Sunday, February 25, 2007

Reconstruction of the Church part four

Reconstruction of the Church part four

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is speaking to the Church; pray that you have ears to hear what He is saying; a hearing hear will lead to an overcoming life, and a hearing ear will lead to revelation faith. Hear the Holy Spirit speaking through prophets and apostles about reformation and revival in the church. The Holy Spirit is rising up apostles and prophets of reformation and revival; reformation will lay the foundation for revivals, lasting revivals and habitational revivals to come. –(Heb. 9:10)

Word revelation and prophetic revelation is coming through apostles and prophets to create environment for revivals, supernatural, gifts of the Spirit, power of God, manifestations of the Holy Spirit, manifest presence of God, and resting glory. –(Eph. 3:5)

God’s glory will fill the church then overflow into the nations of the earth, we who are apostles and prophets must hear from the Holy Spirit in how to build a wineskin, or you can say wine skins that can hold such glory that is coming, and yes His glory is truly coming, I have seen in visions and revelations. –(Ex 25:9, 1 Chron. 22:19, 28:11-12, 2 Chron. 3:1)

Today we have many congregations and many groups that deny the power of God; this is a doctrine of demons that they believe. These congregations and groups are no longer in the favor of God and have been mark for burning fire to come and burn them away. –(2 Tim. 3:5)

We need revelation and on going revelation and increasing revelation, and wisdom of God to build and prepare the way for glory and revival. We must be led through the Holy Spirit to build on the city church level, and on the congregation level; then is so much a divine need to pray, pray, pray for revelation and to pray for building and preparing of the Spirit for the coming revivals and glory. –(1 Cor. 2:6-16, 3:10)

Revivals will come to every city, every nation and to every place, revival will come the way of life for the church. The Christian life will be a life of revival, and a life of signs and wonders. The Holy Spirit is giving prophetic revelations and visions of the revivals and the glory that is coming. A vision for the church that will be filled with revivals and glory! –(Ezek. 1)

We by the grace of the Lord, through much prayer will create environment and reconstruction our spiritual houses, congregations and the city church in away for lasting revivals to rest and come upon. –(Amos 9:11-12)

Reformation is the fire of God burning all groups, congregations, churches, ministries, and every believer’s heart, and those ones that are more according to the ways of the Lord for they will too be place through the fires of reformation. Even as a believer you must pray for personal reformation, for corporate reformation to the whole church, and personal reformation will come to every believer. –(Acts 3:19)

Through revelation we can create environment for the power of God and signs and wonders. We are to witness and flow in the power of God every day of our life, can I have an amen to that brothers and sisters! –(MK. 16:17-18)

Helpful revelational and visionary ideals to create environment for the power of God: 1. Apostles and prophets are the foundation, senior leaders of the congregation, and the city church. 2. Create environment according to First Corinthians 12, 13, and 14. 3. The Church is to be multi ministry, body ministry. 4. The Church must be a house of prayer, worship and prophetic ministry. 5. The City Church centers must establish where there is 24/7 prayer, worship, and prophetic watch. 6. The saints must be equipped to walk in healing, signs and wonders and the power of God. 7. We must hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Prophets and pray for application of the prophetic words. –(Isa. 28:13)

The saints need to be equipped in the work of Ministry, gifts of the Spirit, healing, casting out demons, and prophetic gifting. All believers should flow in the power of God; flow in the supernatural, all believers should have Word revelation and prophetic revelation, all believers should flow in the gift of prophecy, visions and dreams, and signs and wonders. –(MK. 16:17-18, Jn. 14:12-14, Acts 2:17-18)

We must rise up within our cities and among our congregations healing ministries, and deliverance ministries. We must rise up supernatural teams they flow in spiritual gifting an extreme ways in faith and love. Those gifted in prophetic gifts, anointed in deliverance ministry, gifting in prayer ministry, and healing ministry in extreme ways need to be brought together in forming supernatural teams that minister in our congregations and cities under apostolic and prophetic oversight. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

The Power of God, signs and wonders and the Supernatural in the Holy Spirit will become every day life in the lives of ever believer that believes in the Power of God. –(1 Cor. 2:4-5)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part three

Emerging City Church part three

Elvis Iverson
February 25, 2007

The Holy Spirit is hovering over all cities around the world; His is hovering over all the congregations within every city in the world. He is visiting all prayer meetings looking for the vision of the city church, looking for those who have the vision for the city church, looking for the prophetic word among them.

Where two or three, or more come together in the name of Christ I will be in their midst. The Holy Spirit is looking for congregations that obey the vision of the city church in their cities. Those who will come together in apostolic unity and prophetic manifestation I will come and visit, I will come and share with them my plans for their lives and city.

When the next level of city church comes, Throne of God will rest in their midst, and the river of healing and glory will flow from the Throne of God in their midst and their city will change, revival will come, and social transformation will come to your city.

There is an oil of anointing being poured out upon all congregations within every city. Those who receive the this oil of anointing will have a change heart, and their minds will begin to be renewed by the Holy Spirit, the vision of unity and the vision of the city church will be giving, and a supernatural prayer manifestation will come.

The Holy Spirit will arise among the congregations within all cities the prophetic voice will be establish, those who hear the prophetic voice will be giving a heart of worship, and a river of worship will flow from their hearts.

The Holy Spirit will visited all congregations within all cities around the world to establish the apostolic grace, establishing the apostolic authority, establishing the apostolic vision, and the apostles will arise and the heart of the church and heart of city will begin to change by the workings of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit will come upon the congregations in all cities looking and seeking for His kings, the heart of the Kingdom will be giving to them, and the Holy Spirit will look, seek, and fine His apostles of the workplace, and their realm of ministry will be established.

The congregations that obey the vision of the city church, the vision of unity will begin to seek out one another within their cities, a holy alliance will begin to be formed made by the congregations that obeyed and the Lord Jesus Himself. A holy covenant will be established and signed in these days. The laws of the covenant will arise in these cities among all congregations.

The apostles will begin to minister and move forth in grace, and city church apostles and marketplace apostles will begin to come together in the spiritual leadership of the city church. Holy Apostolic city church networks will begin to be birth in apostolic unity and prophetic manifestation. City church centers will begin to arise, 24/7 prayer ministry, 24/7 worship ministry, and 24/7 prophetic watch will arise within these holy places.

The grounds and foundations, and the preparations for the coming habitational revival will be laid before the heart of the city church, the stones of the altar of habitational revival will be setup, and tabernacle of the city church will be built for the dwelling place of the resting glory.

The City Church centers will be places of fullness of spiritual fruits, anointings, blessings, graces, and miracles. The congregations that have the revelation and that have came into this relationship; will have blessings, will become fruitful, will have the fullness of the Spirit.

However, the city church today lies in ruins, the walls and gates are broken down, the vision of the city church is far from the hearts of the congregations. Although there is only one city church in every city, many city churches are broking down and lay in ruins.

There is hope, the cry of the faithful comes before the Throne without ceasing, those who have been faithful through the years making intercession for their city and supplications for the church of their city, have remember their prayers and hopes, I have sent my faithful prophet in their midst to prepare my way, to prepare my coming to your city.

The city church will arise in your cities; arise in vision, revelation, prayer, prophetic, and I will bring those that lead the way for the city church together and I will make them one in their cities for my name sake I will do this thing.

I will bring those apostles together in holy alliance and vision for their city and the city church. This will happen, I will bring this to pass. I have already sent my faithful apostle, and others will come and I will bring them together in the oil of anointing, and apostolic unity and prophetic manifestation, prayer and vision.

I will rise up spiritual coliseums for the city church in your cities, I will establish them at the gate of your cities, these spiritual coliseums will be places of vision, unity, revival, prayer, worship, prophetic, and gathering to hear my apostles and prophets of reformation, revival and social transformation.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Signs of an Apostasy Church

Signs of an Apostasy Church

Elvis Iverson

What are the factors and characteristics of an apostasy church? First and foremost we have come to a day when all these factors of the apostasy church will be totality and finality burn away from the church. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

In the first of the days church was the beginning, this church was not prefect or mature, the church in the future will be even be greater and more mature then the church in the Book of Acts. –(Eph. 5:26-27, 4:13)

The Church in history after the time of the first days of the church went through a time of apostasy, which is called the great apostasy of the church, the great falling away. Then the day cane when the church was set free from the apostasy church, and enter into times of restoration however, some of the factors of an apostasy church still remain in the church today. Through this third reformation, all these factors will be burn up and the apostolic church will arise. –(Heb. 9:10)

An apostasy church is the opposite of an apostolic church or the apostolic church. The third reformation will be as a fire burning throughout the church, however we must move forth in this reformation with humility, love, patience, love, and truth. –(Eph. 4:15)

Here are some of the factors of an apostasy church:

1. An apostasy church is a church without apostles and prophets.
2. An apostasy church is a church without the gifts of the Spirit, signs and wonders, prophecy, visions, dreams, and deliverance, and the power of God.
3. An apostasy church is a church that does not believe in the Bible is God’s Word.
4. An apostasy church is a church that does not see the rest of the church in their city and around the world.
5. An apostasy church is a church that goes against the ways of the Kingdom of God.
6. An apostasy church is a church that goes against the ways of the city church.
7. An apostasy church is a church that goes against the ways of the Holy Spirit.
8. An apostasy church does not have a vision for church in the end times.
9. An apostasy church is a church that is a one-man ruled by a so-called senior pastor.
10. An apostasy church is a church where there is no room for the other five ministries of grace of Christ.
11. An apostasy church is a church that has no room for saints doing the work of the ministry, and they are not equipped for the work of the ministry.
12. An apostasy church is a tithing church, instead of a grace giving church.
13. An apostasy church is against women in ministry.
14. An apostasy church is against the new wineskins.
15. An apostasy church is a church where the spiritual leaders are controlled by a board of deacons.
16. An apostasy church does not believe in healing the sick or casting out demons.
17. An apostasy church does not believe in the church in the workplace.
18. An apostasy church is against unity in the church.
19. An apostasy church is against other believers from other people groups.
20. An apostasy church is against the Messianic believers, Jewish people, and Israel.
21. An apostasy church is a church that does not aid or help those suffering or in need.
22. An apostasy church is a church that is not for holy living.
23. An apostasy church is against believers have wealth and prosperity and business.
24. An apostasy church is church in witchcraft, controlling, religious spirits, and have no freedom or liberty.

A church with some of the factors of an apostasy church are still born again Christian if they have receive Him as Lord, and give their lives to Him. There are a lot of good churches out there that have some of the factors of an apostasy church, and reformation is a work of patience, love, grace, and truth. –(Rom. 15:7)

Now pray for personal reformation in your life and pray for reformation to come to the churches and church of your city. Pray for the Lord to rise up the Apostolic Church in your city and pray for the Lord to rise up the city church to the next level. Then pray for revival for your city and the city church, and prayer for personal revival in your life. –(Matt. 5:1-12)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Reconstruction of the Church part three

Reconstruction of the Church part three

Elvis Iverson

Reformation, restoration, revival, repentance, reconciliation, regeneration, and redemption are all words meaning return, and to restore what was, however what the Holy Spirit is doing He is restoring the Church truly, and He is building the church to be even more greater then in the Book of Acts. –(Matt. 16:18)

Nevertheless, it is reformation, restoration to what God the Father sees, what Jesus Christ the Son of God, which is our Lord sees, and what the Holy Spirit sees, and their vision and plan for the church, so it is restoration, so it is reformation. –(Ex 25:9)

In this holy reformation there is coming revolution between God’s vision for the church and man’s vision for the church, between the old and the new, between the nature of man church and the supernatural church. This will be a revolution of grace, love, patience, and truth. This revolution is only apart in the process and progress of this holy reformation, which is the third reformation of the church. The follow chapter will be a reconstruction of the Church. –(Heb. 9:10)

Unfortunately, today’s church we only have the one-person man, is not the one new man ministry, instead this is the one rulership ministry of human wisdom. This begun through the deeds of Diotrephes, this is one of the elements of the apostasy church. There is no place in congregation environment where the senior leader was a pastor. Pastors are cell home leaders, they are not first in the order of church government. Pastors are apart of the ministry of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The congregation is lead by a team of elders with a leading elder leading them. This leading elder is an apostle. Pastoral epistles is not Pastoral Epistles instead they are Apostolic Epistles. Timothy and Titus are apostles not pastors. –(1 Thess. 2:6-11)

We must create environment in our congregations for the multi ministry, body ministry, spiritual gifts, prophetic ministry, and the supernatural. We can see this revelation in First Corinthians 12, 13, 14. We are to create this environment through teaching the Holy Scriptures, Word revelation, and prophetic revelation. The congregation must be environment for the supernatural, mentoring, fathering, rising, activation and maturating of spiritual gifts. The congregation must be environment for freedom, liberty, revival, supernatural, manifestation of the Holy Spirit and order; this order is laid down through revelation. –(1 Cor. 12, 13, 14)

Believers are called to be priests, the church is the priesthood of the Kingdom of God, and the saints are to be equipped for the work of the ministry. Every believer has a ministry; every believer has a spiritual gift, every believer has a function and a place in the congregation and the Body of Christ. –(Eph. 4:12, 1 Pet. 2:5, 9)

After a believer have been through discipleship, they are to be equipped and raised up in their spiritual gifts, they are to be place with others with same spiritual gifting in order to learn from one another, and they to be place with those who are more mature in the same gifting in order to mentor them. –(1 Jn. 2:12-14)

Apart from that, the apostles are to rise up the king for the Kingdom, every believer is called to be a king, every believer is called to the work of the Kingdom, and we need prophets to impart into the lives of the kings of the Kingdom of Christ. –(Rev. 1:6, 5:10, Acts 6:1-8)

The five ministries of Christ are to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, and apostles are rising up kings to change the world in the workplace and the marketplace. –(Eph. 4:11-12, Acts 6:1-8)

In the congregation we must raise up those with gifts of healing, working of miracles for the local congregational healing ministry, we are to rise up those anointed in deliverance for the local congregational deliverance ministry. We are to rise up intercessors for the local congregational prayer ministry, we are to raise up those anointed for evangelism for the local congregational evangelism ministry, etc. –(1 Pet. 4:7-11)

In additional, we are to train and mentor those called into the five ministries of grace, and we are train and rise up home cell leaders, etc. –(Matt. 4:19)

Some congregations may not have every kind of ministry, this could be an opportunity to lean on other congregations within your city, Christ is calling us to be one another congregations working and leaning on one another in Christ. One may be blessed with a healing ministry and the other with a deliverance ministry; one will lean on other congregation for healing ministry and the other will lean on another congregation for deliverance, etc. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

As we move to the next transition for the city church, some ministries will be place to minister at the city level, and for the service of the city church. Congregations will rise up ministries to minister and serve the city church and city. –(Gal. 5:13-14)

All believers should be equipped to pray, witness, cast out demons and heal the sick, and flow in prophecy, visions and dreams. –(MK. 16:17-18)

Moreover, there are those who will rise up in prophetic gifts and the gift of the prophet, they will be for the local congregational prophetic ministry. Season prophets, mature prophets and prophetic elders will lead and supervises the local congregational prophetic ministry and oversee the prophetic and supernatural manifestation of the whole congregation, and during corporate services. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

Apart from that, the city church will have a prophetic ministry, and there will be city church prophets that will minister at city church level. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

In addition, the local congregation leadership is first a team of elders, these are not only season ministers, instead they are mature ministers, and this team of elders is lead by an apostle. There could be more then two apostles serving with the team of elders and following the senior leader, the set apostle. The order among the elders is first apostles, second prophets, and the third teachers, and then others will follow. There is unity and openness among the elders. Within the congregation there may be other apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1)

Above all the Holy Spirit wants the congregation to move into body ministry instead of a one-person rule ministry. Body ministry is a congregation becoming multi-ministry in the corporate anointing. –(Psa 133)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging Marketplace Church

Emerging Marketplace Church

Elvis Iverson

The emerging Marketplace Church is the outreach of the emerging city church in all cities around the World. As the Apostolic Church grows and increase a covenant will be made between the City Church and the Marketplace Church, from the marketplace will flow outward rivers of wealth into the City Church, and from the City Church will flow outward the rivers of blessings of the Lord into the marketplace church. –(Isa. 60)

It is the apostolic church that will birth the next level of City Church and release the kings into the marketplace, and for the marketplace apostles and Marketplace prophets to establish the foundation of the marketplace church. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

From the marketplace church will grow branches and vines outward to the cities and nations around them. Social transformations will happen in many cities and in all cities, social transformations will happen in many nations around the world, and massive social transformations will flow from the heart of God in the marketplace church to all cities and nations around the world. –(Rev. 22:2)

The emerging city church will come forth, the next level of city church in our cities. Their leaders will be city church apostles, and marketplace apostle who are called to be city church apostles. City church alliances will be formed in common ground, vision, revelation, and unity. City church centers will be built and there will be 24/7 prayer, worship, and prophetic watch, the city church center will be the place for resting glory and habitational revival to come to all and fill the city, and congregations. When the city church and marketplace comes forth in covenant vision and relationship there will be social transformations upon cities and nations. –(Prov. 29:18)

The Gate of Grace Giving will be fully built and established in the church and our congregations. Grace and seed will be giving to the believers and they will flow in the power of grace giving, being free from debts and greed and flowing in the reaping blessings of grace giving. The church will not go without, and congregations with abound and begun to walk in their fullness of vision and purpose. –(2 Cor. 8, 9)

The Holy Spirit is doing an awesome work in the hearts of believers in the workplace no longer gold and silver are at the top values, instead the souls of men and bodies of men are at the top of their plans in their hearts, this will bring supernatural blessings, favors, graces, anointings and increase the gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls more then any other businesses in the world, the marketplace church is an upside down economy Vs the Babylonian economy that loves money, gold and silver, and people are at the bottom of their values and economy. The economy of the Marketplace Church will grow, increase, and rule the global and national economies. –(Rev. 18:12-13)

The Lord will begin to fill His church and His church will become full of glory and revivals, and then glory and revivals will overflow and pour from the church into all cities and nations. –(Eph. 5:27)

It is from the Apostolic Church, the City Church, and the Marketplace Church that revivals will come to cities and nations around the world, and healing of nations and cities will come, and social transformations will come and all from the Apostolic Church, City Church and Marketplace Church. These three will come into covenant vision and covenant relationship, and this threefold cord will not be broken and from this unity will come revivals and social transformations. –(Jer. 29:11-14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Supernatural Teams

Supernatural Teams

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is rising up supernatural teams that will minister within and from your congregation, from among congregations, and at the city church levels. These are ones anointed, and gifted, and have been giving a grace to be extreme in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

There will be apostolic and prophetic oversight of these teams as this minister from within a congregation, minister among congregations and at the city church level. –(Eph. 2:20)

A grace that is giving to these team players to be extreme in the anointing, gifting and the ministry of the Holy Spirit; These will be persons of faith, prayer, character, unity, and humility. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

Extreme in prophetic gifting, visions, revelations, and dreams, these anointed believers will begin to come together, drawing by the leading of the Holy Spirit into an extreme prophetic ministry under apostles and prophets. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

Extreme in deliverance; those anointed in the deliverance ministry have been giving a grace to be extreme, will be led together with other likeminded persons and come together with others extreme in deliverance under apostles and prophets oversight. –(Joel 2:32)

Extreme in the healing gifting, these persons will be lead and gathered into those who have been giving a grace to be extreme in healing gifts coming into extreme healing ministry under apostles and prophets. –(Acts 28:1-10)

Extreme in the gifting of miracles, those anointed in the gift of working of miracles and have been giving a grace to be extreme in miracles will be led to come together with others gifted in extreme miracles, and come into extreme miracle ministry under apostles and prophets. –(Heb. 2:4)

Extreme in signs and wonders ministry; those who live in a ministry of signs and wonders and have been giving a grace to be extreme in signs and wonder will be led by the Holy Spirit to come together with others called into extreme signs and wonders and come into extreme signs and wonders ministry under apostles and prophets. –(MK. 16:17-18)

Extreme gifting in prayer ministry, those called to the ministry of intercession, with gift of the intercessor, and giving a grace to be extreme in intercession and prayer, they will gathered and led by the Holy Spirit with others with extreme prayer ministry into extreme prayer ministry under apostles and prophets. –(1 Thess. 5:17)

Extreme evangelism gifting and anointing; those called into evangelism and been giving a grace to be extreme will be led to others with such extreme evangelism ministry into an extreme evangelism ministry under apostles and prophets. –(2 Tim. 4:5)

There are other extreme gifting, anointing, and grace being giving to others with gifting in certain gifts that will be called to these supernatural teams that the Holy Spirit is rising up. –(1 Pet. 4:10-11)

Under extreme apostolic and extreme prophetic houses these supernatural teams and extreme supernatural teams will be raise up, and release into our cities and nations for the glory of Christ. –(Acts 8:4-8)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part two

Emerging City Church part two

Elvis Iverson
February 18, 2007

The Holy Spirit is speaking unto all spiritual leaders and all believers in Christ in all nations, I all cities, and in all places. Hear and receive the unity, and of the city church. Come into lineament to the Kingdom of God and the City Church. Purpose and vision for your life will awake as you come into lineament with the Kingdom of God and the city church.

A vision in the Third Heaven is giving to the church; see the heavenly city church, the gold, silver, precious stones, worship, the light and glory of the Lord, the fullness of unity. See the walls of salvation and gates of praise. This is the vision of Isaiah 60 that will come to pass in your future, however every generation will see an increase of fulfillment of the vision and prophecy of Isaiah 60.

There is fullness of glory resting upon this heavenly city church, and light shine out from this glory, and see the believers walking, living and abiding within this heavenly city church. I see rivers of wealth flowing into this heavenly city church 24/7 days, hours, months, seasons, years, and there is no end, and from this heavenly city church flows outward rivers of blessings that fill the earth with the blessings of the Lord. Hear wisdom saying the rivers of wealth will flow into this heavenly city church, and at the same time the rivers of blessings will flow outward from this heavenly city church to the world.

This is a picture of God’s will for the church in the future, can you see, can you hear, can you believer, and in each generation you will see increase of the fulfillment of His will for you and the Church.

Now see the Holy Spirit hovering over every city around the world, He is hovering over your city, He is satiating your city with His presence, He is ministering to you, hovering over your heart and mind, He is satiating your heart and mind, times of soaking is coming to your city, and is coming to your life from the Holy Spirit. Soaking in His presence for He is upon you as you is hearing this prophetic word unto you and the cities around the world.

Today the city church will arise to the next level of city church growth, an overflowing and overcoming unity is pouring like fresh oil. A strong sense of unity will arise in the hearts of believers; the vision of the city church will be giving to the spiritual leaders of the city church in all cities around the world. It is time to transition to a level of grace, unity, power and anointing among your congregations coming together in unity, vision, missions, compassion, prayer, worship, prophetic watch, revival, and glory. The city church will untied today that will build a foundation for all other future generations of city church and establish for a generation of city church generational blessings and anointings.

The Rod has been raise up within the church in all cities hear the sound of the trumpets blowing throughout the earth, throughout your cities, hear the sound, sing, dance, and pray along with the new sounds of unity with God and unity with one another. Break off the old ways, the old mid sets, the old habits, and be renew by the Holy Spirit, by the Blood of Christ, by the Holy Scriptures, by revelation and by the prophetic.

Repent of the ways that are against the ways of the city church, the ways of the Kingdom of God, the ways of the Holy Spirit and the ways of the apostles and prophets. All these ways that are against these ways from the Wisdom above will be cut out of the Vine, and burn with fire, burn with fire, burn with fire, and those things that are will be prune by the Holy Spirit, by revelation, and by faith.

Pass under the Rod or the Rod will come against you, this is His mercy. Pass under the Rod and receive His mercy, or the Rod will come against you, this is His mercy. Those who pass under the Rod, bring your friends, bring your brothers and sisters with you, and bring your congregations with you. Come unto unity with God, and come into unity will one another, the Holy Alliance of the Kingdom of God and the Church is at hand!

Those who agree, those who obey, those who apply will become apart of what the Lord is doing through the Holy Spirit in all cities, and those congregations that pass under the Rod and enter into this alliance, will grow, will increase, will prosper, and flow with grace and blessings.

Those who say they have hearing ears, and have heard the Word Revelation, the prophetic revelation, and have receive the vision from the heart of the Throne Room. But yet there is no doing, no application, they have become deceived; this is a deception that could lead to delusion. The Holy Spirit is calling us to battle against such deception, the deception of disobedience that leads to the delusion of rebellion, which is as the sin of witchcraft.

The Holy Spirit will burn away rebellion, witchcraft, stubbornness, iniquity, and idolatry, for these things the Lord has rejected. Mislead servant have place upon the altars of hearts profane fire and false fire however, no more the Most High God will allow such things to happen and be fruitful in spiritual darkness. He has sent His holy angels to keep these mislead servants away from altars of hearts, and He make pure the altars of hearts and send His Holy Fire against the evil doings to burn them out of the cities around the world.

These profane fires and false fires are fires of religion, fires of witchcraft, fires of control, fires of fear, fires of divination, and fires of confusion. Where there is no vision, where there is no revelation, there is confusion, and the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the prophets will not dwell among them. They built cities of confusion however, the Lord will burn these cities up with Holy Fire, and He will burn them to the ground, and upon these grounds no other city will be built. The Lord will place angels there to hinder anyone who dares to try to build upon those grounds.

The Lord will build cities of revelation and cities of vision all over the world. These are cities of grace, wisdom, peace, order, unity, and revival. He will place Holy Fires upon the altars of the hearts, and His anointing oil will be upon you.

The false prophets will be cut off and burn away by the Holy Fire and the angels of the Lord. Let all false ministries that have rooted themselves in your city by plucked up, let any evil person planted in your church by rooted out in the name of the Jesus, let any false apostles and false apostles of the queen of heaven be cut of and rooted out of your city.

Those who are among the waysides, stony places, and among the thorns repent of your ways, and become good ground, for only those planted upon good ground will be gathered into the emerging city church, and all others will be burn, and all other places will be burn up, and those planted on good ground and have been brought into the emerging city church will increase and fill the cities around the earth. The good ground will increase, until the whole cities become good ground, and then the anointing oil of the Lord will come upon them. This work of good ground will be the work of holy angels, holy prophets and holy apostles. Only those who yield a crop of ether a hundredfold, or sixty or thirty will be brought into the emerging city church, and all others who bear lesser crops will be burn up with holy fire, and those who have bear more crops and have been fruitful will grow and increase and fill all cities in the earth.

The Holy Spirit will rise up hospitals in every city around the world, hospitals for healing, miracles, inner healing, restoration, and deliverance, signs and wonders. These holy hospitals are apart of the emerging city church.

The Lord will work a work in your days, which you would not believe; through it was told of you. The church will be made to give birth in one day and born at once the emerging city church.
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Will of God

The Will of God

Elvis Iverson
February 18, 2007

Since your beginning I have been with you, you have never been alone. I have known you, I have blessed you, I have giving you my favor, and anointings. The anointing oil is upon you. I have taught you, train you through the Holy Spirit; I have giving you seeds, revelation, prophetic and visions. I have giving you vision, plans and purpose for your life.

I have led you, guided you, I have gone before you, and I am with you. You have been faithful; you have been faithful in heart and faithful in works. I bless your feet, I bless the your hands, I bless you mind, and I bless your voice. I have plans for you, I have a future for you, I have giving you hope for today, tomorrow and in the future. You have much hope!

I have brought you to this day in time, I will fulfill my prophetic words unto you, and I will fulfill my prophetic visions unto you. I hear your prayers, your cries, and you heart pains. I have not overlooked you in my plans; you are always on my mind and upon my heart.

You have been faithful through suffering, hard times, spiritual battles, trials; I have used them to raise you up. I have brought you to a place in time, that I will promote you, and I will promote my working inside of you and around you.

The day has come, a new day has come, a new chapter has come, there are many more chapters in your book, and you will be blessed and you will enjoy them, the testing of your youth was only the beginning and not your life, your life is filled with the goodness of the Lord. I will protect you, and guard you, and you will fulfill your destiny in Me, and much, much more.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Friday, February 16, 2007

How to become a City of the Apostles

How to become a City of the Apostles

Elvis Iverson

What is going to happen to our cities in the near future? First we are transitioning to the next level of city church, we are going to transition from pastoral unity to apostolic unity, and the church in the marketplace or workplace will be established, and a bridge between the church and the workplace will be built this will serve for a divine continuing transfer of wealth. –(Isa. 60)

In addition, the Holy Spirit wants your city to become a city of the apostles not just for the apostles. A city of the apostles is filled with signs and wonders and revivals. –(Acts 15:4)

We must pray to the Father asking Him to make, teach and mold us to become sensitive to the Holy Spirit, the moves of God, the time and seasons, the timely of the Lord, and Apostles and Prophets. –(1 Thess. 5:19)

We must understand there are different kinds of apostles and we need to make room for them. Pray for the Lord to rise up apostles in your city, and for Him to send apostles to your city. Pray against the enemies of the apostles and those things that could hinder their ministry. Pray for the Lord to establish a big welcome mat and for the church of the city to give them the right hand of fellowship. Apostles must be welcomed and received. We must create environment for the ministry of the apostles. –-(Matt. 10:11-15)

First and foremost your city and the church of your city needs territorial apostles or you can say city church apostles. Apostles who have vision for your city and the church of your city that are called to give leadership and vision to the church of the city. –(Prov. 29:18)

The next is horizontal apostles, which is the same as the territorial apostles; horizontal apostles are one of the broad apostolic spheres of ministry, and the territorial apostle is one of the activities of the horizontal apostle. Some horizontal apostles are called to be city church apostle and others are called to another horizontal apostolic ministry. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

The next we need marketplace apostles or you can say workplace apostles; these are apostles who are called to minister in the marketplace. City Apostle and marketplace apostles are most likely to lead in Social transformation of our cities. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

There are other kinds of apostles that we should acknowledge in our cities; ecclesiastical apostles, congregational apostles, hyphenated apostles, and others. –(1 Thess. 5:12-13)

Prophets are to be received in our cities before we can witness of the ministry of the apostles. Prophets will prepare the way for apostles, and apostles will build environment for the prophetic ministry of the church. Apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational, reformational, revival, and social transformation ministry to the church. –(Eph. 2:20,3:5)

Apostles are gatekeepers in our cities, and prophets are watchmen of our cities, we need them both; apostolic and prophetic ministry is to be established at the gate of the city. –(Isa. 1:26)

We must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us, and we must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us through His prophets about our cities, before we can even think about apostles coming to our cities. –(Amos 3:7-8)

We must understand, know, and acknowledge the apostles who are already among us, and young apostles, and those who will be apostles. However, this is hard to be done without the aid of prophetic ministry in the church. –(Gal. 2:9, 1 Sam. 16:1-13)

We will have to teach on the ministry and workings of the Apostle to give faith, and understanding in order to prepare us to receive apostles. –(Rom. 15:15)

Furthermore, we must be willing to change our mindsets, church governments, views, and ways in order to be more applicable to the ministry of the Apostle and the Holy Spirit’s ministry through the apostles to us. –(Rom. 12:2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Biblical Restoration

Biblical Restoration

Elvis Iverson

Sound Character is a major qualification for church leaders. Those church leaders who walk in sound character are most likely to walk in sound doctrine; both are needed for a sound and healthy church. It says that leaders will have a stricter judgment then others. This is why leaders must be accountable and be responsible for there actions. –(Jam. 3:1)

This is why we need outside accountability with mature apostles, and oversight accountability to mature apostles. Spiritual leaders need a safely net to heal, restore, and hold them up through sufferings, setbacks, and even when they made an error or make mistake. We cannot throw away spiritual sons, spiritual daughter, follow ministers, and those who have been in covenant networking relationship for years. –(Eph. 5:21)

How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished! The Holy Spirit raises and trains those anointed servants, they take years of Holy Spirit dealing, time and more time, and then they make a mistake and we give up on them. The righteous steps are order by the Lord though they fall, they will not be utterly cast down for the LORD upholds them with His hand. For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again. The Lord is doing a work in each on of us; this work takes a lifetime. We must know and believe that He has a plan for us; a future and we can have hope. –(2 Sam. 1:21, Psa. 37:23-24, Prov. 24:16)

We need to remember the labor of faith and love that these spiritual leaders have done, even the Lord remembers there ministry unto Him, however it seem we forget what kind of servants the Lord has blessed us when they fall into sin. Preachers are people too; they are not prefect, just forgiven. Here they help, lead, guide, pray us through our hard times, and when they error we forget the good that they have done. –(Jud. 16:28, Heb. 6:10)

Think of the sins that the Lord have forgiven you, and those that He has set you free, think of the times when those spiritual leaders help you with your problems, however when they do wrong we forget and go about sharing their errors with everyone we meet and adding to them, even telling lies. At the same time we must know that same spiritual leaders have never, never wrote a book on our wrongdoing. –(Matt. 5:7)

You who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; when spiritual leaders fall into sin, or become ensnare in sin, they need to have proper correction, and proper restoration. We like to correct them, however we don’t like to restore them, and that is not biblical. The Holy Spirit will use apostles and prophets to minister, correct and restore fallen ministers. –(Gal. 6:1)

Correction must be giving with grace and love, each case may be different, but all cases aim toward the goal of restoration and hope. Fallen ministers have to willingly submit to apostolic and prophetic counseling and ministering in order to be restored. –(Matt. 5:5)

There needs to be freedom, liberty and grace giving to the fallen minister as they go through healing and restoration process. Unfortunately at the same there is willingness, there is hard terms lay down before the fallen minister that they will have to willingly submit in order to be restored to their place in ministry. –(Jam. 5:19-20)

The Bible is filled with restoration, not only the Lord wants to bring restoration, He wants double restoration. Each fallen minister must surrender to the Divine Process of restoration, and to the Lord’s life teachings. –(Heb. 12:5-11)

Apostles and Prophets are to minister restoration to the fallen minister, their families, and their ministry. In these days the Holy Spirit is rising up restoration centers to restore the fallen. –(Acts 3:19-21)

There is more spiritual warfare and trials that come against spiritual leaders then most people, therefore we should show mercy, love and understanding when a spiritual leader makes a mistake or errors in their ways. –(2 Tim. 2:1-6)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Reconstruction of the Church part two

Reconstruction of the Church part two

Elvis Iverson

There is coming in the Body of Christ a strong sense of unity that will build into more deeps of unity. Unity is biblical and it’s the will of Christ for the Church, it is the order of God, it is the government of the church, and the pathway to the Kingdom of God. –(Psa. 133)

Apart of the reconstruction of the church is going to the next stage of city church, right now many city churches are at pastoral unity, however soon we will mature unto apostolic unity. Unity in vision, unity in prayer, worship, and prophetic watch is coming to many city churches around the world. Every believer and church leader must step upon the step of unity to move on to greater levels with Christ. –(1 Cor. 1:10)

Unity is coming, however for unity to come there must be a reformation of unity. So many churches and church leaders don’t believe in the church coming into the fullness of unity, which is the unity of the faith, which is the mature city church. In our time I don’t think we will see the mature city church, instead the next stage of city church. –(Matt. 16:18-19, 18:18-20)

A reformation of unity is coming; it is apart of the third reformation of the church, which is also called the new apostolic reformation. A reformation of unity is coming in a strong sense of unity in the hearts of many believers around the world, unity will be renewed in our minds, for unity is biblical, meaning biblical unity, there will come more increase common bond and common ground among Christians. Christians will seem as together instead of divided by so many differences, and our differences is what will bring us together. The Church will become like Christ in His image and likeness, and this is the unity that is coming. In addition, we will go to the next stage of the city church. –(Eph. 4:16)

In this holy reformation there are waves of reformation; the wave of church government, and structure, a wave of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, and believers doing the work of the ministry, a wave of signs and wonders, a waves of harvests of souls, a wave of foundations for revivals and lasting revivals, and the believers entering into the workplace ministry, and a reformation of unity. –(Heb. 9:10)

There is only one church in every city, called the city church. There are many congregations, and each of them has many home cells. The city church is a network of congregations, and the congregation is a network of home cells. There will be a city church alliances forming a city church networks, lead by city church apostles, and there will be a city church center where there will be 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch. This next stage will build environment for lasting revivals, and habitational revival to come and dwell among the city church, rest upon the city church in our cities. –(Rev. 1-4)

Today there is too much division over doctrinal issues and ethnic issues, congregations are more divided over ethnic issues then doctrinal issues. These are all masks of hated, pride, strife, envy, and selfish ambition, those who divided the church are not the friends of Christ, are not the friends of the bridegroom, instead they are spiritual wolfs, goats, swine, and dogs. The Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts of believes by faith, however He will not rest upon congregations that don’t love one another. Unity is loving one another sample as that, when we misjudge the church we bring judghement upon ourselves. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

Do you know believers in other congregations within your city, do you have relationship with believers in other congregations, and is it a real relationship? Do you fellowship outside your own group mindsets? –(Jn. 13:34-25)

The Holy Spirit is doing a work in our hearts to come together not only in center meeting, in addition in fellowship in coffee houses in love, prayer, and the Word. I believe this will bring a revival of love. We have seen a move of faith, we have seen a move of hope, now we shall see a move of love, and then there will be a move of all three; faith, hope and love which is a move of the supernatural. –(1 Cor. 12, 13, 14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Emerging City Church part one

Emerging City Church part one

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

There is coming apostolic and prophetic movement called the emerging city church. The Holy Spirit is planting seeds of unity in the heart of believers all over the world. Visions of the city church and the Kingdom of God are being imparted to apostles and prophets all over the world.

The emerging city church movement has been going on for some time for it is a work of patience, vision and prayer. One of the signs of these movements is ongoing spiritual battle in our hearts and minds; are we for intercession or are we for accusation; these are the two voice that are going throughout the world, one bring life and the other bring death, one is of the Holy Spirit and the other is of the antichrist spirits. If we yield to the voice of intercession revival, life, blessing, and harvest will come.

The Holy Spirit is calling many, and calling every member in Christ to pray for unity, and to pray for the city church. Those who pray a door will be open up in their minds, and if they pray faithfully this door will bring an outpouring for it is an entrance to an outpouring.

The Holy Spirit is building two houses throughout the earth, He is building the Kingdom of God, and He is building the Church, we are kings in the Kingdom of God and we are priests in the Church. He is building two houses in every city around the world, He is building the Kingdom of God in our cities and He is building the city church in our cites, you must become a king to enter into the works of the Kingdom of God, and you must become a priest to enter into the works of the city church.

The Ministries of the Grace of Jesus Christ our Lord is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, which is equipping you for the priestly ministry, in the church and the city church, which the church is the priesthood of the Kingdom, and the apostles are to raise up the kings and prophets are to impart into the lives of the kings of the Kingdom of God. You are already citizens of the Kingdom, and children of God who are called to be kings, it is your God giving right to be a king, and it is your birthright. You are already Disciples of Christ, you are already redeem by the blood of Christ, and born of the Spirit, and you are called to be a priest. The Christian life is to be a king and a priest with revival in this life. In your heart is the union of the Kingdom and the Church, which is the Throne Room and the Throne, for your heart is the Throne Room, where the Throne dwells.

The Kingdom of God is the great move of God, then there is the great move of God which is the Church, the Kingdom of God is growing throughout the World, and there will be more increase and growth in our time then any other time before now. In each city there is a dimension of the Kingdom that Holy Spirit will establish in our cities through a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is in our hearts through the Holy Spirit now the Kingdom is to manifest through a demonstration of power, works and deeds through our hands.

The Holy Spirit will build a palace in every city, which will be a dimension of the Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit will build an embassy of the church in every city called the city church. The city church will have an embassy in every city, and for the dimension of the church in your city is the city church. The Church will increase and grow more in this time then any other time in history until now.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Vision of 4.3 Billion people

Vision of 4.3 Billion people

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

A vision of 4.3 billion people are laid before the eyes of those who ministering to the Lord in the Throne Room. Angels come before the Throne of God, The angels are giving a scroll of this vision to release, impart and give to all hearts that have been prepared by the Holy Spirit for some time.

In our time we hear the Holy Spirit saying billions will be saved and nations will be transformed. Have a vision for your city, for your nation, for your people, it is time to have visions and revelations from the Lord.

The apostolic church will arise as a mighty house build throughout the church; the apostolic church will become a huge wide gate that many will come to know the Lord, millions and billions will come to know Christ in our time.

The next level of city church will be established, and the foundations for habitational revival will be laid in our cities and churches. The city church is the house of habitational revival.

Waves of revivals will fill the church and pour into the world. The life of the church will be the life of revival and glory in signs and wonders.

In Omaha, Nebraska USA a new breed of churches will be birth and thousands of people will come to know the Lord, and come from all over the world, and the city church will be raised up.

India great impact of revival will hit the nation in waves of glory and light. Many will think it is the end of the world, however it is only the beginning of the goodness of the Lord.

China will open wide to the gospel and the church will arise in authority and victory, the blessings of the Lord upon this nation for they shall be obedient to the High King over all nations.

All of Asia will be blessed with an outpouring of grace and mercy. Sounds of revivals and harvest will be heard throughout Asia.

Israel will taste of grace and certain cities will be touched with the Spirit of grace.

In Europe there will a turning to the Lord, a restoration of faith and the life of the Spirit.

South America will have even a greater wave of revival and the presence of God then they had before in Argentina.

The foundations of revivals, lasting revivals and habitational revival will be laid within a few years, for in the beginning of the third reformation will be a laying of foundational stones for revivals that will begin to come, for both reformation and revivals will come.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Coming river of Anointing

The Coming river of Anointing

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

The anointing that is coming will be a great imparted upon our lives. The fountain of this coming anointing is the Throne Room in your heart. A Few drops of this anointing is will change your life, a few drops of this anointing will bring your prayers to pass, a few drops of this anointing will fulfill the prophetic words in your life, a few drops of this anointing will change your ministry, and a few drops of this anointing will make your ministry successful, and will make your business successful.

The Holy Spirit will come upon the massive numbers who will gather at the fountain of this anointing, drops of this anointing will come upon many, most or all who are gathered. They will be healed, they will be set free, they will have breakthroughs, they will have doors opened to them, their love ones will be changes and their lives will be change.

The Holy Spirit is calling massive numbers, the ministry of the masses is being release in great grace and great favor and there be great protection and there will come a gift of intense presence of God, this is a grace and mercy from God.

The gift of the intense presence of God is being release upon the church in this hour and season of grace. You can have this gift on a personal level and a congregation can have this gift too. However this gift is for the city church and the church around the world, and this gift is for the masses in Christ.

The coming anointing will come as a river from the Throne in your heart and in the Third heaven. One drop of this anointing will save many, will save great numbers, will change a city, and could change a nation, one drop of this anointing can heal any sickness, and set any one free from any demon.

Right now taste of this anointing by faith and through the Holy Spirit, let your lives be change, and let your eyes and ears be open, those who are sick be healed in Jesus name, those whom are being attacked by demons be set free, and let breakthroughs come in your life. This coming anointing is a grace and a mercy from the Lord.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Revival is Coming

Revival is Coming

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

Revival is coming, revival is coming, revival is coming, revival is coming, revival is coming, revival is coming, and revival is coming!

Do you hear the Holy Spirit saying revival is coming? Taste now of this revival, be touched with this revival, this revival is a riverhead in the Spirit and in your life.

Riverhead River is coming is coming the head of the river of revivals are coming. This river is a river of revivals, not one, not a few instead of many.

Many have prayed through the years, and some prayed faithfully for revival, revival is coming not the way you think revival is coming, instead the way that the Holy Spirit wants and wills.

Give in, surrender, and yield to the movements and leading of the Spirit. If you don’t have a taste of this revival then repent and cry out for even a taste.

If you taste of this revival there will be planted a fountain of revival in your life. Believe, and prayer don’t give up on revival pray until revival comes into your life.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Battle for Rest

The Battle for Rest

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

In America there is battle over sleep, many don’t even get a good night rest, and this is one of the reason that they cannot lose weight. You can do all the fitness you want but if you don’t have a good night of sleep you will not lose much weight. At the same time Americans seem to have many problem in there minds.

The Holy Spirit is saying to the church there is a battle over rest in Christ. Many Christians don’t enter into rest, or live in rest. These same reasons why Christians are having many problem in their lives. There are breakthroughs that coming to many believers who have cry out for rest. So they will have true rest and the blessings of rest too.

There are five stages in sleep; stage one is light sleep, stage two is breathing patterns and heart rate slows down, stage three is deep sleep begins, stage four is very deep sleep, and stage five is rapid eye movement and dreams occur. Each stage may have a distinct physiological function.

Many believers only enter into stage one and two with resting in Christ. I believe this is about to change, for breakthroughs are coming too many in the battle for rest.

If we can rest in Christ we can have dreams and visions, if we can rest in Christ we can have power, where there is rest there is power. Where there is rest there is peace, and we have victory in Christ. We can then begin to overcome all other battles if we first overcome the battle for rest.

It is faith, it is revelation faith that is coming, and the sword of the Spirit is coming to many hearts in Christ. Breakthrough in the battle for rest is at hand.

Deep spiritual rest is coming to the hearts of many believers in Christ. Rest will fall upon many, and many will have deep rest in Christ.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Revelations of the Kingdom of God

Revelations of the Kingdom of God

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

Hear a sound from the Third Heaven, a voice from the Throne Room, it is saying; “it is time to revel the Kingdom of God to the children of God”. From these saying multitudes of angelic hosts was released from the Third heaven, for such as a time as this!

The Rock of Christ is cut out of the Heart of God released and established as a foundation for the Kingdom of God on the Earth. The Kingdom of God grows throughout the world. The Church is this city of God built upon the mountain of the Kingdom, for the Kingdom of God grows and increase becoming a great mountain greater then all other mountains.

Hear a voice from the Throne Room saying raise up the kings of the Kingdom, send apostles throughout the church to raise up the kings of kingdom, send the prophets to impart the blessing in their lives. Let the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom begin!

Hear the Wisdom of God, the Kingdom of God will grow and increase more in our time then any other time before us!

See the city of God establish upon the Kingdom of God. Ministries of grace of Christ equip the saints for the work of the ministry; equip the priests of the Kingdom.

The Vision of 4.3 billion be giving to the church let the vision be laid out before the eyes of all believers in Christ around the world. In our time billions will be saved. The Church will grow and increase more in our time then in times past.

Not only billions will be saved through the dimension of the Church, nations will be transformed by the demonstration of the Kingdom of God.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Reap the Whirlwinds

Reap the Whirlwinds

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

Many dead works and works of religion will reap the whirlwinds of reformation. Many have said in their own knowledge where is the reformation, where is this reformation that the prophets have said is coming?

The Holy Spirit is saying to you who say such these, when will you learn, when will you repent of testing the Lord. You who have hated the works of the Spirit shall be visited with the whirlwinds of reformation.

As the whirlwinds of reformation come upon the church in your city and in all cities and the churches in nations around the world, seek the Lord for personal reformation!

Do not be found without the fires of reformation in your heart! The fires of reformations are His grace to you, and His mercy is the revivals that are coming.

Many things will reap the whirlwinds of reformation in this time. These whirlwinds of reformation are making ways and pathways for his blessings, revelations from the Lord to flow, and revivals to come.

These whirlwinds of reformation will make a way for the works of the Spirit, and the apostolic works to be birth, establish, and grow and become fruitful in the land.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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13th Street Coffee Company

13th Street Coffee Company

Elvis Iverson
February 11, 2007

In a vision I see a coffee house in 13th Street in Omaha, Nebraska USA. I see glory and light coming from the windows of this coffee house. I have been to this place many times in the natural realm to fellowship with other believers in Christ.

I enter into this coffee house; before I enter, I see angels outside seated around tables that are placed outside for those who come to this place of business. A company of angels is gathering here this is what I am hearing in the Spirit.

I see certain persons inside of this place seated here in fellowship in revelation, in prophetic, and blessing. I see the first person; this person looks like Esther, she says such as a time as this has come. The next person I see looks like Abraham, he says my blessing come for the vision I have comes. The next person I see is a person who looks like Barnabas, he says I am a model for this generation of hope.

Beside, I walk up the steps to a second level and I see apostles and I see prophets, then I see another door open, I hear these words; “This is the open door that no man or demon can shut” I enter into this door and see steps to a third level, however there is only two levels in this building. I hear these words; “ this is the visionary and supernatural level. This is the Third heaven and then I see the Throne Room. I hear these words; Welcome to the Throne Room”.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Reconstruction of the Church part one

Reconstruction of the Church part one

Elvis Iverson

We have already enter into the time of reformation when the church will be reconstructed to the Word of God, Nature of Christ, Order of God, the Will of God, and of the ways of the Holy Spirit. This reformation is the third reformation; this is a reformation of all things in the church. –(Heb. 9:10)

The first reconstruction of the church will be the reconstruction to relationship; for most of the history of the church has been without relationship, we have be building outside of relationship, and our fellowships are not base on relationship, and therefore we have been in a famine of relationship and love for some time, this has open the door for certain things to enter the church. –(1 Jn. 1:1-10)

We must build the walls and the gates, the walls are called salvation and the gates are called praise. Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords over His Kingdom and He is the Head and Chief Apostle over the whole church and all apostles, prophets and leaders. He is building two houses; one is the Kingdom of God, the other is the Church. The foundation of the Church is the Apostles and Prophets, and Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone. The Church is build upon the Kingdom of God; the Church is a city build at the top of the Kingdom of God. The foundation of the Kingdom of God is the Rock of Christ, the Rock of Christ grow into a great mountain, which is called the Kingdom of God. We must know the purpose of the Church and the purpose of the Kingdom; the Church is the priesthood of the Kingdom of God, we are at the beginning of end of restoration of the priesthood and the priest, now we are entering into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. This is why we have enter into this reformation, and God will use apostles in this holy reformation, and He will use apostles is rising up the kings of His Kingdom. The next steps are the equipping of the saints and then the step of rising of the kings of the Kingdom. –(Rev. 1:5-6, 5:10, 1 Pet. 2:5,9)

We lead people to Christ; then we lead them away from Christ! Living for Christ is ongoing relationship with Him; through our so-called Churchianity we have been leading them away. We must establish young believers in their relationship with Christ and their relationship with one another. First and foremost the church must be build on relationship and then revelation. Relationship is living in the love of Christ and loving one another, then relationship is the doorway for revelation to flow in our lives; revelation is truth and Grace. –(Matt. 22:37-39, Deut. 6:5, Jn. 13:34-35, Gal. 5:14)

When a believer comes to know Christ they are a babe, as they grow they become children, and then young men, and from their they become fathers, or you can say mature believers. Milk is for babes and children. We are feed the lamps, and then we are to feed the sleep with the meat of the Word. The meat of the Word is for young men and fathers or you can say mature believers. –(Heb. 5:12-14)

When a person comes to know Christ they need to be discipleship; which is the teaching of the elementary principles of Christ and reaching a point when a person can stand on their two own feet as a believer in Christ. Today we have many who cannot stand on their two own feet. How can they stand after all they have done if we do not first establish them in the elementary principles of faith? –(Matt. 28:19-20)

A congregation is the network of home cells. Home cells are the place where we build relationship. After babes in Christ pass through the door of discipleship, then they need to enter into a fellowship of believers in a home cell. A home cell is the place where there is relationship, ministry of the gifts of the Spirit, caring for one another, eating together, and praying for one another. –(Acts 2:42, 46)

This is why home cell leaders must be train, they must work in a team, and every thing in a congregation must be done in teams. Home Cell leaders carry the function of pastors to the congregation, and leadership is raised up among the home cell leaders. The need for a pastor changes; babes and children need a pastor to feed and care for them more, however young men and mature believers don’t need a pastor like babes and children do, instead they need a pastor for fellowship, prayer, and encouragement. Children are equipped, young men are mentor and father. After one goes through discipleship they are to be equipped for the work of the ministry. The saints are to do the work of the ministry the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints, apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, the first and second in church government, and the apostles, prophets and teachers are to minister in work of the government of the church. –(Eph. 4:11-12, 1 Cor. 12:28)

The Home Cells are for relationship, fellowship, prayer, encouragement, and accountability. The congregation is for corporate worship, vision, equipping, and apostolic and prophetic ministry. Apostles, prophets and teachers minister within the whole of the congregation. An apostle is the senior elder of a congregation, along with other apostles, prophets, and teachers. The leadership of the whole congregation is mature ministers, which are called elders. A congregation is when home cells come together for corporate ministry. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Apostolic Fathering and Mentoring

Apostolic Fathering and Mentoring

Elvis Iverson

This is the day when the Lord restores the fathers to the house of the Lord, and this is the day when the Lord restores the spiritual sons and daughters of the apostolic. Apostles are the leading fathers of the Church. They lay the foundation along with prophets, and that rise up new ministry, the five-fold ministry, leadership, young apostles, and the church. –(1 Cor. 4:15)

The Lord is turning the hearts of the Fathers to their spiritual sons and daughters; an apostle going unto maturity will have a love and passion to rise up others into ministry. First and foremost the hearts of the fathers will change and turned to their children, then the hearts of the children will turn to their fathers and mothers. If this happens we will see an outpouring of the Spirit and power of Elijah. –(Mal. 4:6, LK. 1:17)

As the leaders of the church turn their hearts to the sheep, and children in their trust, and the children turn their hearts to their spiritual fathers and mothers, there will come healing and restoration to the nature families, and church will begin enter into soundness and health. Then the believers will be faithful and become passionate in love with the Lord again. Then there will be a harvest of souls, and the Lord will add daily to the church. –(LK. 1:16-17)

There is more then one way to train or raise up those called into ministry; experience training, one on one with the Holy Spirit, the school of ministry, and then fathering and mentoring. There must be freedom, for the Lord does not raise or train every one the same way, you can have an apostolic father without being mentored by Him, it is the Lord that begins this kind of relationship. Beside, there are those who are forerunners that are raised up by the Lord this takes more time, then there are those who are raised up by those forerunner, they are called sons, and then there are those who are fathered and they father other sons. –(1 Tim. 1:12)

The key in fathering and mentoring is ongoing relationship between the Apostolic Father and their sons and daughters, as the relationship grows so does the trust in leadership grows. Mentoring is a time of relationship training and fathering is for a work of patience, a lifetime work, and there are levels of growth and relationship in fathering sons and daughters. There is difference between the levels; there is relationship training, releasing leadership, overseeing and council. There must be freedom, liberty, and willingness of heart. –(2 Tim. 1:1-12)

You cannot mentor or train someone who is not first and foremost being train by the Holy Spirit; you cannot train or mentor someone who is not first and foremost seeking the Lord. You teach them your spiritual treasures and riches, you minister to them in the ministry of impartation, you prayer together; we must redefined theological training through praying without ceasing. They begin to rise in their spiritual gifts, vision and purpose in ministry. Then you begin to train them for ministry through experience hands on training, moving in the gifts and ministering, and then more teaching, and educational training. You need set time goals for training in ministry, and then release them into ministry. –(Matt. 9:37-38)

Fathering and being a father goes beyond mentoring and training, a father is for life, and fathering is for life. Training is just one part of fathering, and mentoring is just one part of fathering. Fathering is a life calling. –(1 Cor. 4:15)

Those who submit willing meaning recognize, acknowledge and perceive your apostolic gifting. You teach them the revelation of truth and faith that the Holy Spirit has giving you. Those who follow the apostolic ministry in your life, you train them. Those who are faithful you place them into leadership positions. –(2 Tim. 2:2)

Apostles are called along with the five-fold ministry to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Apostles are the ones who are called to rise up kings for the Kingdom of God. Both apostles and prophets are called to minister to the kings of the Kingdom and release the blessing, anointing, and grace for to ruler and reign with Christ in the Kingdom of God and in the earth today. –(Eph. 4:11-12)

The church must be reconstructed for relationship, power experience, and the work of the ministry. When a person comes to know Christ they are babes in Christ; babes and children need the milk of the Word, young men and women and fathers or mature believers need the meat of the Word. Babes and children need the pastor more then young and mature believers need. The only need they need from pastors is ongoing love and care. Young men and women and father or mature believers need apostles and prophets more. When a person comes to know the Lord they become babes in Christ, first they go through the door of discipleship; they become establish in the elementary principles of faith, water baptize, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and go through basic deliverance and membership class. Beyond this they are entering the door of equipping, the saints are to be equipped for the work of the ministry. Then they need to be mentor in their gifts and their calling into ministry. Fathering goes beyond mentoring for fathering is ongoing experience in relationship. –(1 Jn. 2:12-14)

All believers are called to become fathers in their gifting and calling, they are called to become mature believers. Those with a gift of one of the five fold ministry gifts are called to mature, become spiritual elders and fathers. Then there are apostles called to be fathers for other apostles, five fold ministers, and the church. –(Heb. 5:12-14)

When a person comes to know the Lord, and joins your congregation, they are first discipleship members after they went through the door of discipleship, they become covenant partners, and then they enter through the door of mentoring. –(Matt. 28:19-20)

Spiritual babes and children are more connected to pastoral care, young warriors are more on their own in learning what their purpose gifting, and who they are, and what is their place in the body of Christ. Although they are going through ongoing equipping and training. We must give them freedom and liberty to grow. When they become mature believers they come into the one another ministry, meaning we lean on one another’s gifts, strengths, wisdom, and insights. –(Eph. 4:11-16)

Apostles and apostolic fathers create environments of freedom, liberty, willingness, spiritual and ministry growing, soundness, passionate, anointed, wisdom, and order for global missionary and international ministry work. –(1 Cor. 12, 13, 14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

River of Inner Healing

River of Inner Healing

Elvis Iverson
February 3, 2007

River of Inner Healing is coming to the hearts of many who have rebirth hope in their hearts. A revival and restoration of hope is coming to many who pray to have hope rebirth again in their lives.

Grace and anointing to forgive those who have hurt you, grace and anointing to heal your wounds and bruises, liquid grace and anointing is being poured into your wounds and bruises.

Healing love is coming upon your heart and your mind, your emotions are being healed, and healing of your memories; a revelation of love is coming to you.

Healing is coming to you; you are being healed from fears and all evil feelings such as anger, and hate. The roots of bitterness are being up rooted and roots of grace are being planted in you.

Deliverance grace and anointing is being poured upon you, you are being wash in the deliverance working of grace.

It is time to love again, it is time to live again, it is time to have hope again, it is time to believe again, and it is time to have goals again.

Inner Healing, healing love, deliverance and restoration is coming to you; a flood of joy will fill your heart.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Four Breakthroughs

Four Breakthroughs

Elvis Iverson
February 3, 2007

Our prayers are before our Lord in Heaven. He hears our prayers, our faithful prayer, He see our cries and tears of faith and hope. He remembers His words that He had said to us, He remembers our prayers and works of faith, He see our hearts in faith, and He see faith in our hearts.

The angels of the Lord being sent forth from the Heaven upon the fulfillment of our prayers and prophetic fulfillments; we have prayed and prayed, we have fasted and fasted, and the Lord has prophecy, and prophecy giving us hope for breakthroughs.

Spiritual breakthrough, Spiritual breakthroughs are coming, financial breakthrough, and financial breakthroughs are coming, and many kinds of breakthroughs are coming.

The angels are fighting and smiting the demons that have battled against us. The release of angels in our lives are birthing and breaking forth blessings in our lives, the fire of the Lord is burning up the hindering and delays against our prayers.

Angels are taking out cankerworm spirits that have came against us. Angels are taking out palmerworm spirits that have came against us. Angels are taking out caterpillar spirits that have came against us. Angels are talking out the locust spirits that have came against us.

These are four breakthroughs that Lord breaking forth in our lives; with these four breakthroughs there will come grace, healing, restoration, progression, fullness, and blessings.

The fire of the Lord is burning up these works of darkness, these evil spirits; burning up the cankerworm spirits, palmerworm spirits, caterpillar spirits, and locust spirits.

The Lord is building a wall of fire around our lives and every area. He will protect us from these spirits and He will restore and we will progress in His will.

The Lord is pouring out the breaker anointing; the anointing of breakthrough, and the angel of breakthrough has been release upon our lives.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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The Coming Spiritual Hunger

The Coming Spiritual Hunger

Elvis Iverson
February 3, 2007

The seeds are being planted throughout the church around the world. Revelation is flowing and the meat of God word is being prepared as a feast of apostolic and prophetic revelation.

There is coming a deep and great spiritual hunger in the hearts of believers all over the world. Many will come, many will gather, many will follow the rivers of revelation flowing from the Throne Room through our hearts. This gathering will bring a harvest of the lost around the outpouring of the Spirit that is about to coming upon many.

An increase of blessing, grace, anointing, signs and wonders, unity and favor will come from this gathering of spiritual hunger. Spiritual hunger and spiritual thirst will be birth in the hearts of many, and that birthing has come and is upon us.

Signs, wonders, prayer, worship, prophetic, revelation, vision, and blessings will be joined to unity. Unity will come from the hearts of many believers as they again become full of love, passionate love for Christ.

A grace is coming upon us who are faithful, a grace to enter, a grace to move forth, a grace to apply the blessings and manifestations, workings and movements of the Spirit. Doors and gates will open, opportunities will come, the means and ways, the favors of the Lord, and promotes of the Lord, they will come as grace, favor, blessing, anointing, from the Lord, the only thing we must do is come into unity with the Lord. Unity with the Lord means opportunities, and unity with the Lord means community with the saints.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Speaking to the Mountains

Speaking to the Mountains

Elvis Iverson
February 3, 2007

The Prophets are speaking; the Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of the prophets. The Holy Spirit is speaking from the mouths of the prophets speaking with anointing to many mountains.

A revelation of faith is coming in the hearts of many believers around the world; a kind of faith that will remove mountains, a kind of faith that will bring breakthroughs, and lasting breakthroughs.

The Holy Spirit through the prophets is speaking to the mountain of eschatology; tremble and melt at the presence of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to through the mouths of the prophets; speaking to the mountain of theology becomes a plain before the church and the Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit is speaking from the hearts of the prophets; speaking to the mountain of ecclesiology is overturn by your roots.

The Holy Spirit is speaking from the gates of the prophets to the mountain of secularism be made waste before the eyes of my people and the eyes of the world.

The Holy Spirit is speaking let all mountains that stand against the Kingdom of God and the Church be cast into the seas of holy fires. Let the mountains that are not planted by the Lord be rooted up and cast into the seas of holy fires.

In a vision the mountain of the Lord grows throughout the world. This mountain is the Rock of Christ, it the Kingdom of God. At the top of the huge mountain is a city of God, it is the city church, and it is the Body of Christ.

In a vision precious stones of truth and of faith are lay before, the feet of the saints of the Host High. These are truths and faith that we walk upon in the city of our God. The revelation of Jesus Christ brings together and brings order to all these truths and faith, and love of Christ holds them all together in our hearts.

A strong sense of unity is coming in the hearts of many believers and many leaders of the church. A vision of unity is being birth in the hearts of many believers and the corporate anointing is growing, covering and flowing through many believers around the world.

The Kingdom of God will grow, increase, progress, process move in our generation and our life then any other time before this time, and from our time they will be greater increases until the Kingdom of God fills the whole earth and all kingdoms will become the Kingdoms of Christ.

The Church will mature, grow, increase, become greater then any other time in the history of the church, and from this time the church will grow, increase, and mature in greater ways.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to your lives, speaking to the mountains in your lives, and He is speaking to the mountains; melt at the presence of the Lord, and be rooted up and cast into the seas of holy fires. Let the Kingdom of God grow, and increase in your lives more and more then ever before, and let you mature; grow along with the growth and maturity of the church, and the increase of the Kingdom of God.

The Holy Spirit and the prophets speak and shout grace, grace, grace, grace, and grace to your lives.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Apostolic Purity, Purifying the Prophetic, and the coming Rivers of Fire

Apostolic Purity, Purifying the Prophetic, and the coming Rivers of Fire

Elvis Iverson
February 3, 2007

Angelic hosts are flying across our lands to many cities around the world. There is a change in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. The angels are ascending and descend in greater numbers over our cities, the number of angels in change over us are increasing, the angels are chasing the spiritual enemies, they are persecuting them, angels are fighting in the heavens against principalities, angels are go before us and making the crooked places straight, angels are coming before us to prosper our way, angels are ministering unto us, angels will minister to us at night, angels will meet us as we walk in our destinies and purposes, angels are going forth to aid us in reaching the lost, the angelic hosts are fighting for and defending the church, and the angelic hosts are smiting demons that have come against us.

A vision of the Throne Room, a vision of the Throne of the LORD it is like a fiery flame in heaven, in our mist, and in each one of us, and from the Throne of fiery flame comes rivers of fire that flowing through all parts and places of the church, around the world. The fires of the Lord is going before us, burning up our enemies, the Holy Spirit is releasing the fires of the Lord to burn up the works of darkness, let the fire of the Lord burn in your eyes, heart, belly, month, and feet, the fires of the Lord are burning up the idols around the world. The works of witchcraft, leviathan, Jezebel, familiar spirits, spirits of divination, ungodly covenants, satanic and demonic conspiracies, demonic confederacies, curses, oppressions, demonic princes, powers of darkness, spirit birds, lions, serpents, flies, animalistic spirits, demonic horsemen, queen spirits, spirits of destruction, evil caldrons and pots, spirits of the desert, and valley.

The Fires of the Lord are melting mountains, mountains of life, financial mountains, evil mountains, mountains of Esau, mountains of debt, the destroying mountains, and the fires of the Lord are burning at the gates of cities all over the world, at the gates of churches all over the world, and at the door of our hearts.

Rivers of fire of flowing throughout the church, every group, every company, every network, every ministry, and every member; the fires of reformation will burn day and night, will burn in season and out of season, and beyond seasons, will burn from generation to generation until the works of the Lord are made pure, made in His Likeness, and then these fires will burn in our hearts to keep us in the will of the Lord in all future generations of church. The church will never be without the fires of reformation, and fires of revival will flow freely throughout the church unhindered.

Fire River of Apostolic Purity is flowing to all apostles in the church around the world. The Lord will visit every apostle with the fire river of apostolic purity. All apostles will have to cross through this fire of apostolic purity.

Fiery River of Prophetic Purity is flowing with the speed of heaven to the hearts of prophets, and prophetic people. The house of the prophets will burn with holy fire. This fire will break forth a world wide prophetic outpouring upon the Body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is speaking an outpouring of prayer, an outpouring of revelation, an outpouring of prophetic, and an outpouring of signs and wonders is coming worldwide movements of the Spirit upon the whole church.

Every one wants the spirit and power of Elijah however, first must come the spirit and breaking power of Micaiah. In this time in the prophetic flow we are entering into the season of Micaiah, which will bring the release of the spirit and power of Elijah upon the whole church, upon all believers who have a heart to receive.

At the beginning foundation of a great prophetic anointing that will flow upon the hearts of every prophet, and every heart that cry upon the Lord. The prophetic anointing of Isaiah will come upon prophets who are called into the footsteps of the ministry of Isaiah; these prophets will minister on international level. The next is the ministry of Jeremiah; these prophets will minister reformation to the church, the next is the ministry of Ezekiel; these prophets will minister in visions and supernatural prophetic manifestations that are of extreme nature, the next is the ministry of Daniel; these prophets will minister in the workplace, marketplaces and in government. These are the major prophetic anointing that will arise in coming days.

The apostolic movements have just begun. Extreme signs, wonders, great power and great grace; the apostles will flow in, we have not seen nothing yet. The ministry of Peter will come; these apostles will minister foundation, church government, release marketplace ministry, equip the believers for ministry, bridges, and win massive numbers to Christ. The next is the ministry of Barnabas; these apostles will minister in fathering, mentoring, and restoration of ministry, and bring great many people to the Lord, the next is the ministry of Paul; these apostles will minister in signs and wonders, revelation, missionary works, church planting, networking, and establishing networks, the next is the ministry of James; these apostles will minister in networking the apostles, and church leaders, gathers and meetings, and unity, the next is the ministry of John; these apostles minister in love, prophetic, revelation, overcoming anointing, and unity.

The apostolic rivers and the Prophetic rivers will come together and become one, they will birth the next level of city church, and 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch, and habitational revival.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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A New for Hope for India

A New for Hope for India

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is planting seeds in the hearts of believers all over the nation of India; seeds of revival, seeds of reformation, seeds of Social Transformation. The hearts of many believers are changing in India praying with revelation, prophetic insight, hope, faith, and vision for India. The Lord is bring together and networking those that have vision for revival, reformation and Social Transformation for India; to pray, to fast, and to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to India and the church of India, and to hear teaching with anointing and grace to aid them in the vision for India.

There will be a revival of raising the dead in India, the Oil of the Holy Spirit will be restore in the Body of Christ beginning in India and then go to the rest of church and join with the fire, wine, water, and wind of the Holy Spirit; which these are the glory of the Lord filling the earth.

This outpouring of raising the dead will also be an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God. Signs and wonders will filled the Church of India and the nation of India for the glory of Christ.

A mighty business and workplace army of believers will arise and through prayer, vision, and action their government and cities will change. The Lord hears the prayers for divine change to come to India.

There will come revival among the first class that will change the whole nation and government. There will be a great reconciliation between the first class and the poor class. The churches will be filled with both rich and poor together.

The apostolic Church will arise in the cities and villages of India, new churches will be birth throughout India. New apostolic churches will arise in many cities and among the villages. The next level of city church will arise in the cities of India.

The church in India and the nation of India will progress; the plans of the Lord are progressive in India through the hearts of believers who have this vision of hope for India and their love ones.

The Church in India and the nation of India will be touch and change. Visionary Eschatology is a biblical view of the end times, this means that their hope and vision for India.

The church will become a glorious church, a mature church, a greater church then the book of Acts, and an united church; this mean the church of India will too be one of glory, victory, overcoming, powerful, and unity.

The Kingdom of God is increasing and filling the whole earth, and the kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdoms of Christ. Therefore the Kingdom of God will arise in the cities and villages of India through the hearts of believers in India that believe that God can change their world.

The Holy Spirit has giving certain prophetic words about India, the Holy Spirit has lead us to believe that these changes are coming. It is through the works of patience and faith that we will see the changes that we want, even in our generation.

We must renew our mind, change our mindsets, change our views about India, and about the future of India. We must repent of lies and wrong mindsets of any kind that goes against the Holy Scriptures. We must have a Kingdom mindset, prosperity mindset, visionary mindset, prophetic mindset, hopeful mindset, prayerful mindset, and a biblical mindset.

We must repent of church division, speaking against one another, pride, hated, strife, unbelief, selfish ambition, envy, religious sins, and sins against the Holy Spirit.

We must repent of hearing false prophets, misleading prophets, and wrong teaching, and lies. We must see a new hope for India, and those these hope was and are the plan of Christ for India.

Father we pray birth this new hope in the hearts of all believers in India. Renew their minds, heal them from all things, and give restoration and breakthrough. Plant the seeds of revival, reformation, and social transformation. Bring revival to every believer in India; bring reformation to every believer in India. We pray for personal revival, and personal reformation to come to every believer in India. Give them ears to hear the prophets, and the apostles, give them ears to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to India.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Note: for more information visit India Revival

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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