The Signs of Grace Giving
Elvis Iverson
The reformation of church economics has already begun, this is one of the main issues of the third reformation; this reformation has already begun as a lamb, soon will become a roaring lion, and then move fast as a horse.
Grace giving is biblical giving; grace giving is giving founded on a sound solid holy ground, grace giving has a sound foundation of biblical foundation. Grace giving is the will of God for giving in the church. Grace giving is a better way of giving, and grace giving is a tree of life in giving.
All believers are to give, and are to be faithful in giving. First and foremost God will provide you all your needs, He will take care of you no matter if you give or don’t give. First the Lord blesses you with financial blessings so that you can take care of yourself and your love ones, and enjoy life. Then if you give, and when you give He will bless you again, first He bless you with financial blessings, then it is up to you if to give or not to give. If you give He will bless you with more blessings. This is what I called a double portion blessing, first the Lord gives financial blessings to you, then He gives you free will to give willing, and if you give you are again blessed with more financial blessings.
With grace giving you are to first take care of your family before you give to a church. Then you are giving according to how much you prosper, if you prosper more, you then can give more. Besides, you are to purpose in your heart what you are to give. On one hand you are to give according to has you prosper, and at the same time give as your purpose in you heart. Giving from heart and giving in liberty will open you to hear the Holy Spirit in leading you in grace giving.
When you give you are to give willing and cheerful. Giving is to be done in faith, yes see the need, but give in faith, you are to give an act of worship, giving is a form of worship, and you are to give in grace.
We are to give, we cannot go without giving as we prosper, however there are certain times when a person only has money to take care of them self and their loves one. During those times you can pray for the Lord to give you grace and seed in order to give. The Lord understands you, and loves you. There is liberty and freedom in grace giving.
The Lord wants us to support those who feed us spiritual, He wants us to support the local fellowship where you belong, the Lord wants you to support apostles and prophets, the Lord wants you to support missionary work around the world, and the Lord wants us help those among the church in need, and to feed the poor, above all be led by the Holy Spirit, you may not have the grace and seed to give to all these things, etc. give only to those things that you have grace and seed to give to, and be led by the Holy Spirit.
There are seven signs of grace giving, if you believe and you are faithful in grace giving you will see all these signs of grace giving in your life. –(2 Cor. 8,10)
1. He provides seed and grace. If you don’t have seed to give, ask the Lord to give you seed so that you can give. In grace giving the Lord gives the seed first to you. If you ask Him, He will give you grace and seed. –(2 Cor. 9:10)
2. You will reap sparingly and reap bountifully. If you give in grace and seed, and you are faithful you will reap in finances. –(2 Cor. 9:6)
3. All grace, sufficiency, abounds in every good work. When you move in grace giving, giving in grace and seed, there will be grace in all areas of your life and you will abound in every good work that is the power of grace giving. –(2 Cor. 9:8)
4. You will abound in grace giving. If you pray for grace and seed, if you give in grace and seed, if you are faithful in grace giving you will abound in grace giving. –(2 Cor. 8:7)
5. Fruit that abounds to your account, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. Grace giving is an acceptable sacrifice, and it will abound to your account in the Third Heaven. –(Phil. 4:13-19)
6. Overcoming poverty and debt, financial suffering and financial lack. Grace giving has the power to set your free from debt and lack. –(2 Cor. 8:1-3)
7. Increase in the fruits of righteousness. When we give we are to give in faith, give in grace, give in worship, give with a willing heart, give with a cheerful heart, give as you purpose in your heart, and if we give in grace and seed, and if we are faithful to grace giving you will increase in the fruits of righteousness. –(2 Cor. 9:10)
Grace giving is not some new teaching it has been here since the beginning of the church, now we are seeing a restoration of grace giving in the New Apostolic Reformation. –(2 Cor. 9,10)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Apostolic Church, Elvis Iverson, grace giving, Marketplace Church, prosperity, reformation, Supplication International Ministry