Reconstruction of the Church part four
Elvis Iverson
The Holy Spirit is speaking to the Church; pray that you have ears to hear what He is saying; a hearing hear will lead to an overcoming life, and a hearing ear will lead to revelation faith. Hear the Holy Spirit speaking through prophets and apostles about reformation and revival in the church. The Holy Spirit is rising up apostles and prophets of reformation and revival; reformation will lay the foundation for revivals, lasting revivals and habitational revivals to come. –(Heb. 9:10)
Word revelation and prophetic revelation is coming through apostles and prophets to create environment for revivals, supernatural, gifts of the Spirit, power of God, manifestations of the Holy Spirit, manifest presence of God, and resting glory. –(Eph. 3:5)
God’s glory will fill the church then overflow into the nations of the earth, we who are apostles and prophets must hear from the Holy Spirit in how to build a wineskin, or you can say wine skins that can hold such glory that is coming, and yes His glory is truly coming, I have seen in visions and revelations. –(Ex 25:9, 1 Chron. 22:19, 28:11-12, 2 Chron. 3:1)
Today we have many congregations and many groups that deny the power of God; this is a doctrine of demons that they believe. These congregations and groups are no longer in the favor of God and have been mark for burning fire to come and burn them away. –(2 Tim. 3:5)
We need revelation and on going revelation and increasing revelation, and wisdom of God to build and prepare the way for glory and revival. We must be led through the Holy Spirit to build on the city church level, and on the congregation level; then is so much a divine need to pray, pray, pray for revelation and to pray for building and preparing of the Spirit for the coming revivals and glory. –(1 Cor. 2:6-16, 3:10)
Revivals will come to every city, every nation and to every place, revival will come the way of life for the church. The Christian life will be a life of revival, and a life of signs and wonders. The Holy Spirit is giving prophetic revelations and visions of the revivals and the glory that is coming. A vision for the church that will be filled with revivals and glory! –(Ezek. 1)
We by the grace of the Lord, through much prayer will create environment and reconstruction our spiritual houses, congregations and the city church in away for lasting revivals to rest and come upon. –(Amos 9:11-12)
Reformation is the fire of God burning all groups, congregations, churches, ministries, and every believer’s heart, and those ones that are more according to the ways of the Lord for they will too be place through the fires of reformation. Even as a believer you must pray for personal reformation, for corporate reformation to the whole church, and personal reformation will come to every believer. –(Acts 3:19)
Through revelation we can create environment for the power of God and signs and wonders. We are to witness and flow in the power of God every day of our life, can I have an amen to that brothers and sisters! –(MK. 16:17-18)
Helpful revelational and visionary ideals to create environment for the power of God: 1. Apostles and prophets are the foundation, senior leaders of the congregation, and the city church. 2. Create environment according to First Corinthians 12, 13, and 14. 3. The Church is to be multi ministry, body ministry. 4. The Church must be a house of prayer, worship and prophetic ministry. 5. The City Church centers must establish where there is 24/7 prayer, worship, and prophetic watch. 6. The saints must be equipped to walk in healing, signs and wonders and the power of God. 7. We must hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Prophets and pray for application of the prophetic words. –(Isa. 28:13)
The saints need to be equipped in the work of Ministry, gifts of the Spirit, healing, casting out demons, and prophetic gifting. All believers should flow in the power of God; flow in the supernatural, all believers should have Word revelation and prophetic revelation, all believers should flow in the gift of prophecy, visions and dreams, and signs and wonders. –(MK. 16:17-18, Jn. 14:12-14, Acts 2:17-18)
We must rise up within our cities and among our congregations healing ministries, and deliverance ministries. We must rise up supernatural teams they flow in spiritual gifting an extreme ways in faith and love. Those gifted in prophetic gifts, anointed in deliverance ministry, gifting in prayer ministry, and healing ministry in extreme ways need to be brought together in forming supernatural teams that minister in our congregations and cities under apostolic and prophetic oversight. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)
The Power of God, signs and wonders and the Supernatural in the Holy Spirit will become every day life in the lives of ever believer that believes in the Power of God. –(1 Cor. 2:4-5)
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Labels: city church, Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministry