetic word about 2002, why so many words for 2002.Saints the Prophets prophesy in part, and each Prophet have a part of the full prophesy. Also I believe God is doing a lot this year. I give a prophecy already about 2002, I said 2002 is a year of New Mercies, But on the 1-3-02 God give me another word for 2002; the year of Release.2002 is the year that God is calling for specialize gifted anointed Intercessors to join to certain Men and Women of God, those who will impact a Nation, the World, and the Body of Christ. Those kinds of Intercessors only come once an awhile, they are of a very few number. God bless these Intercessors with all of their needs being meet, so they don’t have to worry about anything.When God joins these Intercessors to Servants of God, this causing a release in ministry, anointing, power, and grace. Also this cause other Intercessors to be release to those Men and Women of God and their ministries. God brings divine connecting between these Intercessors and the Men and Women of God. Without this divine connecting there will not be the release in their ministry. There will be no doubt in both of their hearts. This will be a divine relationship that can’t be broken.For in this year we will see Prophetic Intercession and Apostolic Intercession become common among us. This kind of prayer will open doors, and floodgates and shut the gates of Hell, and close doors. This is the year of release, God is setup and setting order for the great waves of great rivers and great moves of God that are coming.

New Mercies 2002

This is the year of New Mercies. I shall cover America with mercy. I shall bring healing throughout America. There shall be great prayer through My Church. For these that are gathering unto me. I will bless the Church and the Government. The Church will draw near to me. For I have seeked the Church, that they may seek me.The Government and the Church, for both My Word has dominion over them. The Government favors the Church more, and both will have a close relationship. I will take the high places. I will cause both great and small to come unto Me. For I will malt their hearts. I will shake the kingdom of darkness. There will be shaking of the kingdom of darkness in America. The shaking will come in waves each shaking will become greater then the last. I will shake the entire kingdom of darkness.Men’s hearts will groan and they shall humble them selves.Then will come a worldwide shaking. I will shake the Nations. I will shake each Nation. The Nations that don’t repent I will darking their sky’s. The Nations that repent I will lighten. The evil will not rule in this day or time. I will bring them down. I have dug a pit that they cannot get out of.At the same time I will bless My Body. For they shall come together, I will build the Body in Nations. I will rise up My Body from Nation to Nation.And Global I shall build up My Body. My Apostles and Prophets will stand forth in my glory and me. For I will set them in their place to do my will.I will heal and bring order in My Body. I will change all that are not of my nature. In all of Christendom and My Church.Bless, bless are you my people.I will bless Israel. I will bless My Church.I will begin to move as in the first days of the church in Israel and the Middle East. I will rise up My Body, the Church. I will bring healing between the Church and Israel.

2003 Year Of Joseph

This is the year that the Josephs will be released from prison, and shall arise to power. I call this the Joseph Administration. Joseph is a symbol and a type of an Apostle. Also it is a symbol and a type of the Apostolic Church. God has made a tunic of many colors for Josephs. Gen. 3:7. Tunic is a symbol of Mantel of authority. Many colors are symbols for many nations. Pharaoh’s ring is a symbol of power. (Gen. 41:42) God shall give the Josephs power. The sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim are symbols of new breed of leadership. And Joseph had two sons meaning balance in authority. In 2003 will be blessed with the blessings of Joseph. Gen. 49:22-26, Deut. 33:13-17God also turn many things around that went bad or went the wrong way. As God did for Joseph so shall do for many this year. (Gen 50:15-21, Rom. 8:28) But we must forgive those who did us wrong, we must pray and bless those who did us evil. We must have mercy on wrong doers. This year we need to forgive those in the Church that had done us wrong. In 2003 the alliance with the Church and Governments will be sealed.In 2003 the Cyrus anointing will come to many world leaders. (Isa. 45) The Cyrus Anointing will move in many dimensions even in the Church. The Cyrus institution will replace the Babylon Institution. Meanly financial institutions. There will be many Cyrus Kings arising from the Church to rule in the World for this will be a sign unto the World, and witness unto the Church. The Kings will arise among the Church. (The Business Anointing) The wealth of the sinner that is stored up for the righteous will be in the hands of the righteous. (Prov. 13:22, Isa. 60:5) In 2003 (Deut. 28) The Blessings will come, pursue and overtake us through many waves of blessing and waves of angels. In 2003 (2 Cor. 12:12) sings and wonders will follow the believers. Signs and wonders and mighty deeds to the Apostles’ Ministries. In 2003 (Acts13,11) the Antioch vision will come forth. The Antioch anointing will be released. The Antioch Church will arise. In 2003 (Psa.2:8) God will build highways and brides to the Nations, and the nations will come to you and the nations will call for you. In 2003 will be the year of the Apostle. Apostles with signs and wonders and mighty deeds will arise and rise up apostolic churches, and apostolic centers and Networks. In 2003 will be year of great repentance and great turning to God.

Coming 2004

Coming 2004 I since upon my heart certain prophetic words for 2004. I believe the years leading up to 2004 was building for this time. I hear these words, “Such has a time as this.” 2004 will be Kairos year for the Church and many. 2004 is specifically a period of time characterized by good fortune, urgency, and favorable opportunity; it is a kairos year which is typically one of duration which must be seized or it will be lost. There is coming a divine push with divine pull of the Apostolic in the Body of Christ. Prophets hear the words of the Lord, give prophetic words, prepare, and then wait for them to come to pass. This year the Prophets you are to follow the divine push in the Apostolic and the Apostles. 2004 is the year of Nehemiah, it is a time to build, and it is the time for apostolic builders to build. It is the year of birthing, establishing and building the works of the Spirit. This is year of divine birth of the works of the Spirit. 2004 is the year of appointed time, this is the year to run with the vision and walking in the fullness of vision. This is the year of the release of the visionaries. This is a year of divine supply and resources. This is the year of Apostolic Resources. Many Apostolic Resources Center will be established in the Body and in the World. 2004 is the year to shout grace, grace to the foundations and visions in your life. This is the year of open doors. This is the year of the Lord’s faithfulness, which He will establish you and guard you from the evil one. This is the year when we must go to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple that the Lord may take glory in it and be glorified. 2004 this is year that many of the gods of man will fall. The god of sports will fall and many others. This is a year of turning to God, and worshiping him with a pure heart. 2004 is the year of the reveling and the release of the seven thunders upon the apostolic church, the Body of Christ, the World and governments of this world. This is a year of reformation heights. Furthermore, I ask each of you to read the book of Nehemiah and pray while reading it. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you about 2004 and what you are to do.

Coming 2005

This is not a prediction and we are not in the business of prediction. Beside, I only see in part and others see the part that God shows them and when we connect them all together we can see a fuller picture. Still we may not see all for only God sees all we only see what He wants us to see. It is God’s will for the Church to know the future. God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants the Prophets. The prophetic word that comes forth in this article is what will begin to happen or happen, or set in motion. I ask you to be prayerful as you read this article. To Christ is all the Glory. This is the year of Apostolic Grace! The year when Christ will reign Apostolic through His Apostles and His Church. He will deal and work with the Modern Apostles as He did with the kings of old. God will deal with false apostles. A new wave of the Apostolic will come. This is a year of apostolic provision. In addition, prophetic rivers will kiss the new apostolic wave and there will be strong prophetic movements coming after those ones. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Chief Apostle where all the true apostolic anointing flows from to all true apostles and the body of Christ. The apostolic anointing is greater and is not limited to apostles alone it is for the body of Christ. The apostolic anointing is center in apostles and it is corporate in the body of Christ. The apostolic anointing is the sending anointing. A great mission passion will be rebirth in the body of Christ. The Church again will have holy heart for missions. There will be many new missionary rivers coming forth in the body of Christ. This will begun in 2005 and build beyond in strength and power. This is a year of judgment! A Year of risk and opportunity. A year of restoration of time. I hear this word from the Lord; “I will begin to heal the lands.” Moreover, this is the year of the breaking anointing. God will deal with many yokes and burdens. Psalm 5 is for 2005 and we will see this Psalm as a prophetic word coming to pass before our eyes. This is a year of angelic visitation. This is a halleluiah year! This is a year of clouds and thickness, the cloud of unknowing. This is a year of the Dark Cloud where God hides Himself. This is a year of the Dark Cloud Revelation. God will reveal His Dark Cloud to His people. It is time to seek God in His hiding place. It is time to dwell with God in His Dark Cloud. It is by grace, and by the Blood. The Holy Spirit is touching our hearts to seek God and enter into the Dark Cloud. Everyone is being pull into the Throne Room and into the Dark Cloud. Even those who don’t know Jesus yet, however, they can’t enter in until they come to know Jesus as Lord. The truth is that all of mankind has always been pull to the Throne Room and the Dark Cloud. Church it is time to obey this call to the Dark Cloud. Apart from that, He surrounds Himself with clouds and darkness however He dwells in the Dark Cloud. Each of these clouds is another dimension of fellowship, revelation, experiences and glory that we can dwell, know and partake in fellowship with Him. Let us pray together by faith: Father In Jesus Name we pray that Christ will be glorify in 2005 in our lives. Father we ask you to prepare us and make us ready for 2005 and beyond. Give us grace and mercy for 2005. Apply your will to our lives that whatever we do in word or deed we do it unto Christ giving thanks always. Let us know the steps you want us to take in 2005, and we ask you to order our steps in 2005. Fill 2005 with your goodness and your life for us and our loves ones. Help us and give us wisdom, and guide us to partake in your goodness and life in 2005. Anointed us for 2005 in Jesus Name we pray. AmenFurthermore, receive and eat of this prophetic bread and walk in the life of God for 2005. Hear the prophetic coming forth from the Throne Room; know the voice of the Lord through the prophets. See through the eyes of prayer and Spirit.

Coming 2006

Behold a door standing open in Heaven, and the first voice, which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things. –(Rev. 4:1)this is not a prediction and we are not in the business of prediction. Beside, I only see in part and others see the other parts that God shows them and when we connect them all together we can see a fuller picture. Still we may not see all for only God sees all we only see what He wants us to see. It is God's will for the Church to know the future. God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants the Prophets. The prophetic word that comes forth in this article is what will begin to happen or happen, or set in motion. I ask you to be prayerful as you read this article. To Christ is all the Glory.2006 is the year of the open door in heaven. It is the year that you will hear the call to come up here to the Throne Room of God. This is the year of the beginning rains and storms of revelation; revelation will flow upon the body of Christ like water, and like rain. Word Revelation and Prophetic Revelation will begin to flow and the goal is that these two are everywhere, and are flowing in every believer. The Spirit of Revelation and the Spirit of Wisdom will pour out abundantly. In 2006 this will begin!In addition, as revelation comes forth the evil spirits that have been among us in comfort and in freedom will begin to manifest and attack those with revelation more. Religious spirits that are already among us will began to manifest more. We will see new levels of hated and persecution that will increase among us from among those around us. These ideals, and spirits will rise in the souls and bodies of Christians and revelation will make this happen. This is for that these people can repent and be cleanses from these sins. Revelation will begin times of cleaning to the body of Christ. In 2006 we will began to enter into the days of cleaning. Take hold of the two-edged sword and hold it and be ready to battle in the Spirit against the spirits of religion. At this same time the Judge will be at the door of the church. The sword from His mouth will be sent forth and release into our hearts and His sword will fight against all things that are not of God. The idols, arguments, and every high thing will be cast down. 2006 will be the beginning of bringing everything into the captivity to the obedience of Christ, The Lord will come with a sword in His mouth and fight the church, fight churches, fight leaders and ministers, and He will fight his people. 2006 will be the beginning of an outpouring of visions, dreams and prophecy. They’re arising of greater prophetic anointing and new prophetic ministry will come forth in the body of Christ. A greater Prophetic accuracy will come forth in prophets in the body of Christ. The Throne Room Company will rise up to stand in these days. We must humble ourselves; we must be meek and open our hearts wide to the truth, revelation, prophetic, and blessings of the Lord. 2006 is the beginning of Revelation 4:1 calling!

Coming 2007

This is not a prediction and we are not in the business of prediction. Beside, I only see in part and others see the other parts that God shows them and when we connect them all together we can see a fuller picture. Still we may not see all for only God sees all we only see what He wants us to see. It is God's will for the Church to know the future. God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants the Prophets. The prophetic word that comes forth in this article is what will begin to happen or happen, or set in motion. I ask you to be prayerful as you read this article. To Christ is all the Glory.

2007 is the year of the cloud and fire. 2007 is the year of the cloud by day and fire by night. 2007 is the year of seven. 2007 is the year of completion. 2007 is the year of seven eyes of God. 2007 is the year of the seven voices of God. 2007 is the year of seven ways to praise God. 2007 is the year of seven Churches of Revelation.

In 2007 will be a year of fasting. The Spirit of Fasting will be poured out upon the church. The practice of fasting will be restored to the church. 2007 will begin four years of Sabbath day, Sabbath rest, and Sabbath blessings.

Beginning in 2007 the Holy Spirit will begin to establish apostolic lifestyle in the church, He will fill in the loopholes and cracks. He will raise the standers and morals; He will deal with lifestyles of Christians, Christian living will become more biblical. The Word will be in our hearts and minds and upon our bodies. The call to pure life and sound life will sound in the hearts of believers. This will lead us to become again the salt and light of the world.

In 2007 will be the beginning of the years of wonder and wonders, it will be the beginning of signs and wonders around the world, and it will be the beginning of a life of signs and wonders.

In 2007 will come a restoration of time, destinies, opportunities, favor, ministries, relationships, fellowship, blessings, and a restoration of hope will come.

In 2007 this is the beginning of a new apostolic and prophetic dynamics, benefits, and alignments and activating and releasing of apostolic and prophetic anointings and ministries for dominion, mobilizing, equipping, leadership, and the arise of governing apostolic churches, the building of apostolic patterns, cosmic-level breakthroughs and victory, a mature accuracy coming, harvest strategies birth and released. An anointing to reach the masses and open gates to nations and cities will be giving into the hearts of faith, and increase river of grace and favor coming to the believers in the marketplace.

A spring above spring will be open up in the earth and the church. A stream will arise above all other streams touching all other streams, a stream above streams will come forth, is the day for it, as it has been prophecy before. A river above rivers will pour upon the church and the world.

In 2007 it is time to take hold of the sword of unity. We are to take hold of sword of unity for our churches, cities churches, national churches, the church around the world, unity among Christians at work, and unity in our families. The anointing of unity will begin to pour out and cover us, and a beginning of a strong sense of unity will come, and the Lord wants us to move more in unity and mature more in unity.

The Dream of the Year of 2009

In this dream of the year of 2009, this is the dream of what is about to happen, what is already happening, what will happen between this time and that time, what will happen around that time, and what will happen after that time. In this dream every part of this dream is a prophetic word of what is to come to pass in the near future, around the year 2006 and after that, and the future. In this dream I see a tall building in New York City, meaning landmark movement, New York City meaning the whole world, and major cities and many nations and people groups. In this dream I see in part of this building up in the front a government agency that is called to fight terrorists, this means the Kingdom of God. The terrorists are the demons spirits. The commission of this agency is Isaiah 54:14; in righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you. Then I see this super agent where the fire of God was sent down from Heaven into his life, giving him super powers, and he become strong, mighty, and a giant. This means the coming apostolic anointing, and the coming apostles of great power and great grace. In the back part of this building was a church meeting there, meaning the body of Christ, the Church. There was a huge widow looking out upon New York City. Meaning there will be a four-year opportunity from the beginning of 2006 and ending in 2009. This will be a time favor for the church. Then I see through this widow the whole city of New York was burning with fire for some time. Meaning the world will be set on fire with the fire of God, and the major cities will be set on fire with the fire of God. In this dream of 2009 meaning what was happen in 2009 was already going on for some time before the year of 2009. New York City means also, global impact, world outreach, and global ministry that will be giving to these super apostles. In this dream I see a dream of the fire of God first coming out from the sky upon the apostles, giving them the fire of God, and super powers, meaning supernatural powers in the Holy Spirit, then I see a dream after this one in the dream of the year 2009, the fire of God coming down from the sky upon the church. In this dream the apostle lays his hands upon the church leaders imparting vision for revival, vision of the fire of God, and to be able to receive this coming fire of God. Then the Church Leaders will not fear with human fear of what is coming.The Lord will connect the apostles in America with the mature Church Leaders of Africa. The Lord will arise up the Apostolic Church of Africa; the Lord will rise up apostles in Africa. The Church leaders of Africa will receive the vision of revival, the vision of the fire of God, and be able to receive the coming fire of God. All of Africa will burn with the fire of God! All of the world will be set on fire with the fire of God. The fire of God will burn throughout the world. In major cities, in many nations and people groups. The generations of the First Adam, meaning networks of demons, curses, familiar spirits, iniquities, bondages, soulish realms and sickness, etc. will be set on fire with the fire of God and burn up in the fire of God. What will begin soon will come to fullness and fruitfulness within four years. What will begin in 2006 will become global, fruitfulness, and fullness by or around 2009.

The Year 2040

I wonder what thing will look like in the year 2040. I wonder what thing is like. I wonder how we will be by the year 2040. We need look into future, not only see today and our time, but the future. For he today are them one that make that future. So we better make sure we like what we see, before we lay it for them in our time.By the year 2040 I will be over 60, and have been happily married for all those years. And by that time my grand children will ether be at end of high school and going unto college. By that time, I would have been to many nations, planted many churches, train many ministers and wrote many books. But I would say to my wife that we have only just begun obey God. I believe we living in day of history makers. We see major changes come the church and to world. Through the history makers that God is raise up. I believe there many history makers. I hope that I am one of them. But I also hope that this touches those who will be history makers. Today we see the vision for gateway cities. God will call them to be great spiritual strongholds of righteousness. If you touch a gateway city you touch the nation. If you take a gateway city you then have that nation. God is giving us many of keys to nations, and the door of these nations is in the gateway cities. Gateway cities are cities that are a place of gathering. 1. Jerusalem: a city of outpouring. God calling many to cities that God has chosen for to be outpouring cities. This where we will see great moves of the Spirit come out from. 2. Antioch: a city of oneness: God is calling to cities that are chosen to place of oneness. This where many people groups come one in Christ and in turn become mission home base to the nations.3. Ephesus: a city of breakthrough. God is calling many to cities that he chosen to tear down the stronghold of darkness. These are cities that centers to kingdom of darkness. Taking this kind of cities will bring major breakthrough to an area. And become a center for Kingdom of God.4. Rome: a city of dominion: God is calling many to cities that God will use for dominion in his kingdom. These cities are cities of polities and centers for national affairs. In Acts 17:6 it was reported that apostles were those who have turned the world up side down. I believe we will see this happen many times in this day and this will make history and form the future for children and those to come after us.

Copyright © 2006 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Coming 2007

Coming 2007

Elvis Iverson
November 26, 2006

This is not a prediction and we are not in the business of prediction. Beside, I only see in part and others see the other parts that God shows them and when we connect them all together we can see a fuller picture. Still we may not see all for only God sees all we only see what He wants us to see. It is God's will for the Church to know the future. God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants the Prophets. The prophetic word that comes forth in this article is what will begin to happen or happen, or set in motion. I ask you to be prayerful as you read this article. To Christ is all the Glory.

2007 is the year of the cloud and fire. 2007 is the year of the cloud by day and fire by night. 2007 is the year of seven. 2007 is the year of completion. 2007 is the year of seven eyes of God. 2007 is the year of the seven voices of God. 2007 is the year of seven ways to praise God. 2007 is the year of seven Churches of Revelation.

In 2007 will be a year of fasting. The Spirit of Fasting will be poured out upon the church. The practice of fasting will be restored to the church. 2007 will begin four years of Sabbath day, Sabbath rest, and Sabbath blessings.

Beginning in 2007 the Holy Spirit will begin to establish apostolic lifestyle in the church, He will fill in the loopholes and cracks. He will raise the standers and morals; He will deal with lifestyles of Christians, Christian living will become more biblical. The Word will be in our hearts and minds and upon our bodies. The call to pure life and sound life will sound in the hearts of believers. This will lead us to become again the salt and light of the world.

In 2007 will be the beginning of the years of wonder and wonders, it will be the beginning of signs and wonders around the world, and it will be the beginning of a life of signs and wonders.

In 2007 will come a restoration of time, destinies, opportunities, favor, ministries, relationships, fellowship, blessings, and a restoration of hope will come.

In 2007 this is the beginning of a new apostolic and prophetic dynamics, benefits, and alignments and activating and releasing of apostolic and prophetic anointings and ministries for dominion, mobilizing, equipping, leadership, and the arise of governing apostolic churches, the building of apostolic patterns, cosmic-level breakthroughs and victory, a mature accuracy coming, harvest strategies birth and released. An anointing to reach the masses and open gates to nations and cities will be giving into the hearts of faith, and increase river of grace and favor coming to the believers in the marketplace.

A spring above spring will be open up in the earth and the church. A stream will arise above all other streams touching all other streams, a stream above streams will come forth, is the day for it, as it has been prophecy before. A river above rivers will pour upon the church and the world.

In 2007 it is time to take hold of the sword of unity. We are to take hold of sword of unity for our churches, cities churches, national churches, the church around the world, unity among Christians at work, and unity in our families. The anointing of unity will begin to pour out and cover us, and a beginning of a strong sense of unity will come, and the Lord wants us to move more in unity and mature more in unity.

Copyright © 2006 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Missing Link

The Missing Link

Elvis Iverson

When you look at End Time Teaching you need to have an open mind about these future happenings. When you teach on the end times begin with the main Absolute of the End Times, which is the return of Christ Jesus, our Lord.

We have had a miss understanding about the end times and we have been missing the full picture of the end times. I am not saying that we now have the full picture not at all, instead we now see a little better then before. When you don’t see this missing link in the end times you will miss what God will do in those times, today and in the future.

We need a proper understanding of the End times and even the Kingdom of God so we can obey God in certain things not only in the end times, instead there modern day kingdom of God that we are to walk, manifest, and establish by faith, prayer, power, revival, reformation and the marketplace global army and the new global missionary movements that the Lord and the Holy Spirit are training up for our time.

The missing link of the end times is the church in the end times. We have overlooked certain prophetic Scriptures about the church in the end times and have made certain end time teaching unsound and unhealthy for Christian growth and ministry.

Knowing this missing link we add purpose and hope to your life and open your eyes to what God will do now, in the future and the end times.

We have only begun to see this missing link about the Church in the end times as we know more and study more the Holy Spirit will give us more clearer revelation on the Church in the end times and the end times. So let us remain humble and walk grace and love in truth.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Impossible Vision

Elvis Iverson

This is the day of impossible vision! God is looking for the set men and women in the Earth to impart such revelation from heaven. Through vision that comes through revelation opens the doors between heaven and earth. God is looking for those who can pay the price for the vision. God is calling forth visionaries to pay the price that many will enjoy the fruit. You are not measure by the words of man but you are measure by the vision God has imparts to your trust. One of the keys in moving forth in your vision is the walk of patience, which is the walk of vision. Not many can walk the vision only a few however, in your beginning days you walked alone but not many will run with you. You will go from waiting, to walking and then to running with the vision. You may not have faith for your vision, and you may not have the fruits to walk in the vision however, through revelation you will have vision, faith and fruits of the Holy Spirit. You are not taking this walk alone the Holy Spirit is with you. With vision, there is provision. Not only there is provision for the vision there is provision to get you to the appointed day. In addition, not only there is provision for the vision but provision for the visionary.God is looking for those that want big vision. This is the day of impossible vision! Your vision must be greater then you. Your vision must be beyond you. The only thing you need to do is shout grace, grace to your vision. Here is wisdom for those who have vision:1. Write down the vision.2. Pray for the vision.3. Seal up the vision.4. Only tell bits and pieces.5. Don’t fellowship with those who don’t believe in you.6. Fellowship with those with Vision.7. Fellowship with those of like-minded vision.8. Connect to those who connect to your vision.9. God will rise up a company to run with your vision.10. Wait for the vision.11. Prepare from the vision. 12. Sow seeds in to another man’s vision.Furthermore, some will think your vision is a vision of grandeur. Throughout the Bible God give visions of grandeur this is not a new thing.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 17, 2006

Refocusing on the Four Gospels

Refocusing on the Four Gospels
Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is speaking of a refocusing and reemphasize on the four gospels in our time which will lead to a more better way of life for those who believe in Christ and a greater impact on our world today.

I personal believe we are to preach and teach more on the four Gospels then any other part of the Bible. Yes the other parts are important too. However, the Four Gospels revel the Life of Christ and teachings of Christ, which is the foundation of the Church. Yes we need to teach throughout the Bible, for we need the written council of God, which is the Written Word of God, the Bible. On the other hand yes teach without loosening a Christ centered in life, family, business, ministry, government, and church.

The theology of the Kingdom of God comes from the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ in the Four Gospels. The Theology of the Church comes from the Epistles of Paul. Yes the Epistles of Paul are teachings from Holy Spirit. However, we need a just balance between the theology of the Church with the Theology of the Kingdom. So much of our Christian life is based on the Theology of the Church, instead the church is imbalance and we too are also imbalance for the reason we have a wrong balance, we need a right order, right connection, and a Holy Spirit comparing between both. It is through seeing with the light of the Four Gospels we can see into the rest of the New Testament with a Christ center.

Today I personal believe the Holy Spirit is speaking about a restoration of the theology of the Kingdom of God, which comes from the Four Gospels. This will change our life, our churches, and our world to be Christ centered. This will also prepare the way for the Kingdom Church and the Kingdom Church will prepare the way for the return of Christ. The Greatest sermons of today and tomorrow will come through the insight of Holy Spirit from the Four Gospel, these timely messages with come with the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, these timely messages will come forth through the voice as the sound of many waters, and these timely messages will be the greatest in the Church History and greatest words heard throughout the history of mankind. When we hear these timely messages they will shake the church and the nations around the world.

In addition, we need to have a Kingdom view, marketplace, business and workplace view of the four gospels. Who were Jesus, Peter and the Apostles of the Lamb? They were all first in the workplace. The Four Gospels is more for the workplace, and for the outside of the four walls of the church then for the church. We have teachers who have been to the school of theology who see the four gospels in their view the church view instead of the kingdom view. If you go to any school of church theology you will not see any classes on the Kingdom of God. I am not saying that everything they teach on is wrong, except the missing link of the workplace view that has been lost from their eyes.

Moreover, the Four Gospels is more a Kingdom View then a Church View. The Four Gospels is the Gospel of the Kingdom. We need a new understand of the kingdom to understand the truths in the Gospel. The key to a better and simple understanding that will touch and impact the world is the Kingdom View. What the Church is missing is the theology of the Kingdom of God and the application of that Kingdom in the lives of believers in every place and walk of life.

Today I will give reasons to the refocusing and reemphasize and the fruits that come from this divinely leading on the Four Gospels.

Refocusing of the Four Gospel will accomplish in the life of Church, believers, and the world.

1. Encourage personal relationship and fellowship with Christ. (See Matthew 11:28-30)
2. Encourage growth and maturing in your relationship with Christ. (Matthew 4:18-22)
3. Encourage you to become more life Christ. (Matthew 16:24-27)
4. Encourage us to be more centered on Christ. (John 12:32)
5. Encouraging us to experience the ministry of Christ in today. (Luke 7:21-23)
6. The Four Gospels encourage a simple application. (Matthew 28:20)
7. The Four Gospels can be applied to every Christian. (John 14:21,23)
8. The Four Gospels can touch and reach more people. (Mark 3:7-12)
9. The Four Gospels touches and reaches the workplace, etc. better. (Mark 1:16-20, 2:13-17, 6:1-6)
10. The Four Gospels gives an understanding of the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 4:17)
11. The Four Gospel aids in Christians believing for and walking in a overcoming and victory Christian life. (John 16:33, 10:10)
12. A greater sense of purpose with Christ. (John 8:12)

Apart from that, I would like to give you some suggestions in aiding you in your studies of the Four Gospels.

1. First read through the Gospels three times.
a. Read through the whole Gospels.
b. Compare the Gospels.
c. Take notes of insight.
2. Pray for revelation and insight from the Holy Spirit.
3. Set at least three months or more apart during which you study and read through the four gospels and during those times be prayerful.
4. See and study the main topics and points.
a. What are the major topics?
b. What are the minor topics?
c. What topics minister to you?
5. Began to apply the gospels to your life.
a. What does apply to you personal?
b. How can you apply the other parts to your life?
6. When reading and studying the Gospels focus on the life of Christ.
7. When reading and studying the Gospels see yourselves at the feet of Jesus.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Teach Your Vision

Teach Your Vision

Elvis Iverson

This is a new day of visionaries. Without vision churches can’t move forth. Without vision the body of Christ cannot move forth. Without vision the workplace can’t move forth. There is vision for your life and then there is vision for a people. There is vision that is made by the ideals of human thinking. Then there is vision that comes through those things around you. Then there is vision that is a revelation from God.

Where there is no vision the people fail. –Pro. 29:18. Without true vision the people will fail. People need three things in order not to fail. They need God, visionaries and vision. However, the Word also says; “There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s council that will stand!” –Prov. 19:21. There are men with makeup visions and then there are men with visions from God.

Apart from that, you can have the right vision yet have the wrong spirit. There are some who have the right vision without the help of God. We need not to do vision without God. We need to be God seekers more then people seekers.

Above this, every visionary need to write down the vision and make it plan. They need to write the goals and the steps toward their vision. They then need the vision keep in prayer. Don’t forget if God give you the vision he will give you the way to walk in it. So we need to keep our goals and plans toward the vision in line with God. We know the acts of God by seeing them; we know the ways of God by fellowship with him. This fellowship takes times and years to learn his ways through patience and longsuffering. –Hab. 2:2-3.

You need give your vision to the people with easy words. Give only parts of the vision and not the whole vision. Wait for their faith to grow. The people must have faith for the vision. Only give that which they can believe for and walk in. How do you do this by making your vision in sample words and statements that point toward instead of giving full images of the vision? Only give you vision to those who are faithful.

Above this, you need unity and without unity in the vision you can walk in it. The vision alone is not for you. It is for the people. The vision is not alone for the people it is for God. It is God’s way in begin his will to the Earth. You are the set visionary with the set vision and you need unity and the corporate anointing for your vision is not yours.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 10, 2006

Theology of The Kingdom

Theology of The Kingdom

Elvis Iverson

The Theology of the Kingdom of God comes from the Four Gospels, the Life and teachings of Jesus Christ is not only the foundation of the church, instead it is more the foundation of the Kingdom of God. Yes you can find the Kingdom in other parts of the New Testament and the Bible however; the Kingdom of God is most focus in the Four Gospels.

Jesus Christ preach the gospel of the Kingdom, wherever He went He preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and not only that there was many, many, many and always the power, signs, wonders and healing. These were always common in His ministry. It should also be common in every minister and every believer’s life. Jesus did not only preach the Kingdom, He command the Apostles to do likewise.

What are the reasons why we don’t see the power of God that we should, for the power of God should be common to every believer in the Body of Christ: 1. Understanding the Kingdom of God, 2. True Apostolic Government in the Church, 3. The work of the ministry belongs to the believers, 4. Understanding the Body of Christ, 5. The City Church.

In the Epistles of Paul comes the Theology of the Church, however the Theology of the Kingdom comes from the Four Gospels. We have entered into a restoration of Kingdom Theology, which will prepare the way for the Kingdom Church to be birth from the Apostolic Church. The Kingdom Church will prepare the way for the return of Christ. Christ will not come back unless we first prepare the way. The day will come when we will go from the apostolic to the Kingdom, for the Apostolic will birth the Kingdom. In the beginning it was the Kingdom that birth the Apostolic and the Church. It is time for us to return to our roots, which is in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ was never a religion leader and the Church was never a religion. It is men mislead and demons that have mislead us in our faith. Our faith is a Kingdom Faith, is a Faith in the Kingdom of God and Above all our King. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, and Lord of lords, and the Church is the priesthood of the Kingdom, and we are the citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Let us now look into the Four Gospel to see the Kingdom of God and to begin to understand the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 5:1-12 is talking about how we can walk in the kingdom of God on earth. The beatitudes are the code of honor for the citizens of the Kingdom. Now in Matthew 13 we see the Parables to give understanding how the Kingdom of God works in us. Beyond this we see other parables giving understanding of the Kingdom in Matthew 20:1-16, 22:1-14,25:1-46.

In addition, here are some elementary principles of the Kingdom of God.

1. The Kingdom of God is at hand. (See Matt.4: 17)

Here we see that Kingdom of God is at hand to move in your life, the only thing you need to do is turn to the King of that Kingdom. This mean the Kingdom of God is ready to touch you and change you.

2. “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the Kingdom of God has come upon you. (Matt. 12:28)

This shows us that the Holy Spirit works and promotes the Kingdom of God through power over demon spirits. When we are being set free the Kingdom of God is coming upon our lives. Deliverance is a work of Kingdom upon you. Where the Holy Spirit is the Kingdom of God is there.

3. “You are not far from the Kingdom of God” (See MK. 12:34)

This is to say that Kingdom of God can be found it is not far from us in our times of need. That we can call upon the Lord and walk in the power and blessings of the Kingdom of God.

4. “The Kingdom of God has come near you” (LK 10:9,11)

This is kind of the same as the last one we talk about, only that it the Kingdom of God has come near you. Where there is signs and wonders around you the Kingdom of God has come near you. So the Kingdom of God is not far from you, and it is near you. We need to witness of the Kingdom of God around us.

5. For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you. (LK. 17:21)

Since the Holy Spirit is in you the Kingdom of God is in you. Since the Holy Spirit is in you, you can access the Kingdom of God. Wherever you go the Kingdom of God will be there.

6. Your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt. 6:10)

This shows us that through pray we can establish the Kingdom of God on Earth.

7. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added to you. (See Matt. 6:33)

We are to pray and seek God first, His Kingdom, and His righteousness. The Lord has a better way of doing things. When we have a mind for the Kingdom of God in our lives we will be most blessed.

8. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. (Matt. 11:12)

This is show that it will not always be easy in establishing the Kingdom of God in our lives, cities, nations, etc. However, we are on the winning team. We must have patience, faith, and be violent in spiritual warfare.

9. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and what ever you loose on earth will be losses in Heaven. (See Matt. 16:19)

We have been binding and losing for some time without a Kingdom mindset, or understanding of the Kingdom. The Lord gives us keys of the Kingdom to use to open up doors.

10. Come you are blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom of God prepared for you from the foundation of the World. (Matt. 25:34)

The Kingdom of God we shall inherit, it is gift from the Father to you. We can walk in this inheritance in our lives today. It is not Deliverance, Healing, or prosperity we should be seeking it is the Kingdom of God, for these other things are parts of the Kingdom and when you have the Kingdom of God you have everything. And we do have the Kingdom today in Christ Jesus and through the Holy Spirit in our lives.

11. We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God. (Acts 14:22)

Again we see as seen in Matthew 11:12 in addition we have to go through tribulations, trials, suffering, and tests to enter and walk in Kingdom living and have the kingdom in our lives and to establish the Kingdom in our world.

12. For the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 14:17)

Wow this is telling us what the Kingdom of God is also telling us what is not the Kingdom. When we have the Kingdom in our lives we have these fruits, etc.

13. For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power. (1 Cor. 4:20)

The Kingdom of God is manifested in power, demonstration, signs, wonders, healing, deliverance, and miracles.

14. The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!

We have been giving the authority to possess the kingdoms of this world.

15. And He made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. (Rev. 5:10,1:6)

We are Kings in Christ and we will reign with Him over the kingdoms of this world. We are kings today and we are called to reign in this life with Christ who reigns today as the King of Kings and Lord of lords.

Copyright © 2005 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Witchcraft in the Church

Witchcraft in the Church

Elvis Iverson

The Judge is standing at the door of many churches and the whole Body of Christ. He is not concern with those who practice witchcraft outside of the church, or those witches that try to come in among us to practice their craft against us. The Lord is very angry with those among us who have lived a lie for so long. Those who walk in the work of the flesh which one of them are called witchcraft. Yes witchcraft is a work of the flesh. They commit this sin in ignorant.

Religious spirits work among us in many churches and many Christian groups. Christians who are walking and living a so-called good Christian walk. At the same time feel it is God’s will to stop those anointed by God. They think they know more then others. They think they have certain spiritual gifts and are walking in spiritual pride. They seat in judgment of their brothers and sisters in Christ. They look unto other Christian groups that don’t look like them and speak evil of what is good.

These kinds of religious Christians begin to walk in a Soulish realm in their teachings, in their prophetic words, in their council, in their prayer life. What happens such a people walking in the Soulish realm for too long? They open the doors and live to be partakes of the works of darkness. They become fill of evil spirits. What kind of evil spirits? Witchcraft, divination, lying and religious spirits they begun to work with.

I see to many Christians who pray their wills be done, who pray they council, you pray their opinions and their understanding. This is Soulish prayer, which will open the door to evil spirits to enter into their lives and drink of cup of devils. This is witchcraft, this is prayer craft! You are ether praying against another, praying against those in leadership, praying against those in your trust and praying your council and Soulish prayers toward people.

Apart from that, there are those who walk around speaking gossip and lies about their brothers and sisters. We are to avoid such people. There are those who walk around speaking division among Local Churches and the Body of Christ. We are to mark them and avoid them. If you can’t control your tongue evil spirits will use it for their evil plans. Yes many of you have commit evil plans and have obeyed evil spirits. It is time to repent!

Moreover, there are those who prophesy out of their soul. These are Soulish prophetic words. You dream dreams; you have visions, and prophecy out of your Religious mindset and immaturity. This opens the door for spirits of divination to walk through your prophetic ministry.

Apart from that, there are those who walk among us pulling aside into their own groups arising against those in leadership. You are called a divisive person and we after the first and second admonition remove such people.

Moreover, there are those who come into our churches to change us. They may or may not have more revelation, or more knowledge then you as a pastor. This work of the flesh generates strife and this is a Religious spirit in action. Yes we need to be humble; they’re many around us that can teach us many things. We should always have a hearing ear. God does speak through people many times even if we don’t hear God through them. Then there are those with pride and arrogance with Religious spirits working in them. They will always say I have question for you, when they already know the answered. Don’t answered so many questions appoint a gifted and skillful person to deal with the questionable people.

Apart from that, there are those who want to give you council or go around giving their council. However, there council is of their own mindsets and opinions. Some may use a prophetic anointing and some may act more spiritual then you. Counseling is to be for you not them. Counseling must not be a command only advices if it is not don’t listen.

In addition, they’re those in Leadership some are called Pastors and some are called Apostles who walk in a controlling spirit over their people. Even their teaching give them power to do such things against the flock of Christ. You don’t own the sheep your blood can’t save any soul. It is time to stop using fear to control and use faith to bring freedom. Moreover, they’re those among us that will control the pastors, apostles and those who have oversight of their churches through boards and other means. This is not of God. All of this works of the flesh will open the door in your life to spirits of Jezebel. We are not using our gifts, our wisdom, our authority and position to control one another.

Moreover, there are those Pastors and Apostles that are among us when their members or those in fellowship with them get up and leave they speak evil over them. We are to freely receive and freely give. Bless are those who come in and bless are those come out. Speak blessings over them.

How does one deal with witchcraft in the Church? You bless and curse not, you pray for them, and pray not against them. You love and forgive and hate not. You might have to fast for this work of flesh can be broken through fasting and prayer. You cast evil spirits that are sent your way, witchcraft into hell, break curses and bind false prophetic words.

Furthermore, the Church needs much deliverance. There are many getting saved and never get the right discipleship and never go through deliverance. What happens to these evil spirits in those who don’t get deliverance they become religious and take on many masks of hypocrites.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 03, 2006

Kingdom View vs. the Church View

Kingdom View vs. the Church View

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is bringing a restoration to the Kingdom view over the Church view, for over years the church view has been imbalance in teaching and faith. Now with the restoration of the Kingdom View the church view will now have a better balance.

We must refocus and review our thinking about the four gospels in the New Testament. For to long we have look through the eyes of those who went to Bible Colleges, etc. etc, and etc. with mindsets and views that are not a kingdom instead a church view.

Most of our teachings and doctrines come from the epistles of Paul. We get most of the church view from the epistles of Paul. Instead, we have forgotten the true kingdom view of the gospels. We must know that the church is apart of the kingdom, is the bride of Christ, is the priesthood of the kingdom, and is the ambassadors of the kingdom.

Jesus Christ is the living Rock that the church is being built upon. Jesus Christ is the main foundation that the church is being built upon. We have forgotten that Jesus Christ is not a religious leader; instead He is the King of Kings. Jesus Christ is a ruler of His kingdom and the earth through his death, buried and resurrection.

Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God therefore since he is the living foundation of the church. In other words the church foundation is rooted in the kingdom of God.

We need a kingdom view of the four gospels. We need a business view of the gospels, we need a marketplace view of the gospels and a workplace view of the gospels, instead of having some one who never been in business or the work force seeing the gospel through a church view only. It is said that you need the epistles of Paul to understand the four gospels; I believe the other way around you need the four gospels to understand the epistles of Paul. We need the kingdom view looking at the church view to see Christ in our every day life.

Was not Jesus Christ a carpenter, was not Matthew as tax collector, and were not the other apostle’s fishermen? Many have said that Peter left his fishing nets and boats to follow Christ. I think we might have misunderstood this. How can Peter go back and fish and get a lot of fish if he has not kept his nets in good working order. Now beyond this was not Apostle Paul both a Church apostle and a marketplace apostle? See for so long mislead teachers and pastors have used lies to put the workplace down not knowing they were hindering the will of God.

We must preach the gospels so that the common Christian can apply these holy truths in the workplace, in the Monday church not just in a Sunday old mindsets of what church is. It is the kingdom view that has been missing from our faith.

When you look through the Four Gospels you don’t hear Jesus teaching or preaching the gospel of the church, instead the gospel of the kingdom. We only see the church a few times, instead the kingdom we hear throughout the four gospels. Jesus and the early apostles preach and teach with the kingdom view over a church view.

Apart from that, what the Lord has been trying to bring is a restoration in the church of the priesthood and we are coming to the end of this restoration. Now he wants to restore the kings for his kingdom that are in his body. Once when the church becomes the priesthood of the kingdom she will give birth to the future kings that will reign with Christ, today and after He returns.

However, today we are kings and we are priest. We first must learn to be priests in prayer, worship, ministering to the Lord and ministering the Word to one another and the world. Then we must begin to learn to be kings. We are called to be kings. Are destined to be kings, today and in the future. We are to walk in this function in the marketplace, business, and the workplace with the Holy Spirit aiding and leading us.

Moreover, we must learn and apply a modern day application of the kingdom of God in our churches, lives, families, workplaces, and government, etc. so that we can see the power of the kingdom through the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders.

Furthermore, Christ’s kingdom has come definitively through His ascension to the Father; is coming progressively through the increase outpourings of the Holy Spirit; and will come consummately at the glorious climax of history at the Second Coming of Christ.

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